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[Keyword] performance analysis(79hit)


  • Accurate End-to-End Delay Bound Analysis for Large-Scale Network Via Experimental Comparison

    Xiao HONG  Yuehong GAO  Hongwen YANG  


    E105-B No:4

    Computer networks tend to be subjected to the proliferation of mobile demands, therefore it poses a great challenge to guarantee the quality of network service. For real-time systems, the QoS performance bound analysis for the complex network topology and background traffic in modern networks is often difficult. Network calculus, nevertheless, converts a complex non-linear network system into an analyzable linear system to accomplish more accurate delay bound analysis. The existing network environment contains complex network resource allocation schemes, and delay bound analysis is generally pessimistic, hence it is essential to modify the analysis model to improve the bound accuracy. In this paper, the main research approach is to obtain the measurement results of an actual network by building a measurement environment and the corresponding theoretical results by network calculus. A comparison between measurement data and theoretical results is made for the purpose of clarifying the scheme of bandwidth scheduling. The measurement results and theoretical analysis results are verified and corrected, in order to propose an accurate per-flow end-to-end delay bound analytic model for a large-scale scheduling network. On this basis, the instructional significance of the analysis results for the engineering construction is discussed.

  • Tight Upper Bound on the Bit Error Rate of Convolutional Codes over Correlated Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    Seongah JEONG  Jinkyu KANG  Hoojin LEE  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E104-A No:8

    In this letter, we investigate tight analytical and asymptotic upper bounds for bit error rate (BER) of constitutional codes over exponentially correlated Nakagami-m fading channels. Specifically, we derive the BER expression depending on an exact closed-form formula for pairwise error event probabilities (PEEP). Moreover, the corresponding asymptotic analysis in high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime is also explored, which is verified via numerical results. This allows us to have explicit insights on the achievable coding gain and diversity order.

  • Design and Implementation of a Software Tester for Benchmarking Stateless NAT64 Gateways Open Access

    Gábor LENCSE  


    E104-B No:2

    The Benchmarking Working Group of IETF has defined a benchmarking methodology for IPv6 transition technologies including stateless NAT64 (also called SIIT) in RFC 8219. The aim of our effort is to design and implement a test program for SIIT gateways, which complies with RFC 8219, and thus to create the world's first standard free software SIIT benchmarking tool. In this paper, we overview the requirements for the tester on the basis of RFC 8219, and make scope decisions: throughput, frame loss rate, latency and packet delay variation (PDV) tests are implemented. We fully disclose our design considerations and the most important implementation decisions. Our tester, siitperf, is written in C++ and it uses the Intel Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK). We also document its functional tests and its initial performance estimation. Our tester is distributed as free software under GPLv3 license for the benefit of the research, benchmarking and networking communities.

  • Performance Analysis of the Interval Algorithm for Random Number Generation in the Case of Markov Coin Tossing Open Access

    Yasutada OOHAMA  

    PAPER-Shannon Theory

    E103-A No:12

    In this paper we analyze the interval algorithm for random number generation proposed by Han and Hoshi in the case of Markov coin tossing. Using the expression of real numbers on the interval [0,1), we first establish an explicit representation of the interval algorithm with the representation of real numbers on the interval [0,1) based one number systems. Next, using the expression of the interval algorithm, we give a rigorous analysis of the interval algorithm. We discuss the difference between the expected number of the coin tosses in the interval algorithm and their upper bound derived by Han and Hoshi and show that it can be characterized explicitly with the established expression of the interval algorithm.

  • An Energy Harvesting Modified MAC Protocol for Power-Line Communication Systems Using RF Energy Transfer: Design and Analysis

    Sheng HAO  Huyin ZHANG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E103-B No:10

    Radio frequency energy transfer (RET) technology has been introduced as a promising energy harvesting (EH) method to supply power in both wireless communication (WLC) and power-line communication (PLC) systems. However, current RET modified MAC (medium access control) protocols have been proposed only for WLC systems. Due to the difference in the MAC standard between WLC and PLC systems, these protocols are not suitable for PLC systems. Therefore, how to utilize RET technology to modify the MAC protocol of PLC systems (i.e., IEEE 1901), which can use the radio frequency signal to provide the transmission power and the PLC medium to finish the data transmission, i.e., realizing the ‘cooperative communication’ remains a challenge. To resolve this problem, we propose a RET modified MAC protocol for PLC systems (RET-PLC MAC). Firstly, we improve the standard PLC frame sequence by adding consultation and confirmation frames, so that the station can obtain suitable harvested energy, once it occupied the PLC medium, and the PLC system can be operated in an on-demand and self-sustainable manner. On this basis, we present the working principle of RET-PLC MAC. Then, we establish an analytical model to allow mathematical verification of RET-PLC MAC. A 2-dimension discrete Markov chain model is employed to derive the numerical analysis results of RET-PLC MAC. The impacts of buffer size, traffic rate, deferral counter process of 1901, heterogeneous environment and quality of information (QoI) are comprehensively considered in the modeling process. Moreover, we deduce the optimal results of system throughput and expected QoI. Through extensive simulations, we show the performance of RET-PLC MAC under different system parameters, and verify the corresponding analytical model. Our work provides insights into realizing cooperative communication at PLC's MAC layer.

