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[Keyword] surface wave(25hit)


  • Extraction of Weak Harmonic Target Signal from Ionospheric Noise of High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Open Access

    Xiaolong ZHENG  Bangjie LI  Daqiao ZHANG  Di YAO  Xuguang YANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E107-A No:8

    High Frequency Surface Wave Radar holds significant potential in sea detection. However, the target signals are often surpassed by substantial sea clutter and ionospheric clutter, making it crucial to address clutter suppression and extract weak target signals amidst the strong noise background.This study proposes a novel method for separating weak harmonic target signals based on local tangent space, leveraging the chaotic feature of ionospheric clutter.The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated through the analysis of measured data, thereby validating its practicality and potential for real-world applications.

  • Time-Frequency Characteristics of Ionospheric Clutter in High Frequency Surface Wave Radar during Typhoon Muifa

    Xiaolong ZHENG  Bangjie LI  Daqiao ZHANG  Di YAO  Xuguang YANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:10

    The ionospheric clutter in High Frequency Surface Wave Radar (HFSWR) is the reflection of electromagnetic waves from the ionosphere back to the receiver, which should be suppressed as much as possible for the primary purpose of target detection in HFSWR. However, ionospheric clutter contains vast quantities of ionospheric state information. By studying ionospheric clutter, some of the relevant ionospheric parameters can be inferred, especially during the period of typhoons, when the ionospheric state changes drastically affected by typhoon-excited gravity waves, and utilizing the time-frequency characteristics of ionospheric clutter at typhoon time, information such as the trend of electron concentration changes in the ionosphere and the direction of the typhoon can be obtained. The results of the processing of the radar data showed the effectiveness of this method.

  • Sea Clutter Image Segmentation Method of High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Based on the Improved Deeplab Network

    Haotian CHEN  Sukhoon LEE  Di YAO  Dongwon JEONG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E105-A No:4

    High Frequency Surface Wave Radar (HFSWR) can achieve over-the-horizon detection, which can effectively detect and track the ships and ultra-low altitude aircrafts, as well as the acquisition of sea state information such as icebergs and ocean currents and so on. However, HFSWR is seriously affected by the clutters, especially sea clutter and ionospheric clutter. In this paper, we propose a deep learning image semantic segmentation method based on optimized Deeplabv3+ network to achieve the automatic detection of sea clutter and ionospheric clutter using the measured R-D spectrum images of HFSWR during the typhoon as experimental data, which avoids the disadvantage of traditional detection methods that require a large amount of a priori knowledge and provides a basis for subsequent the clutter suppression or the clutter characteristics research.

  • Gravity Wave Observation Experiment Based on High Frequency Surface Wave Radar

    Zhe LYU  Changjun YU  Di YAO  Aijun LIU  Xuguang YANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E104-A No:10

    Observations of gravity waves based on High Frequency Surface Wave Radar can make contributions to a better understanding of the energy transfer process between the ocean and the ionosphere. In this paper, through processing the observed data of the ionospheric clutter from HFSWR during the period of the Typhoon Rumbia with short-time Fourier transform method, HFSWR was proven to have the capability of gravity wave detection.

  • An Improved Spread Clutter Estimated Canceller for Main-Lobe Clutter Suppression in Small-Aperture HFSWR

    Di YAO  Xin ZHANG  Qiang YANG  Weibo DENG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E101-A No:9

    In small-aperture high frequency surface wave radar, the main-lobe clutter all can be seen as a more severe space spread clutter under the influence of the smaller array aperture. It compromises the detection performance of moving vessels, especially when the target is submerged in the clutter. To tackle this issue, an improved spread clutter estimated canceller, combining spread clutter estimated canceller, adaptive selection strategy of the optimal training samples and rotating spatial beam method, is presented to suppress main-lobe clutter in both angle domain and range domain. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm is shown to have far superior clutter suppression performance based on the real data.

