Keyword Search Result

[Keyword] spectrum allocation(11hit)

  • Joint User Association and Spectrum Allocation in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks

    Wenjing QIU  Aijun LIU  Chen HAN  Aihong LU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:9

    This paper investigates the joint problem of user association and spectrum allocation in satellite-terrestrial integrated networks (STINs), where a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite access network cooperating with terrestrial networks constitutes a heterogeneous network, which is beneficial in terms of both providing seamless coverage as well as improving the backhaul capacity for the dense network scenario. However, the orbital movement of satellites results in the dynamic change of accessible satellites and the backhaul capacities. Moreover, spectrum sharing may be faced with severe co-channel interferences (CCIs) caused by overlapping coverage of multiple access points (APs). This paper aims to maximize the total sum rate considering the influences of the dynamic feature of STIN, backhaul capacity limitation and interference management. The optimization problem is then decomposed into two subproblems: resource allocation for terrestrial communications and satellite communications, which are both solved by matching algorithms. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness of our proposed scheme in terms of STIN's sum rate and spectrum efficiency.

  • Joint Optimization of FeICIC and Spectrum Allocation for Spectral and Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Networks

    Xuefang NIE  Yang WANG  Liqin DING  Jiliang ZHANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:6

    Cellular heterogeneous networks (HetNets) with densely deployed small cells can effectively boost network capacity. The co-channel interference and the prominent energy consumption are two crucial issues in HetNets which need to be addressed. Taking the traffic variations into account, this paper proposes a theoretical framework to analyze spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) considering jointly further-enhanced inter-cell interference coordination (FeICIC) and spectrum allocation (SA) via a stochastic geometric approach for a two-tier downlink HetNet. SE and EE are respectively derived and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. To create spectrum and energy efficient HetNets that can adapt to traffic demands, a non-convex optimization problem with the power control factor, resource partitioning fraction and number of subchannels for the SE and EE tradeoff is formulated, based on which, an iterative algorithm with low complexity is proposed to achieve the sub-optimal solution. Numerical results confirm the effectiveness of the joint FeICIC and SA scheme in HetNets. Meanwhile, a system design insight on resource allocation for the SE and EE tradeoff is provided.

  • A Spectrum Sharing Method Based on Users' Behavior and Providers' Profit

    Kazuhiko KINOSHITA  Yukika MARUYAMA  Keita KAWANO  Takashi WATANABE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:10

    In recent years, spectrum sharing has received much attention as a technique for more efficient spectrum use. In the case in which all providers are cooperative, spectrum sensing can easily be realized and can improve user throughput (on average). If that is not the case, providers are not cooperative, i.e., spectrum trading, spectrum bands are rented to promote spectrum sharing. To ensure more profit, however, non-cooperative providers must correctly estimate the fluctuation of the number of connected users to be able to determine the offered channel price. In this paper, we propose a spectrum sharing method to achieve both higher throughput and provider profit via appropriate pricing using a disaggregate behavioral model. Finally, we confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method using simulation experiments.

  • Adaptive Elastic Spectrum Allocation Based on Traffic Fluctuation Estimate under Time-Varying Traffic in Flexible OFDM-Based Optical Networks

    Mirai CHINO  Misato KAMIO  Jun MATSUMOTO  Eiji OKI  Satoru OKAMOTO  Naoaki YAMANAKA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E100-B No:6

    A flexible orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing optical network enables the bandwidth to be flexibly changed by changing the number of sub-carriers. We assume that users request to dynamically change the number of sub-carriers. Dynamic bandwidth changes allow the network resources to be used more efficiently but each change takes a significant amount of time to complete. Service centric resource allocation must be considered in terms of the waiting time needed to change the number of sub-carriers. If the user demands drastically increase such as just after a disaster, the waiting time due to a chain-change of bandwidth becomes excessive because disaster priority telephone services are time-critical. This paper proposes a Grouped-elastic spectrum allocation scheme to satisfy the tolerable waiting time of the service in an optical fiber link. Spectra are grouped to restrict a waiting time in the proposed scheme. In addition, the proposed scheme determines a bandwidth margin between neighbor spectra to spectra to prevent frequent reallocation by estimating real traffic behavior in each group. Numerical results show that the bandwidth requirements can be minimized while satisfying the waiting time constraints. Additionally measurement granularity and channel alignment are discussed.

  • Topics Arising from the WRC-15 with Respect to Satellite-Related Agenda Items Open Access

    Nobuyuki KAWAI  Satoshi IMATA  


    E99-B No:10

    Along with remarkable advancement of radiocommunication services including satellite services, the radio-frequency spectrum and geostationary-satellite orbit are getting congested. WRC-15 was held in November 2015 to study and implement efficient use of those natural resources. There were a number of satellite-related agenda items associated with frequency allocation, new usages of satellite communications and satellite regulatory issues. This paper overviews the outcome from these agenda items of WRC-15 as well as the agenda items for the next WRC (i.e. the WRC-19).

  • Optimal Spectrum Allocation in the Dynamic Heterogeneous Cellular Network

    Xiong ZHOU  Suili FENG  Yuehua DING  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:1

    In the dynamic heterogeneous cellular network, spectrum allocation deeply impacts the quality of service and performance of network. In this paper, spectrum allocation is formulated as a dynamic programming problem. A two-level framework is proposed by jointly considering users' dynamic service selection and provider's spectrum allocation. In the first level, the users' service selection is modeled as an evolutionary game, and an evolutionary equilibrium is obtained. In the second level, the service provider allocates the spectral resources to macrocells and femtocells according to the users' strategies, so as to maximize its profits. By jointly considering the service selection and spectrum allocation, the equilibriums of the dynamic network are found. The stability of the equilibriums is analyzed and proven. The proposed two-level framework is validated by the numerical simulation.

