Norimichi UKITA Kunihito TERASHITA Masatsugu KIDODE
We propose a method for calibrating the topology of distributed pan-tilt cameras (i.e. the structure of routes among and within FOVs) and its probabilistic model. To observe as many objects as possible for as long as possible, pan-tilt control is an important issue in automatic calibration as well as in tracking. In a calibration period, each camera should be controlled towards an object that goes through an unreliable route whose topology is not calibrated yet. This camera control allows us to efficiently establish the topology model. After the topology model is established, the camera should be directed towards the route with the biggest possibility of object observation. We propose a camera control framework based on the mixture of the reliability of the estimated routes and the probability of object observation. This framework is applicable both to camera calibration and object tracking by adjusting weight variables. Experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our camera control scheme for establishing the camera topology model and tracking objects as long as possible.
Zheng LIU Kaiping XUE Peilin HONG
The peer-assisted streaming paradigm has been widely employed to distribute live video data on the internet recently. In general, the mesh-based pull approach is more robust and efficient than the tree-based push approach. However, pull protocol brings about longer streaming delay, which is caused by the handshaking process of advertising buffer map message, sending request message and scheduling of the data block. In this paper, we propose a new approach, mesh-push, to address this issue. Different from the traditional pull approach, mesh-push implements block scheduling algorithm at sender side, where the block transmission is initiated by the sender rather than by the receiver. We first formulate the optimal upload bandwidth utilization problem, then present the mesh-push approach, in which a token protocol is designed to avoid block redundancy; a min-cost flow model is employed to derive the optimal scheduling for the push peer; and a push peer selection algorithm is introduced to reduce control overhead. Finally, we evaluate mesh-push through simulation, the results of which show mesh-push outperforms the pull scheduling in streaming delay, and achieves comparable delivery ratio at the same time.
Eui-Jik KIM Sungkwan YOUM Chul-Hee KANG
This paper presents the design and performance evaluation of a power-controlled topology optimization and channel assignment scheme for Hybrid MAC (abbreviated PTOCA) in wireless sensor networks that require comparatively high data rate communications. In order to maximize the network performance, PTOCA is designed with a cross-layer concept of MAC and network layers, which provides multi-channel TDMA scheduling based on the information of the network topology optimized by transmission power control. The simulation results show that by using the proposed scheme, the network throughput and energy efficiency can be significantly improved. PTOCA is also more effective in improving the network performance when the nodes are uniformly deployed on the sensor field rather than when they are randomly distributed.
On uniformly convex real Banach spaces, a fixed point theorem in weak topology for successively recurrent system of fuzzy-set-valued nonlinear mapping equations and its application to ring nonlinear network systems are theoretically discussed in detail. An arbitrarily-level likelihood signal estimation is then established.
In this letter, we reveal redundant control traffic in the optimized link state routing protocol (OLSR) for MANET. Topology control (TC) messages, which occupy a part of control traffic in OLSR, are used to exchange topology information with other nodes. TC messages are generated and forwarded by only nodes that have been selected as multipoint relays (MPRs) by at least one neighbor node. These nodes selected as MPRs are called TC message senders in this letter. One of solutions to reduce the number of TC messages is to reduce the number of TC message senders. We describe a non-distributed algorithm to minimize the number of TC message senders. Through simulation of static-node scenarios, we show 18% to 37% of TC message senders in RFC-based OLSR are redundant. By eliminating redundant TC message senders, the number of TC packets, each of which contains one or more TC messages, is also reduced from 19% to 46%. We also show that high density scenarios have more redundancy than low density scenarios. This observation can help to consider a cooperative MPR selection in OLSR.