  • Propagation Analysis Using Plane Coupler for 2D Wireless Power Transmission Systems

    Hiroshi SHINODA  Takahide TERADA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E96-C No:8

    A plane coupler has been developed for a two-dimensional (2D) wireless power transmission. This coupler can construct a continuous wireless power transmission system for mobile devices due to its small, light characteristics. This coupler has two elements connected with a 2D waveguide sheet, and coupling capacitances between the elements and the sheet decrease the coupler size by reducing their resonance frequencies. A propagation loss of -10.0 dB is obtained using the small 0.025-λ2 coupler. Continuous operation of the mobile device is demonstrated by applying wireless power transmission to the 2D waveguide sheet with the small plane coupler.

  • Estimation of Surface Waves along a Metal Grating Using an Equivalent Impedance Model

    Michinari SHIMODA  Toyonori MATSUDA  Kazunori MATSUO  Yoshitada IYAMA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E95-C No:4

    The cause-and-effect relation between plasmon-resonance absorption and surface wave in a sinusoidal metal grating is investigated. By introducing an equivalent impedance model, similar to an equivalent circuit on an electric circuit, which is an impedance boundary value problem on the fictitious surface over the grating, we estimate the surface wave from the eigen field of the model by using the resonance property of the scattered field. Through numerical examples, we illustrate that the absorption in the grating occurs in the condition of exciting the surface wave along the model, and the real part of the surface impedance is negative on about half part of the fictitious surface in the condition.

  • Scattering of TM Plane Wave from Periodic Grating with Single Defect

    Kazuhiro HATTORI  Junichi NAKAYAMA  Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    PAPER-Scattering and Diffraction

    E91-C No:1

    This paper deals with the scattering of a TM plane wave from a periodic grating with single defect, of which position is known. The surface is perfectly conductive and made up with a periodic array of rectangular grooves and a defect where a groove is not formed. The scattered wave above grooves is written as a variation from the diffracted wave for the perfectly periodic case. Then, an integral equation for the scattering amplitude is obtained, which is solved numerically by use of truncation and the iteration method. The differential scattering cross section and the optical theorem are calculated in terms of the scattering amplitude and are illustrated in figures. It is found that incoherent Wood's anomaly appears at critical angles of scattering. The physical mechanisms of Wood's anomaly and incoherent Wood's anomaly are discussed in relation to the guided surface wave excited by the incident plane wave. It is concluded that incoherent Wood's anomaly is caused by the diffraction of the guided surface wave.

  • Ground Wave Propagation in an Inhomogeneous Atmosphere over Mixed-Paths

    Toru KAWANO  Keiji GOTO  Toyohiko ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Radiation and Propagation

    E90-C No:2

    In this paper, we have derived the new solution for the medium-frequency and the high-frequency ground wave propagation in a surface duct over mixed-paths. We have shown newly that the solution for the ground wave propagation in a standard atmosphere can be obtained directly from the solution for the surface duct problem by applying the analytic continuation from the negative equivalent radius of curvature of the earth to the positive one. Through the theoretical and experimental studies, it is confirmed that the radio wave propagating over the sea in the land-to-sea mixed-paths is enhanced by the recovery effect. It is clarified that the ground wave is also enhanced in the surface duct in a long range propagation. It is shown that the unexpected attenuation and the anomalous variation with distance are appeared in the propagation in the urban area due to the emergence of the slow-wave type trapped surface wave.

  • Characterization of Surface Wave Propagation in UC-PBG Patch Antenna by Using an Electrooptic Near-Field Mapping System

    Kyoung-Hwan OH  Jong-In SONG  


    E90-C No:2

    An electrooptic near-field mapping system based on a gain-switched distributed feedback (DFB) pulsed laser and a CdTe electrooptic crystal was used for characterizing stationary and transient near-field patterns of conventional and uniplanar compact photonic band gap (UC-PBG) patch antennas. Effect of the UC-PBG structure on reduction in surface waves in the UC-PBG patch antenna was experimentally verified by comparing stationary and transient near-field measurement of the conventional and UC-PBG patch antennas.

