Dae-Hwi LEE Won-Bin KIM Deahee SEO Im-Yeong LEE
Lightweight cryptographic systems for services delivered by the recently developed Internet of Things (IoT) are being continuously researched. However, existing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)-based cryptographic algorithms are difficult to apply to IoT services delivered using lightweight devices. Therefore, encryption, authentication, and signature systems based on Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC), which are lightweight because they do not use the certificates of existing PKI-based cryptographic algorithms, are being studied. Of the various public key cryptosystems, signcryption is efficient, and ensures integrity and confidentiality. Recently, CL-based signcryption (CL-SC) schemes have been intensively studied, and a multi-receiver signcryption (MRSC) protocol for environments with multiple receivers, i.e., not involving end-to-end communication, has been proposed. However, when using signcryption, confidentiality and integrity may be violated by public key replacement attacks. In this paper, we develop an efficient CL-based MRSC (CL-MRSC) scheme using CL-PKC for IoT environments. Existing signcryption schemes do not offer public verifiability, which is required if digital signatures are used, because only the receiver can verify the validity of the message; sender authenticity is not guaranteed by a third party. Therefore, we propose a CL-MRSC scheme in which communication participants (such as the gateways through which messages are transmitted) can efficiently and publicly verify the validity of encrypted messages.
Hyungjin KIM Min-Chul SUN Hyun Woo KIM Sang Wan KIM Garam KIM Byung-Gook PARK
Although the Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor (TFET) is a promising device for ultra-low power CMOS technology due to the ability to reduce power supply voltage and very small off-current, there have been few reports on the control of VT for TFETs. Unfortunately, the TFET needs a different technique to adjust VT than the MOSFET by channel doping because most of TFETs are fabricated on SOI substrates. In this paper, we propose a technique to control VT of the TFET by putting an additional VT-control doping region (VDR) between source and channel. We examine how much VT is changed by doping concentration of VDR. The change of doping concentration modulates VT because it changes the semiconductor work function difference, ψs,channel-ψs,source, at off-state. Also, the effect of the size of VDR is investigated. The region can be confined to the silicon surface because most of tunneling occurs at the surface. At the same time, we study the optimum width of this region while considering the mobility degradation by doping. Finally, the effect of the SOI thickness on the VDR adjusted VT of TFET is also investigated.
ByungBog LEE IlKwon CHO Se-Jin KIM
An interference-aware dynamic channel assignment scheme is proposed with consideration of co-tier interference for the downlink of an OFDMA/FDD based dense small-cell network. The proposed scheme adaptively assigns subchannels to the small-cell user equipment (SUE) according to the given traffic load and interference effect from neighbor small-cell access points. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the other schemes based on the graph coloring algorithm in terms of the mean SUE capacity.
Muhamad Erza AMINANTO HakJu KIM Kyung-Min KIM Kwangjo KIM
Attacks against computer networks are evolving rapidly. Conventional intrusion detection system based on pattern matching and static signatures have a significant limitation since the signature database should be updated frequently. The unsupervised learning algorithm can overcome this limitation. Ant Clustering Algorithm (ACA) is a popular unsupervised learning algorithm to classify data into different categories. However, ACA needs to be complemented with other algorithms for the classification process. In this paper, we present a fuzzy anomaly detection system that works in two phases. In the first phase, the training phase, we propose ACA to determine clusters. In the second phase, the classification phase, we exploit a fuzzy approach by the combination of two distance-based methods to detect anomalies in new monitored data. We validate our hybrid approach using the KDD Cup'99 dataset. The results indicate that, compared to several traditional and new techniques, the proposed hybrid approach achieves higher detection rate and lower false positive rate.
James (Sungjin) KIM Hojin KIM Chang Soon PARK Kwang Bok LEE
Recently, a number of techniques have been introduced to exploit multiuser diversity of a wireless multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast channel (BC) that consists of a base station with t transmit antennas and K users with multiple antennas. However, prior works have ignored the rate overhead associated with feedback of MIMO BC channel state information at transmitter (CSIT), which is roughly K times larger than single-user MIMO CSIT (i.e., it is O(tr) where r = rk and rk is the number of antennas at the kth user). Considering the amount of feedback signaling, quantization is a necessity for effective feedback transmission as a form of partial CSIT. In this paper, we propose the greedy multi-channel selection diversity (greedy MCSD) scheme based on block MMSE QR decomposition with dirty paper coding (block MMSE-DP), where partial CSIT is almost sufficient. The sum-rate performance of our novel scheme approaches extremely close to the sum capacity of MIMO BC as the number of users increases, whereas the feedback overhead is reduced by a factor of 2t3/L(t2-t), in which L is the number of active channel vectors. Simulation results validate the expectation from the analysis. In addition, the proposed scheme is shown to be appropriate for reconfigurable implementation.