Currently, there are various routing methods that consider the energy in a wireless sensor environment. The algorithm we consider is a low-rate wireless personal area network, viz., 802.15.4, and ZigBee routing network. Considering, the overall organization of the network energy efficiency, we suggest a logical position exchange (LPE) algorithm between specified nodes. Logical positioning means connecting high sub-networks and low sub-networks based on the neighbor nodes information of the address ID, and depth in the ZigBee tree topology network. When one of the nodes of the tree topology network, which is responsible for connecting multiple low sub-networks and high sub-networks, has difficulty performing its important roles in the network, because of energy exhaustion, it exchanges essential information and entrusts logical positioning to another node that is capable of it. A partial change in the logical topology enhances the energy efficiency in the network.
Recent studies investigating the Internet topology reported that inter Autonomous System (AS) topology exhibits a power-law degree distribution which is known as the scale-free property. Although there are many models to generate scale-free topologies, no game theoretic approaches have been proposed yet. In this paper, we propose the new dynamic game theoretic model for the AS level Internet topology formation. Through numerical simulations, we show our process tends to give emergence of the topologies which have the scale-free property especially in the case of large decay parameters and large random link costs. The significance of our study is summarized as following three topics. Firstly, we show that scale-free topologies can also emerge from the game theoretic model. Secondly, we propose the new dynamic process of the network formation game for modeling a process of AS topology formation, and show that our model is appropriate in the micro and macro senses. In the micro sense, our topology formation process is appropriate because this represents competitive and distributed situation observed in the real AS level Internet topology formation process. In the macro sense, some of statistical properties of emergent topologies from our process are similar to those of which also observed in the real AS level Internet topology. Finally, we demonstrate the numerical simulations of our process which is deterministic variation of dynamic process of network formation game with transfers. This is also the new result in the field of the game theory.
Junseok KIM Jongho SHIN Younggoo KWON
Developing an adaptive 3-dimensional (3D) topology control algorithm is important because most wireless nodes are mobile and deployed in buildings. Moreover, in buildings, wireless link qualities and topologies change frequently due to various objects and the interference from other wireless devices. Previous topology control algorithms can suffer significant performance degradation because they only use the Euclidean distance for the topology construction. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive 3D topology control algorithm for wireless ad-hoc sensor networks, especially in indoor environments. The proposed algorithm adjusts the minimum transmit power adaptively with considering the interference effect. To construct the local topology, each node divides the 3D space, a sphere centered at itself, into k equal cones by using Platonic solid (i.e., regular k-hedron) and selects the neighbor that requires the lowest transmit power in each cone. Since the minimum transmit power values depend on the effect of interferences, the proposed algorithm can adjust topology adaptively and preserve the network connectivity reliably. To evaluate the performance of algorithms, we conduct various experiments with simulator and real wireless platforms. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the previous algorithms in terms of the packet delivery ratio and the energy consumption with relatively low complexity.
In a ZigBee network, a finite address space is allocated to every potential parent device and a device may disallow a join request once this address space is exhausted. When a new node (child) requests to a coordinator (parent) to join a ZigBee network, the coordinator checks its address space. If it has sufficient address space, the coordinator accepts the new node as its child in the ZigBee network. If the new node has router capability (JoinAsRouter), it becomes a router in the ZigBee network. However, this association procedure makes ZigBee networks inefficient for routing, because the coordinator checks only the maximum and current numbers of child nodes. In the worst case, the network will be arranged so that the router nodes are crowded in the network. Therefore, we propose the KMCD-IME (Keeping the Maximum Communication Distance and Initial Mutual Exclusion among router nodes) algorithm with two additional conditions when a new node joins the ZigBee network. The first condition maintains the maximum communication distance between the new node and the would-be parent node. The second condition is the Initial Mutual Exclusion among router nodes. The router nodes are evenly spread across the network by KMCD-IME and an effective routing topology is formed. Therefore, the KMCD-IME algorithm extends the lifetime of the ZigBee network.
