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Long ZHANG Zhiyong FENG Qixun ZHANG Lingwu YUAN Jia LIU
TV white space (TVWS) brings potential opportunities to relieve the growing spectrum scarcity. Therefore organizations like the FCC have suggested the co-channel deployment of cellular networks (CNs) on condition that a keep-out distance from the protected region of TV receivers is maintained. However the consequent CN interference has not been described. In addition, considering the wide range of TV coverage, it is also inefficient and wasteful not applying the vacant spectra for secondary user (SU) communication by opportunistic access inside the TV coverage zone. In this paper, we first investigate the aggregate interference from CNs outside the protected area to find out how the interference is generated, and then research the available spectrum resource distribution for SUs inside the TV coverage zone under aggregate interference constraints to utilize TVWS more efficiently. Specifically, we model CN in three aspects. A close-form interference probability distribution function (PDF) is proposed. Since the PDF is too complex to analyze, we approximate it as Gaussian and prove the accuracy of our approximation with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Then, available spectra maximization is formulated as an optimization problem under both TV and SU receiver outage probability constraints. We find that available spectra demonstrate a volcano-shaped geographical distribution and optimal network-status-aware SU transmit power exists to maximize the spectra. Our analysis reveals the characteristics of interference in TVWS and contributes to the utilization improvement of white space.
Accessing a geo-location database is one of the approaches for a secondary user (SU) to obtain the list of available channels for its operation. Channel availability is calculated based on information stored in the geo-location database and information submitted by the SU so that primary users (PU) are protected from harmful interference. The available channel checking process is modeled as a number of intersection tests between the protected contours of PUs and the operation area of the SU regarding to all potential channels. Existing studies indicated that these intersection tests consume time and introduce overhead to the database, especially when the contours or the operation areas are represented by n-polygons and the number of vertices n is a large number. This paper presents a novel method of determining available channels which reduces the number of intersection tests. By submitting SU's preferred channels or the number of channels to be checked to the database, the calculation time and database's load will be reduced significantly. This paper also presents analysis and simulation results of the database workload and the average number of channels obtained per query on different query methods. Suitable query method can be selected based on the number of similar channels in neighbor areas and the maximum number of intersection tests.
Keiichi MIZUTANI Zhou LAN Hiroshi HARADA
This paper proposes out-of-band emission reduction schemes for IEEE 802.11af based Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) systems operating in TV White Spaces (TVWS). IEEE 802.11af adopts Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) to exploit the TVWS spectrum effectively. The combination of the OFDM and TVWS may be able to solve the problem of frequency depletion. However the TVWS transmitter must satisfy a strict transmission spectrum mask and reduce out-of-band emission to protect the primary users. The digital convolution filter is one way of reducing the out-of-band emission. Unfortunately, implementing a strict mask needs a large number of filter taps, which causes high implementation complexity. Time-domain windowing is another effective approach. This scheme reduces out-of-band emission with low complexity but at the price of shortening the effective guard interval. This paper proposes a mechanism that jointly uses these two schemes for out-of-band emission reduction. Moreover, the appropriate windowing duration design is proposed in terms of both the out-of-band emission suppression and throughput performance for all mandatory mode of IEEE 802.11af system. The proposed time-domain windowing design reduces the number of multiplier by 96.5%.
Keiichi MIZUTANI Zhou LAN Hiroshi HARADA
Demand for wireless communication is increasing significantly, but the frequency resources available for wireless communication are quite limited. Currently, various countries are prompting the use of TV white spaces (TVWS). IEEE 802.11 Working Group (WG) has started a Task Group (TG), namely IEEE 802.11af, to develop an international standard for Wireless local Area Networks (WLANs) in TVWS. In order to increase maximum throughput, a channel aggregation mechanism is introduced in the draft standard. In Japan, ISDB-T based area-one-segment broadcasting system (Area-1seg) which is a digital TV broadcast service in limited areas has been permitted to offer actual TVWS services since April 2012. The operation of the IEEE 802.11af system shall not jeopardize the Area-1seg system due to the common operating frequency band. If the Area-1seg partially overlaps with the IEEE 802.11af in some frequency, the IEEE 802.11af cannot use the channel aggregation mechanism due to a lack of channels. As a result, the throughput of the IEEE 802.11af deteriorates. In this paper, the physical layer of IEEE 802.11af D4.0 is introduced briefly, and a partial subcarrier system for IEEE 802.11af is proposed to efficiently use the TVWS spectrum. The IEEE 802.11af co-exist with the Area-1seg by using null subcarriers. Computer simulation shows up to around 70% throughput gain is achieved with the proposed mechanism.
