Taroh SASAKI Ryuji KOHNO Hideki IMAI
Recently, a lot of research works have been carried out regarding intelligent communication. If the final information sink is assumed as a human being, a communication channel can be used more effectively when encoders/decoders work "intelligently" or take into account of the semantics of information to be sent. We have been studying error-controlling systems based on different importance of segmental information. The system divides the information input into segments to which individual importance can be assigned. The segments are individually encoded by appropriate error-correcting codes (ECCs) which correspond to their importance among codes with different error-correcting capabilities. For the information that difference of the importance is systematically aligned, conventional UEP (unequal error protection) codes can be applied, but we treat the case that alignment of the importance of the information source is not systematically aligned. Since the system uses multiple ECCs with different (n,k,d) parameters, information regarding what length of the next codeword is required for decoding. We propose error controlling schemes using mulriple ECCs; the first scheme and the second scheme use the obvious codelength identifying information. In the second scheme, information bits are sorted so that segments with the same importance can be encoded by an ECC with the same error-correcting capability. The third scheme is a main proposal in this paper and uses Variable Capability Coding scheme (VCC) which uses some ECCs having different error-correcting capabilities and codelengths. A sequence encoded by the VCC is separable into appropriate segments without obvious codelength identifying information when the channel error probability is low. Subsequently, we evaluate these schemes by coderate when (1) error correcting capability (2) codelength identifying capability are the same. One of the feature of VCC is the capability of resuming from propagative errors because errors beyond the codelength identifying capability occur and the proper beginning of the codeword is lost in the decoder. We also evaluate this capability as (3) resynchronizing capability.
The medical care day by day and more and more is associated with and reliant upon concepts and advances of electronics and electromagnetics. Numerous medical devices are implanted in the body for medical use. Tissue implanted devices are of great interest for wireless medical applications due to the promising of different clinical usage to promote a patient independence. It can be used in hospitals, health care facilities and home to transmit patient measurement data, such as pulse and respiration rates to a nearby receiver, permitting greater patient mobility and increased comfort. As this service permits remote monitoring of several patients simultaneously it could also potentially decrease health care costs. Advancement in radio frequency communications and miniaturization of bioelectronics are supporting medical implant applications. A central component of wireless implanted device is an antenna and there are several issues to consider when designing an in-body antenna, including power consumption, size, frequency, biocompatibility and the unique RF transmission challenges posed by the human body. The radiation characteristics of such devices are important in terms of both safety and performance. The implanted antenna and human body as a medium for wireless communication are discussed over Medical Implant Communications Service (MICS) band in the frequency range of 402-405 MHz.
Software radio or software defined radio (SDR) is a quite attractive field of research in terms of theoretical cross-over research themes between radio engineering and computer science in academia as well as new multi-standard or all-purpose radio system products in industry. In order to promote research and development in a field of SDR this paper briefly introduces some prospective aspect and research themes on SDR. There are many approaches to research SDR such as architectures, devises, algorithms, description languages and API (application program interface) for achieving reconfigurability and downloadability in an SDR system. One of the approaches is to focus on an antenna for SDR. Although a baseband circuit is generally programable and reconfigurable, an antenna and a RF circuit are used to be less flexible and hardware-dependent and then result in a bottleneck for implementing an SDR system. However, an adaptive array antenna or a smart antenna named a software antenna is adaptively controllable and reconfigurable because it can be programable to form a desired beam pattern if an appropriate set of antenna weights is provided with software. It must be a vital tool for carrying out an SDR system. A software antenna can be considered as an adaptive filter in space and time domains for radio communications, so that the communication theory can be generalized from a conventional time domain into both space and time domains. This paper also introduces structures and theories of a software antenna which I have been studying before this millennium.
David K. ASANO Subbarayan PASUPATHY Ryuji KOHNO
Coding and modulation tradeoffs for limiter-discriminator based CPM transceivers are examined in Rayleigh, fast fading environments. Comparisons are made on the basis of a fixed bandwidth to information rate ratio, so coded schemes and uncoded schemes can be compared fairly. It is shown that using the proper balance of modulation and coding is important to achieve good performance. It is found that combining bandwidth efficient modulation with convolutional coding achieves better performance than trellis coded modulation (TCM). The increase in performance as the code complexity is increased is also found to be larger for convolutional coding than for TCM.
In this paper, we propose and investigate space-time-frequency turbo coded OFDM transmissions through time-varying and frequency-selective fading channel. The proposed turbo code is a serial concatenated convolutional code which consists of space-frequency and time-frequency domain codes. The aim of the proposed turbo code is to obtain both diversity and coding gains over space-time-frequency domain. Using computer simulations and EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts, we investigate the optimum structure of inner and outer codes. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed system leads to significantly enhanced performance. Moreover, we analyze the computational complexity.
