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Fanxin ZENG Xiping HE Guojun LI Guixin XUAN Zhenyu ZHANG Yanni PENG Sheng LU Li YAN
This paper improves the family size of quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) complementary sequences with binary inputs. By employing new mathematical description: B-type-2 of 4q-QAM constellation (integer q ≥ 2), a new construction yielding 4q-QAM complementary sequences (CSs) with length 2m (integer m ≥ 2) is developed. The resultant sequences include the known QAM CSs with binary inputs as special cases, and the family sizes of new sequences are approximately 22·2q-4q-1(22·2q-3-1) times as many as the known. Also, both new sequences and the known have the same the peak envelope power (PEP) upper bounds, when they are used in an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing communication system.
Longye WANG Xiaoli ZENG Hong WEN
Novel constructions of inter-group complementary (IGC) sequences are proposed based on Z-periodic complementary (ZPC) sequences and uncorrelated sequence set by taking advantages of interleaved operation. The presented methods can get IGC sequences from interleaving ZPC sequence set. The proposed methods not only can get polyphase IGC sequence set, but also can obtain binary and ternary IGC sequence set. In particular, with the aid of uncorrelated sequence, the number of available groups of IGC sequences from interleaving ZPC sequence set can be chosen with flexibility compared to the existed IGC sequences. The IGC sequences based code division multiple access (CDMA) systems may perform better on bit error rates than conventional sequences based interference-limited CDMA systems. Moreover, the novel IGC sequences may work well in both synchronous and asynchronous operational modes.
By investigating the properties that the offsets should satisfy, this letter presents a brief proof of general QAM Golay complementary sequences (GCSs) in Cases I-III constructions. Our aim is to provide a brief, clear, and intelligible derivation so that it is easy for the reader to understand the known Cases I-III constructions of general QAM GCSs.
Fanxin ZENG Xiaoping ZENG Zhenyu ZHANG Guixin XUAN
Based on the non-standard generalized Boolean functions (GBFs) over Z4, we propose a new method to convert those functions into the 16-QAM Golay complementary sequences (CSs). The resultant 16-QAM Golay CSs have the upper bound of peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) as low as 2. In addition, we obtain multiple 16-QAM Golay CSs for a given quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) Golay CS.
Fanxin ZENG Xiaoping ZENG Zhenyu ZHANG Guixin XUAN
This letter presents three methods for producing 8-QAM+ sequences. The first method transforms a ternary complementary sequence set (CSS) with even number of sub-sequences into an 8-QAM+ periodic CSS with both of the period and the number of sub-sequences unaltered. The second method results in an 8-QAM+ aperiodic CSS with confining neither the period nor the number of sub-sequences. The third method produces 8-QAM+ periodic sequences having ideal autocorrelation property on the real part of the autocorrelation function. The proposed sequences can be potentially applied to suppression of multiple access interference or synchronization in a communication system.
Gaofei WU Yuqing ZHANG Zilong WANG
Multicarrier communications including orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a technique which has been adopted for various wireless applications. However, a major drawback to the widespread acceptance of OFDM is the high peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) of uncoded OFDM signals. Finding methods for construction of sequences with low PMEPR is an active research area. In this paper, by employing some new shortened and extended Golay complementary pairs as the seeds, we enlarge the family size of near-complementary sequences given by Yu and Gong. We also show that the new set of sequences we obtained is just a reversal of the original set. Numerical results show that the enlarged family size is almost twice of the original one. Besides, the Hamming distances of the binary near-complementary sequences are also analyzed.
The even-shift orthogonal sequence whose out-of-phase aperiodic autocorrelation function takes zero at any even shifts is generalized to multi-dimension called even-shift orthogonal array (E-array), and the logic function of E-array of power-of-two length is clarified. It is shown that E-array can be constructed by complementary arrays, which mean pairs of arrays that the sum of each aperiodic autocorrelation function at the same phase shifts takes zero at any shift except zero shift, as well as the one-dimensional case. It is also shown that the number of mates of E-array with which the cross correlation function between E-arrays takes zero at any even shifts is equal to the dimension. Furthermore it is investigated that E-array possesses good aperiodic autocorrelation that the rate of zero correlation values to array length approaches one as the dimension becomes large.
