Keyword Search Result

[Keyword] dependability(26hit)


  • Feedback Node Sets in Pancake Graphs and Burnt Pancake Graphs

    Sinyu JUNG  Keiichi KANEKO  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E106-D No:10

    A feedback node set (FNS) of a graph is a subset of the nodes of the graph whose deletion makes the residual graph acyclic. By finding an FNS in an interconnection network, we can set a check point at each node in it to avoid a livelock configuration. Hence, to find an FNS is a critical issue to enhance the dependability of a parallel computing system. In this paper, we propose a method to find FNS's in n-pancake graphs and n-burnt pancake graphs. By analyzing the types of cycles proposed in our method, we also give the number of the nodes in the FNS in an n-pancake graph, (n-2.875)(n-1)!+1.5(n-3)!, and that in an n-burnt pancake graph, 2n-1(n-1)!(n-3.5).

  • Medical Healthcare Network Platform and Big Data Analysis Based on Integrated ICT and Data Science with Regulatory Science Open Access



    E102-B No:6

    This paper provides perspectives for future medical healthcare social services and businesses that integrate advanced information and communication technology (ICT) and data science. First, we propose a universal medical healthcare platform that consists of wireless body area network (BAN), cloud network and edge computer, big data mining server and repository with machine learning. Technical aspects of the platform are discussed, including the requirements of reliability, safety and security, i.e., so-called dependability. In addition, novel technologies for satisfying the requirements are introduced. Then primary uses of the platform for personalized medicine and regulatory compliance, and its secondary uses for commercial business and sustainable operation are discussed. We are aiming at operate the universal medical healthcare platform, which is based on the principle of regulatory science, regionally and globally. In this paper, trials carried out in Kanagawa, Japan and Oulu, Finland will be revealed to illustrate a future medical healthcare social infrastructure by expanding it to Asia-Pacific, Europe and the rest of the world. We are representing the activities of Kanagawa medical device regulatory science center and a joint proposal on security in the dependable medical healthcare platform. Novel schemes of ubiquitous rehabilitation based on analyses of the training effect by remote monitoring of activities and machine learning of patient's electrocardiography (ECG) with a neural network are proposed and briefly investigated.

  • A Tree-Based Checkpointing Architecture for the Dependability of FPGA Computing

    Hoang-Gia VU  Shinya TAKAMAEDA-YAMAZAKI  Takashi NAKADA  Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-Device and Architecture

    E101-D No:2

    Modern FPGAs have been integrated in computing systems as accelerators for long running applications. This integration puts more pressure on the fault tolerance of computing systems, and the requirement for dependability becomes essential. As in the case of CPU-based system, checkpoint/restart techniques are also expected to improve the dependability of FPGA-based computing. Three issues arise in this situation: how to checkpoint and restart FPGAs, how well this checkpoint/restart model works with the checkpoint/restart model of the whole computing system, and how to build the model by a software tool. In this paper, we first present a new checkpoint/restart architecture along with a checkpointing mechanism on FPGAs. We then propose a method to capture consistent snapshots of FPGA and the rest of the computing system. Third, we provide “fine-grained” management for checkpointing to reduce performance degradation. For the host CPU, we also provide a stack which includes API functions to manage checkpoint/restart procedures on FPGAs. Fourth, we present a Python-based tool to insert checkpointing infrastructure. Experimental results show that the checkpointing architecture causes less than 10% maximum clock frequency degradation, low checkpointing latencies, small memory footprints, and small increases in power consumption, while the LUT overhead varies from 17.98% (Dijkstra) to 160.67% (Matrix Multiplication).

  • WBAN Energy Efficiency and Dependability Improvement Utilizing Wake-Up Receiver Open Access



    E98-B No:4

    This paper discusses the perspectives of using a wake-up receiver (WUR) in wireless body area network (WBAN) applications with event-driven data transfers. First we compare energy efficiency between the WUR-based and the duty-cycled medium access control protocol -based IEEE 802.15.6 compliant WBAN. Then, we review the architectures of state-of-the-art WURs and discuss their suitability for WBANs. The presented results clearly show that the radio frequency envelope detection based architecture features the lowest power consumption at a cost of sensitivity. The other architectures are capable of providing better sensitivity, but consume more power. Finally, we propose the design modification that enables using a WUR to receive the control commands beside the wake-up signals. The presented results reveal that use of this feature does not require complex modifications of the current architectures, but enables to improve energy efficiency and latency for small data blocks transfers.