Lachlan B. MICHAEL Miodrag J. MIHALJEVIC Shinichiro HARUYAMA Ryuji KOHNO
To promote the commercial implementation of software download for software defined radio (SDR) terminals, a secure method of download is vital. This paper examines the needs of software download for SDR, and proposes a comprehensive system framework within which secure download can be carried out. The features of the proposed system include unique individual encryption to each terminal and secure exchangeability of any cryptographic components. The main goals of the security system are the following: (i) verification of the identity of the source of the software; (ii) control and verification of the integrity of the downloaded data; (iii) disabling of the ability to run unauthorized software on the software defined terminal; (iv) secrecy of the transmitted data. The proposed system is flexible and in harmony with current requirements regarding the SDR security issues.
Ultra Wideband (UWB) communication system utilizing impulse signals is attractive technique which can achieve high data rate with low complexity and low power consumption. In this impulse based UWB system, lots of different shaped pulses have been considered to represent more information bits per symbol. In order to detect these different shaped UWB signals at the receiver, the synthesized template generation method using several elementary waveforms is effective. In this paper we design and analyze this synthesized template waveform instead of the conventional matched filter technique. The synthesis of UWB template waveform can be achieved as combinations of orthogonalized elementary waveforms with Fourier coefficients. By adjusting the number of elementary waveforms and their coefficients, it is possible to detect several types of UWB signals. The orders of approximation corresponding to different number of elementary waveforms are analyzed and the bit error rate properties are then investigated in AWGN and multipath fading channels. In addition, the proposed system can capture more energy by adjusting its coefficients adaptively under the multipath environment and reduce the effect of Intra-Pulse Interference (IPI) which is occurred when the propagation channel is not separable, that is, multipath components spaced closer than the typical pulse width. We show the design of the adaptive template synthesis method and its performance compared with conventional Rake receiver.
Takashi SUDO Hirokazu TANAKA Ryuji KOHNO
In this paper, we study an objective quality measure that approximates the subjective mean opinion score (MOS) for bandwidth-extended wideband speech with respect to narrowband speech. Bandwidth-extended speech should be widely evaluated by a subjective quality assessment such as MOS. However, such subjective quality assessments are expensive and time-consuming. This paper proposes a new objective quality measure that combines the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) and spectral-distortion. We evaluated the correlation between our proposed scheme and MOS using AMR and AMR-WB speech codecs. The coefficient of correlation between the proposed scheme and the MOS value was found to be 0.973. We concluded that the proposed scheme is a valid and effective objective quality measure.
When wireless multi-media information which includes speech, image, data and so on are transmitted, the defference in information rate, required quality as well as traffic performance should be taken into account. A wireless spread spectrum system can achieve a flexible balance of these differences because of the inherent asynchronous capability of CDMA. In this paper, we propose a wireless multi-media CDMA system based on a processing gain control in a dynamic traffic channel. According to the priority of each medium and channel measurement information i.e. traffic, the optimal processing gain can be controlled by using Nonlinear Programming. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method possesses higher flexible capacity than TDMA in a dynamic multi-medea traffic channel.
When wireless multi-media information such as voice, video, data and so on are transmitted, the difference required quality of Service (QoS) including required Bit Error Rate (BER), required information bit rate, message's delay constraints as well as traffic performance should be taken into account. A wireless multi-media system should achieve a flexible balance of these differences. In this letter, an Adaptive Chip/Bit Control Method is proposed for Wireless Multi-media CDMA System. The proposed method controls both chip and bit rate of each medium according to the offered traffic condition and the quality measurement of each medium. In the proposed method, measurement are carried out in the base station. Simulation results show that the proposed method not only maintain the required BER of each medium, but achieve a higher total throughput even in high traffic condition. Thus we see that the proposed method possesses higher flexible ability than conventional methods.
This paper investigates some Z4 codes formed as the Z4-analog (Hensel lifting) of the binary BCH construction. Such codes with length 105 and dimension 13 have been constructed. They are described with their parameters. Some examples of their generator polynomials are given when Hamming weight and Lee weight are different.
Takahiro AOYAGI Minseok KIM Jun-ichi TAKADA Kiyoshi HAMAGUCHI Ryuji KOHNO
In this paper, we performed six human movement simulation by a commercial software (Poser7). We performed FDTD simulations for body area network propagation with one transmitter and six receivers. Received amplitudes were calculated for every time frame of 1/30 s interval. We also demonstrated a polarization diversity effectiveness for dynamic wearable body area network propagation.
This paper introduces a state-of-art on an ultra-wideband (UWB) technology in intelligent transport systems (ITS). To examine the detection performance of a UWB short-range radar for vehicular applications, we developed a 26-GHz band short-range UWB radar system with an embedded compact MMIC-based RF module. In this paper, we briefly comment on the current regulatory environment for UWB radar systems by outlining the structure of an international organization involved in examining the regulatory status of these systems. We then describe the principles of detection and system design for impulse radar, the radar system that we developed, and a MMIC-based RF module as well as the performance of these devices. We measured their performance in a series of laboratory experiments and also measured UWB radar cross sections of an automobile. The results of our experiments suggest that our radar system is capable of detecting targets with a range resolution of around 9 cm.
