Software refactoring is an important process in software development. During software refactoring, code smell is a popular research topic that refers to design or implementation flaws in the software. Large class is one of the most concerning code smells in software refactoring. Detecting and refactoring such problem has a profound impact on software quality. In past years, software metrics and clustering techniques have commonly been used for the large class detection. However, deep-learning-based approaches have also received considerable attention in recent studies. In this study, we apply graph neural networks (GNNs), an important division of deep learning, to address the problem of large class detection. First, to support the extensive data requirements of the deep learning task, we apply a semiautomatic approach to generate a substantial number of data samples. Next, we design a new type of directed heterogeneous graph (DHG) as an input graph using the methods similarity matrix and software metrics. We construct an input graph for each class sample and make the graph classification with GNNs to identify the smelly classes. In our experiments, we apply three typical GNN model architectures for large class detection and compare the results with those of previous studies. The results show that the proposed approach can achieve more accurate and stable detection performance.
Natthawute SAE-LIM Shinpei HAYASHI Motoshi SAEKI
Code smells can be detected using tools such as a static analyzer that detects code smells based on source code metrics. Developers perform refactoring activities based on the result of such detection tools to improve source code quality. However, such an approach can be considered as reactive refactoring, i.e., developers react to code smells after they occur. This means that developers first suffer the effects of low-quality source code before they start solving code smells. In this study, we focus on proactive refactoring, i.e., refactoring source code before it becomes smelly. This approach would allow developers to maintain source code quality without having to suffer the impact of code smells. To support the proactive refactoring process, we propose a technique to detect decaying modules, which are non-smelly modules that are about to become smelly. We present empirical studies on open source projects with the aim of studying the characteristics of decaying modules. Additionally, to facilitate developers in the refactoring planning process, we perform a study on using a machine learning technique to predict decaying modules and report a factor that contributes most to the performance of the model under consideration.
By focusing on the recent swing to the centralized approach by the software defined network (SDN), this paper presents a novel network architecture for refactoring the current distributed Internet protocol (IP) by not only utilizing the SDN itself but also implementing its cooperation with the optical transport layer. The first IP refactoring is for flexible network topology reconfiguration: the global routing and explicit routing functions are transferred from the distributed routers to the centralized SDN. The second IP refactoring is for cost-efficient maintenance migration: we introduce a resource portable IP router that can behave as a shared backup router by cooperating with the optical transport path switching. Extensive evaluations show that our architecture makes the current IP network easier to configure and more scalable. We also validate the feasibility of our proposal.
An important step for improving software analyzability is applying refactorings during the maintenance phase to remove bad smells, especially the long method bad smell. Long method bad smell occurs most frequently and is a root cause of other bad smells. However, no research has proposed an approach to repeating refactoring identification, suggestion, and application until all long method bad smells have been removed completely without reducing software analyzability. This paper proposes an effective approach to identifying refactoring opportunities and suggesting an effective refactoring set for complete removal of long method bad smell without reducing code analyzability. This approach, called the long method remover or LMR, uses refactoring enabling conditions based on program analysis and code metrics to identify four refactoring techniques and uses a technique embedded in JDeodorant to identify extract method. For effective refactoring set suggestion, LMR uses two criteria: code analyzability level and the number of statements impacted by the refactorings. LMR also uses side effect analysis to ensure behavior preservation. To evaluate LMR, we apply it to the core package of a real world java application. Our evaluation criteria are 1) the preservation of code functionality, 2) the removal rate of long method characteristics, and 3) the improvement on analyzability. The result showed that the methods that apply suggested refactoring sets can completely remove long method bad smell, still have behavior preservation, and have not decreased analyzability. It is concluded that LMR meets the objectives in almost all classes. We also discussed the issues we found during evaluation as lesson learned.
Takayuki OMORI Katsuhisa MARUYAMA
Understanding which refactoring transformations were performed is in demand in modern software constructions. Traditionally, many researchers have been tackling understanding code changes with history data derived from version control systems. In those studies, problems of the traditional approach are pointed out, such as entanglement of multiple changes. To alleviate the problems, operation histories on IDEs' code editors are available as a new source of software evolution data nowadays. By replaying such histories, we can investigate past code changes in a fine-grained level. However, the prior studies did not provide enough evidence of their effectiveness for detecting refactoring transformations. This paper describes an experiment in which participants detect refactoring transformations performed by other participants after investigating the code changes with an operation-replay tool and diff tools. The results show that both approaches have their respective factors that pose misunderstanding and overlooking of refactoring transformations. Two negative factors on divided operations and generated compound operations were observed in the operation-based approach, whereas all the negative factors resulted from three problems on tangling, shadowing, and out-of-order of code changes in the difference-based approach. This paper also shows seven concrete examples of participants' mistakes in both approaches. These findings give us hints for improving existing tools for understanding code changes and detecting refactoring transformations.
