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[Keyword] sensor network(416hit)


  • Cluster-Based Multi-Hop Wake-up Control for Top-k Query in Wireless Sensor Networks Open Access

    Takuya MURAKAMI  Junya SHIRAISHI  Hiroyuki YOMO  


    E107-B No:12

    This paper focuses on top-k query in cluster-based multi-hop wireless sensor networks (WSNs) employing wake-up receivers. We aim to design wake-up control that enables a sink to collect top-k data set, i.e., k highest readings of sensor nodes within a network, efficiently in terms of energy consumption and delay. Considering a tree-based clustered WSN, we propose a cluster-based wake-up control, which conducts activations and data collections of different clusters sequentially while the results of data collections at a cluster, i.e., the information on provisional top-k data set, are exploited for reducing unnecessary data transmissions at the other clusters. As a wake-up control employed in each cluster, we consider two different types of control: countdown content-based wake-up (CDCoWu) and identity-based wake-up (IDWu). CDCoWu selectively activates sensor nodes storing data belonging to top-k dataset while IDWu individually wakes up all sensor nodes within a cluster. Based on the observation that the best control depends on the number of cluster members, we introduce a hybrid mechanism of wake-up control, where a wake-up control employed at each cluster is selected between CDCoWu and IDWu based on its number of cluster members. Our simulation results show that the proposed hybrid wake-up control achieves smaller energy consumption and data collection delay than the control solely employing conventional CDCoWu or IDWu.

  • Output Feedback Ultimate Boundedness Control with Decentralized Event-Triggering Open Access



    E107-A No:5

    In cyber-physical systems (CPSs) that interact between physical and information components, there are many sensors that are connected through a communication network. In such cases, the reduction of communication costs is important. Event-triggered control that the control input is updated only when the measured value is widely changed is well known as one of the control methods of CPSs. In this paper, we propose a design method of output feedback controllers with decentralized event-triggering mechanisms, where the notion of uniformly ultimate boundedness is utilized as a control specification. Using this notion, we can guarantee that the state stays within a certain set containing the origin after a certain time, which depends on the initial state. As a result, the number of times that the event occurs can be decreased. First, the design problem is formulated. Next, this problem is reduced to a BMI (bilinear matrix inequality) optimization problem, which can be solved by solving multiple LMI (linear matrix inequality) optimization problems. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is presented by a numerical example.

  • Constraints and Evaluations on Signature Transmission Interval for Aggregate Signatures with Interactive Tracing Functionality Open Access

    Ryu ISHII  Kyosuke YAMASHITA  Zihao SONG  Yusuke SAKAI  Tadanori TERUYA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Kanta MATSUURA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E107-A No:4

    Fault-tolerant aggregate signature (FT-AS) is a special type of aggregate signature that is equipped with the functionality for tracing signers who generated invalid signatures in the case an aggregate signature is detected as invalid. In existing FT-AS schemes (whose tracing functionality requires multi-rounds), a verifier needs to send a feedback to an aggregator for efficiently tracing the invalid signer(s). However, in practice, if this feedback is not responded to the aggregator in a sufficiently fast and timely manner, the tracing process will fail. Therefore, it is important to estimate whether this feedback can be responded and received in time on a real system. In this work, we measure the total processing time required for the feedback by implementing an existing FT-AS scheme, and evaluate whether the scheme works without problems in real systems. Our experimental results show that the time required for the feedback is 605.3 ms for a typical parameter setting, which indicates that if the acceptable feedback time is significantly larger than a few hundred ms, the existing FT-AS scheme would effectively work in such systems. However, there are situations where such feedback time is not acceptable, in which case the existing FT-AS scheme cannot be used. Therefore, we further propose a novel FT-AS scheme that does not require any feedback. We also implement our new scheme and show that a feedback in this scheme is completely eliminated but the size of its aggregate signature (affecting the communication cost from the aggregator to the verifier) is 144.9 times larger than that of the existing FT-AS scheme (with feedbacks) for a typical parameter setting, and thus has a trade-off between the feedback waiting time and the communication cost from the verifier to the aggregator with the existing FT-AS scheme.

