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[Keyword] coupled line(17hit)

  • A Simple f0/2f0 Microstrip Diplexer with Low and Wideband Insertion-Loss Characteristics

    Ken'ichi HOSOYA  Ryosuke EMURA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E104-C No:1

    An f0/2f0 (frequency ratio of two) microstrip diplexer with simple circuit configuration as well as low and wideband insertion-loss characteristics is proposed. It is a parallel combination of a coupled line for f0 port and a wave-trap circuit composed of a transmission line and an open stub for 2f0 port. All the lines and stub have a quarter-wave length for f0. Matching circuits are not needed. Circuit and electro-magnetic simulation results prove that the proposed f0/2f0 diplexer exhibits well-balanced properties of insertion loss (IL), IL bandwidth, and isolation, as compared to conventional simple f0/2f0 diplexers composed of two wave-trap circuits or two coupled lines. The proposed diplexer is fabricated on a resin substrate in a microstrip configuration at frequencies of f0/2f0=2.5/5 GHz. Measured results are in good agreement with simulations and support the above conclusion. The proposed diplexer exhibits ILs of 0.46/0.56 dB with 47/47% relative bandwidth (for f0/2f0), which are lower and wider than f0/2f0 diplexers in literatures at the same frequency bands.

  • Theoretical Analysis of Center Frequency and Bandwidth Tunable Resonator Employing Coupled Line and Switches

    Kunihiro KAWAI  Hiroshi OKAZAKI  Shoichi NARAHASHI  Mizuki MOTOYOSHI  Noriharu SUEMATSU  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E102-C No:8

    This paper presents a theoretical analysis of a tunable resonator using a coupled line and switches for the first time. The tunable resonator has the capability to tune its resonant frequency and bandwidth. The resonator has two suitable features on its tunable capability. The first feature is that the resonator retains its resonant frequency during bandwidth tuning. The second feature is that the on-state switch for tuning the bandwidth does not affect the insertion loss at the resonant frequency. These features are theoretically confirmed by its mathematically derived input impedance. The results from electromagnetic simulation and measurement of the fabricated tunable resonator also confirm these features. The fabricated tunable resonator changes the resonant frequency from 2.6 GHz to 6.4 GHz and bandwidth between 9% and 55%.

  • A Novel Directional Coupler Loaded with Feedback Capacitances and Its Applications

    Motomi ABE  Yukihiro TAHARA  Tetsu OWADA  Naofumi YONEDA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E99-C No:1

    A novel directional coupler loaded with feedback capacitances on the coupled lines is presented. Its effect of enhancing the coupling is qualitatively shown by deriving an equation for the coupling. Besides, a method to compensate for the phase difference between the even and odd modes of the coupler is presented. To demonstrate, a novel tandem 3-dB coupler consisting of the proposed coupled lines is designed and described. In addition, a waveguide (rectangular coaxial line) 8×8 HYB matrix using planar double-layer structure that is composed of the proposed tandem 3-dB couplers and branch-line couplers, which is operated in S-band, is designed and fabricated showing excellent performance.

  • A PCB Integrated Multi-layered Strip Line Tandem Coupler Using Compensating Ground Through-Hole Elements

    Takeshi YUASA  Yukihiro TAHARA  Tetsu OWADA  Naofumi YONEDA  Yoshihiko KONISHI  Moriyasu MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E97-C No:10

    This paper presents a printed circuit board (PCB) integrated multi-layered strip line tandem coupler, which used simple compensating ground through-hole (GTH) elements. The GTH elements on one end of the coupled line can generate additional capacitance between the signal line and the ground, which effectively compensates for the parasitic capacitance around the crossed signal lines on the opposite end of the coupled line. It has been experimentally demonstrated that the proposed coupler fabricated for the X-band is effective to improve both the reflection and the isolation characteristics.

  • Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter with Sharp Attenuation Slope Using Inter-Digital Finger Resonator and Parallel-Coupled Lines

    Takenori YASUZUMI  Yusuke OMOTE  Tomoki UWANO  Osamu HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E95-C No:2

    This paper presents an ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter (BPF) with sharp attenuation slope characteristics. The circuit structure consists of an inter-digital finger resonator, parallel-coupled lines and phase matching line. The design of the bandwidth was described by using the even and odd mode characteristic impedances in the resonator structure. The parallel-coupled lines were also designed in the same manner. The parameters of the resonator and two parallel-coupled lines in combination as the BPF were then optimized by the simulation with HFSS. The designed BPF was experimentally fabricated and its measured performances showed the bandwidth from 3.6 to 10 GHz with the 20 dB outband rejection. For the U.S. UWB band design, the matching line was inserted between the two parallel-coupled lines. The matching at both band edges was then qualitatively analyzed on the smithchart. The HFSS simulation results of the structure realized the bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz with sharp attenuation slope characteristics for SWR < 2.0. The measurement results agree well with the simulation results.