Noriyuki YAGINUMA Masahiro UMEHIRA Hiroshi HARADA
In cognitive radio systems using TV white space, it is desirable to secure a control channel to exchange the wireless network control information and to secure minimum frequency resource for secondary user communications if TV white space is unavailable. In order to satisfy these requirements, this paper proposes guard band utilization, which aggregates the multiple guard bands between digital TV signals and uses them for a control channel and/or a communication channel. To investigate the feasibility of the proposed scheme, this paper evaluates the performance degradation of the digital TV signals when the guard band is used. Furthermore, it discusses the permissible transmitting power and occupied bandwidth of the guard band signals to avoid the harmful interference to the digital TV signals.
Kanshiro KASHIKI I-Te LIN Tomoki SADA Toshihiko KOMINE Shingo WATANABE
This paper describes an analytical study of performance of a proposed signal detection scheme that will allow coexistence of an additional radio communication system (generally, secondary system) in the service area where the existing communication system (primary system) is operated. Its performance characteristics are derived by an analytical method based on stochastic theory, which is subsequently validated by software simulation. The main purpose of the detection scheme is to protect the primary system from the secondary system. In such a situation, the signals of the primary system and secondary system may be simultaneously received in the signal detector. One application of such a scheme is D-to-D (Device-to-Device) communication, whose system concept including the detection scheme is briefly introduced. For improved secondary signal detection, we propose the signal cancellation method of the primary system and the feature detection method of the secondary system signal. We evaluate the performance characteristics of the detection scheme in terms of “probability of correct detection”. We reveal that an undesired random component is produced in the feature detection procedure when two different signals are simultaneously received, which degrades the detection performance. Such undesired component is included in the analytical equations. We also clarify that the cancellation scheme improves the performance, when the power ratio of the primary signal to secondary signal is higher than 20-22dB.
Ha-Nguyen TRAN Yohannes D. ALEMSEGED Hiroshi HARADA
Spectrum sensing is one of the methods to identify available white spaces for secondary usage which was specified by the regulators. However, signal quality to be sensed can plunge to a very low signal-to-noise-ratio due to signal propagation and hence readings from individual sensors will be unreliable. Distributed sensing by the cooperation of multiple sensors is one way to cope with this problem because the diversity gain due to the combining effect of data captured at different position will assist in detecting signals that might otherwise not be detected by a single sensor. In effect, the probability of detection can be improved. We have implemented a distributed sensing system to evaluate the performance of different cooperative sensing algorithms. In this paper we describe our implementation and measurement experience which include the system design, specification of the system, measurement method, the issues and solutions. This paper also confirms the performance enhancement offered by distributed sensing algorithms, and describes several ideas for further enhancement of the sensing quality.
Tsuyoshi SHIMOMURA Teppei OYAMA Hiroyuki SEKI
Television white spaces (TVWS) are locally and/or temporally unused portions of TV bands. After TVWS regulations were passed in the USA, more and more regulators have been considering efficient use of TVWS. Under the condition that the primary user, i.e., terrestrial TV broadcasting system, is not interfered, various secondary users (SUs) may be deployed in TVWS. In Japan, the TVWS regulations started with broadcast-type SUs and small-area broadcasting systems, followed by voice radio. This paper aims to provide useful insights for more efficient utilization of TVWS as one of the options to meet the continuously increasing demand for wireless bandwidth. TVWS availability in Japan is analyzed using graphs and maps. As per the regulations in Japan, for TV broadcasting service, a protection contour is defined to be 51dBµV/m, while the interference contour for SU is defined to be 12.3dBµV/m. We estimate TVWS availability using these two regulation parameters and the minimum separation distances calculated on the basis of the ITU-R P.1546 propagation models. Moreover, we investigate and explain the effect of two important factors on TVWS availability. One is the measures to avoid adjacent channel interference, while the other is whether the SU has client devices with interference ranges beyond the interference area of the master device. Furthermore, possible options to increase available TVWS channels are discussed.