  • Fault-Injection Analysis to Estimate SEU Failure in Time by Using Frame-Based Partial Reconfiguration

    Yoshihiro ICHINOMIYA  Tsuyoshi KIMURA  Motoki AMAGASAKI  Morihiro KUGA  Masahiro IIDA  Toshinori SUEYOSHI  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E95-A No:12

    SRAM-based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are vulnerable to a soft-error induced by radiation. Techniques for designing dependable circuits, such as triple modular redundancy (TMR) with scrubbing, have been studied extensively. However, currently available evaluation techniques that can be used to check the dependability of these circuits are inadequate. Further, their results are restrictive because they do not represent the result in terms of general reliability indicator to decide whether the circuit is dependable. In this paper, we propose an evaluation method that provides results in terms of the realistic failure in time (FIT) by using reconfiguration-based fault-injection analysis. Current fault-injection analyses do not consider fault accumulation, and hence, they are not suitable for evaluating the dependability of a circuit such as a TMR circuit. Therefore, we configure an evaluation system that can handle fault-accumulation by using frame-based partial reconfiguration and the bootstrap method. By using the proposed method, we successfully evaluated a TMR circuit and could discuss the result in terms of realistic FIT data. Our method can evaluate the dependability of an actual system, and help with the tuning and selection in dependable system design.

  • Extensions of the Access Point Allocation Algorithm for Wireless Mesh Networks


    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E93-B No:6

    Previously, we have proposed an access point (AP) allocation algorithm in indoor environments for the Wireless Internet-access Mesh NETwork (WIMNET) using one gateway (GW) to the Internet. WIMNET consists of multiple APs that are connected wirelessly mainly by the Wireless Distribution System (WDS), to expand the coverage area inexpensively and flexibly. In this paper, we present two extensions of this algorithm to enhance the applicability to the large-scale WIMNET. One is the multiple GW extension of the algorithm to increase the communication bandwidth with multiple GWs, where all the rooms in the network field are first partitioned into a set of disjoint GW clusters and then, our previous allocation algorithm is applied to each GW cluster sequentially. The APs in a GW cluster share the same GW. The other is the dependability extension to assure the network function by maintaining the connectivity and the host coverage, even if one link/AP fault occurs, where redundant APs are added to the AP allocation by our previous algorithm. The effectiveness of our proposal in terms of the number of APs and the throughput is verified through simulations using the WIMNET simulator.

  • A Dependable SRAM with 7T/14T Memory Cells

    Hidehiro FUJIWARA  Shunsuke OKUMURA  Yusuke IGUCHI  Hiroki NOGUCHI  Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  


    E92-C No:4

    This paper proposes a novel dependable SRAM with 7T/14T memory cells, and introduces a new concept, "quality of a bit (QoB)" for it. The proposed SRAM has three modes: a normal mode, high-speed mode, and dependable mode, and dynamically scales its reliability, power and speed by combining two memory cells for one-bit information (i.e. 14 T/bit). By carrying out Monte Carlo simulation in a 65-nm process technology, the minimum voltages in read and write operations are improved by 0.21 V and 0.26 V, respectively, with a bit error rate of 10-8 kept. In addition, we confirm that the dependable mode achieves a lower bit error rate than the error correction code (ECC) and multi module redundancy (MMR). Furthermore, we propose a new memory array structure to avoid the half-selection problem in a write operation. The respective cell area overheads in the normal mode are 26% and 11% in the cases where additional transistors are pMOSes and nMOSes, compared to the conventional 6T memory cell.

  • Self-Stabilization in Dynamic Networks

    Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  


    E92-D No:2

    A self-stabilizing protocol is a protocol that achieves its intended behavior regardless of the initial configuration (i.e., global state). Thus, a self-stabilizing protocol is adaptive to any number and any type of topology changes of networks: after the last topology change occurs, the protocol starts to converge to its intended behavior. This advantage makes self-stabilizing protocols extremely attractive for designing highly dependable distributed systems on dynamic networks. While conventional self-stabilizing protocols require that the networks remain static during convergence to the intended behaviors, some recent works undertook the challenge of realizing self-stabilization in dynamic networks with frequent topology changes. This paper introduces some of the challenges as a new direction of research in self-stabilization.

  • Reservation-Based Dynamic TDMA Protocol for Medical Body Area Networks

    Changle LI  Huan-Bang LI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E92-B No:2

    The medical body area network (MBAN) is an emerging technology to resolve the small area connection issues around human body, especially for the medical applications. This paper proposes a dynamic TDMA (DTDMA) protocol for MBAN with focus on the dependability and power efficiency. In DTDMA, the slots are allocated by the MBAN coordinator only to the devices which have buffered packets and released to other devices after the current allocation. Through the adaptive allocation of the slots in a DTDMA frame, the MBAN coordinator adjusts the duty cycle adaptively with the traffic load. Comparing with the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol, the DTDMA provides more dependability in terms of lower packet dropping rate and less energy consumption especially for an end device of a MBAN.