  • Mining User Activity Patterns from Time-Series Data Obtained from UWB Sensors in Indoor Environments Open Access

    Muhammad FAWAD RAHIM  Tessai HAYAMA  


    E107-D No:4

    In recent years, location-based technologies for ubiquitous environments have aimed to realize services tailored to each purpose based on information about an individual's current location. To establish such advanced location-based services, an estimation technology that can accurately recognize and predict the movements of people and objects is necessary. Although global positioning system (GPS) has already been used as a standard for outdoor positioning technology and many services have been realized, several techniques using conventional wireless sensors such as Wi-Fi, RFID, and Bluetooth have been considered for indoor positioning technology. However, conventional wireless indoor positioning is prone to the effects of noise, and the large range of estimated indoor locations makes it difficult to identify human activities precisely. We propose a method to mine user activity patterns from time-series data of user's locationss in an indoor environment using ultra-wideband (UWB) sensors. An UWB sensor is useful for indoor positioning due to its high noise immunity and measurement accuracy, however, to our knowledge, estimation and prediction of human indoor activities using UWB sensors have not yet been addressed. The proposed method consists of three steps: 1) obtaining time-series data of the user's location using a UWB sensor attached to the user, and then estimating the areas where the user has stayed; 2) associating each area of the user's stay with a nearby landmark of activity and assigning indoor activities; and 3) mining the user's activity patterns based on the user's indoor activities and their transitions. We conducted experiments to evaluate the proposed method by investigating the accuracy of estimating the user's area of stay using a UWB sensor and observing the results of activity pattern mining applied to actual laboratory members over 30-days. The results showed that the proposed method is superior to a comparison method, Time-based clustering algorithm, in estimating the stay areas precisely, and that it is possible to reveal the user's activity patterns appropriately in the actual environment.

  • An Adaptive Energy-Efficient Uneven Clustering Routing Protocol for WSNs

    Mingyu LI  Jihang YIN  Yonggang XU  Gang HUA  Nian XU  


    E107-B No:2

    Aiming at the problem of “energy hole” caused by random distribution of nodes in large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs), this paper proposes an adaptive energy-efficient balanced uneven clustering routing protocol (AEBUC) for WSNs. The competition radius is adaptively adjusted based on the node density and the distance from candidate cluster head (CH) to base station (BS) to achieve scale-controlled adaptive optimal clustering; in candidate CHs, the energy relative density and candidate CH relative density are comprehensively considered to achieve dynamic CH selection. In the inter-cluster communication, based on the principle of energy balance, the relay communication cost function is established and combined with the minimum spanning tree method to realize the optimized inter-cluster multi-hop routing, forming an efficient communication routing tree. The experimental results show that the protocol effectively saves network energy, significantly extends network lifetime, and better solves the “energy hole” problem.

  • Energy-Efficient One-to-One and Many-to-One Concurrent Transmission for Wireless Sensor Networks

    SenSong HE  Ying QIU  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E106-D No:12

    Recent studies have shown that concurrent transmission with precise time synchronization enables reliable and efficient flooding for wireless networks. However, most of them require all nodes in the network to forward packets a fixed number of times to reach the destination, which leads to unnecessary energy consumption in both one-to-one and many-to-one communication scenarios. In this letter, we propose G1M address this issue by reducing redundant packet forwarding in concurrent transmissions. The evaluation of G1M shows that compared with LWB, the average energy consumption of one-to-one and many-to-one transmission is reduced by 37.89% and 25%, respectively.

  • Fault-Tolerant Aggregate Signature Schemes against Bandwidth Consumption Attack

    Kyosuke YAMASHITA  Ryu ISHII  Yusuke SAKAI  Tadanori TERUYA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Kanta MATSUURA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:9

    A fault-tolerant aggregate signature (FT-AS) scheme is a variant of an aggregate signature scheme with the additional functionality to trace signers that create invalid signatures in case an aggregate signature is invalid. Several FT-AS schemes have been proposed so far, and some of them trace such rogue signers in multi-rounds, i.e., the setting where the signers repeatedly send their individual signatures. However, it has been overlooked that there exists a potential attack on the efficiency of bandwidth consumption in a multi-round FT-AS scheme. Since one of the merits of aggregate signature schemes is the efficiency of bandwidth consumption, such an attack might be critical for multi-round FT-AS schemes. In this paper, we propose a new multi-round FT-AS scheme that is tolerant of such an attack. We implement our scheme and experimentally show that it is more efficient than the existing multi-round FT-AS scheme if rogue signers randomly create invalid signatures with low probability, which for example captures spontaneous failures of devices in IoT systems.