This paper summarizes the current status of regulations, standardization efforts and trials around the world regarding white space (WS) communications, especially television band WS (TVWS). After defining WS communication systems configurations and function and the categories of white space database, the TVWS regulations in United States, United Kingdom, and Japan are summarized. Then regarding status of standardization for TVWS devices, IEEE 802 and IEEE 1900 standards are summarized. Finally ongoing pilot projects and trials of WS communications in the world are summarized, and trends and future direction of research on WS communication systems are summarized.
Chin-Sean SUM Gabriel Porto VILLARDI Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN Junyi WANG Zhou LAN Chunyi SONG Hiroshi HARADA
This paper presents the analysis on hidden node due to multiple transmission power level and its potential impact to system performance of White Space radio operating in the TV bands, a.k.a TV white space (TVWS). For this purpose, a generic interference model for determining the hidden node occurrence probability based on realistic physical (PHY) layer model is developed. Firstly, the generic hidden node interference model is constructed considering typical TVWS radio network deployment scenario. Emphasis is given on cases where the hidden node scenario involves multiple transmission power level. Secondly, the PHY layer design and channel propagation are modeled to analyze the realistic operating range of the TVWS radio. By combining the hidden node interference model and the PHY layer/propagation models, the realistic probability of hidden node occurrence is calculated. Finally, the performance degradation in the victim receiver due to interference generated by the potential hidden node is quantified. As a result, for urban environment, it is found that for networks consisting of devices with multiple transmit power level, the probability of hidden node occurrence is similar to that of networks consisting of devices with uni-transmit power level, provided that the interferer-victim separation distance in the former is 800 m farther apart. Furthermore, this number may increase to a maximum of 1.1 km in a suburban environment. Also, it is found that if the hidden node actually occurs, a co-channel interference (CCI) of -15 dB typically causes a degradation of 2 dB in the victim receiver.
Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN Chunyi SONG Hiroshi HARADA
This paper introduces a unified method of spectrum sensing for all existing analog television (TV) signals including NTSC, PAL and SECAM. We propose a correlation based method (CBM) with a single reference signal for sensing any analog TV signals. In addition we also propose an improved energy detection method. The CBM approach has been implemented in a hardware prototype specially designed for participating in Singapore TV white space (WS) test trial conducted by Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) of the Singapore government. Analytical and simulation results of the CBM method will be presented in the paper, as well as hardware testing results for sensing various analog TV signals. Both AWGN and fading channels will be considered. It is shown that the theoretical results closely match with those from simulations. Sensing performance of the hardware prototype will also be presented in fading environment by using a fading simulator. We present performance of the proposed techniques in terms of probability of false alarm, probability of detection, sensing time etc. We also present a comparative study of the various techniques.
Bei YU Sheqin DONG Song CHEN Satoshi GOTO
Low Power Design has become a significant requirement when the CMOS technology entered the nanometer era. Multiple-Supply Voltage (MSV) is a popular and effective method for both dynamic and static power reduction while maintaining performance. Level shifters may cause area and Interconnect Length Overhead (ILO), and should be considered at both floorplanning and post-floorplanning stages. In this paper, we propose a two phases algorithm framework, called VLSAF, to solve voltage and level shifter assignment problem. At floorplanning phase, we use a convex cost network flow algorithm to assign voltage and a minimum cost flow algorithm to handle level-shifter assignment. At post-floorplanning phase, a heuristic method is adopted to redistribute white spaces and calculate the positions and shapes of level shifters. The experimental results show VLSAF is effective.