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Han-Yu CHEN Kun-Ming CHEN Guo-Wei HUANG Chun-Yen CHANG
Direct parameter extraction is believed to be the most accurate method for equivalent-circuits modeling of heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT's). Using this method, the parasitic elements, followed by the intrinsic elements, are determined analytically. Therefore, the quality of the extrinsic elements extraction plays an important role in the accuracy and robustness of the entire extraction algorithm. This study proposes a novel extraction method for the extrinsic elements, which have been proven to be strongly correlated with the intrinsic elements. By utilizing the specific correlation, the equivalent circuit modeling is reduced to an optimization problem of determining six specific extrinsic elements. Converting the intrinsic equivalent circuit into its common-collector configuration, all intrinsic circuit elements are extracted using exact closed-form equations for both the hybrid-π and the T-topology equivalent circuits. Additionally, a general explicit equation on the total extrinsic elements is derived, subsequently reducing the number of optimization variables. The modeling results are presented, showing that the proposed method can yield a good fit between the measured and calculated S parameters.
Sheng-Yu WEN Guo-Wei HUANG Kun-Ming CHEN
In this paper, an accurate and low-cost method for on-wafer noise figure measurement, specifically designed for low-noise amplifiers (LNAs), will be proposed. An experiment conducted on a 5 GHz LNA demonstrates that a good agreement can be reached between the measurement result of the proposed method and that of a commercial noise parameter measurement system.
Shih-Dao WU Guo-Wei HUANG Kun-Ming CHEN Hua-Chou TSENG Tsun-Lai HSU Chun-Yen CHANG
RF MOSFET's are usually measured in common source configuration by a 2-port network analyzer, and the common gate and common drain S-parameters cannot be directly measured from a conventional 2-port test structure. In this work, a 4-port test structure for on-wafer measurement of RF MOSFET's is proposed. Four-port measurements for RF MOSFET's in different dimensions and the de-embedded procedures are performed up to 20 GHz. The S-parameters of the RF MOSFET in common source (CS), common gate (CG), and common drain (CD) configurations are obtained from a single DUT and one measurement procedure. The dependence of common source S-parameters of the device on substrate bias are also shown.
Tzung-Han WU Chinchun MENG Tse-Hung WU Guo-Wei HUANG
This paper demonstrates a small compact 5.7 GHz upconversion Gilbert micromixer using 0.35 µm SiGe HBT technology. A micromixer has a broadband matched single-ended input port. A passive LC current combiner is used to convert micromixer differential output into a single-ended output and doubles the output current for single-ended-input and single-ended-output applications. Thus, a truly balanced operation of a Gilbert upconversion mixer with a single-ended input and a single-ended output is achieved in this paper. The fully matched upconversion micromixer has conversion gain of -4 dB, OP1 dB of -9 dBm and OIP3 of 4 dBm when input IF=0.3 GHz, LO=5.4 GHz and output RF=5.7 GHz. The IF input return loss is better than 18 dB for frequencies up to 20 GHz while RF output return loss is 25 dB at 5.7 GHz. The supply voltage is 3.3 V and the current consumption is 4.6 mA. The die size is 0.90.9 mm2 with 3 integrated on-chip inductors.
Kuei-Ann WEN Wen-Shen WUEN Guo-Wei HUANG Liang-Po CHEN Kuang-Yu CHEN Shen-Fong LIU Zhe-Sheng CHEN Chun-Yen CHANG
There is increasing interest using CMOS circuits for highly integrated high frequency wireless telecommunications systems. This paper reviews recent works in transceiver architectures, circuits and devices technology for CMOS RFIC application. A number of practical problems those must be resolved in CMOS RFIC design are also discussed.
Ming-Hsiang CHO Guo-Wei HUANG Chia-Sung CHIU Kun-Ming CHEN An-Sam PENG Yu-Min TENG
In this study, a cascade open-short-thru (COST) de-embedding procedure is proposed for the first time for on-wafer device characterization in the RF/microwave frequency regime. This technique utilizes the "open" and "short" dummy structures to de-embed the probe-pad parasitics of a device-under-test (DUT). Furthermore, to accurately estimate the input/output interconnect parasitics, including the resistive, inductive, capacitive, and conductive components, the "thru" dummy device has been characterized after probe-pad de-embedding. With the combination of transmission-line theory and cascade-configuration concept, this method can efficiently generate the scalable and repeatable interconnect parameters to completely eliminate the redundant parasitics of the active/passive DUTs of various device sizes and interconnect dimensions. Consequently, this method is very suitable for the on-wafer automatic measurement.
