Naoki HONMA Kentaro MURATA Hiroshi SATO Koichi OGAWA Yoshitaka TSUNEKAWA
In this paper, a method of calculating the mean channel capacity based on S-parameter of MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) antenna is proposed. This method exploits the correlation matrix calculated from the antenna S-parameter matrix, and offers highly accurate estimates of the mean channel capacity without dependence on SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio). The numerical and experimental results revealed that the proposed method can calculate the channel capacity with fair accuracy independent of the number and spacing of the antenna elements if the radiation efficiency is sufficiently high.
Multi-user multiple input multiple output (MU-MIMO) systems have attracted much attention as a technology that enhances the total system capacity by generating a virtual MIMO channel between a base station and multiple terminal stations. Extensive evaluations are still needed because there are many more system parameters in MU-MIMO than in single user (SU)-MIMO and the MU-MIMO performance in actual environments is still not well understood. This paper describes the features and effectiveness of a 1616 MU-MIMO testbed in an actual indoor environment. Moreover, we propose a simple adaptive modulation scheme for MU-MIMO-OFDM transmission that employs a bit interleaver in the frequency and space domains. We evaluate the frequency efficiency by obtaining the bit error rate of this testbed in an actual indoor environment. We show that 1644-user MU-MIMO transmission using the proposed modulation scheme achieves the frequency utilization of 870 Mbps and 1 Gbps (respective SNRs: 31 and 36 dB) with a 20-MHz bandwidth.
This paper describes experiments on passive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission with load modulation. PIN diodes are used as the variable impedance element at the tag side to realize multi-level modulation. The results indicate that the transmission rate of passive MIMO is up to 2 times higher than that of Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) with the same transmission power when the distance between the reader and the tag is 0.5m. Also, when the distance is 1m, MIMO offers up to 1.7 times higher transmission rate than SISO. These results indicate that passive MIMO offers high-speed data transmission even when the distance is doubled.
This paper proposes a method that uses bistatic Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar to locate living-bodies. In this method, directions of living-bodies are estimated by the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) method at the transmitter and receiver, where the Fourier transformed virtual Single-Input Multiple-Output (SIMO) channel matrix is used. Body location is taken as the intersection of the two directions. The proposal uses a single frequency and so has a great advantage over conventional methods that need a wide frequency band. Also, this method can be used in multipath-rich environments such as indoors. An experiment is performed in an indoor environment, and the MIMO channels yielded by various subject numbers and positions are measured. The result indicates that the proposed method can estimate multiple living-body locations with high accuracy, even in multipath environments.
Kentaro NISHIMORI Takefumi HIRAGURI Masakatsu OGAWA Naoki HONMA
This paper proposes a new Ad-Hoc network system which comprises the multiple relay access points (APs) with multi channels. Ad-Hoc network systems are recently proposed and incorporated for the communication infrastructure, which relays wireless transmission among access points (APs) in wireless LAN (WLAN) system. System throughput is decreased due to hidden terminal problem when only a single channel is used for the Ad-Hoc network. In order to solve this problem, a new system with multi channels is proposed. However, even if the multi channels are employed, the co- and/or adjacent-channel interference occurs due to hidden terminal problem and multiple APs in a limited space, when considering a simultaneous transmit and reception at the relay AP. In this paper, we develop an Ad-Hoc network testbed which can reduce and avoid co- and/or adjacent-channel interference by using vertically arranged antenna configuration and distributed channel allocation scheme. Moreover, the effectiveness of our testbed is clarified by applying actual WLAN signals.
Naoki HONMA Fumio KIRA Tamami MARUYAMA Keizo CHO Hideki MIZUNO
Employing a triangular dielectric phase shifter simplifies the beam forming network of an offset beam array antenna because this structure achieves phase control in a single configuration. This paper proposes a design method for a low loss offset beam planar antenna that incorporates a triangular dielectric plate phase shifter on parallel microstrip feedlines. Our design method reduces the loss of the phase shifter by optimizing the microstrip line width. By using the proposed design equation, the optimum low loss phase shifter configuration can be easily established. In addition, this paper presents the actual design of a triangular plate considering size reduction. The results of experiments of the offset beam antenna indicate that our design method is effective in obtaining a simple, low loss, and compact configuration.
Katsumi SASAKI Naoki HONMA Takeshi NAKAYAMA Shoichi IIZUKA
This paper presents the Received-Signal-Strength-Indicator (RSSI) based living-body radar, which uses only a single RF front-end and a few parasitic antennas. This radar measures the RSSI variation at the single active antenna while varying the terminations of the parasitic antennas. The propagation channel is estimated from just the temporal transition of RSSI; our proposal reconstructs the phase information of the signal. In this paper, we aim to estimate the direction of living-body. Experiments are carried out and it is found that most angular errors are within the limit of the angular width of the living-body.
