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[Keyword] neuron(87hit)


  • Dendritic Learning-Based Feature Fusion for Deep Networks Open Access

    Yaotong SONG  Zhipeng LIU  Zhiming ZHANG  Jun TANG  Zhenyu LEI  Shangce GAO  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E107-D No:12

    Deep networks are undergoing rapid development. However, as the depth of networks increases, the issue of how to fuse features from different layers becomes increasingly prominent. To address this challenge, we creatively propose a cross-layer feature fusion module based on neural dendrites, termed dendritic learning-based feature fusion (DFF). Compared to other fusion methods, DFF demonstrates superior biological interpretability due to the nonlinear capabilities of dendritic neurons. By integrating the classic ResNet architecture with DFF, we devise the ResNeFt. Benefiting from the unique structure and nonlinear processing capabilities of dendritic neurons, the fused features of ResNeFt exhibit enhanced representational power. Its effectiveness and superiority have been validated on multiple medical datasets.

  • EfficientNet Empowered by Dendritic Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Open Access

    Zeyuan JU  Zhipeng LIU  Yu GAO  Haotian LI  Qianhang DU  Kota YOSHIKAWA  Shangce GAO  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E107-D No:9

    Medical imaging plays an indispensable role in precise patient diagnosis. The integration of deep learning into medical diagnostics is becoming increasingly common. However, existing deep learning models face performance and efficiency challenges, especially in resource-constrained scenarios. To overcome these challenges, we introduce a novel dendritic neural efficientnet model called DEN, inspired by the function of brain neurons, which efficiently extracts image features and enhances image classification performance. Assessments on a diabetic retinopathy fundus image dataset reveal DEN’s superior performance compared to EfficientNet and other classical neural network models.

  • Rate-Encoding A/D Converter Based on Spiking Neuron Model with Rectangular Wave Threshold Signal

    Yusuke MATSUOKA  Hiroyuki KAWASAKI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E105-A No:8

    This paper proposes and characterizes an A/D converter (ADC) based on a spiking neuron model with a rectangular threshold signal. The neuron repeats an integrate-and-fire process and outputs a superstable spike sequence. The dynamics of this system are closely related to those of rate-encoding ADCs. We propose an ADC system based on the spiking neuron model. We derive a theoretical parameter region in a limited time interval of the digital output sequence. We analyze the conversion characteristics in this region and verify that they retain the monotonic increase and rate encoding of an ADC.

  • Neuron-Network-Based Mixture Probability Model for Passenger Walking Time Distribution Estimation

    Hao FANG  Chi-Hua CHEN  Dewang CHEN  Feng-Jang HWANG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:5

    Aiming for accurate data-driven predictions for the passenger walking time, this study proposes a novel neuron-network-based mixture probability (NNBMP) model with repetition learning (RL) to estimate the probability density distribution of passenger walking time (PWT) in the metro station. Our conducted experiments for Fuzhou metro stations demonstrate that the proposed NNBMP-RL model achieved the mean absolute error, mean square error, and mean absolute percentage error of 0.0078, 1.33 × 10-4, and 19.41%, respectively, and it outperformed all the seven compared models. The developed NNBMP model fitting accurately the PWT distribution in the metro station is readily applicable to the microscopic analyses of passenger flow.

  • Multi-Phase Synchronization Phenomena in a Ring-Coupled System of Digital Spiking Neurons

    Hiroaki UCHIDA  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E102-A No:1

    This paper studies synchronization phenomena in a ring-coupled system of digital spiking neurons. The neuron consists of two shift registers connected by a wiring circuit and can generate various spike-trains. Applying a spike based connection, the ring-coupled system is constructed. The ring-coupled system can generate multi-phase synchronization phenomena of various periodic spike-trains. Using a simple dynamic model, existence and stability of the synchronization phenomena are analyzed. Presenting a FPGA based test circuit, typical synchronization phenomena are confirmed experimentally.

  • Complicated Superstable Periodic Orbits in a Simple Spiking Neuron Model with Rectangular Threshold Signal

    Yusuke MATSUOKA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E101-A No:11

    We studied complicated superstable periodic orbits (SSPOs) in a spiking neuron model with a rectangular threshold signal. The neuron exhibited SSPOs with various periods that changed dramatically when we varied the parameter space. Using a one-dimensional return map defined by the spike phase, we evaluated period changes and showed its complicated distribution. Finally, we constructed a test circuit to confirm the typical phenomena displayed by the mathematical model.