Sangjin KIM Jihwan LIM Jaehong HAN Heekuck OH
In an RFID search protocol, a reader uses a designated query instead of an unspecified query commonly used in RFID authentication protocols. Due to this fundamental difference, techniques used in RFID authentication protocols may not be suitable for RFID search protocols. Tan et al.'s protocol, however, is based on techniques used in previous works such as using random values. In this paper, we propose two RFID search protocols, one based on static ID and the other based on dynamic ID, both which does not require additional measures to satisfy security requirements of RFID protocols. We achieve this by using counters.
In this letter, we first provide the closed-form exact outage probability of opportunistic single relay selection in decode-and-forward (DF) relaying with the direct source-destination link under arbitrarily distributed Rayleigh fading channels. The signals from the source and the selected relay are combined at the destination by using maximal ratio combining (MRC). We derive the probability density function (PDF) and the cumulative density function (CDF) of received SNR at the destination. Numerical results show that the analytic results exactly match with the simulated ones.
Han-A-Reum JUNG Kyoung-Rok HAN Young-Min KIM Jong-Ho LEE
A new SONOS flash memory device with recess channel and side-gate was proposed and designed in terms of recess depth, doping profile, and side-gate length for sub-40 nm flash memory technology. The key features of the devices were characterized through 3-dimensional device simulation. This cell structure can store 2 or more bits of data in a cell when it is applied to NOR flash memory. It was shown that channel doping profile is very important depending on NOR or NAND applications. In NOR flash memory application, the localized channel doping under the source/drain junction is very important in designing threshold voltage (Vth) and suppression of drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL). In our work, this cell structure is studied not only for NAND flash memory application but also for NOR flash application. The device design was performed in terms of electrical characteristics (Vth, DIBL and SS) by considering device structure and doping profile of the cell.
Dong-Sup SONG Jin-Ho AHN Tae-Jin KIM Sungho KANG
This paper proposes the minimum transition random X-filling (MTR-fill) technique, which is a new X-filling method, to reduce the amount of power dissipation during scan-based testing. In order to model the amount of power dissipated during scan load/unload cycles, the total weighted transition metric (TWTM) is introduced, which is calculated by the sum of the weighted transitions in a scan-load of a test pattern and a scan-unload of a test response. The proposed MTR-fill is implemented by simulated annealing method. During the annealing process, the TWTM of a pair of test patterns and test responses are minimized. Simultaneously, the MTR-fill attempts to increase the randomness of test patterns in order to reduce the number of test patterns needed to achieve adequate fault coverage. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is shown through experiments for ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits.
This paper presents a new fast and robust circle extraction method that is capable of extracting circles from images with complicated backgrounds. It is not based on the Hough transform (HT) that requires a time-consuming voting process. The proposed method uses a least-squares circle fitting algorithm for extracting circles. The arcs are fitted by extended digital lines that are extracted by a fast line extraction method. The proposed method calculates accurate circle parameters using the fitted arcs instead of evidence histograms in the parameter space. Tests performed on various real-world images show that the proposed method quickly and accurately extracts circles from complicated and heavily corrupted images.
Yoojin KIM Yongwoon SONG Hyukjun LEE
An accurate but energy-efficient estimation of a position is important as the number of mobile computing systems grow rapidly. A challenge is to develop a highly accurate but energy efficient estimation method. A particle filter is a key algorithm to estimate and track the position of an object which exhibits non-linear movement behavior. However, it requires high usage of computation resources and energy. In this paper, we propose a scheme which can dynamically adjust the number of particles according to the accuracy of the reference signal for positioning and reduce the energy consumption by 37% on Cortex A7.
In recent years, heterogeneous devices have been employed frequently in mobile storage systems because a combination of such devices can supply a synergistically useful storage solution by taking advantage of each device. One important design constraint in heterogeneous storage systems is to mitigate I/O performance degradation stemming from the difference between access times of different devices. To this end, there has not been much work to devise proper buffer cache management algorithms. This paper presents a novel buffer cache management algorithm which considers both I/O cost per device and workload patterns in mobile computing systems with a heterogeneous storage pair of a hard disk and a NAND flash memory. In order to minimize the total I/O cost under varying workload patterns, the proposed algorithm employs a dynamic cache partitioning technique over different devices and manages each partition according to request patterns and I/O types along with the temporal locality. Trace-based simulations show that the proposed algorithm reduces the total I/O cost and flash write count significantly over the existing buffer cache algorithms on typical mobile traces.
Dong-Guk HAN Katsuyuki OKEYA Tae Hyun KIM Yoon Sung HWANG Beomin KIM Young-Ho PARK
We propose a new analysis technique against a class of countermeasure using randomized binary signed digit (BSD) representations. We also introduce some invariant properties between BSD representations. The proposed analysis technique can directly recover the secret key from power measurements without information for algorithm because of the invariant properties of BSD representation. Thus the proposed attack is applicable to all countermeasures using BSD representations. Finally, we give the simulation results against some countermeasures using BSD representation such as Ha-Moon method, Ebeid-Hasan method, and the method of Agagliate et al. The results show that the proposed attack is practical analysis method.