Naoki HONMA Riichi KUDO Kentaro NISHIMORI Yasushi TAKATORI Atsushi OHTA Shuji KUBOTA
This paper proposes an antenna selection method for terminal antennas employing orthogonal polarizations and patterns, which is suitable for outdoor MultiUser Multi-Input Multi-Output (MU-MIMO) systems. In addition, this paper introduces and verifies two other antenna selection methods for comparison. For the sake of simplicity, three orthogonal dipoles are considered, and this antenna configuration using the proposed selection method is compared to an antenna configuration with three vertical or horizontal dipoles. In the proposed antenna selection method, we always choose the vertical dipole, and choose one of two horizontal dipoles, which are orthogonal to each other, based on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). We measured the MU-MIMO transmission properties and found that the proposed selection method employing the antenna with orthogonal polarizations and patterns can offer fairly high channel capacity in a multiuser scenario.
Nobuyuki SHIRAKI Naoki HONMA Kentaro MURATA Takeshi NAKAYAMA Shoichi IIZUKA
This paper proposes a method for cooperative multi-static Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar that can estimate the number of targets. The purpose of this system is to monitor humans in an indoor environment. First, target positions within the estimation range are roughly detected by the Capon method and the mode vector corresponding to the detected positions is calculated. The mode vector is multiplied by the eigenvector to eliminate the virtual image. The spectrum of the evaluation function is calculated from the remaining positions, and the number of peaks in the spectrum is defined as the number of targets. Experiments carried out in an indoor environment confirm that the proposed method can estimate the number of targets with high accuracy.
This paper introduces a method that identifies human activity from the height and Doppler Radar Cross Section (RCS) information detected by Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar. This method estimates the three-dimensional target location by applying the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) method to the observed MIMO channel; the Doppler RCS is calculated from the signal reflected from the target. A gesture recognition algorithm is applied to the trajectory of the temporal transition of the estimated human height and the Doppler RCS. In experiments, the proposed method achieves over 90% recognition rate (average).
Naoki HONMA Kentaro NISHIMORI Hiroaki SATO Yoshitaka TSUNEKAWA
This paper proposes the antenna arrangement for 2×2 MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) sensor and evaluates the detection performance based on raytracing simulation. In this arrangement, the transmitting and receiving antennas are placed closely. Two types of the arrangement are considered. In the first method, all of the transmitting and receiving antennas are located closely. In the second method, two sets of the antennas are placed separately, and each set has one transmitting and one receiving antennas. The numerical analysis of the indoor propagation based on the raytracing method is carried out. The path distribution and intrusion detection performance with the various antenna arrangements are evaluated for the human positions all over the room. The numerical analysis results show that the proposed antenna arrangements achieve the compact configuration of the sensor antenna system as well as high detection performance.
This letter proposes a monopole multi-sector antenna with dielectric cylinder, and shows some results of simulations that examined the antenna characteristics. The dependency of radiation characteristics on relative permittivity εr shows the lens effect with increase of εr. Furthermore, the characteristics of the proposed antenna are improved by optimizing the termination conditions at the quiescent antennas. The backlobe level is lower than -10 dB. Also, the vertical HPBW and the conical HPBW are around 70.5° and 63.4°, respectively. The optimization improved the actual gain by 2 dB. It is found that the diameter of the proposed antenna is 1/3rd that of the conventional one.
This paper presents a novel simultaneous decoupling and matching technique for transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) ports in short-range multiple-input multiple-output (SR-MIMO) systems. The principal difference with conventional decoupling and matching network (DMN) approaches is that the proposed technique considers strong mutual coupling between closely-positioned Tx/Rx arrays, and the S-parameter variation due to the presence of each other's array. This technique has two stages; first, 180-degree hybrid couplers are connected to both Tx/Rx ports of a plane-symmetrical MIMO system. This decouples both Tx/Rx ports, and moreover, channels between them are orthogonalized. That is, the MIMO system is transformed into multi orthogonalized single-input single-output (SISO) systems. Second, Tx/Rx ports of each orthogonalized SISO system are simultaneously matched based on conjugate matching theory. Consequently, the transmission power of the short-range MIMO system is maximized. Numerical results show that the proposed technique realizes higher channel capacity than the conventional DMN; indeed it achieves the theoretically possible capacity. In addition to theoretical analyses, we provide an example for microstrip line (MSL) circuit implementation. This MSL model offers good simultaneous decoupling and matching performance yielding channel capacity comparable to that of an ideally-designed circuit model. This validates the implementation feasibility of the proposed technique.