  • Analytical Evaluation of a WLAN with Dense Network Nodes Considering Capture Effect

    Takeshi KANEMATSU  Yuto YOSHIDA  Zhetao LI  Tingrui PEI  Young-June CHOI  Kien NGUYEN  Hiroo SEKIYA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E103-B No:7

    In a dense wireless network, concurrent transmissions normally increase interference and reduce network performance. In such an environment, however, there is a possibility that a frame can be decoded correctly if its receive power is higher than that of another frame by some predefined value (i.e., the so-called capture effect). As a result, the unfairness of throughputs among network nodes likely occurs in that context. This research aims to quantify the throughput performance of only one access point Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) with dense network nodes in the presence of the capture effect. We first propose a new analytical model, which can express not only WLANs' throughputs but also WLANs' unfairness transmission. The validity of the proposed model is confirmed by simulation results. Second, relying on the model, we present a novel Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol-based solution, which realizes throughput fairness between network nodes induced by the capture effect.

  • STBC Based Decoders for Two-User Interference MIMO Channels

    Zhiqiang YI  Meilin HE  Peng PAN  Haiquan WANG  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E102-B No:9

    This paper analyzes the performance of various decoders in a two-user interference channel, and some improved decoders based on enhanced utilization of channel state information at the receiver side are presented. Further, new decoders, namely hierarchical constellation based decoders, are proposed. Simulations show that the improved decoders and the proposed decoders have much better performance than existing decoders. Moreover, the proposed decoders have lower decoding complexity than the traditional maximum likelihood decoder.

  • Performance Analysis and Hardware Verification of Feature Detection Using Cyclostationarity in OFDM Signal

    Akihide NAGAMINE  Kanshiro KASHIKI  Fumio WATANABE  Jiro HIROKAWA  


    E101-B No:10

    As one functionality of the wireless distributed network (WDN) enabling flexible wireless networks, it is supposed that a dynamic spectrum access is applied to OFDM systems for superior radio resource management. As a basic technology for such WDN, our study deals with the OFDM signal detection based on its cyclostationary feature. Previous relevant studies mainly relied on software simulations based on the Monte Carlo method. This paper analytically clarifies the relationship between the design parameters of the detector and its detection performance. The detection performance is formulated by using multiple design parameters including the transfer function of the receive filter. A hardware experiment with radio frequency (RF) signals is also carried out by using the detector consisting of an RF unit and FPGA. Thereby, it is verified that the detection characteristics represented by the false-alarm and non-detection probabilities calculated by the analytical formula agree well with those obtained by the hardware experiment. Our analysis and experiment results are useful for the parameter design of the signal detector to satisfy required performance criteria.

  • Performance Analysis of Content-Centric Networking on an Arbitrary Network Topology

    Ryo NAKAMURA  Hiroyuki OHSAKI  


    E101-B No:1

    In this paper, we use the MCA (Multi-Cache Approximation) algorithm to numerically determine cache hit probability in a multi-cache network. We then analytically obtain performance metrics for Content-Centric networking (CCN). Our analytical model contains multiple routers, multiple repositories (e.g., storage servers), and multiple entities (e.g., clients). We obtain three performance metrics: content delivery delay (i.e., the average time required for an entity to retrieve a content through a neighboring router), throughput (i.e., number of contents delivered from an entity per unit of time), and availability (i.e., probability that an entity can successfully retrieve a content from a network). Through several numerical examples, we investigate how network topology affects the performance of CCN. A notable finding is that content caching becomes more beneficial in terms of content delivery time and availability (resp., throughput) as distance between the entity and the requesting repository narrows (resp., widens).

  • Performance Analysis of a Cognitive Radio Network with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing


    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:1

    In Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs), spectrum sensing is performed by secondary (unlicensed) users to utilize transmission opportunities, so-called white spaces or spectrum holes, in the primary (licensed) frequency bands. Secondary users (SUs) perform sensing upon arrival to find an idle channel for transmission as well as during transmission to avoid interfering with primary users (PUs). In practice, spectrum sensing is not perfect and sensing errors including false alarms and misdetections are inevitable. In this paper, we develop a continuous-time Markov chain model to study the effect of false alarms and misdetections of SUs on several performance measures including the collision rate between PUs and SUs, the throughput of SUs and the SU delay in a CRN. Numerical results indicate that sensing errors can have a high impact on the performance measures.