  • Quadruped Locomotion Patterns Generated by Desymmetrization of Symmetric Central Pattern Generator Hardware Network

    Naruki SASAGAWA  Kentaro TANI  Takashi IMAMURA  Yoshinobu MAEDA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E101-A No:10

    Reproducing quadruped locomotion from an engineering viewpoint is important not only to control robot locomotion but also to clarify the nonlinear mechanism for switching between locomotion patterns. In this paper, we reproduced a quadruped locomotion pattern, gallop, using a central pattern generator (CPG) hardware network based on the abelian group Z4×Z2, originally proposed by Golubitsky et al. We have already used the network to generate three locomotion patterns, walk, trot, and bound, by controlling the voltage, EMLR, inputted to all CPGs which acts as a signal from the midbrain locomotor region (MLR). In order to generate the gallop and canter patterns, we first analyzed the network symmetry using group theory. Based on the results of the group theory analysis, we desymmetrized the contralateral couplings of the CPG network using a new parameter in addition to EMLR, because, whereas the walk, trot, and bound patterns were able to be generated from the spatio-temporal symmetry of the product group Z4×Z2, the gallop and canter patterns were not. As a result, using a constant element $hat{kappa}$ on Z2, the gallop and canter locomotion patterns were generated by the network on ${f Z}_4+hat{kappa}{f Z}_4$, and actually in this paper, the gallop locomotion pattern was generated on the actual circuit.

  • Using a Single Dendritic Neuron to Forecast Tourist Arrivals to Japan

    Wei CHEN  Jian SUN  Shangce GAO  Jiu-Jun CHENG  Jiahai WANG  Yuki TODO  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E100-D No:1

    With the fast growth of the international tourism industry, it has been a challenge to forecast the tourism demand in the international tourism market. Traditional forecasting methods usually suffer from the prediction accuracy problem due to the high volatility, irregular movements and non-stationarity of the tourist time series. In this study, a novel single dendritic neuron model (SDNM) is proposed to perform the tourism demand forecasting. First, we use a phase space reconstruction to analyze the characteristics of the tourism and reconstruct the time series into proper phase space points. Then, the maximum Lyapunov exponent is employed to identify the chaotic properties of time series which is used to determine the limit of prediction. Finally, we use SDNM to make a short-term prediction. Experimental results of the forecasting of the monthly foreign tourist arrivals to Japan indicate that the proposed SDNM is more efficient and accurate than other neural networks including the multi-layered perceptron, the neuro-fuzzy inference system, the Elman network, and the single multiplicative neuron model.

  • Steady-versus-Transient Plot for Analysis of Digital Maps

    Hiroki YAMAOKA  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E99-A No:10

    A digital map is a simple dynamical system that is related to various digital dynamical systems including cellular automata, dynamic binary neural networks, and digital spiking neurons. Depending on parameters and initial condition, the map can exhibit various periodic orbits and transient phenomena to them. In order to analyze the dynamics, we present two simple feature quantities. The first and second quantities characterize the plentifulness of the periodic phenomena and the deviation of the transient phenomena, respectively. Using the two feature quantities, we construct the steady-versus-transient plot that is useful in the visualization and consideration of various digital dynamical systems. As a first step, we demonstrate analysis results for an example of the digital maps based on analog bifurcating neuron models.

  • Three Gait Oscillations Switchable by a Single Parameter on Hard-Wired Central Pattern Generator Hardware Network

    Akihiro MARUYAMA  Kentaro TANI  Shigehito TANAHASHI  Atsuhiko IIJIMA  Yoshinobu MAEDA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E99-A No:8

    We present a hard-wired central patter generator (CPG) hardware network that reproduces the periodic oscillations of the typical gaits, namely, walk, trot, and bound. Notably, the three gaits are generated by a single parameter, i.e., the battery voltage EMLR, which acts like a signal from the midbrain's locomotor region. One CPG is composed of two types of hardware neuron models, reproducing neuronal bursting and beating (action potentials), and three types of hardware synapse models: a gap junction, excitatory and inhibitory synapses. When four hardware CPG models were coupled into a Z4 symmetry network in a previous study [22], two neuronal oscillation patterns corresponding to four-legged animal gaits (walk and bound) were generated by manipulating a single control parameter. However, no more than two neuronal oscillation patterns have been stably observed on a hard-wired four-CPG hardware network. In the current study, we indicate that three neuronal oscillation patterns (walk, trot, and bound) can be generated by manipulating a single control parameter on a hard-wired eight-CPG (Z4 × Z2 symmetry) hardware network.