Han-Yu CHEN Guo-Wei HUANG Kun-Ming CHEN Chun-Yen CHANG
In this letter, a new computation method for the noise parameters of a linear noisy two-port network is introduced. A new error function, which considers noise figure and source admittance error simultaneously, is proposed to estimate the four noise parameters. The global optimization of the error function is searched directly by using a genetic algorithm.
Han-Yu CHEN Kun-Ming CHEN Guo-Wei HUANG Chun-Yen CHANG Tiao-Yuan HUANG
In this work, a simple method for extracting MOSFET threshold voltage, effective channel length and channel mobility by using S-parameter measurement is presented. In the new method, the dependence between the channel conductivity and applied gate voltage of the MOSFET device is cleverly utilized to extract the threshold voltage, while biasing the drain node of the device at zero voltage during measurement. Moreover, the effective channel length and channel mobility can also be obtained with the same measurement. Furthermore, all the physical parameters can be extracted directly on the modeling devices without relying on specifically designed test devices. Most important of all, only one S-parameter measurement is required for each device under test (DUT), making the proposed extraction method promising for automatic measurement applications.
Tzung-Han WU Chinchun MENG Tse-Hung WU Guo-Wei HUANG
A 5.2 GHz 1 dB conversion gain, IP1 dB = -19 dBm and IIP3= -9 dBm double quadrature Gilbert downconversion mixer with polyphase filters is demonstrated by using 0.35 µm SiGe HBT technology. The image rejection ratio is better than 47 dB when LO=5.17 GHz and IF is in the range of 15 MHz to 45 MHz. The Gilbert downconverter has four-stage RC-CR IF polyphase filters for the image rejection. Polyphase filters are also used to generate LO and RF quadrature signals around 5 GHz in the double quadrature downconverter.
Kun-Ming CHEN Guo-Wei HUANG Li-Hsin CHANG Hua-Chou TSENG Tsun-Lai HSU
High-frequency characteristics of SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors with different emitter sizes are studied based on pulsed measurements. Because the self-heating effect in transistors will enhance the Kirk effect, as the devices operate in high current region, the measured cutoff frequency and maximum oscillation frequency decrease with measurement time in the pulsed duration. By analyzing the equivalent small-signal device parameters, we know the reduction of cutoff frequency and maximum oscillation frequency is attributed to the reduction of transconductance and the increase of junction capacitances for fixed base-emitter voltage, while it is only attributed to the degradation of transconductance for fixed collector current. Besides, the degradation of high-frequency performance due to self-heating effect would be improved with the layout design combining narrow emitter finger and parallel-interconnected subcells structure.
Chinchun MENG Jen-Yi SU Bo-Chen TSOU Guo-Wei HUANG
A selectively ion-implanted collector (SIC) is implemented in a 0.8 µm BiCMOS process to improve the RF characteristics of the BJT devices. The SIC BJT device has better ft and fmax than the FIC (fully ion-implanted collector) BJT device because the extrinsic base-collector capacitance is reduced by the SIC process. The ft is 7.8 GHz and fmax is 9.5 GHz for the SIC BJT device while the ft is 7.2 GHz and fmax is 4.5 GHz for the FIC BJT device when biased at Vce=3.6 V and Jc=0.07 mA/µm2. The noise parameters are the same for both BJT devices but the associated gain is higher for the SIC BJT device.
Sheng-Che TSENG Chinchun MENG Yang-Han LI Guo-Wei HUANG
The port-to-port isolation of the micromixer is studied using three different p-type downconversion micromixers in 0.35-µm CMOS technology. Both the body effect and the well isolation influence the port-to-port isolation significantly. The body effect degrades the LO-to-IF isolation and also deteriorates the LO-to-RF isolation. Without the well isolation, the LO-to-RF isolation drops. However, the RF-to-IF isolation is independent of the body effect and well isolation. The p-type micromixer with a separate N-well and without body effect has the best port-to-port isolation properties; its LO-to-IF, LO-to-RF, and RF-to-IF isolations are -59 dB, -58 dB, and -30 dB, respectively.