  • Design and Implementation of a Test Program for Benchmarking DNS64 Servers Open Access

    Gábor LENCSE  Dániel BAKAI  


    E100-B No:6

    A new Internet Draft on benchmarking methodologies for IPv6 transition technologies including DNS64 was adopted by the Benchmarking Working Group of IETF. The aim of our effort is to design and implement a test program that complies with the draft and thus to create the world's first standard DNS64 benchmarking tool. In this paper, we disclose our design considerations and high-level implementation decisions. The precision of our special timing method is tested and found to be excellent. Due to the prudent design, the performance of our test program is also excellent: it can send more than 200,000 AAAA record requests using a single core of a desktop computer with a 3.2GHz Intel Core i5-4570 CPU. Its operation comprises all the functionalities required by the draft including checking the timeliness and validity of the answers of the tested DNS64 server. Our DNS64 benchmarking program, dns64perf++, is distributed as free software under GNU GPL v2 license for the benefit of the research, benchmarking and networking communities.

  • Performance Analysis of Two-Way Relaying Network with Adaptive Modulation in the Presence of Imperfect Channel Information

    Kyu-Sung HWANG  MinChul JU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:5

    In this paper, we study the impact of imperfect channel information on an amplify-and-forward (AF)-based two-way relaying network (TWRN) with adaptive modulation which consists of two end-terminals and multiple relays. Specifically, we consider a single-relay selection scheme of the TWRN in the presence of outdated channel state information (CSI) and channel estimation errors. First, we choose the best relay based on outdated CSI, and perform adaptive modulation on both relaying paths with channel estimation errors. Then, we discuss the impact of the outdated CSI on the statistics of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per hop. In addition, we formulate the end-to-end SNRs with channel estimation errors and offer statistic analyses in the presence of both the outdated CSI and channel estimation errors. Finally, we provide the performance analyses of the proposed TWRN with adaptive modulation in terms of average spectral efficiency, average bit error rate, and outage probability. Numerical examples are given to verify our obtained analytical results for various system conditions.

  • A Direction Finding Method Based on Rotating Interferometer and Its Performance Analysis

    Dexiu HU  Zhen HUANG  Jianhua LU  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E98-B No:9

    This paper proposes and analyses an improved direction finding (DF) method that uses a rotating interferometer. The minimum sampling frequency is deduced in order to eliminate the phase ambiguity associated with a long baseline, the influence of phase imbalance of receiver is quantitatively discussed and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of both bearing angle and pitch angle are also demonstrated. The theoretical analysis of the rotating interferometer is verified by simulation results, which show that it achieves better RMSE performance than the conventional method.

  • Performance Analysis of Demand Data Modification Mechanism for Power Balancing Control

    Yuki MINAMI  Shun-ichi AZUMA  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E98-A No:7

    For the electric demand prediction problem, a modification mechanism of predicted demand data has been proposed in the previous work. In this paper, we analyze the performance of the modification mechanism in power balancing control. Then, we analytically derive an upper bound of the performance, which is characterized by system parameters and prediction precision.

  • Performance Analysis of Distributed Broadcasting in IEEE 802.11p MAC Protocol

    Daein JEONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E98-B No:6

    In this paper, we propose an analysis of broadcasting in the IEEE 802.11p MAC protocol. We consider multi-channel operation which is specifically designed for VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks) applications. This protocol supports channel switching; the device alternates between the CCH (Control Channel) and the SCH (Service Channel) during the fixed synchronization interval. It helps vehicles with a single transceiver to access the CCH periodically during which time they acquire or broadcast safety-related messages. Confining the broadcasting opportunity to the deterministic CCH interval entails a non-typical approach to the analysis. Our analysis is carried out considering 1) the time dependency of the system behavior caused by the channel switching, 2) the mutual influence among the vehicles using a multi-dimensional stochastic process, and 3) the generation of messages distributed over the CCH interval. The proposed analysis enables the prediction of the successful delivery ratio and the delay of the broadcast messages. Furthermore, we propose a refinement of the analysis to take account of the effects of hidden nodes on the system performance. The simulation results show that the proposed analysis is quite accurate in describing both the delivery ratio and delay, as well as in reflecting the hidden node effects. The benefits derived from the distributed generation of traffic are also evidenced by the results of experiments.

  • Behavior Analysis of Video Application Users on Smart Phones Based on State Transition Diagram

    Norihiro FUKUMOTO  Shigehiro ANO  Shigeki GOTO  


    E98-B No:1

    Video traffic occupies a major part of current mobile traffic. The characteristics of video traffic are dominated by the behavior of the video application users. This paper uses a state transition diagram to analyze the behavior of video application users on smart phones. Video application users are divided into two categories; keyword search users and initial screen users. They take different first action in video viewing. The result of our analysis shows that the patience of video application users depends on whether they have a specific purpose when they launch a video application or not. Mobile network operators can improve the QoE of video application users by utilizing the results of this study.

