Toshiki ARAI Shigeharu YAMAGAMI Yoshifumi OKUDA Yoshimichi HARADA Yasuyuki MIYAMOTO Kazuhito FURUYA
Fabrication process for narrow emitter along 010 direction in heterojunction bipolar transistor fully drawn by electron beam lithography was studied. Emitter structure of a 100 nm width was formed by using epitaxial structure with 30-nm-thick InP layer of emitter. Transistor operation of devices with 0.5-µ m-wide emitter was confirmed. This process can be applied to a buried metal heterojunction bipolar transistor (BM-HBT) with narrow emitter, resulting in high-speed operation of BM-HBT.
Over 100 Gbit/s/ch high-speed optical transmission is required to achieve the high capacity networks that can meet future demands. The coherent receiver, which is expected to yield high frequency utilization, is a promising means of achieving such high-speed transmission. However, it requires a high-speed Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) because the received signal bandwidth would be over several tens or hundreds of GHz. To solve this problem, we propose a band-divided receiver structure for wideband optical signals. In the receiver, received wideband signals are divided into a number of narrow band signals without any guard band. We develop a band-divided receiver prototype and evaluate it in an experiment. In addition, we develop a real-time OFDM demodulator on an FPGA board that implements 1.5 GS/s ADCs. We demonstrate that the band-divided receiver prototype with its real-time OFDM demodulator and 1.5 GS/s ADC can demodulate single polarization 12 Gbit/s OFDM signals in real-time.
The paper presents ultra-high-capacity transmission technologies based on multi-core space-division-multiplexing. In order to realize high-capacity multi-core fiber (MCF) transmission, investigation of low crosstalk fiber and connection technology is important, and high-density signal generation using multilevel modulation and crosstalk management are also key technologies. 1Pb/s multi-core fiber transmission experiment using space-division-multiplexing is also described.
Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO Yasuhiro MORITA Sadatoshi KUMAGAI
Secret sharing is a method for distributing a secret among a party of participants. Each of them is allocated a share of the secret, and the secret can only be reconstructed when the shares are combined together. We have been proposing a secret sharing distributed database system (SSDDB) that uses a secret sharing scheme to improve confidentiality and robustness of distributed database systems. This paper proposes a vertical partitioning algorithm for the SSDDB, and evaluates the algorithm by computational experiments.
Irregular Repeat-Accumulate (IRA) codes, introduced by Jin et al., have a linear-time encoding algorithm and their decoding performance is comparable to that of irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. Meanwhile the authors have introduced detailedly represented irregular LDPC code ensembles specified with joint degree distributions between variable nodes and check nodes. In this paper, by using density evolution method [7],[8], we optimize IRA codes specified with joint degree distributions. Resulting codes have higher thresholds than Jin's IRA codes.
The wave absorber which is formed by arranging cylindrical bars periodically composed of magnetic loss material and metallic bars is proposed for improving ETC environment, and characteristics of reflection loss and shielding effect are analyzed and measured. As a result, the change of various characteristics can be confirmed quantitatively by changing the thickness of magnetic loss material covering around a metallic bar and the pitch interval between bars. Furthermore, it is clarified that reflection loss of -9 dB and shielding effect of -25 dB are obtained at 5.8 GHz when the covering thickness of material is 1.5 mm and the pitch interval is 16.0 mm. Therefore, the wave absorber formed by arranging cylindrical bars that satisfies various characteristics required for the improvement of ETC environment can be realized.
A novel pedestrian tracking scheme based on a particle filter is proposed, which adopts a skeleton model of a pedestrian for a state space model and distance transformed images for likelihood computation. The 6-stick skeleton model used in the proposed approach is very distinctive in representing a pedestrian simply but effectively. By the experiment using the real sequences provided by PETS, it is shown that the target pedestrian is tracked adequately by the proposed approach with a simple silhouette extraction method which consists of only background subtraction, even if the tracking target moves so complicatedly and is often so cluttered by other obstacles that the pedestrian can not be tracked by the conventional methods. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the proposed scheme can track the multiple targets in the complex case that their trajectories intersect.
Pedestrian detection from visual images, which is used for driver assistance or video surveillance, is a recent challenging problem. Co-occurrence histograms of oriented gradients (CoHOG) is a powerful feature descriptor for pedestrian detection and achieves the highest detection accuracy. However, its calculation cost is too large to calculate it in real-time on state-of-the-art processors. In this paper, to obtain optimal parallel implementation for an NVIDIA GPU, several kinds of parallelism of CoHOG-based detection are shown and evaluated suitability for implementation. The experimental result shows that the detection process can be performed at 16.5 fps in QVGA images on NVIDIA Tesla C1060 by optimized parallel implementation. By our evaluation, it is shown that the optimal strategy of parallel implementation for an NVIDIA GPU is different from that of FPGA. We discuss about the reason and show the advantages of each device. To show the scalability and portability of GPU implementation, the same object code is executed on other NVIDA GPUs. The experimental result shows that GTX570 can perform the CoHOG-based pedestiran detection 21.3 fps in QVGA images.
