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[Keyword] feature selection(62hit)


  • A Multiobjective Approach for Side-Channel Based Hardware Trojan Detection Using Power Traces Open Access

    Priyadharshini MOHANRAJ  Saravanan PARAMASIVAM  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E107-A No:5

    The detection of hardware trojans has been extensively studied in the past. In this article, we propose a side-channel analysis technique that uses a wrapper-based feature selection technique for hardware trojan detection. The whale optimization algorithm is modified to carefully extract the best feature subset. The aim of the proposed technique is multiobjective: improve the accuracy and minimize the number of features. The power consumption traces measured from AES-128 trojan circuits are used as features in this experiment. The stabilizing property of the feature selection method helps to bring a mutual trade-off between the precision and recall parameters thereby minimizing the number of false negatives. The proposed hardware trojan detection scheme produces a maximum of 10.3% improvement in accuracy and reduction up to a single feature by employing the modified whale optimization technique. Thus the evaluation results conducted on various trust-hub cryptographic benchmark circuits prove to be efficient from the existing state-of-art methods.

  • An Interpretable Feature Selection Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

    Yi LIU  Wei QIN  Qibin ZHENG  Gensong LI  Mengmeng LI  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E105-D No:8

    Feature selection based on particle swarm optimization is often employed for promoting the performance of artificial intelligence algorithms. However, its interpretability has been lacking of concrete research. Improving the stability of the feature selection method is a way to effectively improve its interpretability. A novel feature selection approach named Interpretable Particle Swarm Optimization is developed in this paper. It uses four data perturbation ways and three filter feature selection methods to obtain stable feature subsets, and adopts Fuch map to convert them to initial particles. Besides, it employs similarity mutation strategy, which applies Tanimoto distance to choose the nearest 1/3 individuals to the previous particles to implement mutation. Eleven representative algorithms and four typical datasets are taken to make a comprehensive comparison with our proposed approach. Accuracy, F1, precision and recall rate indicators are used as classification measures, and extension of Kuncheva indicator is employed as the stability measure. Experiments show that our method has a better interpretability than the compared evolutionary algorithms. Furthermore, the results of classification measures demonstrate that the proposed approach has an excellent comprehensive classification performance.

  • Feature Selection and Parameter Optimization of Support Vector Machines Based on a Local Search Based Firefly Algorithm for Classification of Formulas in Traditional Chinese Medicine Open Access

    Wen SHI  Jianling LIU  Jingyu ZHANG  Yuran MEN  Hongwei CHEN  Deke WANG  Yang CAO  

    LETTER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E105-A No:5

    Syndrome is a crucial principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Formula classification is an effective approach to discover herb combinations for the clinical treatment of syndromes. In this study, a local search based firefly algorithm (LSFA) for parameter optimization and feature selection of support vector machines (SVMs) for formula classification is proposed. Parameters C and γ of SVMs are optimized by LSFA. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of herbs in formula classification is adopted as a feature. LSFA searches for well-performing subsets of features to maximize classification accuracy. In LSFA, a local search of fireflies is developed to improve FA. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed LSFA-SVM algorithm outperforms other classification algorithms on different datasets. Parameters C and γ and the features are optimized by LSFA to obtain better classification performance. The performance of FA is enhanced by the proposed local search mechanism.

  • Multimodal Prediction of Social Responsiveness Score with BERT-Based Text Features

    Takeshi SAGA  Hiroki TANAKA  Hidemi IWASAKA  Satoshi NAKAMURA  


    E105-D No:3

    Social Skills Training (SST) has been used for years to improve individuals' social skills toward building a better daily life. In SST carried out by humans, the social skills level is usually evaluated through a verbal interview conducted by the trainer. Although this evaluation is based on psychiatric knowledge and professional experience, its quality depends on the trainer's capabilities. Therefore, to standardize such evaluations, quantifiable metrics are required. To meet this need, the second edition of the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-2) offers a viable solution because it has been extensively tested and standardized by empirical research works. This paper describes the development of an automated method to evaluate a person's social skills level based on SRS-2. We use multimodal features, including BERT-based features, and perform score estimation with a 0.76 Pearson correlation coefficient while using feature selection. In addition, we examine the linguistic aspects of BERT-based features through subjective evaluations. Consequently, the BERT-based features show a strong negative correlation with human subjective scores of fluency, appropriate word choice, and understandable speech structure.

