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This paper presents a novel simultaneous decoupling and matching technique for transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) ports in short-range multiple-input multiple-output (SR-MIMO) systems. The principal difference with conventional decoupling and matching network (DMN) approaches is that the proposed technique considers strong mutual coupling between closely-positioned Tx/Rx arrays, and the S-parameter variation due to the presence of each other's array. This technique has two stages; first, 180-degree hybrid couplers are connected to both Tx/Rx ports of a plane-symmetrical MIMO system. This decouples both Tx/Rx ports, and moreover, channels between them are orthogonalized. That is, the MIMO system is transformed into multi orthogonalized single-input single-output (SISO) systems. Second, Tx/Rx ports of each orthogonalized SISO system are simultaneously matched based on conjugate matching theory. Consequently, the transmission power of the short-range MIMO system is maximized. Numerical results show that the proposed technique realizes higher channel capacity than the conventional DMN; indeed it achieves the theoretically possible capacity. In addition to theoretical analyses, we provide an example for microstrip line (MSL) circuit implementation. This MSL model offers good simultaneous decoupling and matching performance yielding channel capacity comparable to that of an ideally-designed circuit model. This validates the implementation feasibility of the proposed technique.