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[Keyword] topology(132hit)


  • Design of an Area-Efficient and Low-Power Hierarchical NoC Architecture Based on Circuit Switching

    Woo Joo KIM  Sung Hee LEE  Sun Young HWANG  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E92-A No:3

    This paper presents a hierarchical NoC architecture to support GT (Guaranteed Throughput) signals to process multimedia data in embedded systems. The architecture provides a communication environment that meets the diverse conditions of communication constraints among IPs in power and area. With a system based on packet switching, which requires storage/control circuits to support GT signals, it is hard to satisfy design constraints in area, scalability and power consumption. This paper proposes a hierarchical 444 mesh-type NoC architecture based on circuit switching, which is capable of processing GT signals requiring high throughput. The proposed NoC architecture shows reduction in area by 50.2% and in power consumption by 57.4% compared with the conventional NoC architecture based on circuit switching. These figures amount to by 72.4% and by 86.1%, when compared with an NoC architecture based on packet switching. The proposed NoC architecture operates in the maximum throughput of 19.2 Gb/s.

  • An Energy-Efficient Distributed Clustering Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Myung Ho YEO  Yu Mi KIM  Jae Soo YOO  


    E92-B No:2

    Clustering the sensor nodes is one of the most popular and effective approaches for applications that must support hundreds or thousands of nodes. The conventional algorithms consider various parameters to evenly distribute the energy load. However, energy consumption problem of the cluster head still remains. In this paper, we propose a novel clustering approach that periodically elects cluster heads with assistant nodes. The assistant nodes substitute for each cluster head to transmit sensor readings to the base station. Performance evaluations show that our proposed clustering algorithm achieves about 10-40% better performance than the existing clustering algorithms in terms of lifetime.

  • Multi-Party Quantum Communication Complexity with Routed Messages

    Seiichiro TANI  Masaki NAKANISHI  Shigeru YAMASHITA  


    E92-D No:2

    This paper describes a general quantum lower bounding technique for the communication complexity of a function that depends on the inputs given to two parties connected via paths, which may be shared with other parties, on a network of any topology. The technique can also be employed to obtain a lower-bound of the quantum communication complexity of some functions that depend on the inputs distributed over all parties on the network. As a typical application, we apply our technique to the distinctness problem of deciding whether there are a pair of parties with identical inputs, on a k-party ring; almost matching upper bounds are also given.

  • Design of an Area-Efficient and Low-Power NoC Architecture Using a Hybrid Network Topology

    Woo Joo KIM  Sun Young HWANG  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E91-A No:11

    This paper proposes a novel hybrid NoC structure and a dynamic job distribution algorithm which can reduce system area and power consumption by reducing packet drop rate for various multimedia applications. The proposed NoC adopts different network structures between sub-clusters. Network structure is determined by profiling application program so that packet drop rate can be minimized. The proposed job distribution algorithm assigns every job to the sub-cluster where packet drop rate can be minimized for each multimedia application program. The proposed scheme targets multimedia applications frequently used in modern embedded systems, such as MPEG4 and MP3 decoders, GPS positioning systems, and OFDM demodulators. Experimental results show that packet drop rate was reduced by 31.6% on the average, when compared to complex network structure topologies consisting of sub-clusters of same topology. Chip area and power consumption were reduced by 16.0% and 34.0%, respectively.

  • Migration Effects of Parallel Genetic Algorithms on Line Topologies of Heterogeneous Computing Resources

    Yiyuan GONG  Senlin GUAN  Morikazu NAKAMURA  


    E91-A No:4

    This paper investigates migration effects of parallel genetic algorithms (GAs) on the line topology of heterogeneous computing resources. Evolution process of parallel GAs is evaluated experimentally on two types of arrangements of heterogeneous computing resources: the ascending and descending order arrangements. Migration effects are evaluated from the viewpoints of scalability, chromosome diversity, migration frequency and solution quality. The results reveal that the performance of parallel GAs strongly depends on the design of the chromosome migration in which we need to consider the arrangement of heterogeneous computing resources, the migration frequency and so on. The results contribute to provide referential scheme of implementation of parallel GAs on heterogeneous computing resources.

  • Optimization for Optical Network Designs Based on Existing Power Grids

    Areeyata SRIPETCH  Poompat SAENGUDOMLERT  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E91-B No:3

    In a power grid used to distribute electricity, optical fibers can be inserted inside overhead ground wires to form an optical network infrastructure for data communications. Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM)-based optical networks present a promising approach to achieve a scalable backbone network for power grids. This paper proposes a complete optimization procedure for optical network designs based on an existing power grid. We design a network as a subgraph of the power grid and divide the network topology into two layers: backbone and access networks. The design procedure includes physical topology design, routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) and optical amplifier placement. We formulate the problem of topology design into two steps: selecting the concentrator nodes and their node members, and finding the connections among concentrators subject to the two-connectivity constraint on the backbone topology. Selection and connection of concentrators are done using integer linear programming (ILP). For RWA and optical amplifier placement problem, we solve these two problems together since they are closely related. Since the ILP for solving these two problems becomes intractable with increasing network size, we propose a simulated annealing approach. We choose a neighborhood structure based on path-switching operations using k shortest paths for each source and destination pair. The optimal number of optical amplifiers is solved based on local search among these neighbors. We solve and present some numerical results for several randomly generated power grid topologies.

