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[Author] Tohru ISHIHARA(30hit)


  • An Integrated Framework for Energy Optimization of Embedded Real-Time Applications

    Hideki TAKASE  Gang ZENG  Lovic GAUTHIER  Hirotaka KAWASHIMA  Noritoshi ATSUMI  Tomohiro TATEMATSU  Yoshitake KOBAYASHI  Takenori KOSHIRO  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hiroyuki TOMIYAMA  Hiroaki TAKADA  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E97-A No:12

    This paper presents a framework for reducing the energy consumption of embedded real-time systems. We implemented the presented framework as both an optimization toolchain and an energy-aware real-time operating system. The framework consists of the integration of multiple techniques to optimize the energy consumption. The main idea behind our approach is to utilize trade-offs between the energy consumption and the performance of different processor configurations during task checkpoints, and to maintain memory allocation during task context switches. In our framework, a target application is statically analyzed at both intra-task and inter-task levels. Based on these analyzed results, runtime optimization is performed in response to the behavior of the application. A case study shows that our toolchain and real-time operating systems have achieved energy reduction while satisfying the real-time performance. The toolchain has also been successfully applied to a practical application.

  • Implementation of Stack Data Placement and Run Time Management Using a Scratch-Pad Memory for Energy Consumption Reduction of Embedded Applications

    Lovic GAUTHIER  Tohru ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E94-A No:12

    Memory accesses are a major cause of energy consumption for embedded systems. This paper presents the implementation of a fully software technique which places stack and static data into a scratch-pad memory (SPM) in order to reduce the energy consumed by the processor while accessing them. Since an SPM is usually too small to include all these data, some of them must be left into the external main memory (MM). Therefore, further energy reduction is achieved by moving some stack data between both memories at run time. The technique employs integer linear programming in order to find at compile time the optimal placement of static data and management of the stack and implements it by inserting stack operations inside the code. Experimental results show that with an SPM of only 1 KB, our technique is able to exploit it for reducing the energy consumption related to the static and stack data accesses by more than 90% for several applications and on an average by 57% compared to the case where these data are fully placed into the main memory.

  • Neural Network Calculations at the Speed of Light Using Optical Vector-Matrix Multiplication and Optoelectronic Activation

    Naoki HATTORI  Jun SHIOMI  Yutaka MASUDA  Tohru ISHIHARA  Akihiko SHINYA  Masaya NOTOMI  


    E104-A No:11

    With the rapid progress of the integrated nanophotonics technology, the optical neural network architecture has been widely investigated. Since the optical neural network can complete the inference processing just by propagating the optical signal in the network, it is expected more than one order of magnitude faster than the electronics-only implementation of artificial neural networks (ANN). In this paper, we first propose an optical vector-matrix multiplication (VMM) circuit using wavelength division multiplexing, which enables inference processing at the speed of light with ultra-wideband. This paper next proposes optoelectronic circuit implementation for batch normalization and activation function, which significantly improves the accuracy of the inference processing without sacrificing the speed performance. Finally, using a virtual environment for machine learning and an optoelectronic circuit simulator, we demonstrate the ultra-fast and accurate operation of the optical-electronic ANN circuit.

  • A Synthesis Method Based on Multi-Stage Optimization for Power-Efficient Integrated Optical Logic Circuits

    Ryosuke MATSUO  Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  Akihiko SHINYA  Masaya NOTOMI  


    E104-A No:11

    Optical logic circuits based on integrated nanophotonics attract significant interest due to their ultra-high-speed operation. However, the power dissipation of conventional optical logic circuits is exponential to the number of inputs of target logic functions. This paper proposes a synthesis method reducing power dissipation to a polynomial order of the number of inputs while exploiting the high-speed nature. Our method divides the target logic function into multiple sub-functions with Optical-to-Electrical (OE) converters. Each sub-function has a smaller number of inputs than that of the original function, which enables to exponentially reduce the power dissipated by an optical logic circuit representing the sub-function. The proposed synthesis method can mitigate the OE converter delay overhead by parallelizing sub-functions. We apply the proposed synthesis method to the ISCAS'85 benchmark circuits. The power consumption of the conventional circuits based on the Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) is at least three orders of magnitude larger than that of the optical logic circuits synthesized by the proposed method. The proposed method reduces the power consumption to about 100mW. The delay of almost all the circuits synthesized by the proposed method is kept less than four times the delay of the conventional BDD-based circuit.