Yuchi KANZAWA Yasunori ENDO Sadaaki MIYAMOTO
In this paper, two new clustering algorithms based on fuzzy c-means for data with tolerance using kernel functions are proposed. Kernel functions which map the data from the original space into higher dimensional feature space are introduced into the proposed algorithms. Nonlinear boundary of clusters can be easily found by using the kernel functions. First, two clustering algorithms for data with tolerance are introduced. One is based on standard method and the other is on entropy-based one. Second, the tolerance in feature space is discussed taking account into soft margin algorithm in Support Vector Machine. Third, two objective functions in feature space are shown corresponding to two methods, respectively. Fourth, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of two objective functions are considered, respectively, and these conditions are re-expressed with kernel functions as the representation of an inner product for mapping from the original pattern space into a higher dimensional feature space. Fifth, two iterative algorithms are proposed for the objective functions, respectively. Through some numerical experiments, the proposed algorithms are discussed.
In this letter, we introduce a knowledge reuse method to improve the performance of a learning algorithm developed to prevent interference in multi-car elevators. This method enables the algorithm to use its previously acquired experience in new learning processes. The simulation results confirm the improvement achieved in the algorithm's performance.
This paper develops the first prototype hardware for a TDD two-way multi-hop relay network with MIMO network coding. Since conventional wireless multi-hop relay networks have the drawback of low data rate, TDD two-way multi-hop relay networks have been studied as a solution to realize high data rate recently. In these networks, forward and backward streams are spatially multiplexed by using interference cancellation techniques such as MIMO beamforming or MIMO network coding. In this paper, a demonstration system for the TDD two-way multi-hop relay network with MIMO network coding (called 2-way relay network hereafter) is developed using the prototype hardware. In the demonstration system, each transmitter and receiver performs network coded broadcast and MIMO multiple access, respectively. By using the demonstration system, network throughput is measured in an indoor environment to prove the realization and effectiveness of the 2-way relay network. From the results of network throughput, it is found that the 2-way relay network can achieve high network throughput approaching theoretical upper bound even in low average end-to-end SNR area where network throughput of the direct link degrades severely. From these results, the realization and effectiveness of the 2-way relay network can be proved in the real indoor environment.
Yusuke MORIHIRO Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO Sadatoshi KUMAGAI
This paper discusses an on-line Tasks Assignment and Routing Problem (TARP) for Autonomous Transportation Systems (ATSs) in manufacturing systems. The TARP results in a constrained version of the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows (PDPTW). As an approach to this problem, a cooperative algorithm with autonomous distributed agents has been proposed. The algorithm is able to plan deadlock-free routes even though the buffer capacity is less, but includes reformability at the point that computation time of that case increases drastically. This paper proposes an initial task assignment method to reduce computation time on planning routes. Results of computational experiments show effectiveness of the proposed method.
Frequency dependent properties of accumulation-mode MOS varactors, which are key elements in many RF circuits, are dominated by Non-Quasi-Static (NQS) effects in the carrier transport. The circuit performances containing MOS varactors can hardly be reproduced without considering the NQS effect in MOS-varactor models. For the LC-VCO circuit as an example it is verified that frequency-tuning range and oscillation amplitude can be overestimated by over 20% and more than a factor 2, respectively, without inclusion of the NQS effect.
Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO Dong-Ik LEE Sadatoshi KUMAGAI
In this paper, an approach to derive a logic function of asynchronous circuits from a graph-based model called Signal Transition Graphs (STG) is discussed. STG's are Petri nets, whose transitions are interpreted as a signal transition on the circuit inputs or gate outputs, and its marking represents a binary state of the circuit. STG's can represent a behavior of circuit, to derive logic functions, however, the reachability graph should be constructed. In the verification of STG's some method based on Occurrence nets (OCN) and its prefix, called unfolding, has been proposed. OCN's can represent both causality and concurrency between two nodes by net structure. In this paper, we propose a method to derive a logic function by generating substate space of a given STG using the structural properties of OCN. The proposed method can be seem as a parallel algorithm for deriving a logic function.
This paper describes a blind frequency offset estimator (FOE) with wide frequency range for coherent quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) receivers. The FOE combines a spectrum-based frequency offset estimation algorithm as a coarse estimator with a frequency offset estimation algorithm using the periodogram as a fine estimator. To establish our design methodology, each block of the FOE is rigorously analyzed by using formulas and the minimum fast Fourier transform (FFT) size that generates a frequency spectrum for both the coarse and fine estimators is determined. The coarse estimator's main feature is that all estimation processes are carried out in the frequency domain, which yields convergence more than five times faster than that of conventional estimators. The estimation frequency range of the entire FOE is more than 1.8 times wider than that of conventional FOEs. Experiments on coherent optical 64-ary QAM (64-QAM) reveal that frequency offset estimation can be achieved under a frequency offset value greater than the highest value of the conventional estimation range.