Several papers have been shown equalization in the reception side. However, equalization in transmission side that is partial response signaling (PRS) or precoding is also possible in a two-way interactive communication such as time or frequency division duplex (TDD of FDD). This paper proposes and investigates a system which includes a transmission equalization and reception equalization based on an array antenna. This system is the extension in spatial and temporal domains. The channel capacity can be improved in the super channel which includes the transmitter and receiver array antenna.
Craig J. MITCHELL Giuseppe ABREU Ryuji KOHNO
In this paper we present a novel method for improving RAKE receiver reception in UWB systems. Due to the fact that practical pulses that can be produced for UWB-IR (Ultra Wideband-Impulse Radio) may occupy a longer time than the typical multipath resolution of the actual UWB channel, multiple channel components may arrive within this typical pulse width. Performance degradation may occur due to the resulting intrapulse (overlapping received pulses) interference. We here propose an adaptive, pilot aided RAKE receiver for UWB communications in the multipath environment. The proposed system estimates the actual received signal with intrapulse interference in each RAKE finger using projections onto a Hadamard-Hermite subspace. By exploiting the orthogonality of this subspace it is possible to decompose the received signal so as to better match the template waveform and reduce the effects of intrapulse interference. By using the projections onto this subspace, the dimension of the received signal is effectively increased allowing for adaptive correlator template outputs. RAKE receivers based on this proposal are designed which show significant performance improvement and require less fingers to achieve required performance than their conventional counterparts.
We propose a new approach associated with the use of some selected sets of Walsh Hadamard codes for joint estimation of channels and the number of transmit antennas by employing only one OFDM pilot symbol. This allows transmit antenna diversity to be applied in systems which have a limited number of training symbols (preambles), e.g. HIPERLAN/2. The proposed approach does not require any a priori knowledge about the number of transmit antennas, providing flexibility in the number of antennas to be used. In addition, adaptive scheme associated with the proposed approach provides more accurate estimations of the channels. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated through simulation. Results show that the proposed scheme provides significant improvement over previous channel estimation schemes and has almost the same performance as the ideal system with the full knowledge of the channel state information.
This paper proposes and investigates an adaptive equalizer with diversity-combining over a multipath fading channel. It consists of two space-diversity antennas and a Ts/2-spaced decision-feedback-equalizer (DFE). Received signals from the two antennas are alternatively switched and fed into the feed forward-filter of DFE. We call this structure a Switched Input Combining Equalizer with diversity-combining (SICE). By using an SICE, the receiver structure for combining diversity equalization can be simplified, because it needs only two receiver sections up to IF BPF. The bit error rate (BER) performance of SICE was evaluated by both computer simulation and experiment over a multipath fading channel. We experimentally confirmed the excellent BER performance, around 1% of BER over a multipath fading channel at 160Hz of maximum doppler fading frequency. Therefore, the proposed SICE is applicable to highly reliable transmission in the 1.5-GHz-band mobile radio.
Under current radio regulations, it is illegal to change the configuration of a radio after its type approval has been acquired. However, the reconfigurability of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) terminal, which is one of its benefits, is possible by changing its software in the field. This contradicts current radio regulations. Therefore, a new authorization procedure is necessary for system reconfiguration using SDR. It is necessary to satisfy the radio regulation. In other words, a new authorization procedure requires techniques to prevent the operation out of the allowed limits of SDR in the field. In this paper, we propose a novel mechanism, called Automatic Certification System (ACS), as a solution to these regulatory issues for SDR. The ACS is a system which gives type approval automatically to the software which affects the output power, central frequency, frequency band, modulation type and which controls analog circuits on an SDR terminal. We also propose the ACS based framework which aims to distribute the burden of the software manufacturer, hardware manufacturer, and governmental authority. After that, we describe the inspection method and discuss the case of a modulation scheme which can be Phase Shift Keying (PSK) or Minimum Shift Keying (MSK) schemes. Our simulations confirm that the ACS is able to certify the modulation software at the terminal.
Spread spectrum theory and techniques have been studied and developed for commercial applications in Japan, rather than for military use as in USA. Main purpose of the study and development is not to prevent jamming or intentional interference, but to carry out more efficient utilization of available frequency spectra. This paper introduces some spread spectrum theory and techniques which have been studied for the past several years in Japan for improving capacity of transmission. Co-channel interference in code-division multiple access (CDMA) based on spread spectrum technique is the most dominant factor in the limitation of capacity. Various classes of pseudo-noise (PN) sequences or spreading sequences have been proposed in order to reduce co-channel interference or achieve fast acquisition and high security. On the other hand, co-channel interference can be eliminated by digital signal processing approaches, such as adaptive digital filtering and beam-forming. This paper gives an overview of these PN sequences and interference cancellation techniques which appear to be most promising for use in commercial spread spectrum systems.