  • A Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Supply and Threshold Voltages in CMOS Circuits for Minimum Energy Point Operation

    Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E100-A No:12

    Scaling supply voltage (VDD) and threshold voltage (Vth) dynamically has a strong impact on energy efficiency of CMOS LSI circuits. Techniques for optimizing VDD and Vth simultaneously under dynamic workloads are thus widely investigated over the past 15 years. In this paper, we refer to the optimum pair of VDD and Vth, which minimizes the energy consumption of a circuit under a specific performance constraint, as a minimum energy point (MEP). Based on the simple transregional models of a CMOS circuit, this paper derives a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the MEP operation. The simple condition helps find the MEP of CMOS circuits. Measurement results using standard-cell based memories (SCMs) fabricated in a 65-nm process technology also validate the condition derived in this paper.

  • A Design Method of a Cell-Based Amplifier for Body Bias Generation

    Takuya KOYANAGI  Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E102-C No:7

    Body bias generators are useful circuits that can reduce variability and power dissipation in LSI circuits. However, the amplifier implemented into the body bias generator is difficult to design because of its complexity. To overcome the difficulty, this paper proposes a clearer cell-based design method of the amplifier than the existing cell-based design methods. The proposed method is based on a simple analytical model, which enables to easily design the amplifiers under various operating conditions. First, we introduce a small signal equivalent circuit of two-stage amplifiers by which we approximate a three-stage amplifier, and introduce a method for determining its design parameters based on the analytical model. Second, we propose a method of tuning parameters such as cell-based phase compensation elements and drive-strength of the output stage. Finally, based on the test chip measurement, we show the advantage of the body bias generator we designed in a cell-based flow over existing designs.

  • Experimental Analysis of Power Estimation Models of CMOS VLSI Circuits

    Tohru ISHIHARA  Hiroto YASUURA  


    E80-A No:3

    In this paper, we discuss on accuracy of power dissipation medels for CMOS VLSI circuits. Some researchers have proposed several efficient power estimation methods for CMOS circuits. However, we do not know how accurate they are because we have not established a method to compare the estimated results of power consumption with power consumption of actual VLSI chips. To evaluate the accuracy of several kinds of power dissipation models in chip-level, block-level and gate-lebel etc., we have been (i) Measuring power consumtion of actual microprocessors, (ii) Estimating power consumption with several kinds of power dissipation models, and (iii) Comparing (i) with (ii). The experimental results show as follows: (1) Power estimation at gate level is accurate enough. (2) Estimating power of a clock tree independently makes estimation more accurate. (3) Area of each functional block is a good approximation of load capacitance of the block.

  • Reliable Cache Architectures and Task Scheduling for Multiprocessor Systems

    Makoto SUGIHARA  Tohru ISHIHARA  Kazuaki MURAKAMI  


    E91-C No:4

    This paper proposes a task scheduling approach for reliable cache architectures (RCAs) of multiprocessor systems. The RCAs dynamically switch their operation modes for reducing the usage of vulnerable SRAMs under real-time constraints. A mixed integer programming model has been built for minimizing vulnerability under real-time constraints. Experimental results have shown that our task scheduling approach achieved 47.7-99.9% less vulnerability than a conventional one.

  • Instruction Scheduling to Reduce Switching Activity of Off-Chip Buses for Low-Power Systems with Caches

    Hiroyuki TOMIYAMA  Tohru ISHIHARA  Akihiko INOUE  Hiroto YASUURA  


    E81-A No:12

    In many embedded systems, a significant amount of power is consumed for off-chip driving because off-chip capacitances are much larger than on-chip capacitances. This paper proposes instruction scheduling techniques to reduce power consumed for off-chip driving. The techniques minimize the switching activity of a data bus between an on-chip cache and a main memory when instruction cache misses occur. The scheduling problem is formulated and two scheduling algorithms are presented. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.