  • Spurious Suppression and Design Based on Microstrip Open Loop Ring Resonator Bandpass Filters


    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E94-C No:9

    This paper presents novel structures of band-pass filters using two configurations of open loop ring resonators (OPLRR): a resonator with embedded quadruply-stepped impedance transmission lines (QSITL) in coupled lines, and a stepped impedance resonator (SIR). Both types of OPLRR have the capability of suppressing the second spurious response and shifting the third spurious response to a higher frequency as well. To demonstrate the performances of both proposed resonators, two sections of each structure with cascaded and crossed configurations at an operating frequency of 0.9 GHz are presented. Both methodologies are easy to design and implement. The methodology with a SIR has a better performance than the SITL. The measurement results of the proposed circuits are in full agreement with the simulated prediction results.

  • A 3.1 to 5 GHz Low-Loss Planar Filter for MB-OFDM UWB Applications

    Young-Pyo HONG  Seong-Sik MYOUNG  Jong-Gwan YOOK  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:4

    A low-loss ultra-wide band (UWB) filter is presented, which uses miniaturized parallel coupled line along with an standard printed circuit board (PCB) technology. By analyzing even- and odd-mode impedances (in comparison with conventional parallel coupled lines) of miniaturized parallel coupled line, this structure provides tight coupling, thus, relaxing the requirements on physical dimensions width and spacing when designing broadband filters. A bandpass filter for Mode 1 (the first 3 sub-bands) in the 3.1-5 GHz band for Multi-Band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MB-OFDM) UWB is realized and compared with a conventional parallel coupled line filter. The experimental results show as much as 0.9 dB insertion loss improvement over the conventional counterpart.

  • A Study and Design of LPF Using Hairpin Structural Circuit and Chip Capacitor

    Shohei HASEGAWA  Takenori YASUZUMI  Tomoki UWANO  Osamu HASHIMOTO  


    E93-C No:7

    In this paper, a microstrip lowpass filter using hairpin structure and Chip-Capacitor is proposed. Firstly, the LPF with one hairpin element is briefly designed and optimized with LC prototype structure using circuit simulator. With the capacitor loaded the proposed LPF illustrates the sharp attenuation performance near the cut-off frequency and the wideband rejection characteristics. Then, in order to improve the stopband attenuation the three-hairpin LPF is studied. By optimazing its design the attenuation is improved by 32 dB.

  • A Study on Compact Wide Bandpass Filter Using Inter-Digital Resonator

    Jumpei YAMAMOTO  Takenori YASUZUMI  Tomoki UWANO  Osamu HASHIMOTO  


    E93-C No:7

    A new type of the wide-band BPF made up of an inter-digital resonator and parallel-coupled lines was proposed. The bandwidth of the inter-digital resonator becomes wider by increasing the number of fingers. The design of the parallel-coupled line was performed by optimazing the structural parameters so that the bandwidth is the same as that of the inter-digital resonator. The measured results of the combination of above elements for the BPF agreed well with the simulated ones such that the insertion loss is less than 0.67 dB and that the sharp skirt characteristics are realized by attenuation poles near the edges of the passband.

  • Design of Band-Stop Filters Using Discrete-Time Domain Techniques

    Lin-Chuan TSAI  Kuo-Chih CHU  

    PAPER-Devices/Circuits for Communications

    E91-B No:12

    A new formulation of equal-length asymmetric parallel coupled line (APCLs) having zero at z=-1 (θ = π) is employed to study band-stop filters. Such representations offer additional flexibility in the design of filter circuits through two extra variables. An optimization algorithm is used to tune the characteristic impedances of APCLs so that the transfer function of the signal line is close to the system function of an ideal prototype filter. Two band-stop filters are realized in the form of microstrip lines and their frequency responses are measured to validate this new formulation.

  • Parallel Coupled Microstrip Couplers Compensated with Periodic Floating-Conductors on Coupled Edges

    Takao FUJII  Isao OHTA  Tadashi KAWAI  Yoshihiro KOKUBO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E91-C No:5

    This paper presents a new quarter-wavelength microstrip coupler compensated with a periodic sequence of floating metallic strips in the slots on the inner edges. After describing the characteristics of the coupled-line, as an example, a 15-dB coupler is designed and a high directivity of 30 dB or more in theory is obtained over a full band of a single-section coupler. Next, couplers with various coupling factors are designed, and the usefulness for very loose coupling is demonstrated. Furthermore, a three-section coupler is designed to show the effectiveness in a wide frequency range. The validity of the design concept and procedure is confirmed by electromagnetic simulations and experiments.

