Liming LI Yang WANG Liqin DING
Filter bank multicarrier with offset quadrature amplitude modulation (FBMC-OQAM) is considered an alternative to conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) to meet the various requirements proposed by future communication networks. Among the different perspectives on the merits of FBMC-OQAM and OFDM, a straightforward metric is the bit error probability (BEP). This paper presents a general analytical framework for BEP evaluation that is applicable to FBMC-OQAM and OFDM systems in both Rayleigh and Rician multipath fading channels. Explicit BEP expressions are derived for Gray-coded pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and square quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals with arbitrary constellation sizes. The theoretical analysis results show excellent agreement with the numerical simulation results in different channel scenarios.
In this paper, an extended best linear unbiased estimator (EBLUE) based on a periodic training sequence is proposed and investigated for frequency offset estimation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The structure of EBLUE is general and flexible so it adapts to different complexity constraints, and is attractive in practical implementation. Performance analysis and design strategy of EBLUE are provided to realize the best tradeoff between performance and complexity. Moreover, closed-form results of both weight and performance make EBLUE even more attractive in practical implementation. Both the performance and complexity of EBLUE are compared with other proposals and the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) to demonstrate the merit of EBLUE.
Shinichiro MIYAZAKI Shoichiro YAMASAKI Ryuji KOHNO
This paper proposes a single-carrier transmission method based on an overlap frequency-domain equalizing (FDE) and a coherent averaging. FDE is a block-based equalizing technique using discrete Fourier transform. A cyclic prefix is often used to avoid inter-block interference under multipath channel conditions, which reduces transmission efficiency. An overlap FDE is a technique to avoid the cyclic prefix insertion, but the residual interferences often exist after the FDE processing according to the channel conditions. The method proposed in this paper suppresses the residual interferences by applying a coherent averaging to the FDE outputs and improve the equalization performances. Computer simulation shows the effect of the proposed technique over the multipath channels.
Bin SHENG Pengcheng ZHU Xiaohu YOU Lan CHEN
In this letter, we propose a low-complexity sparse channel estimation method for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The proposed method uses a discrete Fourier transform (DFT)-based technique for channel estimation and a novel sorted noise space discrimination technique to estimate the channel length and tap positions. Simulation results demonstrate that the reduction in signal space improves the channel estimation performance.
Bin SHENG Pengcheng ZHU Xiaohu YOU Lan CHEN
In this letter, we propose a novel sparse channel estimation method for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The proposed method uses a discrete Fourier transform (DFT)-based technique for channel estimation and a sorted generalized Akaike information criterion (GAIC) to estimate the channel length and tap positions. Simulation results demonstrate that an improved channel estimation performance is obtained due to the reduction of signal space.
In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, a guard interval (GI) is used to remove the inter-symbol interference (ISI) due to a multipath channel. It is difficult to set an optimal GI length in the environment whose multipath varies. In this paper, we propose a variable guard interval based on the estimated maximum delay of a multipath channel. The maximum delay is estimated from a channel impulse response (CIR), which is estimated by a preamble symbol. However, since the estimated CIR includes the noise, it is difficult to decide the optimal GI. In order to solve the problem, we introduce the method which selects the path whose signal to noise ratio is high. Additionally, the information of the optimal GI length is required to be transmitted from a receiver to a transmitter. In this paper, we use an acknowledgment (ACK) frame for the feedback of the GI information.
Yu ZHANG Jianhua ZHANG Guangyi LIU Ping ZHANG
The use of cross-polarized antennas for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems is receiving attention as they are able to double the number of antenna for half antenna spacing needs. This paper presents the channel correlation property of the 3rd Generation Partner Project (3GPP)/3GPP2 spatial channel model (SCM) with the polarization propagation. The statistical average of the per path polarization correlation given random cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) with co-located ideal tilted dipole antennas is derived. The impact on the random behavior of the polarization correlation due to the slant offset angle, the per path angular spread (AS), and the random XPD is analyzed. The simulation results show that the variation of polarization correlation caused by the random XPD is maximized with a 58 slant offset angle under the assumptions of all predefined scenarios in SCM. The per path AS has minor impact on the statistics of the polarization correlations. The randomness of polarization correlation is negligible for an XPD with small standard deviation.