  • Analytical Stability Modeling for CMOS Latches in Low Voltage Operation

    Tatsuya KAMAKARI  Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E99-A No:12

    In synchronous LSI circuits, memory subsystems such as Flip-Flops and SRAMs are essential components and latches are the base elements of the common memory logics. In this paper, a stability analysis method for latches operating in a low voltage region is proposed. The butterfly curve of latches is a key for analyzing a retention failure of latches. This paper discusses a modeling method for retention stability and derives an analytical stability model for latches. The minimum supply voltage where the latches can operate with a certain yield can be accurately derived by a simple calculation using the proposed model. Monte-Carlo simulation targeting 65nm and 28nm process technology models demonstrates the accuracy and the validity of the proposed method. Measurement results obtained by a test chip fabricated in a 65nm process technology also demonstrate the validity. Based on the model, this paper shows some strategies for variation tolerant design of latches.

  • Dynamic Verification Framework of Approximate Computing Circuits using Quality-Aware Coverage-Based Grey-Box Fuzzing

    Yutaka MASUDA  Yusei HONDA  Tohru ISHIHARA  


    E106-A No:3

    Approximate computing (AC) has recently emerged as a promising approach to the energy-efficient design of digital systems. For realizing the practical AC design, we need to verify whether the designed circuit can operate correctly under various operating conditions. Namely, the verification needs to efficiently find fatal logic errors or timing errors that violate the constraint of computational quality. This work focuses on the verification where the computational results can be observed, the computational quality can be calculated from computational results, and the constraint of computational quality is given and defined as the constraint which is set to the computational quality of designed AC circuit with given workloads. Then, this paper proposes a novel dynamic verification framework of the AC circuit. The key idea of the proposed framework is to incorporate a quality assessment capability into the Coverage-based Grey-box Fuzzing (CGF). CGF is one of the most promising techniques in the research field of software security testing. By repeating (1) mutation of test patterns, (2) execution of the program under test (PUT), and (3) aggregation of coverage information and feedback to the next test pattern generation, CGF can explore the verification space quickly and automatically. On the other hand, CGF originally cannot consider the computational quality by itself. For overcoming this quality unawareness in CGF, the proposed framework additionally embeds the Design Under Verification (DUV) component into the calculation part of computational quality. Thanks to the DUV integration, the proposed framework realizes the quality-aware feedback loop in CGF and thus quickly enhances the verification coverage for test patterns that violate the quality constraint. In this work, we quantitatively compared the verification coverage of the approximate arithmetic circuits between the proposed framework and the random test. In a case study of an approximate multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit, we experimentally confirmed that the proposed framework achieved 3.85 to 10.36 times higher coverage than the random test.

  • An Accuracy Reconfigurable Vector Accelerator based on Approximate Logarithmic Multipliers for Energy-Efficient Computing

    Lingxiao HOU  Yutaka MASUDA  Tohru ISHIHARA  


    E106-A No:3

    The approximate logarithmic multiplier proposed by Mitchell provides an efficient alternative for processing dense multiplication or multiply-accumulate operations in applications such as image processing and real-time robotics. It offers the advantages of small area, high energy efficiency and is suitable for applications that do not necessarily achieve high accuracy. However, its maximum error of 11.1% makes it challenging to deploy in applications requiring relatively high accuracy. This paper proposes a novel operand decomposition method (OD) that decomposes one multiplication into the sum of multiple approximate logarithmic multiplications to widely reduce Mitchell multiplier errors while taking full advantage of its area savings. Based on the proposed OD method, this paper also proposes an accuracy reconfigurable multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit that provides multiple reconfigurable accuracies with high parallelism. Compared to a MAC unit consisting of accurate multipliers, the area is significantly reduced to less than half, improving the hardware parallelism while satisfying the required accuracy for various scenarios. The experimental results show the excellent applicability of our proposed MAC unit in image smoothing and robot localization and mapping application. We have also designed a prototype processor that integrates the minimum functionality of this MAC unit as a vector accelerator and have implemented a software-level accuracy reconfiguration in the form of an instruction set extension. We experimentally confirmed the correct operation of the proposed vector accelerator, which provides the different degrees of accuracy and parallelism at the software level.