  • Transmission Timing Control among Both Aperiodic and Periodic Flows for Reliable Transfer by Restricted Packet Loss and within Permissible Delay in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Aya KOYAMA  Yosuke TANIGAWA  Hideki TODE  


    E106-B No:9

    Nowadays, in various wireless sensor networks, both aperiodically generated packets like event detections and periodically generated ones for environmental, machinery, vital monitoring, etc. are transferred. Thus, packet loss caused by collision should be suppressed among aperiodic and periodic packets. In addition, some packets for wireless applications such as factory IoT must be transferred within permissible end-to-end delays, in addition to improving packet loss. In this paper, we propose transmission timing control of both aperiodic and periodic packets at an upper layer of medium access control (MAC). First, to suppress packet loss caused by collision, transmission timings of aperiodic and periodic packets are distributed on the time axis. Then, transmission timings of delay-bounded packets with permissible delays are assigned within the bounded periods so that transfer within their permissible delays is possible to maximally satisfy their permissible delays. Such control at an upper layer has advantages of no modification to the MAC layer standardized by IEEE 802.11, 802.15.4, etc. and low sensor node cost, whereas existing approaches at the MAC layer rely on MAC modifications and time synchronization among all sensor nodes. Performance evaluation verifies that the proposed transmission timing control improves packet loss rate regardless of the presence or absence of packet's periodicity and permissible delay, and restricts average transfer delay of delay-bounded packets within their permissible delays comparably to a greedy approach that transmits delay-bounded packets to the MAC layer immediately when they are generated at an upper layer.

  • Novel Network Structure and its Clustering Scheme Based on Residual Power for Wireless Powered Wireless Sensor Networks

    Kazuhisa HARAGUCHI  Kosuke SANADA  Hiroyuki HATANO  Kazuo MORI  


    E105-B No:12

    In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), wireless power transfer (WPT) has been studied as an energy-harvesting technique for prolonging their network lifetime. The WPT can supply power resources to sensor nodes (SNs) wirelessly, however, the reception (harvesting) power at SNs depends on their distance from a WPT equipment (WPTE), leading to the location-dependent non-uniformity in the reception power among SNs. For the fixed-located WPTE, SNs distant from the WPTE suffer from insufficient reception power. To handle this problem, this paper proposes a novel network structure introducing multiple hybrid access points (HAPs), which equip two functions of conventional cluster head function, including data collection and relay transmission, and WPT function. Then, these HAPs take terms providing both functions. By periodically rotating the HAP providing the WPT function, the location of the WPTE can be changed, which reduces the non-uniformity in the SN reception power. Also, this paper proposes a clustering scheme based on the residual power at SNs to reduce their power depletion under the proposed network structure. The evaluation results through computer simulation show that the proposed system reduces the non-uniformity in the SN reception power and the power depletion at the SNs and then improves the data collection rate, compared with the conventional systems.

  • Efficient Schedule of Path and Charge for a Mobile Charger to Improve Survivability and Throughput of Sensors with Adaptive Sensing Rates

    You-Chiun WANG  Yu-Cheng BAI  


    E105-B No:11

    Wireless sensor networks provide long-term monitoring of the environment, but sensors are powered by small batteries. Using a mobile charger (MC) to replenish energy of sensors is one promising solution to prolong their usage time. Many approaches have been developed to find the MC's moving path, and they assume that sensors have a fixed sensing rate (SR) and prefer to fully charge sensors. In practice, sensors can adaptively adjust their SRs to meet application demands or save energy. Besides, due to the fully charging policy, some sensors with low energy may take long to wait for the MC's service. Thus, the paper formulates a path and charge (P&C) problem, which asks how to dispatch the MC to visit sensors with adaptive SRs and decide their charging time, such that both survivability and throughput of sensors can be maximized. Then, we propose an efficient P&C scheduling (EPCS) algorithm, which builds the shortest path to visit each sensor. To make the MC fast move to charge the sensors near death, some sensors with enough energy are excluded from the path. Moreover, EPCS adopts a floating charging mechanism based on the ratio of workable sensors and their energy depletion. Simulation results verify that EPCS can significantly improve the survivability and throughput of sensors.

  • Distributed Filter Using ADMM for Optimal Estimation Over Wireless Sensor Network

    Ryosuke ADACHI  Yuji WAKASA  


    E105-A No:11

    This paper addresses a distributed filter over wireless sensor networks for optimal estimation. A distributed filter over the networks allows all local estimators to calculate optimal estimates with a scalable communication cost. Outputs of the distributed filter for the optimal estimation can be denoted as a solution of a consensus optimization problem. Thus, the distributed filter is designed based on distributed alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). The remarkable points of the distributed filter based on the ADMM are that: the distributed filter has a faster convergence rate than distributed subgradient projection algorithm; the weight, which is optimized by a semidefinite programming problem, accelerates the convergence rate of the proposed method.