  • Topology Management and Route Establishment Method for Base Station Networks Using Cognitive Radio

    Yujin NOISHIKI  Misato SASAKI  Akira IDOUE  Kazunori TAKEUCHI  

    PAPER-Cognitive Network

    E91-B No:1

    Cognitive radio, which utilizes the radio frequency spectrum efficiently by recognizing radio resource availability, is an attractive technology for overcoming the shortage of radio frequency. From the perspective of networking, cognitive radio technologies are also useful since they allow flexible network construction. This paper proposes base station networks using cognitive radio technologies. In order to achieve efficient utilization of the radio frequency spectrum and flexible network construction, we also propose a topology management and route control method for our proposed base station network. Our method shares the status of the wireless links along with topology information and establishes routes by using this information. Through simulation, we evaluate that our method significantly improves the throughput by efficient utilization of the radio frequency spectrum. Moreover, we demonstrate that our method works well when the size of the network gets larger.

  • ZigBee Based Location Estimation in Home Networking Environments

    Hyunggi CHO  Myungseok KANG  Jonghoon KIM  Hagbae KIM  


    E90-D No:10

    This paper presents a Maximum Likelihood Location Estimation (MLLE) algorithm for the home network environments. We propose a deployment of cluster-tree topology in the ZigBee networks and derive the MLE under the log-normal models for the Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements. Experiments are also conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Asymmetric Attribute Aggregation in Hierarchical Networks

    Lei LEI  Yuefeng JI  Lin GUO  


    E90-B No:8

    To achieve scalability and security, large networks are often structured hierarchically as a collection of domains. In hierarchical networks, the topology and QoS parameters of a domain have to be first aggregated before being propagated to other domains. However, topology aggregation may distort useful information. Although spanning tree aggregation can perfectly encode attribute information of symmetric networks, it can not be applied to asymmetric networks directly. In this paper, we propose a spanning tree based attribute aggregation method for asymmetric networks. The time complexity of the proposed method and the space complexity of its resulted aggregated topology are the same with that of the spanning tree aggregation method in symmetric networks. This method can guarantee that the attributes of more than half of the links in the networks are unaltered after aggregation. Simulation results show that the proposed method achieves the best tradeoff between information accuracy and space complexity among the existing asymmetric attribute aggregation methods.

  • A Proximity-Based Self-Organizing Hierarchical Overlay Framework for Distributed Hash Tables

    Kwangwook SHIN  Seunghak LEE  Geunhwi LIM  Hyunsoo YOON  


    E90-B No:7

    Several structured peer-to-peer networks have been created to solve the scalability problem of previous peer-to-peer systems such as Gnutella and Napster. These peer-to-peer networks which support distributed hash table functionality construct a sort of structured overlay network, which can cause a topology mismatch between the overlay and the underlying physical network. To solve this mismatch problem, we propose a topology-aware hierarchical overlay framework for DHTs. The hierarchical approach for the overlay is based on the concept that the underlying global Internet is also a hierarchical architecture, that is, a network of networks. This hierarchical approach for the overlay puts forth two benefits: finding data in a physically near place with a high probability, and smaller lookup time. Our hierarchical overlay framework is different from other hierarchical architecture systems in a sense that it provides a specific self-organizing grouping algorithm. Our additional optimization schemes complete the basic algorithm which constructs a hierarchical structure without any central control.

  • Application of Topology Optimization to H-Plane Waveguide Component

    Koichi HIRAYAMA  Yasuhide TSUJI  Tsuyoshi NOMURA  Kazuo SATO  Shinji NISHIWAKI  

    PAPER-Numerical Techniques, Computational Electromagnetic

    E90-C No:2

    We investigate the usefulness of the topology optimization with the finite element method in the optimization of an H-plane waveguide component. Design sensitivity is computed efficiently using the adjoint variable method. Employing the optimization procedure, optimized structures of an H-plane waveguide filter and T-junction are obtained from an initial homogeneous structure.