  • A Compact Ultrawide Bandpass Filter on Thin-Film Substrate

    Chan-Sei YOO  Ji-Min MAENG  Sang-Sub SONG  Kwang-Seok SEO  Woo-Sung LEE  


    E90-C No:12

    This paper presents the ultrawideband filters for UWB fullband (range of 3.1-10.6 GHz) applications. This filter consists of ring filter for wide-bandwidth and coupled line structure for suppressing unwanted passband in upper and lower stopbands. Especially, the filter structure was realized on silicon substrate using thin film technology, adequate for wafer level packaging, which can be integrated with CMOS UWB chipset that is currently on development. To minimize the dimension of the filter, the Hilbert structure was applied in ring filter and the meander shaped broadside coupled structure was also adopted in the coupled line structure. The size of the fully realized filter structure is 4.43.6 mm2. The insertion loss in passband is 1.5 dB and the return loss is larger than 15 dB, respectively. The group delay in center frequency is 0.2 ns and the group delay variation is less than 0.15 ns.

  • A Broadband Rat-Race Ring Coupler with Tightly Coupled Lines

    In-ho KANG  Kai WANG  

    LETTER-Devices/Circuits for Communications

    E88-B No:10

    In this paper, we propose a broadband 3-dB rat-race ring coupler that uses tightly coupled lines. An aperture compensation technique that can simplify the fabrication of tightly coupled lines, is also discussed here. The effective bandwidth of the proposed rat-race coupler with a return loss better than -20 dB can be increased by 14.3%, in comparison with that of March's. Its isolation is always below -20 dB and the phase shift errors less than 6.

  • Analysis and Design of Three Section Coupled Line Couplers

    Myun-Joo PARK  Byungje LEE  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E88-C No:2

    Non-equal length, three section coupled transmission line couplers are proposed. The proposed structure offers increased design flexibility and the compact circuit design capability over the conventional quarterwave coupled lines. The detailed analysis results and design method are presented along with the numerical and the experimental verification.

  • Analysis of Bandpass Filters with Shielded Inverted Microstrip Lines

    Ushio SANGAWA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E87-C No:10

    A bandpass filter (BPF) with shielded inverted microstrip lines (SIMSL), previously demonstrated by the author, has shown the nontrivial asymmetry of filter responses in spite of adopting a conventional filter synthesis procedure. This paper will reveal the mechanism of the asymmetry and propose prescriptions for recovering the defect, in addition to observing the wave propagation property of SIMSL. Firstly, the behavior of phase constants or effective dielectric constants for various modes propagating on single SIMSL are indicated in terms of the line configuration, and the dispersion characteristics of the quasi-TEM mode are interpreted from the point of mode coupling between the pure TEM mode and dielectric slab modes. Then it is shown that the asymmetry is dependent only on the transmission characteristics of SIMSL parallel-coupled lines involved in the filter circuits. Theoretical considerations reveal that the asymmetry is due to the fact that SIMSL has quite different phase constants for the even- and odd-mode. On the basis of these results, the optimized BPF is designed and it is experimentally demonstrated that the symmetry of its responses is notably recovered. Furthermore, this optimization is still quite efficient for achieving high attenuation properties at its harmonics.

  • Ultrafast Gating Circuit Using Coupled Waveguides

    Koichi NARAHARA  Taiichi OTSUJI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E83-C No:1

    A novel electrical gating circuit is proposed for ultrafast applications in electronics. The circuit employs a two-conductor coupled line, and does not have any active devices such as transistors or diodes. Hence, the ultimate speed of the circuit is limited only by the cutoff frequency of the lines employed. The authors describe the circuit theory and discuss the results of experiments that involved ultrafast measurement using electro-optic sampling techniques. The latter suggests the potential of the circuit to achieve the gatings of at least 80-Gbit/s.

  • Crosstalk Analysis of High-Speed Logic Circuits

    Mahmoud OMID  Yoshio KAMI  Masashi HAYAKAWA  


    E80-B No:5

    This paper presents a theory based on combined differential- and common-mode propagation for crosstalk and transient analysis of pairs of asymmetric coupled interconnects with arbitrary time-invariant linear termination circuits. Time-domain solutions are obtained by an exact numerical inversion of Laplace transform (NILT). Two example circuits (coupled coplanar stripline and microstrip structures) are studied to examine the accuracy and efficiency of the present method.

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