  • Aggregate Signature Schemes with Traceability of Devices Dynamically Generating Invalid Signatures

    Ryu ISHII  Kyosuke YAMASHITA  Yusuke SAKAI  Tadanori TERUYA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Kanta MATSUURA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E105-D No:11

    Aggregate signature schemes enable us to aggregate multiple signatures into a single short signature. One of its typical applications is sensor networks, where a large number of users and devices measure their environments, create signatures to ensure the integrity of the measurements, and transmit their signed data. However, if an invalid signature is mixed into aggregation, the aggregate signature becomes invalid, thus if an aggregate signature is invalid, it is necessary to identify the invalid signature. Furthermore, we need to deal with a situation where an invalid sensor generates invalid signatures probabilistically. In this paper, we introduce a model of aggregate signature schemes with interactive tracing functionality that captures such a situation, and define its functional and security requirements and propose aggregate signature schemes that can identify all rogue sensors. More concretely, based on the idea of Dynamic Traitor Tracing, we can trace rogue sensors dynamically and incrementally, and eventually identify all rogue sensors of generating invalid signatures even if the rogue sensors adaptively collude. In addition, the efficiency of our proposed method is also sufficiently practical.

  • Markov-Chain Analysis Model based Active Period Adaptation Scheme for IEEE 802.15.4 Network

    Ryota HORIUCHI  Kohei TOMITA  Nobuyoshi KOMURO  


    E105-A No:5

    Energy efficiency is one of the critical issues for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled MAC protocol achieves low energy consumption by having periodical inactive portions, where nodes run in low power. However, IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled protocol cannot respond to dynamic changes in the number of sensor nodes and data rates in WSN because its duty cycle is fixed and immutable. In this paper, we propose a dynamic superframe duration adaptation scheme based on the Markov chain-based analysis methods for IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled protocol. The proposed methods are flexible enough to accommodate changes in the number of sensor nodes and differences in data rates in WSNs while maintaining low latency and low energy consumption despite slight degradation in packet delivery ratio.

  • Device-Free Localization via Sparse Coding with a Generalized Thresholding Algorithm

    Qin CHENG  Linghua ZHANG  Bo XUE  Feng SHU  Yang YU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:1

    As an emerging technology, device-free localization (DFL) using wireless sensor networks to detect targets not carrying any electronic devices, has spawned extensive applications, such as security safeguards and smart homes or hospitals. Previous studies formulate DFL as a classification problem, but there are still some challenges in terms of accuracy and robustness. In this paper, we exploit a generalized thresholding algorithm with parameter p as a penalty function to solve inverse problems with sparsity constraints for DFL. The function applies less bias to the large coefficients and penalizes small coefficients by reducing the value of p. By taking the distinctive capability of the p thresholding function to measure sparsity, the proposed approach can achieve accurate and robust localization performance in challenging environments. Extensive experiments show that the algorithm outperforms current alternatives.

  • Distributed Optimal Estimation with Scalable Communication Cost



    E104-A No:11

    This paper addresses distributed optimal estimation over wireless sensor networks with scalable communications. For realizing scalable communication, a data-aggregation method is introduced. Since our previously proposed method cannot guarantee the global optimality of each estimator, a modified protocol is proposed. A modification of the proposed method is that weights are introduced in the data aggregation. For selecting the weight values in the data aggregation, a redundant output reduction method with minimum covariance is discussed. Based on the proposed protocol, all estimators can calculate the optimal estimate. Finally, numerical simulations show that the proposed method can realize both the scalability of communication and high accuracy estimation.

  • Research on a Prediction Method for Carbon Dioxide Concentration Based on an Optimized LSTM Network of Spatio-Temporal Data Fusion

    Jun MENG  Gangyi DING  Laiyang LIU  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E104-D No:10

    In view of the different spatial and temporal resolutions of observed multi-source heterogeneous carbon dioxide data and the uncertain quality of observations, a data fusion prediction model for observed multi-scale carbon dioxide concentration data is studied. First, a wireless carbon sensor network is created, the gross error data in the original dataset are eliminated, and remaining valid data are combined with kriging method to generate a series of continuous surfaces for expressing specific features and providing unified spatio-temporally normalized data for subsequent prediction models. Then, the long short-term memory network is used to process these continuous time- and space-normalized data to obtain the carbon dioxide concentration prediction model at any scales. Finally, the experimental results illustrate that the proposed method with spatio-temporal features is more accurate than the single sensor monitoring method without spatio-temporal features.