  • Medium Access Control Design for Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey

    Nhan NGUYEN-THANH  Anh T. PHAM  Van-Tam NGUYEN  


    E97-B No:2

    Designing a medium access control (MAC) protocol is a key for implementing any practical wireless network. In general, a MAC protocol is responsible for coordinating users in accessing spectrum resources. Given that a user in cognitive radio(CR) networks do not have priority in accessing spectrum resources, MAC protocols have to perform dynamic spectrum access (DSA) functions, including spectrum sensing, spectrum access, spectrum allocation, spectrum sharing and spectrum mobility, beside conventional control procedure. As a result, designing MAC protocols for CR networks requires more complicated consideration than that needed for conventional/primary wireless network. In this paper, we focus on two major perspectives related to the design of a CR-MAC protocol: dynamic spectrum access functions and network infrastructure. Five DSA functions are reviewed from the point of view of MAC protocol design. In addition, some important factors related to the infrastructure of a CR network including network architecture, control channel management, the number of radios in the CR device and the number of transmission data channels are also discussed. The remaining challenges and open research issues are addressed for future research to aim at obtaining practical CR-MAC protocols.

  • Joint Rate Adaption, Power Control, and Spectrum Allocation in OFDMA-Based Multi-Hop CRNs

    Mui Van NGUYEN  Sungwon LEE  Choong Seon HONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:1

    The overall performance of multi-hop cognitive radio networks (MHCRNs) can be improved significantly by employing the diversity of orthogonal licensed channels in underlay fashion. However, the mutual interference between secondary links and primary links and the congestion due to the contention among traffic flows traversing the shared link become obstacles to this realizing technique. How to control congestion efficiently in coordination with power and spectrum allocation optimally in order to obtain a high end-to-end throughput is motivating cross-layer designs for MHCRNs. In this paper, by taking into account the problem of joint rate adaption, power control, and spectrum allocation (JRPS), we propose a new cross-layer optimization framework for MHCRNs using orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA). Specifically, the JRPS formulation is shown to be a mix-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem, which is NP-Hard in general. To solve the problem, we first develop a partially distributed algorithm, which is shown to converge to the global optimum within a reasonable time interval. We next propose a suboptimal solution which addresses the shortcomings of the first. Using numerical results, we finally demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.

  • Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Secondary Users in a Vertical Spectrum Sharing Scenario Open Access

    Behtash BABADI  Vahid TAROKH  


    E95-B No:4

    In this paper, we study the problem of distributed spectrum allocation under a vertical spectrum sharing scenario in a cognitive radio network. The secondary users share the spectrum licensed to the primary user by observing the activity statistics of the primary users, and regulate their transmission strategy in order to abide by the spectrum sharing etiquette. When the primary user is inactive in a subset of the available frequency bands, from the perspective of the secondary users the problem reduces to a distributed horizontal spectrum sharing. For a specific class of networks, the latter problem is addressed by the recently proposed GADIA algorithm [1]. In this paper, we present analytical and numerical results on the performance of the GADIA algorithm in conjunction with the above-mentioned vertical spectrum sharing scenario. These results reveal near-optimal performance guarantees for the overall vertical spectrum sharing scenario.

  • Study on Resource Optimization for Heterogeneous Networks

    Gia Khanh TRAN  Shinichi TAJIMA  Rindranirina RAMAMONJISON  Kei SAKAGUCHI  Kiyomichi ARAKI  Shoji KANEKO  Noriaki MIYAZAKI  Satoshi KONISHI  Yoji KISHI  


    E95-B No:4

    This work studies the benefits of heterogeneous cellular networks with overlapping picocells in a large macrocell. We consider three different strategies for resource allocation and cell association. The first model employs a spectrum overlapping strategy with an SINR-based cell association. The second model avoids the interference between macrocell and picocell through a spectrum splitting strategy. Furthermore, picocell range expansion is also considered in this strategy to enable a load balancing between the macrocell and picocells. The last model is a hybrid one, called as fractional spectrum splitting strategy, where spectrum splitting strategy is only applied at the picocell-edge, while the picocell-inner reuses the spectrum of the macrocell. We constructs resource allocation optimization problem for these strategies to maximize the system rate. Our results show that in terms of system rate, all the three strategies outperform the performance of macrocell-only case, which shows the benefit of heterogeneous networks. Moreover, fractional spectrum splitting strategy provides highest system rate at the expense of outage user rate degradation due to inter-macro-pico interference. Spectrum overlapping model provides the second highest system rate gain and also improves outage user rate owing to full spectrum reuse and the benefit of macro diversity, while spectrum splitting model achieves a moderate system rate gain.

  • Priority and Negotiation Based Dynamic Spectrum Allocation Scheme for Multiple Radio Access Network Operators

    Hoon KIM  Taein HYON  Yeonwoo LEE  


    E91-B No:7

    Most of previous works have presented the dynamic spectrum allocation (DSA) gain achieved by utilizing the time or regional variations in traffic demand between multi-network operators (NOs). In this paper, we introduce the functionalities required for the entities related with the spectrum sharing and allocation and propose a spectrum allocation algorithm while considering the long-term priority between NOs, the priority between multiple class services, and the urgent bandwidth request. To take into account the priorities among the NOs and the priorities of multiple class services, a spectrum sharing metric (SSM) is proposed, while a negotiation procedure is proposed to treat the urgent bandwidth request.

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