1-2hit |
Integrated circuits used in automotive or aerospace applications must have high soft error tolerance. Redundant Flip Flops (FFs) are effective to improve the soft error tolerance. However, these countermeasures have large performance overheads and can be excessive for terrestrial applications. This paper proposes two types of radiation-hardened FFs named Primary Latch Transmission gate FF (PLTGFF) and Feed-Back Gate Tri-state Inverter FF (FBTIFF) for terrestrial use. By increasing the critical charge (Qcrit) at weak nodes, soft error tolerance of them were improved with low performance overheads. PLTGFF has the 5% area, 4% delay, and 10% power overheads, while FBTIFF has the 42% area, 10% delay, and 22% power overheads. They were fabricated in a 65 nm bulk process. By α-particle and spallation neutron irradiation tests, the soft error rates are reduced by 25% for PLTGFF and 50% for FBTIFF compared to a standard FF. In the terrestrial environment, the proposed FFs have better trade-offs between reliability and performance than those of multiplexed FFs such as the dual-interlocked storage cell (DICE) with larger overheads than the proposed FFs.
Yoshihide KOMATSU Yukio ARIMA Koichiro ISHIBASHI
This paper describes a soft error hardened latch (SEH-Latch) scheme that has an error correction function in the fine process. The storage node of the latch is separated into three electrodes and a soft error on one node is collected by the other two nodes despite the large amount and long-lasting influx of radiation-induced charges. To achieve this, we designed two types of SEH-Latch circuits and a standard latch circuit using 130-nm 2-well, 3-well, and also 90-nm 2-well CMOS processes. The proposed circuit demonstrated immunity that was two orders higher through an irradiation test using alpha-particles, and immunity that was one order higher through neutron irradiation. We also demonstrated forward body bias control, which improves alpha-ray immunity by 26% for a standard latch and achieves 44 times improvement in the proposed latch.