  • Design Method for Differential Rectifier Circuit Capable of Rapidly Charging Storage Capacitor

    Daiki FUJII  Masaya TAMURA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E104-C No:7

    This study proposes a design method for a rectifier circuit that can be rapidly charged by focusing on the design-load value of the circuit and the load fluctuation of a storage capacitor. The design-load value is suitable for rapidly charging the capacitor. It can be obtained at the lowest reflection condition and estimated according to the circuit design. This is a conventional method for designing the rectifier circuit using the optimum load. First, we designed rectifier circuits for the following three cases. The first circuit design uses a load set to 10 kΩ. The second design uses a load of 30 kΩ that is larger than the optimum load. The third design utilizes a load of 3 kΩ. Then, we measure the charging time to design the capacitor on each circuit. Consequently, the results show that the charge time could be shortened by employing the design-load value lower than that used in the conventional design. Finally, we discuss herein whether this design method can be applied regardless of the rectifier circuit topology.

  • Design and Implementation of LoRa-Based Wireless Sensor Network with Embedded System for Smart Agricultural Recycling Rapid Processing Factory

    Chia-Yu WANG  Chia-Hsin TSAI  Sheng-Chung WANG  Chih-Yu WEN  Robert Chen-Hao CHANG  Chih-Peng FAN  


    E104-D No:5

    In this paper, the effective Long Range (LoRa) based wireless sensor network is designed and implemented to provide the remote data sensing functions for the planned smart agricultural recycling rapid processing factory. The proposed wireless sensor network transmits the sensing data from various sensors, which measure the values of moisture, viscosity, pH, and electrical conductivity of agricultural organic wastes for the production and circulation of organic fertilizers. In the proposed wireless sensor network design, the LoRa transceiver module is used to provide data transmission functions at the sensor node, and the embedded platform by Raspberry Pi module is applied to support the gateway function. To design the cloud data server, the MySQL methodology is applied for the database management system with Apache software. The proposed wireless sensor network for data communication between the sensor node and the gateway supports a simple one-way data transmission scheme and three half-duplex two-way data communication schemes. By experiments, for the one-way data transmission scheme under the condition of sending one packet data every five seconds, the packet data loss rate approaches 0% when 1000 packet data is transmitted. For the proposed two-way data communication schemes, under the condition of sending one packet data every thirty seconds, the average packet data loss rates without and with the data-received confirmation at the gateway side can be 3.7% and 0%, respectively.

  • Energy-Efficient Distributed Estimation Using Content-Based Wake-Up in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Hitoshi KAWAKITA  Hiroyuki YOMO  Petar POPOVSKI  


    E104-B No:4

    In this paper, we advocate applying the concept of content-based wake-up to distributed estimation in wireless sensor networks employing wake-up receivers. With distributed estimation, where sensing data of multiple nodes are used for estimating a target observation, the energy consumption can be reduced by ensuring that only a subset of nodes in the network transmit their data, such that the collected data can guarantee the required estimation accuracy. In this case, a sink needs to selectively wake up those sensor nodes whose data can contribute to the improvement of estimation accuracy. In this paper, we propose wake-up signaling called estimative sampling (ES) that can selectively activate the desired nodes by using content-based wake-up control. The ES method includes a mechanism that dynamically searches for the desired nodes over a distribution of sensing data. With numerical results obtained by computer simulations, we show that the distributed estimation with ES method achieves lower energy consumption than conventional identity-based wake-up while satisfying the required accuracy. We also show that the proposed dynamic mechanism finely controls the trade-off between delay and energy consumption to complete the distributed estimation.

  • Distributed Power Optimization for Cooperative Localization: A Hierarchical Game Approach

    Lu LU  Mingxing KE  Shiwei TIAN  Xiang TIAN  Tianwei LIU  Lang RUAN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E103-B No:10

    To tackle the distributed power optimization problems in wireless sensor networks localization systems, we model the problem as a hierarchical game, i.e. a multi-leader multi-follower Stackelberg game. Existing researches focus on the power allocation of anchor nodes for ranging signals or the power management of agent nodes for cooperative localization, individually. However, the power optimizations for different nodes are indiscerptible due to the common objective of localization accuracy. So it is a new challenging task when the power allocation strategies are considered for anchor and agent nodes simultaneously. To cope with this problem, a hierarchical game is proposed where anchor nodes are modeled as leaders and agent nodes are modeled as followers. Then, we prove that games of leaders and followers are both potential games, which guarantees the Nash equilibrium (NE) of each game. Moreover, the existence of Stackelberg equilibrium (SE) is proved and achieved by the best response dynamics. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can have better localization accuracy compared with the decomposed algorithm and uniform strategy.


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