  • On Applicability of Formal Methods and Tools to Dependable Services Open Access

    Fuyuki ISHIKAWA  Shinichi HONIDEN  


    E92-B No:1

    As a variety of digital services are provided through networks, more and more efforts are made to ensure dependability of software behavior implementing services. Formal methods and tools have been considered as promising means to support dependability in complex software systems during the development. On the other hand, there have been serious doubts on practical applicability of formal methods. This paper overviews the present state of formal methods and discusses their applicability, especially focusing on two representative methods (SPIN and B Method) and their recent industrial applications. This paper also discusses applications of formal methods to dependable networked software.

  • Dependable Networks as a Paradigm for Network Innovation Open Access

    Tetsuya MIKI  


    E92-B No:1

    In past, dependable networks meant minimizing network outages or the impact of the outages. However, over the decade, major network services have shifted from telephone and data transmission to Internet and to mobile communication, where higher layer services with a variety of contents are provided. Reviewing these backgrounds of network development, the importance of the dependability of higher layer network services are pointed out. Then, the main aspects to realize the dependability are given for lower, middle and higher layer network services. In addition, some particular issues for dependable networks are described.

  • Dependability Improvement for PPM Compressed Data by Using Compression Pattern Matching

    Masato KITAKAMI  Toshihiro OKURA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E91-D No:10

    Data compression is popularly applied to computer systems and communication systems in order to reduce storage size and communication time, respectively. Since large data are used frequently, string matching for such data takes a long time. If the data are compressed, the time gets much longer because decompression is necessary. Long string matching time makes computer virus scan time longer and gives serious influence to the security of data. From this, CPM (Compression Pattern Matching) methods for several compression methods have been proposed. This paper proposes CPM method for PPM which achieves fast virus scan and improves dependability of the compressed data, where PPM is based on a Markov model, uses a context information, and achieves a better compression ratio than BW transform and Ziv-Lempel coding. The proposed method encodes the context information, which is generated in the compression process, and appends the encoded data at the beginning of the compressed data as a header. The proposed method uses only the header information. Computer simulation says that augmentation of the compression ratio is less than 5 percent if the order of the PPM is less than 5 and the source file size is more than 1 M bytes, where order is the maximum length of the context used in PPM compression. String matching time is independent of the source file size and is very short, less than 0.3 micro seconds in the PC used for the simulation.

  • Ultra Dependable Processor

    Shuichi SAKAI  Masahiro GOSHIMA  Hidetsugu IRIE  


    E91-C No:9

    This paper presents the processor architecture which provides much higher level dependability than the current ones. The features of it are: (1) fault tolerance and secure processing are integrated into a modern superscalar VLSI processor; (2) light-weight effective soft-error tolerant mechanisms are proposed and evaluated; (3) timing errors on random logic and registers are prevented by low-overhead mechanisms; (4) program behavior is hidden from the outer world by proposed address translation methods; (5) information leakage can be avoided by attaching policy tags for all data and monitoring them for each instruction execution; (6) injection attacks are avoided with much higher accuracy than the current systems, by providing tag trackings; (7) the overall structure of the dependable processor is proposed with a dependability manager which controls the detection of illegal conditions and recovers to the normal mode; and (8) an FPGA-based testbed system is developed where the system clock and the voltage are intentionally varied for experiment. The paper presents the fundamental scheme for the dependability, elemental technologies for dependability and the whole architecture of the ultra dependable processor. After showing them, the paper concludes with future works.

  • A Checkpointing Method with Small Checkpoint Latency

    Masato KITAKAMI  Bochuan CAI  Hideo ITO  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E91-D No:3

    The cost of checkpointing consists of checkpoint overhead and checkpoint latency. The former is the time to stop the process for checkpointing. The latter is the time to complete the checkpointing including background checkpointing which stores memory pages. The large checkpoint latency increases the possibility that the error occurs in background checkpointing, which leads to long rollback distance. The method for small checkpoint latency has not been proposed yet. This paper proposes a checkpointing method which achieves small checkpoint latency. The proposed method divides a checkpoint interval into several subcheckpoint intervals. By using the history of memory page modification in subcheckpoint intervals, the proposed method saves some pages which are not expected to be modified in the rest of checkpoint interval in advance. Computer simulation says that the proposed method can reduce the checkpoint latency by 25% comparing to the existing methods.