  • Resiliency of Network Topologies under Path-Based Attacks

    Heejo LEE  Jong KIM  Wan Yeon LEE  


    E89-B No:10

    Network topology has no direct effect on the correctness of network protocols, however, it influences the performance of networks and their survivability when they are under attack. Recent studies have analyzed the robustness of the Internet in the face of faults or attacks which may cause node failures. However, the effect of link failure or a series of link failures has not been extensively examined, even though such a situation is more likely to occur in the current Internet environment. In this paper, we propose an attack-and-failure graph model and practical techniques for attacking strategies against nodes, edges or paths in order to reflect real-life attack scenarios. The resiliency of Internet topologies is examined under the attacking strategies, with various metrics including path-failure ratio and "attack power," which is defined as the ratio of the failure to attack. The experiments reveal that "path-based" attacks can result in greater damage to the connectivity of a network than the other types of attack. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of an attack depends on the objective that the attacker wants to achieve through the attack. The proposed simple but formalized approach can be a springboard for developing more resilient Internet topologies in a variety of aspects.

  • A Dynamic Topology and Routing Management Strategy for Virtual IP Networks

    Norihito FUJITA  Joseph D. TOUCH  Venkata PINGALI  Yu-Shun WANG  


    E89-B No:9

    This paper describes an architecture for deploying virtual IP networks with P2P-like dynamic topology and routing management. Existing virtual IP network deployment mechanisms do not allow for dynamic topology adaptation and fault-tolerance because provisioning of IP tunnels is performed only once--when a virtual network is deployed. We propose a P2P-XBone, in which a P2P protocol such as DHT drives the topology and the routing table of a virtual IP network consistent with its neighbor node state. We describe how to extend both the existing X-Bone system and P2P mechanisms to achieve interworking between them. The P2P-XBone not only provides P2P's characteristics such as self-organization, fault-tolerance and content-based routing to virtual IP networks but also provides higher forwarding performance and simpler implementation to P2P systems due to the support for the use of existing network services. We also show several results on the evaluation of overhead of P2P-driven provisioning and on forwarding performance.

  • Reconfiguration Heuristics for Logical Topologies in Wide-Area WDM Networks

    Hironao TAKAGI  Yongbing ZHANG  Hideaki TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E89-B No:7

    Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology offers the capability of building wide-area networks with high speed. Reconfigurability is a key feature of a WDM network that enables the network logical topology to change dynamically in response to the changing traffic patterns. There are two important issues involved in the reconfiguration of a network logical topology. One is how to determine the new logical topology corresponding to the current topology. It needs to consider a trade-off between the performance of the new target topology and the cost of the topology transition from the current topology to the new one. The other is how to determine the transition sequence from the current topology to the new one. It needs to control the disruption to the network as less as possible during the reconfiguration process. In this paper, we focus on the latter problem and propose several heuristic algorithms that reconfigure logical topologies in wide-area wavelength-routed optical networks. Our reconfiguration algorithms attempt to control the disruption to the network as less as possible during the reconfiguration process. For this purpose, a lightpath is taken as the minimum reconfiguration unit. The proposed algorithms are evaluated by using an NFSNET-like network model with 16 nodes and 25 links. The results show that very simple algorithms provide very small computational complexity but poor performance, i.e., large network disruption, and that an efficient algorithm provides reasonable computational complexity and very good performance. More complex algorithms may improve performance somewhat further but have unrealistically large computational complexity.

  • Dynamic Topology Control and Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

    Kwangil LEE  Kapdong KIM  


    E89-D No:5

    In this letter we consider topology control and routing problem in wireless networks where equipped with point-to-point wireless links such as directional antennas or free space optics. In point-to-point wireless networks, each node has a limited number of transceivers and hence can communicate with only a limited number of nodes within its transmission range. The selection of the limited number of neighbors is very critical for the network performance. In this letter, we propose a topology control algorithms which consider the topology control and routing of each demand is considered simultaneously. For this, we introduce the degree constraint shortest path problem for finding optimal (shortest) paths in wireless point-to-point networks. Also, we propose two topology control algorithms: minimum hop (MHA) and resource availability ratio (RAR) algorithm. The resource availability ratio algorithm considers not only the available link bandwidth but also the available interfaces between neighbors. By simulation experiments, we compare the performance of each algorithm.

  • Efficient Path-Segment Protection Utilizing Logical-Ring Approach in WDM Mesh Network

    I-Shyan HWANG  I-Feng HUANG  Chih-Dar CHIEN  David H. SU  

    PAPER-Network Protocols, Topology and Fault Tolerance

    E89-D No:2

    This work proposes a distributed fault protection mechanism called the Dynamic-Shared Segment Protection (DSSP) algorithm for WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) mesh networks. The objects are to assure high probability of path protection and efficient use of network resources. The proposed approach exploits the segment protection mode, which accommodates the characteristics of both path-based and link-based protections, for providing finer service granularities, to satisfy the versatile requirements of critical applications in the foreseeable future. To show that DSSP can improve performance efficiency, simulations are conducted using four networks (NSFNET, USANET, Mesh 66, Mesh 99) for a comparative study of the proposed DSSP versus ordinary shared protection schemes and SLSP (Short Leap Shared Protection). Simulation results reveal that the proposed DSSP method results in much lower blocking probability and has higher network utilization. Consequently, it is very useful for applications to a real-time WDM network, which changes status dynamically.