  • A Novel Discriminative Virtual Label Regression Method for Unsupervised Feature Selection

    Zihao SONG  Peng SONG  Chao SHENG  Wenming ZHENG  Wenjing ZHANG  Shaokai LI  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E105-D No:1

    Unsupervised Feature selection is an important dimensionality reduction technique to cope with high-dimensional data. It does not require prior label information, and has recently attracted much attention. However, it cannot fully utilize the discriminative information of samples, which may affect the feature selection performance. To tackle this problem, in this letter, we propose a novel discriminative virtual label regression method (DVLR) for unsupervised feature selection. In DVLR, we develop a virtual label regression function to guide the subspace learning based feature selection, which can select more discriminative features. Moreover, a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) term is used to make the model be more discriminative. To further make the model be more robust and select more representative features, we impose the ℓ2,1-norm on the regression and feature selection terms. Finally, extensive experiments are carried out on several public datasets, and the results demonstrate that our proposed DVLR achieves better performance than several state-of-the-art unsupervised feature selection methods.

  • Improved Hybrid Feature Selection Framework

    Weizhi LIAO  Guanglei YE  Weijun YAN  Yaheng MA  Dongzhou ZUO  


    E104-D No:8

    An efficient Feature selection strategy is important in the dimension reduction of data. Extensive existing research efforts could be summarized into three classes: Filter method, Wrapper method, and Embedded method. In this work, we propose an integrated two-stage feature extraction method, referred to as FWS, which combines Filter and Wrapper method to efficiently extract important features in an innovative hybrid mode. FWS conducts the first level of selection to filter out non-related features using correlation analysis and the second level selection to find out the near-optimal sub set that capturing valuable discrete features by evaluating the performance of predictive model trained on such sub set. Compared with the technologies such as mRMR and Relief-F, FWS significantly improves the detection performance through an integrated optimization strategy.Results show the performance superiority of the proposed solution over several well-known methods for feature selection.

  • Creation of Temporal Model for Prioritized Transmission in Predictive Spatial-Monitoring Using Machine Learning Open Access

    Keiichiro SATO  Ryoichi SHINKUMA  Takehiro SATO  Eiji OKI  Takanori IWAI  Takeo ONISHI  Takahiro NOBUKIYO  Dai KANETOMO  Kozo SATODA  


    E104-B No:8

    Predictive spatial-monitoring, which predicts spatial information such as road traffic, has attracted much attention in the context of smart cities. Machine learning enables predictive spatial-monitoring by using a large amount of aggregated sensor data. Since the capacity of mobile networks is strictly limited, serious transmission delays occur when loads of communication traffic are heavy. If some of the data used for predictive spatial-monitoring do not arrive on time, prediction accuracy degrades because the prediction has to be done using only the received data, which implies that data for prediction are ‘delay-sensitive’. A utility-based allocation technique has suggested modeling of temporal characteristics of such delay-sensitive data for prioritized transmission. However, no study has addressed temporal model for prioritized transmission in predictive spatial-monitoring. Therefore, this paper proposes a scheme that enables the creation of a temporal model for predictive spatial-monitoring. The scheme is roughly composed of two steps: the first involves creating training data from original time-series data and a machine learning model that can use the data, while the second step involves modeling a temporal model using feature selection in the learning model. Feature selection enables the estimation of the importance of data in terms of how much the data contribute to prediction accuracy from the machine learning model. This paper considers road-traffic prediction as a scenario and shows that the temporal models created with the proposed scheme can handle real spatial datasets. A numerical study demonstrated how our temporal model works effectively in prioritized transmission for predictive spatial-monitoring in terms of prediction accuracy.