  • Propagation Analysis of Circular Surface Waveguides with a Periodically Corrugated Ground Plane

    Chin-Jui LAI  Ching-Her LEE  Chung-I G. HSU  Jean-Fu KIANG  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E89-C No:3

    A mode-matching technique in conjunction with the Floquet theorem is proposed to analyze the propagation characteristics of periodic circular surface waveguides. The circular waveguides are coated outside with a multilayered dielectric and have a ground plane with periodic corrugation of arbitrary profile. Three different ground corrugation profiles are examined to demonstrate the influences of the corrugation shape, depth, and width, dielectric thickness, and relative permittivity on bandstop characteristics.

  • A New Approach to Mixed-Path Propagation of Surface Wave

    Bin-hao JIANG  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E89-C No:3

    A new approach used to formulate to mixed-path propagation of surface wave is presented based on two main ingredients: the decomposition of electromagnetic fields and the introduction of equivalent electric (magnetic) currents adopted for convenience. The present method can be extended to obtain the corresponding results for the arbitrary incident wave excitation.

  • Surface Wave Distribution over Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) and EBG Reflective Shield for Patch Antenna

    Kazuoki MATSUGATANI  Makoto TANAKA  Shinji FUKUI  Won Ho KIM  Moonil KIM  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E88-C No:12

    Surface wave distribution over electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) plate is measured and suppression of surface wave propagation over the EBG is investigated. We used a micro current probe that detects H-field strength of the propagating transverse magnetic (TM) microwave up to 6 GHz. By scanning with the probe over the EBG, we visualized surface wave distribution at various frequencies. This visualized map shows that the EBG plate suppresses the surface wave propagation within the bandgap frequency. We utilized this effect for the antenna reflective shield. By combining the EBG with a microstrip patch antenna, this EBG works as a reflective shield and the front-to-backward radiation ratio of antenna is increased. In this experiment, we fabricated three types of shield board; mushroom type of EBG that has hexagonal textured patches connected with via-holes, textured surface without via-holes, and plane metal. By comparing the surface wave distributions and beam patterns of antenna with various shields, we found that the visualized map of TM surface wave gives us direct and intuitive information and helpful tips in designing the EBG reflective shield for patch antenna.

  • Surface Waves along a Boundary of Single Negative Material

    Masashi HOTTA  Mitsuo HANO  Ikuo AWAI  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E88-C No:2

    Existence of a surface wave along the boundary between the semi-infinite materials, one of which is a free-space and the other is a material with either negative permeability or negative permittivity, is theoretically investigated. Surface waves exist in only limited combination of negative and positive signs of the material parameters. In addition, by analyzing the surface wave in a finite-thickness slab with negative permeability, its mode profile has been obtained for two different types of symmetry. From these results, the present paper predicts the possibility of a surface wave directional coupler based on a single slab transmission along its top and bottom surfaces.

  • A Uniform and Dense Microwave Plasma

    Kazuaki SENDA  Koutarou UMEHARA  Yuichi SAKAMOTO  


    E86-C No:12

    Based on an experimental fact that surface wave plasmas excited by strongly coupled microwave through thin dielectric windows show nearly perfect absorption of microwave and, after diffusion, form a widely uniform dense plasma. A plasma with an uniformity of 5% over an area of 50 cm 60 cm was produced. The plasma produced by application of 2400 W total microwave power gives 1 1011 cm-3 in density and 1.5 eV in electron temperature.

  • Hollow Ferrite Waveguide and Its Application

    Kensuke OKUBO  Makoto TSUTSUMI  


    E86-C No:8

    This paper newly proposes a hollow ferrite waveguide which consists of a microstrip line loaded on two ferrite slabs with adjacent air gap. Dispersion relation of magnetostatic surface wave in the waveguide is derived by the two dimensional analysis, and reciprocal behavior for parallel bias magnetic field and nonreciprocal behavior for antiparallel bias magnetic field are shown. Propagation characteristic of magnetostatic surface wave in the hollow ferrite waveguide are experimentally demonstrated under both parallel and antiparallel bias magnetic field directions. Strong nonreciprocal behavior in the hollow guide was found for case of antiparallel bias field configuration. These experimental results are mostly in agreement with the dispersion diagram. A nonreciprocal four port junction is demonstrated as an application of the hollow ferrite waveguide.