  • A Breast Cancer Classifier Using a Neuron Model with Dendritic Nonlinearity

    Zijun SHA  Lin HU  Yuki TODO  Junkai JI  Shangce GAO  Zheng TANG  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E98-D No:7

    Breast cancer is a serious disease across the world, and it is one of the largest causes of cancer death for women. The traditional diagnosis is not only time consuming but also easily affected. Hence, artificial intelligence (AI), especially neural networks, has been widely used to assist to detect cancer. However, in recent years, the computational ability of a neuron has attracted more and more attention. The main computational capacity of a neuron is located in the dendrites. In this paper, a novel neuron model with dendritic nonlinearity (NMDN) is proposed to classify breast cancer in the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database (WBCD). In NMDN, the dendrites possess nonlinearity when realizing the excitatory synapses, inhibitory synapses, constant-1 synapses and constant-0 synapses instead of being simply weighted. Furthermore, the nonlinear interaction among the synapses on a dendrite is defined as a product of the synaptic inputs. The soma adds all of the products of the branches to produce an output. A back-propagation-based learning algorithm is introduced to train the NMDN. The performance of the NMDN is compared with classic back propagation neural networks (BPNNs). Simulation results indicate that NMDN possesses superior capability in terms of the accuracy, convergence rate, stability and area under the ROC curve (AUC). Moreover, regarding ROC, for continuum values, the existing 0-connections branches after evolving can be eliminated from the dendrite morphology to release computational load, but with no influence on the performance of classification. The results disclose that the computational ability of the neuron has been undervalued, and the proposed NMDN can be an interesting choice for medical researchers in further research.

  • Brain-Inspired Communication Technologies: Information Networks with Continuing Internal Dynamics and Fluctuation Open Access

    Jun-nosuke TERAMAE  Naoki WAKAMIYA  


    E98-B No:1

    Computation in the brain is realized in complicated, heterogeneous, and extremely large-scale network of neurons. About a hundred billion neurons communicate with each other by action potentials called “spike firings” that are delivered to thousands of other neurons from each. Repeated integration and networking of these spike trains in the network finally form the substance of our cognition, perception, planning, and motor control. Beyond conventional views of neural network mechanisms, recent rapid advances in both experimental and theoretical neuroscience unveil that the brain is a dynamical system to actively treat environmental information rather passively process it. The brain utilizes internal dynamics to realize our resilient and efficient perception and behavior. In this paper, by considering similarities and differences of the brain and information networks, we discuss a possibility of information networks with brain-like continuing internal dynamics. We expect that the proposed networks efficiently realize context-dependent in-network processing. By introducing recent findings of neuroscience about dynamics of the brain, we argue validity and clues for implementation of the proposal.

  • Filter-Induced Bifurcation of Simple Spike-Train Dynamics

    Shota KIRIKAWA  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E97-A No:7

    This paper studies spike-train dynamics of the bifurcating neuron and its pulse-coupled system. The neuron has periodic base signal that is given by applying a periodic square wave to a basic low-pass filter. As key parameters of the filter vary, the systems can exhibit various bifurcation phenomena. For example, the neuron exhibits period-doubling bifurcation through which the period of spike-train is doubling. The coupled system exhibits two kinds of (smooth and non-smooth) tangent bifurcations that can induce “chaos + chaos = order”: chaotic spike-trains of two neurons are changed into periodic spike-train by the pulse-coupling. Using the mapping procedure, the bifurcation phenomena can be analyzed precisely. Presenting simple test circuits, typical phenomena are confirmed experimentally.