Workflow nets (WF-nets for short) are a mathematical model of real world workflows. A WF-net is often updated in accordance with the change of real world. This may cause places that are redundant from the viewpoint of the behavior. Such places are called implicit. We first proposed a necessary and sufficient condition to find implicit places. Then we proved that removing of implicit places is a reduction operation which forms branching bisimilarity. We also constructed an algorithm for the reduction. Next, we applied the proposed reduction operation to WF-net refactoring. Then we showed the usefulness of the proposed refactoring with two examples.
Eunjong CHOI Norihiro YOSHIDA Katsuro INOUE
Although code clones (i.e. code fragments that have similar or identical code fragments in the source code) are regarded as a factor that increases the complexity of software maintenance, tools for supporting clone refactoring (i.e. merging a set of code clones into a single method or function) are not commonly used. To promote the development of refactoring tools that can be more widely utilized, we present an investigation of clone refactoring carried out in the development of open source software systems. In the investigation, we identified the most frequently used refactoring patterns and discovered how merged code clone token sequences and differences in token sequence lengths vary for each refactoring pattern.
A workflow net (WF-net for short) is a Petri net which represents a workflow. There are two important subclasses of WF-nets: extended free-choice (EFC for short) and well-structured (WS for short). It is known that most actual workflows can be modeled as EFC WF-nets; Acyclic WS is a subclass of acyclic EFC but has more analysis methods. An acyclic EFC WF-net may be transformed to an acyclic WS WF-net without changing the external behavior of the net. We name such a transformation Acyclic EFC WF-net refactoring. We give a formal definition of acyclic EFC WF-net refactoring problem. We also give a necessary condition and a sufficient condition for solving the problem. Those conditions can be checked in polynomial time. These result in the enhancement of the analysis power of acyclic EFC WF-nets.
Woosung JUNG Eunjoo LEE Chisu WU
Change history in project revisions provides helpful information on handling bugs. Existing studies on predicting bugs mainly focus on resulting bug patterns, not these change patterns. When a code hunk is copied onto several files, the set of original and copied hunks often need to be consistently maintained. We assume that it is a normal state when all of hunks survive or die in a specific revision. When partial change occurs on some duplicated hunks, they are regarded as suspicious hunks. Based on these assumptions, suspicious cases can be predicted and the project's developers can be alerted. In this paper, we propose a practical approach to detect various change smells based on revision history and code hunk tracking. The change smells are suspicious change patterns that can result in potential bugs, such as partial death of hunks, missed refactoring or fix, backward or late change. To detect these change smells, three kinds of hunks – add, delete, and modify – are tracked and analyzed by an automated tool. Several visualized graphs for each type have been suggested to improve the applicability of the proposed technique. We also conducted experiments on large-scale open projects. The case study results show the applicability of the proposed approach.
Shinpei HAYASHI Yasuyuki TSUDA Motoshi SAEKI
This paper proposes a technique for detecting the occurrences of refactoring from source code revisions. In a real software development process, a refactoring operation may sometimes be performed together with other modifications at the same revision. This means that detecting refactorings from the differences between two versions stored in a software version archive is not usually an easy process. In order to detect these impure refactorings, we model the detection within a graph search. Our technique considers a version of a program as a state and a refactoring as a transition between two states. It then searches for the path that approaches from the initial to the final state. To improve the efficiency of the search, we use the source code differences between the current and the final state for choosing the candidates of refactoring to be applied next and estimating the heuristic distance to the final state. Through case studies, we show that our approach is feasible to detect combinations of refactorings.
Taek-Young YOUN Young-Ho PARK Jongin LIM
Trapdoor commitment schemes are widely used for adding valuable properties to ordinary signatures or enhancing the security of weakly secure signatures. In this letter, we propose a trapdoor commitment scheme based on RSA function, and prove its security under the hardness of the integer factoring. Our scheme is very efficient in computing a commitment. Especially, it requires only three multiplications for evaluating a commitment when e=3 is used as a public exponent of RSA function. Moreover, our scheme has two useful properties, key exposure freeness and strong trapdoor opening, which are useful for designing secure chameleon signature schemes and converting a weakly secure signature to a strongly secure signature, respectively.