  • Performance Analysis and Optimization of the Relay Multicast System with Space-Time Coding

    Nan WANG  Ming CHEN  Jianxin DAI  Xia WU  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E97-A No:9

    In a sector of a single cell, due to the fading characteristic of wireless channels, several decode-and-forward relay stations are deployed to form a two-hop relay-assisted multicast system. We propose two schemes for the system, the first scheme combines the use of space-time code and distributed space-time code (DSTC), and the second one combines the use of DSTC and maximum ratio combining. We give an outage probability analysis for both of them. Based on this analysis, we manage to maximize the spectral efficiency under a preset outage probability confinement by finding out the optimal power allocation and relay location strategies. We use genetic algorithms to verify our analysis and numerical results show that the schemes proposed by us significantly outperform the scheme in previous work. We also show the effect of path loss exponent on the optimal strategy.

  • Analysis of Energy-Delay Trade-Off for Power-Saving Mechanism Specific to Request-and-Response-Based Applications

    Hyun-Ho CHOI  Jung-Ryun LEE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:7

    We propose a power-saving mechanism (PSM) specific to request-and-response-based applications, which simply changes the order of the operating procedure of the legacy PSM by considering the attributes of the request-and-response delay. We numerically analyze the PSM with respect to the energy consumption and buffering delay and characterize this performance by employing a simple energy-delay trade-off (EDT) curve that is determined by the operating parameters. The resulting EDT curve clearly shows that the proposed PSM outperforms the legacy PSM.

  • Virtual Continuous CWmin Control Scheme of WLAN

    Yuki SANGENYA  Fumihiro INOUE  Masahiro MORIKURA  Koji YAMAMOTO  Fusao NUNO  Takatoshi SUGIYAMA  


    E97-A No:1

    In this paper, a priority control problem between uplink and downlink flows in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs is considered. The minimum contention window size (CWmin) has a nonnegative integer value. CWmin control scheme is one of the solutions for priority control to achieve the fairness between links. However, it has the problem that CWmin control scheme cannot achieve precise priority control when the CWmin values become small. As the solution of this problem, this paper proposes a new CWmin control method called a virtual continuous CWmin control (VCCC) scheme. The key concept of this method is that it involves the use of small and large CWmin values probabilistically. The proposed scheme realizes the expected value of CWmin as a nonnegative real number and solves the precise priority control problem. Moreover, we proposed a theoretical analysis model for the proposed VCCC scheme. Computer simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves the throughput performance and achieves fairness between the uplink and the downlink flows in an infrastructure mode of the IEEE 802.11 based wireless LAN. Throughput of the proposed scheme is 31% higher than that of a conventional scheme when the number of wireless stations is 18. The difference between the theoretical analysis results and computer simulation results of the throughput is within 1% when the number of STAs is less than 10.

  • Performance Evaluation of Network-Based Global Mobility Management Protocol in Proxy Mobile IPv6

    Van Hanh NGUYEN  Soonghwan RO  


    E96-B No:7

    Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) is a network-based localized mobility management protocol that is independent of global mobility management protocols. In a single local mobility domain, the mobile node (MN) is not involved in any IP mobility-related signaling, but when the MN moves into another local mobility domain, the MN must change its PMIPv6 home address. In this case, host-based mobility signaling is activated, and PMIPv6's network-based mobility cannot be retained. Additionally, if the MN does not support global mobility, it cannot maintain its communication sessions with its correspondent node. In this paper, we propose a solution for network-based global mobility support in PMIPv6 networks, which allows the MN to maintain active communication sessions without mobility protocol stacks when the MN moves into another local mobility domain. In the proposed mechanism, the MN remains unaware of its movement when it moves to another local mobility domain, and it is forced to use only its MIPv6 home address for all its communication. Thus, the MN is not involved in any IP mobility-related signaling, despite its movement. The proposed protocol provides for global mobility while retaining the advantages of the network-based localized mobility in the Proxy Mobile IPv6 protocol. In this paper, we propose a solution for global mobility support in PMIPv6 networks by which the MAG (Mobile Access Gateway) can maintain the MN's communication sessions during inter-domain handover. In the proposed mechanism, the MN remains unaware of its movement when it moves to another local mobility domain, and it is forced to use only its MIPv6 home address for all its communication. Thus, the MN is not involved in any IP mobility-related signaling, despite its movement. We evaluate and compare network performance between our proposed solution and PMIPv6 and the main host-based mobility protocol. We evaluate and compare handover delays, and packet loss cost of the two protocols.


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