  • Rejuvenating Communication Network System under Burst Arrival Circumstances

    Hiroyuki OKAMURA  Satoshi MIYAHARA  Tadashi DOHI  

    PAPER-Traffic Issues

    E88-B No:12

    Long running software systems are known to experience an aging phenomenon called software aging, one in which the accumulation of errors during the execution of software leads to performance degradation and eventually results in failure. To counteract this phenomenon a proactive fault management approach, called software rejuvenation, is particularly useful. It essentially involves gracefully terminating an application or a system and restarting it in a clean internal state. In this paper, we evaluate dependability performance of a communication network system with the software rejuvenation under the assumption that the requests arrive according to a Markov modulated Poisson process (MMPP). Three dependability measures, steady-state availability, loss probability of requests and mean response time on tasks, are derived through the hidden Markovian analysis based on the time-based software rejuvenation scheme. In numerical examples, we investigate the sensitivity of some model parameters to the dependability measures.

  • Using VHDL-Based Fault Injection for the Early Diagnosis of a TTP/C Controller

    Joaquín GRACIA  Juan C. BARAZA  Daniel GIL  Pedro J. GIL  

    PAPER-Verification and Dependability Analysis

    E86-D No:12

    Nowadays, the use of dependable systems is generalising, and diagnosis is an important step during their design . A diagnosis in early phases of the design cycle allows to save time and money. Fault injection can be used during the design process of the system, and using Hardware Description Languages, particularly VHDL, it is possible to accomplish this early diagnosis. During last years, the Time-Triggered Architecture (TTA) has emerged as a hard real-time fault-tolerant architecture for embedded systems. This novel architecture is gaining adepts mainly in the avionics and automotive industries ( x-by-wire ). The TTA implements a synchronous protocol with static scheduling that has been specifically targeted at hard real-time fault-tolerant distributed system. In this work, we present the study of the VHDL model of a communication controller based on the TTA, where a number of fault injection campaigns have been carried out. We comment the results produced and suggest some solutions to problems detected.

  • Dependability Evaluation with Fault Injection Experiments


    PAPER-Verification and Dependability Analysis

    E86-D No:12

    In the paper we evaluate program susceptibility to hardware faults using fault injector. The performed experiments cover many applications with different features. The effectiveness of software techniques improving system dependability is analyzed. Practical aspects of embedding these techniques in real programs are discussed. They have significant impact on the final fault robustness.

  • Multidimensional Characterization of the Impact of Faulty Drivers on the Operating Systems Behavior

    João DURÃES  Henrique MADEIRA  

    PAPER-Dependable Software

    E86-D No:12

    This paper presents the results of a continuing research work on the practical characterization of operating systems (OS) behavior in the presence of software faults in OS components, such as faulty device drivers. The methodology used is based on the emulation of software faults in device drivers and observation of the behavior of the overall system regarding a comprehensive set of failure modes, analyzed according to different dimensions related to multiple user perspectives. The emulation of the software faults is done through the injection of specific mutations at machine-code level that reproduce the code generated by compilers when typical programming errors occur in the high level language code. Two important aspects of this methodology are the independence of source code availability and the use of simple and established practices to evaluate operating systems failure modes, thus allowing its use as a dependability benchmarking technique. The generalization of the methodology to any software system built of discrete and identifiable components is also discussed.

  • Impact of Internal and External Software Faults on the Linux Kernel

    Tahar JARBOUI  Jean ARLAT  Yves CROUZET  Karama KANOUN  Thomas MARTEAU  

    PAPER-Dependable Software

    E86-D No:12

    The application of fault injection in the context of dependability benchmarking is far from being straightforward. One decisive issue to be addressed is to what extent injected faults are representative of the considered faults. This paper proposes an approach to analyze the effects of real and injected faults.

  • A Technique for Constructing Dependable Internet Server Cluster

    Mamoru OHARA  Masayuki ARAI  Satoshi FUKUMOTO  Kazuhiko IWASAKI  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerance

    E86-D No:10

    An approach is proposed for constructing a dependable server cluster composed only of server nodes with all nodes running the same algorithm. The cluster propagates an IP multicast address as the server address, and clients multicast requests to the cluster. A local proxy running on each client machine enables conventional client software designed for unicasting to communicate with the cluster without having to be modified. Evaluation of a prototype system providing domain name service showed that a cluster using this technique has high dependability with acceptable performance degradation.


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