A novel optical high order quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) transmission system for high-speed short links is described. Dual-polarization (DP) QAM and twin local lights are generated from one light source in the system, and these lightwaves are simultaneously transmitted via standard single mode fiber. The receiver can be constructed simply because it does not require a coherent light source under wavelength control. The system enables a 3.1 Gbaud DP-16-QAM signal to be successfully demodulated after 80-km transmission without using an optical dispersion compensator. It also achieves high tolerance against phase noise in the signal light source.
In general, in-focus images are used in visual object detection because image blur is considered as a factor reducing detection accuracy. However, in-focus images make it difficult to separate target objects from background images, because of that, visual object detection becomes a hard task. Background subtraction and inter-frame difference are famous schemes for separating target objects from background but they have a critical disadvantage that they cannot be used if illumination changes or the point of view moves. Considering these problems, the authors aim to improve detection accuracy by using images with out-of-focus blur obtained from a camera with a shallow depth of field. In these images, it is expected that target objects become in-focus and other regions are blurred. To enable visual object detection based on such image blur, this paper proposes a novel scheme using DFT-based feature extraction. The experimental results using synthetic images including, circle, star, and square objects as targets showed that a classifier constructed by the proposed scheme showed 2.40% miss rate at 0.1 FPPI and perfect detection has been achieved for detection of star and square objects. In addition, the proposed scheme achieved perfect detection of humans in natural images when the upper half of the human body was trained. The accuracy of the proposed scheme is better than the Filtered Channel Features, one of the state-of-the-art schemes for visual object detection. Analyzing the result, it is convincing that the proposed scheme is very feasible for visual object detection based on image blur.
Nowadays, pedestrian recognition for automotive and security applications that require accurate recognition in images taken from distant observation points is a recent challenging problem in the field of computer vision. To achieve accurate recognition, both detection and tracking must be precise. For detection, some excellent schemes suitable for pedestrian recognition from distant observation points are proposed, however, no tracking schemes can achieve sufficient performance. To construct an accurate tracking scheme suitable for pedestrian recognition from distant observation points, we propose a novel pedestrian tracking scheme using multiple cues: HSV histograms and HOG features. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme can properly track a target pedestrian where tracking schemes using only a single cue fails. Moreover, we implement the proposed scheme on NVIDIA® TeslaTM C1060 processor, one of the latest GPU, to achieve real-time processing of the proposed scheme. Experimental results show that computation time required for tracking of a frame by our implementation is reduced to 8.80 ms even though Intel® CoreTM i7 CPU 975 @ 3.33 GHz spends 111 ms.
A higher mode tri-plate strip transmission line, in which the first higher mode propagates, was developed to realize mass production of millimeter-wave integrated circuits for application in intelligent transport systems, and its transmission characteristics were investigated. The design diagram of this guided mode was determined and a higher mode tri-plate strip transmission line was fabricated at 30 GHz. The dispersion curve was found to be similar to that of a rectangular waveguide and a low transmission loss of less than 10 dB/m was obtained. For construction of some functional devices, two types of basic reactance components, such as a gap and a slot, were expressed by equivalent circuits. The former was expressed by capacitive parameters, and the latter was expressed by an ideal transformer with inductive parameters. The gap-coupled circuit was successfully employed for a 3-pole 0.1 dB Chebyshev ripple band-pass filter with a small excess insertion loss of less than 1 dB at a center frequency of 32 GHz, as well as no spurious response in a bandwidth from 26.5 GHz to 40 GHz. The slot element acted as a matching circuit and a suppressor of the lowest mode, which is the TEM mode in the tri-plate strip transmission line. Moreover, this element was applied to a mode transformer between the lowest mode and the first higher mode.
Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) designers have two major problems with regard to the production of practical, portable multimedia communication systems. The first is the difficulty of achieving both fast lock time and low jitter operation simultaneously. This can be particularly difficult because the increase in loop stability needed to reduce jitter increases the lock time. The second is the problem caused by circuits operating at low voltage supplies. Low voltage supplies adversely effect the performance of phase-frequency detectors and charge pump circuits, and they can decrease the noise immunity of oscillators. We have developed a hot-standby architecture, which can achieve both fast lock time and low jitter operation simultaneously, and low-voltage circuit techniques, such as a noise-immune adaptive-gain voltage-controlled oscillator, for a fabricated PLL. This PLL is fully integrated onto a 480-µm450-µm die area with 0.18-µm CMOS technology. It can operate from 0.5 V to 1.2 V, and with a lock range from 40 MHz to 170 MHz at 0.5 V. The jitter is less than 200 ps and the lock time is less than 500 ns.