The IEEE 802.11 MAC standard for wireless ad hoc networks adopts Binary Exponential Back-off (BEB) mechanism to resolve bandwidth contention between stations. BEB mechanism controls the bandwidth allocation for each station by choosing a back-off value from one to CW according to the uniform random distribution, where CW is the contention window size. However, in asymmetric multi-hop networks, some stations are disadvantaged in opportunity of access to the shared channel and may suffer severe throughput degradation when the traffic load is large. Then, the network performance is degraded in terms of throughput and fairness. In this paper, we propose a new cross-layer scheme aiming to solve the per-flow unfairness problem and achieve good throughput performance in IEEE 802.11 multi-hop ad hoc networks. Our cross-layer scheme collects useful information from the physical, MAC and link layers of own station. This information is used to determine the optimal Contention Window (CW) size for per-station fairness. We also use this information to adjust CW size for each flow in the station in order to achieve per-flow fairness. Performance of our cross-layer scheme is examined on various asymmetric multi-hop network topologies by using Network Simulator (NS-2).
The mobility control of mobile nodes can be an alternative to the transmitting power adjustment in case that fixed transmitting power is just used in the topology control. Assuming the controllable mobility of nodes, we propose four distributed mobility control algorithms assuring the network connectivity and the capacity improvement. We compare the throughput of each algorithm with the widely accepted capacity scale law considering the energy consumption. The proposed mobility-based topology control algorithms are named according to its operational characteristics; RP (Rendezvous Point), NNT (Nearest Neighbor Tracking), DM (Diffusion Model), and GP (Grid Packing). Through extensive simulations, we show that all the proposed algorithms successfully change a partitioned random network topology into a connected network topology without the power control. Furthermore, the topology reconfigured by the mobility control has the improved network capacity beyond that of the initial network. In the newly defined performance metric, effective capacity, the simulation results show that GP provides more improved and stable performance over various node densities with the short completion time.
Jieun YU Heejun ROH Jun CAO Sangheon PACK Wonjun LEE Ding-Zhu DU Sangjin (Stephen) HONG
We propose a novel topology control scheme that reduces the transmission power of nodes and increases the network connectivity, based on the fact that Cooperative Communication (CC) technology can bridge disconnected networks. Simulation results demonstrate that our scheme greatly increases the connectivity for a given transmission power, compared to other topology control schemes.
Suyong EUM Shin'ichi ARAKAWA Masayuki MURATA
Topological structure of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks affects their operating performance. Thus, various models have been proposed to construct an efficient topology for the P2P networks. However, due to the simultaneous failures of peers and other disastrous events, it is difficult to maintain the originally designed topological structure that provides the network with some performance benefits. For this reason, in this paper we propose a simple local rewiring method that changes the network topology to have small diameter as well as highly clustered structure. Moreover, the presented evaluation study shows how these topological properties are involved with the performance of P2P networks.
In the present paper, we propose an evolutionary P2P networking technique that dynamically and adaptively optimizes several P2P network topologies, in which all of the nodes are included at the same time, in an evolutionary manner according to given evaluation criteria. In addition, through simulations, we examine whether the proposed evolutionary P2P networking technique can provide reliable search capability in dynamic P2P environments. In simulations, we assume dynamic P2P environments in which each node leaves and joins the network with its own probability and in which search objects vary with time. The simulation results show that topology reconstruction by the evolutionary P2P networking technique is better than random topology reconstruction when only a few types of search objects are present in the network at any moment and these search objects are not replicated. Moreover, for the scenario in which the evolutionary P2P networking technique is more effective, we show through simulations that when each node makes several links with other nodes in a single network topology, the evolutionary P2P networking technique improves the reliable search capability. Finally, the number of links that yields more reliable search capability appears to depend on how often nodes leave and join the network.