Mitsuharu OBARA Naoki HONMA Yuto SUZUKI
This paper proposes an S-parameter analysis method that uses simultaneous excitation for multi-antenna systems. In this method, OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) and CI (Carrier Interferometry) pulse generation schemes are employed for maintaining the orthogonality among the excited signals. In OFDM excitation schemes, the characteristics of the neighboring antennas can be calculated by assigning different frequency subcarriers exclusively. CI enables the simultaneous verification of the antennas distant enough since this method can provide temporal orthogonality. Combining these two methods yields the simultaneous analyses of array antennas with both narrow and wide element spacing. The simulation of a 22 multi-antenna shows that the results of the proposed method agree well with those of the conventional method even though its computation speed is more 4 times that of the conventional method.
This paper proposes an interference avoidance technique that allows wireless device with similar frequency bands to be operated adjacent to each other for compact mobile wireless routers (MWRs). This MWR implements two devices of Wireless LAN (WLAN) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX). The MWR connects WLAN terminals to the backbone network by using WiMAX-WLAN relay. Generally, different frequency channels are assigned for the wireless systems assign in order not to interfere among multiple systems. However, mutual system interference is generated if the space between each device is very close and if the frequency using each system is adjacent. To suppress this interference, this paper proposes a novel interference avoidance technique that leverages IEEE802.11n Power Save Multi-Poll (PSMP). First, we clarify the conditions that raise the issues of mutual interference by experiment. Simulations are conducted to show that the proposed scheme outperforms the conventional schemes. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed scheme is shown by the computer simulation.
This paper proposes a channel capacity maximization method for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas with parasitic elements. Reactive terminations are connected to the parasitic elements, and the reactance values are determined to achieve stochastically high channel capacity for the environment targeted. This method treats the S-parameter and propagation channel of the antenna, including the parasitic elements, as a combined circuit. The idea of the 'parasitic channel,' which is observed at the parasitic antenna, is introduced to simplify the optimization procedure. This method can significantly reduce the number of necessary measurements of the channel for designing the antenna. As a design example, a bidirectional Yagi-Uda array, which has two driven antennas at both ends of the linear array, is measured in an indoor environment. The resulting design offers enhanced channel capacity mainly due to its improved signal-to-noise ratio compared to the antenna without the parasitic antennas.
A novel analog decoding method using only 90-degree phase shifters is proposed to simplify the decoding method for short-range multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission. In a short-range MIMO transmission, an optimal element spacing that maximizes the channel capacity exists for a given transmit distance between the transmitter and receiver. We focus on the fact that the weight matrix by zero forcing (ZF) at the optimal element spacing can be obtained by using dividers and 90-degree phase shifters because it can be expressed by a unitary matrix. The channel capacity by the proposed method is next derived for the evaluation of the exact limitation of the channel capacity. Moreover, it is shown that an optimal weight when using directional antennas can be expressed by using only dividers, 90-degree phase shifters, and attenuators, regardless of the beam width of the directional antenna. Finally, bit error rate and channel capacity evaluations by both simulation and measurement confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method.
This paper presents a novel decoupling network consisting of transmission lines and a bridge resistance for a two-element array antenna and evaluates its performance through simulations and measurements. To decouple the antennas, the phase of the mutual admittance between the antenna ports is rotated by using the transmission lines, and a pure resistance working as a bridge resistance is inserted between the two antenna ports to cancel the mutual coupling. The simulation results indicate that the proposed decoupling network can provide a wider bandwidth than the conventional approach. The proposed decoupling network is implemented and tested as a demonstration to confirm its performance. The measurement results indicate that the mutual coupling between the two antenna ports is lowered by about 47dB at the resonant frequency.
Controlling interference from the secondary system (SS) to the receiver of the primary system (PS) is an important issue when the SS uses the same frequency band as the television broadcast system. The reason includes that the SS is unaware of the interference imposed on the primary receiver (PS-Rx), which does not have a transmitter. In this paper, we propose an interference control method between PS-Rx and SS, where a load modulation scheme is introduced to the PS-Rx. In this method, the signal from the PS transmitting station is scattered by switching its load impedance. The SS observes the scattered channel and calculates the interference suppression weights for transmitting, and controls interference by transmit beamforming. A simulation shows that the Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) with interference control is improved by up to 41.5dB compared to that without interference control at short distances; the results confirm that the proposed method is effective in controlling interference between PS-Rx and SS. Furthermore, we evaluate the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and channel capacity at SS.
This paper proposes a new method that combines signal modulation and FDTD (Finite-Difference Time-Domain) simulations to reduce the computation time in multiple-antenna analysis. In this method, signals are modulated so as to maintain orthogonality among the excited signals; multiple antennas are excited at the same time. This means just one FDTD simulation is needed whereas the conventional method demands as many simulations as there are transmitting antennas. The simulation of a 2×2 multi-antenna system shows that the proposed method matches the performance of the conventional method even though its computation time is much shorter.