  • Virtualizing DVFS for Energy Minimization of Embedded Dual-OS Platform

    Takumi KOMORI  Yutaka MASUDA  Tohru ISHIHARA  


    E107-A No:1

    Recent embedded systems require both traditional machinery control and information processing, such as network and GUI handling. A dual-OS platform consolidates a real-time OS (RTOS) and general-purpose OS (GPOS) to realize efficient software development on one physical processor. Although the dual-OS platform attracts increasing attention, it often suffers from energy inefficiency in the GPOS for guaranteeing real-time responses of the RTOS. This paper proposes an energy minimization method called DVFS virtualization, which allows running multiple DVFS policies dedicated to the RTOS and GPOS, respectively. The experimental evaluation using a commercial microcontroller showed that the proposed hardware could change the supply voltage within 500 ns and reduce the energy consumption of typical applications by 60 % in the best case compared to conventional dual-OS platforms. Furthermore, evaluation using a commercial microprocessor achieved a 15 % energy reduction of practical open-source software at best.

  • Identification of Redundant Flip-Flops Using Fault Injection for Low-Power Approximate Computing Circuits

    Jiaxuan LU  Yutaka MASUDA  Tohru ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E107-A No:3

    Approximate computing (AC) saves energy and improves performance by introducing approximation into computation in error-torrent applications. This work focuses on an AC strategy that accurately performs important computations and approximates others. In order to make AC circuits practical, we need to determine which computation is how important carefully, and thus need to appropriately approximate the redundant computation for maintaining the required computational quality. In this paper, we focus on the importance of computations at the flip-flop (FF) level and propose a novel importance evaluation methodology. The key idea of the proposed methodology is a two-step fault injection algorithm to extract the near-optimal set of redundant FFs in the circuit. In the first step, the proposed methodology performs the FI simulation for each FF and extracts the candidates of redundant FFs. Then, in the second step, the proposed methodology extracts the set of redundant FFs in a binary search manner. Thanks to the two-step strategy, the proposed algorithm reduces the complexity of architecture exploration from an exponential order to a linear order without understanding the functionality and behavior of the target application program. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology identifies the candidates of redundant FFs depending on the given constraints. In a case study of an image processing accelerator, the truncation for identified redundant FFs reduces the circuit area by 29.6% and saves power dissipation by 44.8% under the ASIC implementation while satisfying the PSNR constraint. Similarly, the dynamic power dissipation is saved by 47.2% under the FPGA implementation.

  • Programmable Power Management Architecture for Power Reduction

    Tohru ISHIHARA  Hiroto YASUURA  


    E81-C No:9

    This paper presents Power-Pro architecture (Programmable Power Management Architecture), a novel processor architecture for power reduction. The Power-Pro architecture has two key functionalities: (i) Supply voltage and clock frequency of a microprocessor can be dynamically varied, and (ii) active datapath width can be dynamically adjusted to the precision of each operation. The most unique point of this architecture is that software programmers can directly specify the requirements of applications such as real-time constraints and precision of the operations. To make programmable power management possible, Power-Pro architecture equips special instructions. Programmers can vary the supply voltage, the clock frequency and the active datapath width dynamically by the instructions. Experimental results show that power consumption for a variety of applications are dramatically reduced by the Power-Pro architecture.

  • A Memory Power Optimization Technique for Application Specific Embedded Systems

    Tohru ISHIHARA  Hiroto YASUURA  


    E82-A No:11

    In this paper, a novel application specific power optimization technique utilizing small instruction ROM which is placed between an instruction cache or a main program memory and CPU core is proposed. Our optimization technique targets embedded systems which assume the following: (i) instruction memories are organized by two on-chip memories, a main program memory and a subprogram memory, (ii) these two memories can be independently powered-up or powered-down by a special instruction of a core processor, and (iii) a compiler optimizes an allocation of object code into these two memories so as to minimize average of read energy consumption. In many application programs, only a few basic blocks are frequently executed. Therefore, allocating these frequently executed basic blocks into low power subprogram memory leads significant energy reduction. Our experiments with actual ROM (Read Only Memory) modules created with 0.5 µm CMOS process technology, and MPEG2 codec program demonstrate significant energy reductions up to more than 50% at best case over the previous approach that applies only divided bit and word lines structure.