  • Advanced Antlion Optimizer with Discrete Ant Behavior for Feature Selection

    Mengmeng LI  Xiaoguang REN  Yanzhen WANG  Wei QIN  Yi LIU  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:12

    Feature selection is important for learning algorithms, and it is still an open problem. Antlion optimizer is an excellent nature inspired method, but it doesn't work well for feature selection. This paper proposes a hybrid approach called Ant-Antlion Optimizer which combines advantages of antlion's smart behavior of antlion optimizer and ant's powerful searching movement of ant colony optimization. A mutation operator is also adopted to strengthen exploration ability. Comprehensive experiments by binary classification problems show that the proposed algorithm is superiority to other state-of-art methods on four performance indicators.

  • Machine Learning-Based Approach for Depression Detection in Twitter Using Content and Activity Features

    Hatoon S. ALSAGRI  Mourad YKHLEF  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E103-D No:8

    Social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, have altered our world forever. People are now increasingly connected than ever and reveal a sort of digital persona. Although social media certainly has several remarkable features, the demerits are undeniable as well. Recent studies have indicated a correlation between high usage of social media sites and increased depression. The present study aims to exploit machine learning techniques for detecting a probable depressed Twitter user based on both, his/her network behavior and tweets. For this purpose, we trained and tested classifiers to distinguish whether a user is depressed or not using features extracted from his/her activities in the network and tweets. The results showed that the more features are used, the higher are the accuracy and F-measure scores in detecting depressed users. This method is a data-driven, predictive approach for early detection of depression or other mental illnesses. This study's main contribution is the exploration part of the features and its impact on detecting the depression level.

  • A Hybrid Feature Selection Method for Software Fault Prediction

    Yiheng JIAN  Xiao YU  Zhou XU  Ziyi MA  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E102-D No:10

    Fault prediction aims to identify whether a software module is defect-prone or not according to metrics that are mined from software projects. These metric values, also known as features, may involve irrelevance and redundancy, which hurt the performance of fault prediction models. In order to filter out irrelevant and redundant features, a Hybrid Feature Selection (abbreviated as HFS) method for software fault prediction is proposed. The proposed HFS method consists of two major stages. First, HFS groups features with hierarchical agglomerative clustering; second, HFS selects the most valuable features from each cluster to remove irrelevant and redundant ones based on two wrapper based strategies. The empirical evaluation was conducted on 11 widely-studied NASA projects, using three different classifiers with four performance metrics (precision, recall, F-measure, and AUC). Comparison with six filter-based feature selection methods demonstrates that HFS achieves higher average F-measure and AUC values. Compared with two classic wrapper feature selection methods, HFS can obtain a competitive prediction performance in terms of average AUC while significantly reducing the computation cost of the wrapper process.

  • A New Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Based on Brain Storm Optimization for Feature Selection

    Haomo LIANG  Zhixue WANG  Yi LIU  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:7

    Machine learning algorithms are becoming more and more popular in current era. Data preprocessing especially feature selection is helpful for improving the performance of those algorithms. A new powerful feature selection algorithm is proposed. It combines the advantages of ant colony optimization and brain storm optimization which simulates the behavior of human beings. Six classical datasets and five state-of-art algorithms are used to make a comparison with our algorithm on binary classification problems. The results on accuracy, percent rate, recall rate, and F1 measures show that the developed algorithm is more excellent. Besides, it is no more complex than the compared approaches.

  • An Effective Feature Selection Scheme for Android ICC-Based Malware Detection Using the Gap of the Appearance Ratio

    Kyohei OSUGE  Hiroya KATO  Shuichiro HARUTA  Iwao SASASE  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E102-D No:6

    Android malwares are rapidly becoming a potential threat to users. Among several Android malware detection schemes, the scheme using Inter-Component Communication (ICC) is gathering attention. That scheme extracts numerous ICC-related features to detect malwares by machine learning. In order to mitigate the degradation of detection performance caused by redundant features, Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) is applied to feature before machine learning. CFS selects useful features for detection in accordance with the theory that a good feature subset has little correlation with mutual features. However, CFS may remove useful ICC-related features because of strong correlation between them. In this paper, we propose an effective feature selection scheme for Android ICC-based malware detection using the gap of the appearance ratio. We argue that the features frequently appearing in either benign apps or malwares are useful for malware detection, even if they are strongly correlated with each other. To select useful features based on our argument, we introduce the proportion of the appearance ratio of a feature between benign apps and malwares. Since the proportion can represent whether a feature frequently appears in either benign apps or malwares, this metric is useful for feature selection based on our argument. Unfortunately, the proportion is ineffective when a feature appears only once in all apps. Thus, we also introduce the difference of the appearance ratio of a feature between benign apps and malwares. Since the difference simply represents the gap of the appearance ratio, we can select useful features by using this metric when such a situation occurs. By computer simulation with real dataset, we demonstrate our scheme improves detection accuracy by selecting the useful features discarded in the previous scheme.