This paper proposes a method of improving reception of digital satellite broadcasting in a moving vehicle. According to some studies, the antennas used for mobile reception will be smaller in the next generation and reception will be more difficult because of a fading multipath channel with delays in a low carrier-to-noise ratio. Commonly used approaches to reduce the inter symbol interference caused by a fading multipath channel with delays are pilot sequences and diversity reception. Digital satellite broadcasting, however, does not transmit pilot sequences for channel estimation and it is not possible to install multiple antennas in a vehicle. This paper does not propose any change to the broadcasting standards but discusses how to process currently available digital satellite signals to obtain better results. Our method does not rely on the pilot sequences or diversity reception, but consists of channel estimation and stochastic inference methods. For each task, two methods are proposed. The maximum likelihood estimation and higher order statistics matching methods are proposed for the estimation, and the marginal with the joint probability inference methods are proposed for the stochastic inference. The improvements were confirmed through experiments with numerical simulations and real data. The computational costs are also discussed for future implementation.
Zhu XIAO Ke-Chu YI Bin TIAN Yong-Chao WANG
This letter proposes a UWB signaling localization scheme for indoor multipath channel. It demonstrates that the proposed method does not require LOS path (LP) and is suitable for severe non line-of-sight (NLOS) condition. A low-complexity TOA estimation algorithm, the strongest path (SP) detection by convolution, is designed, which is easier to implement than the LP detection since it dispenses with the process of threshold setting. Experiments under NLOS channels in IEEE.802.15.4a are conducted and the localization influences due to the algorithm parameters are discussed. The results prove the feasibility of the proposed localization scheme under the indoor multipath NLOS environment.
Jooyeol YANG Kyungwhoon CHEUN Jeongchang KIM
In this paper, efficient symbol timing synchronization algorithms for IEEE 802.11a/g wireless LAN systems in multipath channels are proposed. For improved accuracy, the algorithms utilize an effectively elongated training symbol together with nonlinear soft-limiting of the correlator output. The algorithms allow efficient utilization of the guard interval in multipath channels. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms significantly outperform conventional algorithms.
In this paper, sampling rate selection diversity (SRSD) scheme for Direct-Sequence/Spread-Spectrum (DS/SS) is proposed. In DS/SS communication systems, oversampling may be employed to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, oversampling enlarges the power consumption because signal processing of the receiver has to be carried out at a higher clock rate. Higher sampling rate does not always maximize the SNR. In the proposed SRSD scheme, the power consumption can be reduced by selecting the optimum sampling rate depending on the characteristics of the channel. The proposed SRSD scheme can also reduce the BER more than the conventional oversampling scheme under certain channel conditions.
Jeng-Kuang HWANG Rih-Lung CHUNG Meng-Fu TSAI Juinn-Horng DENG
In this paper, a sparse multipath channel estimation algorithm is proposed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) single-carrier systems with frequency-domain decision feedback equalizer (FD-DFE). This algorithm exploits the orthogonality of an optimal MIMO preamble based on repeated, phase-rotated, Chu (RPC) sequences, leading to a dramatic reduction in computation. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm employs an improved non-iterative procedure utilizing the Generalized AIC criterion (GAIC), resulting in further computational saving and performance improvement. The proposed scheme is simulated for 802.16d SCa-PHY and SUI-5 sparse channel model under a 22 spatial multiplexing scenario, with the MIMO FD-DFE as the receiver. The result shows that the channel estimation accuracy is significantly improved, and the performance loss compared to the known channel case is only 0.7 dB at the BER of 10-3.
Chin Sean SUM Shigenobu SASAKI Hisakazu KIKUCHI
This paper investigates the impact of chip duty factor (DF) in DS-UWB system with Rake receiver over AWGN and UWB indoor multipath environment corresponding to system parameters such as spreading bandwidth and chip length. Manipulating DF in DS-UWB system offers several advantages over multipath channel and thus, capable of improving system performance for better quality of communication. Although employing lower DF generally improves performance, in some exceptional cases on the other hand, degradation can be observed despite decreasing DF. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to clarify the relationship between DF and DS-UWB system performance. We discovered that with constant processing gain and spreading bandwidth, performance improvement can be observed at DF lower than 0.17. Additionally, with spreading bandwidth as tradeoff parameter, significant performance improvement can only be observed below DF of 0.85.
Hongmei WANG Xiang CHEN Shidong ZHOU Ming ZHAO Yan YAO
In this letter, we propose a partial minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) with successive interference cancellation (PMMSESIC) method in frequency domain to mitigate ICI caused by channel variation. Each detection, the proposed method detects the symbol with the largest received signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) among all the undetected symbols, using an MMSE detector that considers only the interference of several neithborhood subcarriers. Analysis and simulations show that it outperforms the MMSE method at relatively high Eb/N0 and its performance is close to the MMSE with successive detection (MMSESD) method in relatively low Doppler frequency region.