  • Neuron-Like Responses and Bifurcations of a Generalized Asynchronous Sequential Logic Spiking Neuron Model

    Takashi MATSUBARA  Hiroyuki TORIKAI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E95-A No:8

    A generalized version of sequential logic circuit based neuron models is presented, where the dynamics of the model is modeled by an asynchronous cellular automaton. Thanks to the generalizations in this paper, the model can exhibit various neuron-like waveforms of the membrane potential in response to excitatory and inhibitory stimulus. Also, the model can reproduce four groups of biological and model neurons, which are classified based on existence of bistability and subthreshold oscillations, as well as their underlying bifurcations mechanisms.

  • A Generalized PWC Spiking Neuron Model and Its Neuron-Like Activities and Burst-Related Bifurcations

    Yutaro YAMASHITA  Hiroyuki TORIKAI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E95-A No:7

    A generalized version of a piece-wise constant (ab. PWC) spiking neuron model is presented. It is shown that the generalization enables the model to reproduce 20 activities in the Izhikevich model. Among the activities, we analyze tonic bursting. Using an analytical one-dimensional iterative map, it is shown that the model can reproduce a burst-related bifurcation scenario, which is qualitatively similar to that of the Izhikevich model. The bifurcation scenario can be observed in an actual hardware.

  • Self-Organizing Digital Spike Maps for Learning of Spike-Trains

    Takashi OGAWA  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E94-A No:12

    This paper presents a digital spike map and its learning algorithm of spike-trains. The map is characterized by a swarm of particles on lattice points. As a teacher signal is applied, the algorithm finds a winner particle. The winner and its neighbor particles move in a similar way to the self-organizing maps. A new particle can born and the particle swarm can grow depending on the property of teacher signals. If learning parameters are selected suitably, the map can evolve to approximate a class of teacher signals. Performing basic numerical experiments, the algorithm efficiency is confirmed.

  • Analysis of m:n Lockings from Pulse-Coupled Asynchronous Sequential Logic Spiking Neurons

    Hirofumi IJICHI  Hiroyuki TORIKAI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E94-A No:11

    An asynchronous sequential logic spiking neuron is an artificial neuron model that can exhibit various bifurcations and nonlinear responses to stimulation inputs. In this paper, a pulse-coupled system of the asynchronous sequential logic spiking neurons is presented. Numerical simulations show that the coupled system can exhibit various lockings and related nonlinear responses. Then, theoretical sufficient parameter conditions for existence of typical lockings are provided. Usefulness of the parameter conditions is validated by comparing with the numerical simulation results as well as field programmable gate array experiment results.

  • Basic Dynamics of Simple Delay-Coupled Bifurcating Neurons

    Kozo HISAMATSU  Toshimichi SAITO  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E94-A No:3

    This letter studies a pulse-coupled system constructed by delayed cross-switching between two bifurcating neurons. The system can exhibit an interesting bifurcation: the delay-coupling can change chaotic behavior of single neurons into stable periodic behavior. Using the 1D phase map, it is clarified that the phenomenon is caused by the tangent bifurcation for the delay parameter. Presenting a simple test circuit, the phenomenon can be confirmed experimentally.

  • A Self-Organizing Pulse-Coupled Network of Sub-Threshold Oscillating Spiking Neurons

    Kai KINOSHITA  Hiroyuki TORIKAI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E94-A No:1

    In this paper, an artificial sub-threshold oscillating spiking neuron is presented and its response phenomena to an input spike-train are analyzed. In addition, a dynamic parameter update rule of the neuron for achieving synchronizations to the input spike-train having various spike frequencies is presented. Using an analytical two-dimensional return map, local stability of the parameter update rule is analyzed. Furthermore, a pulse-coupled network of the neurons is presented and its basic self-organizing function is analyzed. Fundamental comparisons are also presented.

  • Theoretical and Heuristic Synthesis of Digital Spiking Neurons for Spike-Pattern-Division Multiplexing

    Tetsuro IGUCHI  Akira HIRATA  Hiroyuki TORIKAI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E93-A No:8

    A digital spiking neuron is a wired system of shift registers that can generate spike-trains having various spike patterns by adjusting the wiring pattern between the registers. Inspired by the ultra-wideband impulse radio, a novel theoretical synthesis method of the neuron for application to spike-pattern division multiplex communications in an artificial pulse-coupled neural network is presented. Also, a novel heuristic learning algorithm of the neuron for realization of better communication performances is presented. In addition, fundamental comparisons to existing impulse radio sequence design methods are given.


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