  • Topology Discovery in Large Ethernet Mesh Networks

    Myunghee SON  Byungchul KIM  Jaeyong LEE  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E89-B No:1

    Automatic discovery of physical topology plays a crucial role in enhancing the manageability of modern large Ethernet mesh networks. Despite the importance of the problem, earlier research and commercial network management tools have typically concentrated on either discovering active topology, or proprietary solutions targeting specific product families. Recent works [1]-[3] have demonstrated that physical topology can be determined using standard SNMP MIB, but these algorithms depend on Filtering Database and rely on the so-called spanning tree protocol (IEEE 802.1d) in order to break cycles, thereby avoiding the possibility of infinitely circulating packets and deadlocks. A previous work [1] requires that Filtering Database entries are completed; however it is a very critical assumption in a realistic Ethernet mesh network. In this paper, we have proposed a new topology discovery algorithm which works without the complete knowledge of Filtering Database. Our algorithm can discover complete physical topology including inactive interfaces eliminated by the spanning tree protocol in LEMNs. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated by an implementation.

  • Node Placement Algorithms in the Case that Routes are Design Variables in Shuffle-Like Multihop Lightwave Networks

    Tokumi YOKOHIRA  Kiyohiko OKAYAMA  


    E88-B No:12

    The shuffle-like network (SL-Net) is known as a logical topology for WDM-based multihop packet-switched networks. Even if we fix the logical topology to an SL-Net, we can still reposition nodes in the SL-Net by re-tuning wavelengths of transmitters and/or receivers. In conventional node placement algorithms, routes between nodes are assumed to be given. In this paper, we propose two heuristic node placement algorithms for the SL-Net to decrease the average end-to-end packet transmission delay under a given traffic matrix in the case that routes are design variables. The principal idea is to prevent too many traffic flows from overlapping on any link. To attain the idea, in one of the algorithms, a node is selected one by one in a decreasing order of the sums of sending and receiving traffic requirements in nodes, and its placement and routes between the node and all the nodes already placed are simultaneously decided so that the maximum of the amounts of traffic on links at the moment is minimum. In the other algorithm, a node is selected in the same way, and first it is placed so that the average distance between the node and all the nodes already placed is as large as possible, and then routes between the node and all the nodes already placed are decided so that the maximum of the amounts of traffic on links at the moment is minimum. Numerical results for four typical traffic matrices show that either of the proposed algorithms has better performance than conventional algorithms for each matrix, and show that the proposed algorithms, which are based on a jointed optimization approach of node placement and routing, are superior to algorithms which execute node placement and routing as two isolated phases.

  • P2P Network Topology Control over a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

    Kiyoshi UEDA  Hiroshi SUNAGA  Sumio MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Ad hoc, Sensor Network and P2P

    E88-B No:12

    This paper discusses effective configuration methods for peer-to-peer (P2P) network topologies within a mobile ad-hoc network. With recent progress in mobile ad-hoc network technology promoting the creation of new and attractive services, we are examining and developing P2P network systems for operation within ad-hoc networks. Our focus is on identifying methods of network-topology control that provide the best balance between performance and availability. We evaluate three methods through computer simulation and field trials from the viewpoints of resource consumption and network integrity, and clarify their domains of applicability. The results are expected to contribute to the design of future P2P networks for operation in mobile ad-hoc networks.

  • A Novel Approach for Parameter Determination of HBT Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit

    Han-Yu CHEN  Kun-Ming CHEN  Guo-Wei HUANG  Chun-Yen CHANG  


    E88-C No:6

    Direct parameter extraction is believed to be the most accurate method for equivalent-circuits modeling of heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT's). Using this method, the parasitic elements, followed by the intrinsic elements, are determined analytically. Therefore, the quality of the extrinsic elements extraction plays an important role in the accuracy and robustness of the entire extraction algorithm. This study proposes a novel extraction method for the extrinsic elements, which have been proven to be strongly correlated with the intrinsic elements. By utilizing the specific correlation, the equivalent circuit modeling is reduced to an optimization problem of determining six specific extrinsic elements. Converting the intrinsic equivalent circuit into its common-collector configuration, all intrinsic circuit elements are extracted using exact closed-form equations for both the hybrid-π and the T-topology equivalent circuits. Additionally, a general explicit equation on the total extrinsic elements is derived, subsequently reducing the number of optimization variables. The modeling results are presented, showing that the proposed method can yield a good fit between the measured and calculated S parameters.


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