Haiming WANG Xiqi GAO Bin JIANG Xiaohu YOU Wei HONG
In this letter, an improved channel estimator for MIMO-SCBT systems is proposed. Pilot blocks are constructed using quadriphase complementary sequences (QCSs) which enable both one-sided (OSD) and two-sided (TSD) channel estimation (CE). And OSD-CE and TSD-CE are combined to provide improved performance in frequency-selective fast and slow fading channels and to maintain low-complexity implementations. Simulation results demonstrate the performance merits of the proposed scheme.
Chenggao HAN Takeshi HASHIMOTO Naoki SUEHIRO
In approximately synchronous CDMA (AS-CDMA) systems, zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences are known as the sequences to eliminate co-channel and multi-path interferences. Therefore, numerous constructions of zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences have been introduced e.g. based on perfect sequences and complete complementary codes etc. However, the previous construction method which based on complete complementary code is lacking for merit figures when none of whose elements are zero. In this paper, a new construction method of ZCZ sequences based on complete complementary codes is proposed. By proposed method, non zero elements ZCZ sequences whose merit figure is greater than 1/2 are constructable.
This paper considers reduction of the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of M-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. It is known that a 16-QAM or 64-QAM constellation can be written as the vector sum of two or three QPSK constellations respectively. We can then use the Golay complementary sequences over Z4 to construct 16-QAM or 64-QAM OFDM sequences with low PAPR. In this paper, we further examine the squared Euclidean distance of these M-QAM sequences and their variations. Our goal here is to combine the block coded modulation (BCM) and Golay complementary sequences to trade off the PAPR, the code rate, and the squared Euclidean distance of M-QAM OFDM signals. In particular, some 16-QAM and 64-QAM OFDM sequences with low PAPR and large squared Euclidean distance are presented.
R.S. Raja DURAI Naoki SUEHIRO Chenggao HAN
The class of complete complementary sequences (of fixed length) have the ideal correlation properties and are good at increasing the channel usage efficiency but lacks in desirable sequence lengths. In spread spectrum communication systems, sequences having nice correlation properties are important in many ways such as in suppressing multi-user interference, for reliable initial synchronization and in separation of the multipath components. It would be even good if the sequences are easy to construct and have desirable lengths for the system under consideration. In this paper, M sets of sequences that constitute a complete complementary sequences with ith set containing N sequences of length Li each, i = 0, 1, ..., M - 1, is defined and a general method that constructs such a class of complete complementary sequences (of different lengths) is given. The proposed class of complete complementary sequences, constituted by sequence sets of different lengths, does not increase the data rates when short-length sequences are employed.
Chao ZHANG Xiaokang LIN Shigeki YAMADA Mitsutoshi HATORI
Large Area Synchronized (LAS)-CDMA, actually composed of LA codes and pulse compressing LS codes, has been proposed as a most promising scheme in 3G and 4G wireless communications. LS codes are famous for the Zero Correlation Zone (ZCZ) in the auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions, which endows the codes with the capability to perfectly reduce the Multiple Access Interference (MAI) and Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) if the maximum transmission delay is less than the length of ZCZ. In this letter, we provide a general and systematic method to construct LS codes from the set of complete complementary sequences. Our method is much more general than the ordinary LS construction method revealed previously.
This paper presents a quadriphase sequence pair, whose aperiodic auto-correlation functions for non-zero shifts and cross-one for any shift take pure imaginary values. Functions for pairs of length 2n are formulated, which map the vector space of order n over GF(2) to Z4. It is shown that they are bent for any n, such that their Fourier transforms take all the unit magnitude.
Recently two interesting conjectures on the linear complexity of binary complementary sequences of length 2nN0 were given by Karkkainen and Leppanen when those sequences are considered as periodic sequences with period 2nN0, where those sequences are constructed by successive concatenations or successive interleavings from a pair of kernel complementary sequences of length N0. Their conjectures were derived from numerical examples and suggest that those sequences have very large linear complexities. In this paper we give the exact formula of characteristic polynomials for those complementary sequences and show that their conjectures are true.