In data stream analysis, detecting the concept drift accurately is important to maintain the classification performance. Most drift detection methods assume that the class labels become available immediately after a data sample arrives. However, it is unrealistic to attempt to acquire all of the labels when processing the data streams, as labeling costs are high and much time is needed. In this paper, we propose a concept drift detection method under the assumption that there is limited access or no access to class labels. The proposed method detects concept drift on unlabeled data streams based on the class label information which is predicted by a classifier or a virtual classifier. Experimental results on synthetic and real streaming data show that the proposed method is competent to detect the concept drift on unlabeled data stream.
Yu Min HWANG Jun Hee JUNG Yoan SHIN Jin Young KIM Dong In KIM
In this letter, we study a scenario based on decoupled RF energy harvesting networks (DRF-EHNs) that separate energy sources from information sources to overcome the doubly near-far problem and improve harvesting efficiency. We propose an algorithm to maximize energy efficiency (EE) while satisfying constraints on the maximum transmit power of the hybrid access point (H-AP) and power beacon (PB), while further satisfying constraints on the minimum quality of service and minimum amount of harvested power in multi-user Rayleigh fading channel. Using nonlinear fractional programming and Lagrangian dual decomposition, we optimize EE with four optimization arguments: the transmit power from the H-AP and PB, time-splitting ratio, and power-splitting ratio. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm is more energy-efficient compared to baseline schemes.
Sangbae JEONG Hoirin KIM Minsoo HAHN
In this paper, we propose a useful algorithm that can be applied to reduce the response time of speech recognizers based on HMM's. In our algorithm, to reduce the response time, promising HMM states are selected by single Gaussians. In speech recognition, HMM state likelihoods are evaluated by the corresponding single Gaussians first, and then likelihoods by original full Gaussians are computed and replaced only for the HMM states having relatively large likelihoods. By doing so, we can reduce the pattern-matching time for speech recognition significantly without any noticeable loss of the recognition rate. In addition, we cluster the single Gaussians into groups by measuring the distance between Gaussians. Therefore, we can reduce the extra memory much more. In our 10,000 word Korean POI (point-of-interest) recognition task, our proposed algorithm shows 35.57% reduction of the response time in comparison with that of the baseline system at the cost of 10% degradation of the WER.
Kwang-Baek KIM Sungshin KIM Gwang-Ha KIM
Gastric cancer is a great part of the cancer occurrence and the mortality from cancer in Korea, and the early detection of gastric cancer is very important in the treatment and convalescence. This paper, for the early detection of gastric cancer, proposes the analysis system of an endoscopic image of the stomach, which detects abnormal regions by using the change of color in the image and by providing the surface tissue information to the detector. While advanced inflammation or cancer may be easily detected, early inflammation or cancer is difficult to detect and requires more attention to be detected. This paper, at first, converts an endoscopic image to an image of the IHb (Index of Hemoglobin) model and removes noises incurred by illumination and, automatically detects the regions suspected as cancer and provides the related information to the detector, or provides the surface tissue information for the regions appointed by the detector. This paper does not intend to provide the final diagnosis of abnormal regions detected as gastric cancer, but it intends to provide a supplementary mean to reduce the load and mistaken diagnosis of the detector, by automatically detecting the abnormal regions not easily detected by the human eye and this provides additional information for diagnosis. The experiments using practical endoscopic images for performance evaluation showed that the proposed system is effective in the analysis of endoscopic images of the stomach.
This letter describes a two-band excitation model for HMM-based speech synthesis. The HMM-based speech synthesis system generates speech from the HMM training data of the spectral and excitation parameters. Synthesized speech has a typical quality of "vocoded sound" mostly because of the simple excitation model with the voiced/unvoiced selection. In this letter, two-band excitation based on the harmonic plus noise speech model is proposed for generating the mixed excitation source. With this model, we can generate the mixed excitation more accurately and reduce the memory for the trained excitation data as well.
This letter proposes a novel dynamic channel assignment (DCA) scheme with consideration of interference and fairness for the downlink of dense small-cell networks based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access-frequency division duplex. In the proposed scheme, a small-cell gateway fairly assigns subchannels to the small-cell user equipment (SUE) according to the co-tier interference from neighboring small-cell access points. From the simulation results, it is shown that the proposed DCA scheme outperforms other DCA schemes in terms of the fairness of each SUE capacity.
Sung Jin KIM Jong Hoon CHOI Hyung Tae KIM Hee Nam CHAE Sung Min CHO
Amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (a-IGZO) thin film transistor (TFT) was fabricated by an advanced self-aligned imprint lithography (ASAIL) method with a hybrid etching process. The SAIL is a top-down method to fabricate a TFT using a three-dimensional multilayer etch mask having all pattern information for the TFT. The hybrid etching process was newly applied in the original SAIL process for the purpose of reducing plasma damage of a-IGZO channel layer during plasma etching in the ASAIL process. This research demonstrated that the a-IGZO TFT could be successfully fabricated by the ASAIL process. In particular, the hybrid etching process applied in this paper can be utilized for the back-channel-etch type a-IGZO TFT and further extended for the roll-to-roll backplane process.