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Katsuhiko DEGAWA Takafumi AOKI Tatsuo HIGUCHI Hiroshi INOKAWA Yasuo TAKAHASHI
This paper presents a model-based study of SET (Single-Electron-Transistor) logic gate family for synthesizing binary, MV (Multiple-Valued) and mixed-mode logic circuits. The use of SETs combined with MOS transistors allows compact realization of basic logic functions that exhibit periodic transfer characteristics. The operation of basic SET logic gates is successfully confirmed through SPICE circuit simulation based on the physical device model of SETs. The proposed SET logic gates are useful for implementing binary logic circuits, MV logic circuits and binary-MV mixed-mode logic circuits in a highly flexible manner. As an example, this paper describes design of various parallel counters for carry-propagation-free arithmetic, where MV signals are effectively used to achieve higher functionality with lower hardware complexity.
Hiroshi INOKAWA Yasuo TAKAHASHI Katsuhiko DEGAWA Takafumi AOKI Tatsuo HIGUCHI
This paper introduces a methodology for simulating single-electron-transistor (SET)-based multiple-valued logics (MVLs). First, a physics-based analytical model for SET is described, and then a procedure for extracting parameters from measured characteristics is explained. After that, simulated and experimental results for basic MVL circuits are compared. As an advanced example of SET-based logics, a latched parallel counter, which is one of the most important components in arithmetic circuits, is newly designed and analyzed by a simulation. It is found that a SET-based 7-3 counter can be constructed with less than 1/10 the number of devices needed for a conventional circuit and can operate at a moderate speed with 1/100 the conventional power consumption.
A multifunctional Boolean logic circuit composed of single-electron transistors (SETs) was fabricated and its operation demonstrated. The functions of Boolean logic can be changed by the half-period phase shift of the Coulomb-blockade (CB) oscillation of some SETs in the circuit, and an automatic control based on a feedback process is used to attain an exact shift. The amount of charges in the memory node (MN), which is capacitively coupled to the SET, controls the phase of the CB oscillation, and the output signal of the SET controls the amount of charge in the MN during the feedback process. This feedback process automatically adjusts SET output characteristics in such a way that it is used for the multifunctional Boolean logic. We experimentally demonstrated the automatic phase control and examined the speed of the feedback process by SPICE circuit simulation combined with a compact analytical SET model. The simulation revealed that programming time could be of the order of a few ten nanoseconds, thereby promising high-speed switching of the functions of the multifunctional Boolean logic circuit.
Si single-electron transistors with a high voltage gain at a considerably high temperature have been fabricated by vertical pattern-dependent oxidation. The method enables the automatic formation of very small tunnel junctions having capacitances of less than 1 aF. In addition, the use of a thin (a few ten nanometers thick) gate oxide allows a strong coupling of the island to the gate, which results in a gate capacitance larger than the junction capacitances. It is demonstrated at 27 K that an inverting voltage gain, which is governed by the ratio of the gate capacitance to the drain tunnel capacitance, exceeds 3 under constant drain current conditions.
We analyze electron transport of silicon single-electron transistors (Si SETs) with an ultra-small quantum dot using a master-equation model taking into account the discreteness of quantum levels and the finiteness of scattering rates. In the simulated SET characteristics, aperiodic Coulomb blockade oscillations, fine structures and negative differential conductances due to the quantum mechanical effects are superimposed on the usual Coulomb blockade diagram. These features are consistent with the previously measured results. Large peak-to-valley current ratio of negative differential conductances at room temperature is predicted for Si SETs with an ultra-small dot whose size is smaller than 3 nm.
Makoto SAEN Takashi MORIE Makoto NAGATA Atsushi IWATA
This paper proposes a new associative memory architecture using stochastic behavior in single electron tunneling (SET) devices. This memory stochastically extracts the pattern most similar to the input key pattern from the stored patterns in two matching modes: the voltage-domain matching mode and the time-domain one. In the former matching mode, ordinary associative memory operation can be performed. In the latter matching mode, a purely stochastic search can be performed. Even in this case, by repeating numerous searching trials, the order of similarity can be obtained. We propose a circuit using SET devices based on this architecture and demonstrate its basic operation with a simulation. By feeding the output pattern back to the input, this memory retrieves slightly dissimilar patterns consecutively. This function may be the key to developing highly intelligent information processing systems close to the human brain.