The system under study is a convolutionally coded and orthogonally modulated DS-CDMA system over time-varying frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels in multiuser environments. Iterative soft demodulation and decoding using the Turbo principle can be applied to such a system to increase the system capacity and performance. To combat multiple access interference (MAI), we incorporate the interference cancellation (IC) and decision-directed channel estimation (CE) in the demodulator. However, both IC and CE are subject to performance degradation due to incorrect decisions. In order to prevent error propagation from the decision feedback, soft interference cancellation and channel estimation assisted demodulation is proposed in this paper. The performance of this strategy is evaluated numerically and proved to be superior to the hard decision-directed approach with a minor increase in complexity.
In this paper, three new ultra wideband (UWB) communication systems with quadrature-phase shift keying (QPSK) impulse modulation are proposed. First, direct-sequence (DS) multiple-access scheme is applied. The second proposed system is based on time-hopping (TH) multiple-access scheme. The last proposed system applies TH multiple-access scheme with QPSK impulse modulation and pulse position modulation (PPM). The conventional UWB communications as TH scheme with PPM modulation and DS scheme with binary-phase shift keying (BPSK) are used to compare. The simulation results show that all proposed UWB communication systems can provide obviously better performances compared with the conventional TH-PPM and DS-BPSK UWB communication systems. The comparisons in aspects of transmission bit rate and the number of users are also investigated.
Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN Shigenobu SASAKI Jie ZHOU Hisakazu KIKUCHI
Error performance of DS-CDMA is discussed over independent Rayleigh faded multipath channel employing selective Rake (SRake) receiver. Simple-to-evaluate and accurate error probabilities are given following Holtzman's simplified improved Gaussian approximation (SIGA). Comparing with SIGA, the validity of standard Gaussian approximation (SGA) is then verified. It is shown that SGA is accurate for SRake until some number of combined paths beyond which it becomes optimistic. It is also shown that as compared to single user performance, the SRake performance is relatively less degraded by multiple access interference (MAI) while the number of combined paths is small.
This paper proposes wavelet packets for use in ultra wideband communications. The pulse shapes that are generated are quasi orthogonal and have almost identical time duration. After normalization, an M-ary signaling set can be constructed allowing higher data rate. Finally, the performance of such a system when multipath propagation occurs is investigated by computer simulations. In order to combat multipath fading, a Rake receiver using coherent channel estimation is designed. This channel estimation is carried out using adaptive algorithms such as least-mean square (LMS), normalized least-mean square (NLMS), or recursive least square (RLS) algorithms which adapt the received signal given a reference signal.
Yeong-Hyeon KWON Mi-Kyung OH Dong-Jo PARK
This paper presents a new transmission scheme of M-ary biorthogonal pulse position modulation (BPPM) in ultra wideband systems. The proposed scheme incorporates position-wise parity information to improve the probability of symbol detection over multipath channels. A linear filter-based channel modification is also introduced to mitigate multipath degradation and maximize the probability of symbol detection by using parity information. The analytical and numerical results show that the proposed scheme achieves a significant improvement of symbol error rate (SER) with very low computational complexity and no symbol delay.
Minh-Tuan LE Van-Su PHAM Linh MAI Giwan YOON
Orthogonal space-time block codes (STBCs) appear to be a very fascinating means of enhancing reception quality in quasi-static MIMO channels due to their full diversity, and especially their simple maximum-likelihood (ML) decoders. However, full-rate full-diversity orthogonal STBCs do not exist for more than two transmit antennas. Vertical layered space-time architecture (so-called the V-BLAST) with a nulling- and cancelling-based detection algorithm, in contrast, has an ability of achieving high transmission rates at the cost of having very low diversity gain, an undesirable consequence caused by the interference nulling and cancelling processes. The uncoded V-BLAST system is able to reach its ML performance with the aid of the sphere decoder algorithm at the expense of higher detection complexity. Undoubtedly, the tradeoff between transmission rates, diversity, and complexity is inherent in designing space-time codes. This paper investigates a method to increase the "nulling diversity gains" for a general high-rate space-time code and introduces a new design strategy for high-rate space-time codes detected based on interference nulling and cancelling processes, thanks to which high-rate quasi-orthogonal space-time codes for MIMO applications are proposed. We show that when nT transmit and nR=nT receive antennas are deployed, the first code offers a transmission rate of (nT-1) with a minimum nulling diversity order of 3, whereas the second one offers a transmission rate of (nT-2) with a minimum nulling diversity order of 5. Therefore, the proposed codes significantly outperform the V-BLAST as nR=nT. Simulation results and discussions on the performance of the proposed codes are provided.