  • Wiener-Hopf Analysis of the Diffraction by an Impedance Wedge: The Case of E Polarization

    Michinari SHIMODA  Ryuichi IWAKI  Masazumi MIYOSHI  Toyonori MATSUDA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E84-C No:7

    The diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by an impedance wedge whose boundary is described in terms of the skew coordinate systems is treated by using the Wiener-Hopf technique. The problem is formulated in terms of the simultaneous Wiener-Hopf equations, which are then solved by using a factorization and decomposition procedure and introducing appropriate functions to satisfy the edge condition. The exact solution is expressed through the Maliuzhinets functions. By deforming the integration path of the Fourier inverse transform, which expresses the scattered field, the expressions of the reflected field, diffracted field and the surface wave are obtained. The numerical examples for these fields are given and the characteristics of the surface wave are discussed.

  • Nonlinear Response of Electromagnetic Surface Waves in a Tangentially Magnetized Ferrite Slab

    Tetsuya UEDA  Makoto TSUTSUMI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E83-C No:10

    Nonlinear behavior of electromagnetic surface waves propagating along a tangentially magnetized ferrite slab is investigated. The nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE) which describes the temporal evolution of the electromagnetic wave pulses has been derived directly from the Maxwell equations and the equation of precessional motion for the magnetization in the ferrite slab with the aid of the reductive perturbation method without magnetostatic approximation. Based on the formula derived, we have numerically evaluated the frequency-dependence of the nonlinear coefficient in the NLSE for both a magnetostatic surface wave mode and a dynamic mode. As a result, we have confirmed the possibility of the propagation of solitons in the waveguide.

  • Types and Basic Properties of Leaky Modes in Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits

    Arthur A. OLINER  


    E83-C No:5

    Leaky waves have been known for many years in the context of leaky-wave antennas, but it is only within the past dozen years or so that it was realized that the dominant mode on printed-circuit transmission lines used in microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits can also leak. Such leakage is extremely important because it may cause power loss, cross talk between neighboring parts of the circuit, and various undesired package effects. These effects can ruin the performance of the circuit, so we must know when leakage can occur and how to avoid it. In most cases, these transmission lines leak only at high frequencies, but some lines leak at all frequencies. However, those lines can be modified to avoid the leakage. This paper explains why and when leakage occurs, and shows how the dominant mode behaves on different lines. The paper also examines certain less well known but important features involving unexpected new physical effects. These include an additional dominant mode on microstrip line that is leaky at higher frequencies, and a simultaneous propagation effect, which is rather general and which occurs when the line's relative cross-sectional dimensions are changed. The final section of the paper is concerned with three important recent developments: (a) the new effects that arise when the frequency is raised still higher and leakage occurs into an additional surface wave, (b) a basic and unexpected discovery relating to improper real modes, which are nonphysical but which can strongly influence the total physical field under the right circumstances, and (c) the important practical issue of how leakage behavior is modified when the circuit is placed into a package.

  • Excitation of Magnetostatic Surface Waves by Slot Line Transducers

    Yoshiaki ANDO  Ning GUAN  Ken'ichiro YASHIRO  Sumio OHKAWA  

    PAPER-Passive Devices and Circuits

    E82-C No:7

    Excitation of magnetostatic surface waves by slot line transducers is analyzed by using the integral kernel expansion method. The Fourier integral for the current density is derived in terms of an unknown normal component of the magnetic flux density in a slot region. The integral kernel is expanded into a series of orthogonal polynomials and then applying Galerkin's method to the resulting equation yields a system of linear equations for the unknown coefficients. Comparison of a numerical result by the present method with an experiment is in good agreement.


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