Takato HIRANO Koichiro WADA Keisuke TANAKA
We first consider a variant of the Schmidt-Samoa-Takagi encryption scheme without losing additively homomorphic properties. We show that this variant is secure in the sense of IND-CPA under the decisional composite residuosity assumption, and of OW-CPA under the assumption on the hardness of factoring n=p2q. Second, we introduce new algebraic properties "affine" and "pre-image restriction," which are closely related to homomorphicity. Intuitively, "affine" is a tuple of functions which have a special homomorphic property, and "pre-image restriction" is a function which can restrict the receiver to having information on the encrypted message. Then, we propose an encryption scheme with primitive power roots of unity in (Z/ns+1). We show that our scheme has, in addition to the additively homomorphic property, the above algebraic properties. In addition to the properties, we also show that the encryption scheme is secure in the sense of OW-CPA and IND-CPA under new number theoretic assumptions.
This paper proposes a new sieving algorithm that employs a bucket sort as a part of a factoring algorithm such as the number field sieve. The sieving step requires an enormous number of memory updates; however, these updates usually cause cache hit misses. The proposed algorithm significantly reduces the number of cache hit misses when the size of the sieving region is roughly less than the square of the cache size, and the memory updates are several times faster than the straightforward implementation according to the PC experiments.
Cheng GUO Mingchu LI Kouichi SAKURAI
Almost all the existing secret sharing schemes are based on a single dealer. Maybe in some situations, the secret needs to be maintained by multiple dealers. In this paper, we proposed a novel secret sharing scheme based on the multi-dealer by means of Shamir's threshold scheme and T. Okamoto and S. Uchiyama's public-key cryptosystem. Multiple dealers can commonly maintain the secret and the secret can be dynamically renewed by any dealer. Meanwhile, the reusable secret shadows just needs to be distributed only once. In the secret updated phase, the dealer just needs to publish a little public information instead of redistributing the new secret shadows. Its security is based on the security of Shamir's threshold scheme and the intractability of factoring problem and discrete logarithm problem.
Quantum circuits for elementary arithmetic operations are important not only for implementing Shor's factoring algorithm on a quantum computer but also for understanding the computational power of small quantum circuits, such as linear-size or logarithmic-depth quantum circuits. This paper surveys some recent approaches to constructing efficient quantum circuits for elementary arithmetic operations and their applications to Shor's factoring algorithm. It covers addition, comparison, and the quantum Fourier transform used for addition.
An odd composite number n for which an-1 ≡ 1 (mod n) for all integers a coprime to n is called a Carmichael number. This paper shows that some class of Carmichael numbers which have relatively large prime factors can be recognized in deterministic polynomial time under the assumption of the Extended Riemann Hypothesis (ERH). Also some related problems are discussed.
For RSA, May showed a deterministic polynomial time equivalence of computing d to factoring N(=pq). On the other hand, Takagi showed a variant of RSA such that the decryption algorithm is faster than the standard RSA, where N=prq while ed=1 mod(p-1)(q-1). In this paper, we show that a deterministic polynomial time equivalence also holds in this variant. The coefficient matrix T to which LLL algorithm is applied is no longer lower triangular, and hence we develop a new technique to overcome this problem.
We define two functions fDL and fIF in NPMV, the class of all partial, multivalued functions computed nondeterministically in polynomial time. We prove that they are complete for NPMV, and show that (a) computing discrete logarithms modulo a prime reduces to fDL, and (b) computing integer factorization reduces to fIF. These are the first complete functions that have explicit reductions from significant cryptographic primitives.
Shuji ISOBE Wataru KUMAGAI Masahiro MAMBO Hiroki SHIZUYA
This paper studies the reduction among cyptographic functions. Our main result is that the prime factoring function IF does not reduce to the certified discrete logarithm function modulo a prime nor its variant with respect to some special reducibility, i.e. the range injection reducibility, under the assumption that the Heath-Brown conjecture is true and IFPF. Since there is no known direct relationship between these functions, this is the first result that could separate these functions. Our approach is based on the notion of the preimage functions.
A new simply implemented collusion-attack free identity-based non-interactive key sharing scheme (ID-NIKS) has been proposed. A common-key can be shared by executing only once a modular exponentiation which is equivalent to RSA deciphering, and the security depends on the difficulty of factoring and the discrete logarithm problem. Each user's secret information can be generated by solving two simple discrete logarithm problems and synthsizing their solutions by linear combination. The detail comparison with the Maurer-Yacobi's scheme including its modified versions shows that the computational complexity to generate each user's secret information is much smaller and the freedom to select system parameters is much greater than that of the Maurer-Yacobi's scheme. Then our proposed scheme can be implemented very easily and hence it is suitable for practical use.