  • Quantum Algorithm on Logistic Regression Problem

    Jun Suk KIM  Chang Wook AHN  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E102-D No:4

    We examine the feasibility of Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm, a basic quantum algorithm, on a machine learning-based logistic regression problem. Its major property to distinguish the function type with an exponential speedup can help identify the feature unsuitability much more quickly. Although strict conditions and restrictions to abide exist, we reconfirm the quantum superiority in many aspects of modern computing.

  • Feature Selection of Deep Learning Models for EEG-Based RSVP Target Detection Open Access

    Jingxia CHEN  Zijing MAO  Ru ZHENG  Yufei HUANG  Lifeng HE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E102-D No:4

    Most recent work used raw electroencephalograph (EEG) data to train deep learning (DL) models, with the assumption that DL models can learn discriminative features by itself. It is not yet clear what kind of RSVP specific features can be selected and combined with EEG raw data to improve the RSVP classification performance of DL models. In this paper, we tried to extract RSVP specific features and combined them with EEG raw data to capture more spatial and temporal correlations of target or non-target event and improve the EEG-based RSVP target detection performance. We tested on X2 Expertise RSVP dataset to show the experiment results. We conducted detailed performance evaluations among different features and feature combinations with traditional classification models and different CNN models for within-subject and cross-subject test. Compared with state-of-the-art traditional Bagging Tree (BT) and Bayesian Linear Discriminant Analysis (BLDA) classifiers, our proposed combined features with CNN models achieved 1.1% better performance in within-subject test and 2% better performance in cross-subject test. This shed light on the ability for the combined features to be an efficient tool in RSVP target detection with deep learning models and thus improved the performance of RSVP target detection.

  • Selecting Orientation-Insensitive Features for Activity Recognition from Accelerometers

    Yasser MOHAMMAD  Kazunori MATSUMOTO  Keiichiro HOASHI  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E102-D No:1

    Activity recognition from sensors is a classification problem over time-series data. Some research in the area utilize time and frequency domain handcrafted features that differ between datasets. Another categorically different approach is to use deep learning methods for feature learning. This paper explores a middle ground in which an off-the-shelf feature extractor is used to generate a large number of candidate time-domain features followed by a feature selector that was designed to reduce the bias toward specific classification techniques. Moreover, this paper advocates the use of features that are mostly insensitive to sensor orientation and show their applicability to the activity recognition problem. The proposed approach is evaluated using six different publicly available datasets collected under various conditions using different experimental protocols and shows comparable or higher accuracy than state-of-the-art methods on most datasets but usually using an order of magnitude fewer features.

  • Highly Efficient Mobile Visual Search Algorithm

    Chuang ZHU  Xiao Feng HUANG  Guo Qing XIANG  Hui Hui DONG  Jia Wen SONG  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E101-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose a highly efficient mobile visual search algorithm. For descriptor extraction process, we propose a low complexity feature detection which utilizes the detected local key points of the coarse octaves to guide the scale space construction and feature detection in the fine octave. The Gaussian and Laplacian operations are skipped for the unimportant area, and thus the computing time is saved. Besides, feature selection is placed before orientation computing to further reduce the complexity of feature detection by pre-discarding some unimportant local points. For the image retrieval process, we design a high-performance reranking method, which merges both the global descriptor matching score and the local descriptor similarity score (LDSS). In the calculating of LDSS, the tf-idf weighted histogram matching is performed to integrate the statistical information of the database. The results show that the proposed highly efficient approach achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art for mobile visual search, while the descriptor extraction complexity is largely reduced.