The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) uses autonomous sensor nodes to monitor a field. These sensor nodes sometimes act as relay nodes for each other. In this paper, the performance of the WSN using fixed relay nodes and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology necessary for future wireless communication is evaluated in terms of the channel capacity of the MIMO system and the number of sensor nodes served by the system. Accordingly, we propose an optimum topology for the WSN backbone named Connected Relay Node Double Cover (CRNDC), which can recover from a single fault, the algorithms (exhaustive search and other two approximation methods) to find the optimum distance to place the relay nodes from sink node, and the height of the sink and relay nodes to be placed by using the pathloss model. The performances of different MIMO-WSN configurations over conventional WSN are evaluated, and the direct relationship between relay position and minimum required channel capacity are discovered.
Yu LIU Masato YOSHIOKA Katsumi HOMMA Toshiyuki SHIBUYA
This paper presents a novel method using multi-objective optimization algorithm to automatically find the best solution from a topology library of analog circuits. Firstly this method abstracts the Pareto-front of each topology in the library by SPICE simulation. Then, the Pareto-front of the topology library is abstracted from the individual Pareto-fronts of topologies in the library followed by the theorem we proved. The best solution which is defined as the nearest point to specification on the Pareto-front of the topology library is then calculated by the equations derived from collinearity theorem. After the local searching using Nelder-Mead method maps the calculated best solution backs to design variable space, the non-dominated best solution is obtained. Comparing to the traditional optimization methods using single-objective optimization algorithms, this work can efficiently find the best non-dominated solution from multiple topologies for different specifications without additional time-consuming optimizing iterations. The experiments demonstrate that this method is feasible and practical in actual analog designs especially for uncertain or variant multi-dimensional specifications.
Power consumption is one of the most important factors in successfully designing of wireless sensor networks since it directly affects network lifetime. We propose a topology control scheme that reduces power consumption by minimizing, as much as possible, the number of active nodes, in a highly dense region as well as to decrease packet transmission delay. Simulation results show that our scheme can effectively solve the energy inefficiency problem caused by unbalanced power consumption, and can significantly reduce packet transmission delay.
Let us introduce n ( ≥ 2) mappings fi (i=1,,n ≡ 0) defined on reflexive real Banach spaces Xi-1 and let fi:Xi-1 → Yi be completely continuous on bounded convex closed subsets Xi-1(0) ⊂ Xi-1. Moreover, let us introduce n set-valued mappings Fi : Xi-1 Yi → Fc(Xi) (the family of all non-empty compact subsets of Xi), (i=1,,n ≡ 0). Here, we have a fixed point theorem in weak topology on the successively recurrent system of set-valued mapping equations:xi ∈ Fi(xi-1, fi(xi-1)), (i=1,,n ≡ 0). This theorem can be applied immediately to analysis of the availability of system of circular networks of channels undergone by uncertain fluctuations and to evaluation of the tolerability of behaviors of those systems.
Eiji MIYAGAWA Toshimichi SAITO
This paper presents a new particle swarm optimizer characterized by growing tree topology. If a particle is stagnated then a new particle is born and is located away from the trap. Depending on the property of objective problems, particles are born successively and the growing swarm constitutes a tree-topology. Performing numerical experiments for typical benchmarks, the algorithm efficiency is evaluated in several key measures such as success rate, the number of iterations and the number of particles. As compared with other basic PSOs, we can suggest that the proposed algorithm has efficient performance in optimization with low-cost computation.
Topology information has become more important for management of LANs due to the increasing number of hosts attached to a LAN. We describe three Ethernet topology discovery techniques that can be used even in LANs with Ethernet switches that have no management functionality. Our "Shared Switch Detection (SSD)" technique detects the Ethernet tree topology by testing whether two paths in the network share a switch. SSD uses only general MAC address learning. By borrowing MAC addresses from hosts, SSD can be run from a single host. The second technique determines whether two paths between two pairs of hosts contain a switch. The third reduces the number of shared switch detections. Simulation showed that these techniques can be used to detect the Ethernet topology with a reasonable search cost. Examination on a real-world testbed showed that they could detect an Ethernet topology consisting of six hosts and two switches within one second.