  • A Multi-Performance Processor for Reducing the Energy Consumption of Real-Time Embedded Systems

    Tohru ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E93-A No:12

    This paper proposes an energy efficient processor which can be used as a design alternative for the dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) processors in embedded system design. The processor consists of multiple PE (processing element) cores and a selective set-associative cache memory. The PE-cores have the same instruction set architecture but differ in their clock speeds and energy consumptions. Only a single PE-core is activated at a time and the other PE-cores are deactivated using clock gating and signal gating techniques. The major advantage over the DVS processors is a small overhead for changing its performance. The gate-level simulation demonstrates that our processor can change its performance within 1.5 microsecond and dissipates about 10 nano-joule while conventional DVS processors need hundreds of microseconds and dissipate a few micro-joule for the performance transition. This makes it possible to apply our multi-performance processor to many real-time systems and to perform finer grained and more sophisticated dynamic voltage control.

  • Methods for Reducing Power and Area of BDD-Based Optical Logic Circuits

    Ryosuke MATSUO  Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  Akihiko SHINYA  Masaya NOTOMI  


    E102-A No:12

    Optical circuits using nanophotonic devices attract significant interest due to its ultra-high speed operation. As a consequence, the synthesis methods for the optical circuits also attract increasing attention. However, existing methods for synthesizing optical circuits mostly rely on straight-forward mappings from established data structures such as Binary Decision Diagram (BDD). The strategy of simply mapping a BDD to an optical circuit sometimes results in an explosion of size and involves significant power losses in branches and optical devices. To address these issues, this paper proposes a method for reducing the size of BDD-based optical logic circuits exploiting wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The paper also proposes a method for reducing the number of branches in a BDD-based circuit, which reduces the power dissipation in laser sources. Experimental results obtained using a partial product accumulation circuit used in a 4-bit parallel multiplier demonstrates significant advantages of our method over existing approaches in terms of area and power consumption.

  • On-Chip Cache Architecture Exploiting Hybrid Memory Structures for Near-Threshold Computing

    Hongjie XU  Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E102-A No:12

    This paper focuses on power-area trade-off axis to memory systems. Compared with the power-performance-area trade-off application on the traditional high performance cache, this paper focuses on the edge processing environment which is becoming more and more important in the Internet of Things (IoT) era. A new power-oriented trade-off is proposed for on-chip cache architecture. As a case study, this paper exploits a good energy efficiency of Standard-Cell Memory (SCM) operating in a near-threshold voltage region and a good area efficiency of Static Random Access Memory (SRAM). A hybrid 2-level on-chip cache structure is first introduced as a replacement of 6T-SRAM cache as L0 cache to save the energy consumption. This paper proposes a method for finding the best capacity combination for SCM and SRAM, which minimizes the energy consumption of the hybrid cache under a specific cache area constraint. The simulation result using a 65-nm process technology shows that up to 80% energy consumption is reduced without increasing the die area by replacing the conventional SRAM instruction cache with the hybrid 2-level cache. The result shows that energy consumption can be reduced if the area constraint for the proposed hybrid cache system is less than the area which is equivalent to a 8kB SRAM. If the target operating frequency is less than 100MHz, energy reduction can be achieved, which implies that the proposed cache system is suitable for low-power systems where a moderate processing speed is required.

  • Statistical Timing Modeling Based on a Lognormal Distribution Model for Near-Threshold Circuit Optimization

    Jun SHIOMI  Tohru ISHIHARA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E98-A No:7

    Near-threshold computing has emerged as one of the most promising solutions for enabling highly energy efficient and high performance computation of microprocessors. This paper proposes architecture-level statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) models for the near-threshold voltage computing where the path delay distribution is approximated as a lognormal distribution. First, we prove several important theorems that help consider architectural design strategies for high performance and energy efficient near-threshold computing. After that, we show the numerical experiments with Monte Carlo simulations using a commercial 28nm process technology model and demonstrate that the properties presented in the theorems hold for the practical near-threshold logic circuits.


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