  • Local Feature Reliability Measure Consistent with Match Conditions for Mobile Visual Search

    Kohei MATSUZAKI  Kazuyuki TASAKA  Hiromasa YANAGIHARA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:12

    We propose a feature design method for a mobile visual search based on binary features and a bag-of-visual words framework. In mobile visual search, detection error and quantization error are unavoidable due to viewpoint changes and cause performance degradation. Typical approaches to visual search extract features from a single view of reference images, though such features are insufficient to manage detection and quantization errors. In this paper, we extract features from multiview synthetic images. These features are selected according to our novel reliability measure which enables robust recognition against various viewpoint changes. We regard feature selection as a maximum coverage problem. That is, we find a finite set of features maximizing an objective function under certain constraints. As this problem is NP-hard and thus computationally infeasible, we explore approximate solutions based on a greedy algorithm. For this purpose, we propose novel constraint functions which are designed to be consistent with the match conditions in the visual search method. Experiments show that the proposed method improves retrieval accuracy by 12.7 percentage points without increasing the database size or changing the search procedure. In other words, the proposed method enables more accurate search without adversely affecting the database size, computational cost, and memory requirement.

  • Feature Selection by Computing Mutual Information Based on Partitions

    Chengxiang YIN  Hongjun ZHANG  Rui ZHANG  Zilin ZENG  Xiuli QI  Yuntian FENG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:2

    The main idea of filter methods in feature selection is constructing a feature-assessing criterion and searching for feature subset that optimizes the criterion. The primary principle of designing such criterion is to capture the relevance between feature subset and the class as precisely as possible. It would be difficult to compute the relevance directly due to the computation complexity when the size of feature subset grows. As a result, researchers adopt approximate strategies to measure relevance. Though these strategies worked well in some applications, they suffer from three problems: parameter determination problem, the neglect of feature interaction information and overestimation of some features. We propose a new feature selection algorithm that could compute mutual information between feature subset and the class directly without deteriorating computation complexity based on the computation of partitions. In light of the specific properties of mutual information and partitions, we propose a pruning rule and a stopping criterion to accelerate the searching speed. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we compare our algorithm to the other five algorithms in terms of the number of selected features and the classification accuracies on three classifiers. The results on the six synthetic datasets show that our algorithm performs well in capturing interaction information. The results on the thirteen real world datasets show that our algorithm selects less yet better feature subset.

  • Hand-Dorsa Vein Recognition Based on Scale and Contrast Invariant Feature Matching

    Fuqiang LI  Tongzhuang ZHANG  Yong LIU  Guoqing WANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E100-D No:12

    The ignored side effect reflecting in the introduction of mismatching brought by contrast enhancement in representative SIFT based vein recognition model is investigated. To take advantage of contrast enhancement in increasing keypoints generation, hierarchical keypoints selection and mismatching removal strategy is designed to obtain state-of-the-art recognition result.

  • READER: Robust Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Dimension Reduction

    Lu SUN  Mineichi KUDO  Keigo KIMURA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E100-D No:10

    Multi-label classification is an appealing and challenging supervised learning problem, where multiple labels, rather than a single label, are associated with an unseen test instance. To remove possible noises in labels and features of high-dimensionality, multi-label dimension reduction has attracted more and more attentions in recent years. The existing methods usually suffer from several problems, such as ignoring label outliers and label correlations. In addition, most of them emphasize on conducting dimension reduction in an unsupervised or supervised way, therefore, unable to utilize the label information or a large amount of unlabeled data to improve the performance. In order to cope with these problems, we propose a novel method termed Robust sEmi-supervised multi-lAbel DimEnsion Reduction, shortly READER. From the viewpoint of empirical risk minimization, READER selects most discriminative features for all the labels in a semi-supervised way. Specifically, the ℓ2,1-norm induced loss function and regularization term make READER robust to the outliers in the data points. READER finds a feature subspace so as to keep originally neighbor instances close and embeds labels into a low-dimensional latent space nonlinearly. To optimize the objective function, an efficient algorithm is developed with convergence property. Extensive empirical studies on real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method.


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