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[Author] Wen LI(52hit)


  • Joint Power Allocation and Subchannel-Pairing for Two-Way MIMO-OFDM Relay System

    Qi JIANG  Xuewen LIAO  Wei WANG  Shihua ZHU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:5

    In this paper, we study the problem of joint resource allocation in the two-way relay system, where a pair of multi-antenna users wish to exchange information via multi-antenna amplify-and-forward relay under orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation. We formulate a sum-rate maximization problem subject to a limited power constraint for each user and relay. Our resource allocation strategy aims at finding the best pairing scheme and optimal power allocation over subchannels in frequency and space domains. This turns out to be a mixed integer programming problem. We then derive an asymptotically optimal solution though the Lagrange dual decomposition approach. Finally, simulation results are provided to demonstrate the performance gain of the proposed algorithms.

  • A Low-Complexity Face-Assisted Coding Scheme for Low Bit-Rate Video Telephony

    Chia-Wen LIN  Yao-Jen CHANG  Yung-Chang CHEN  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E86-D No:1

    This paper presents a novel and practical face-assisted video coding scheme to enhance the visual quality of the face region in videophone applications. A low-complexity skin-color-based face detection and tracking scheme is proposed to locate the human face regions in realtime. After classifying the macroblocks (MBs) into the face and non-face regions, we present a dynamic distortion-weighting adjustment (DDWA) scheme to skip encoding the static non-face MBs, and the saved bits are used to compensate the face region by increasing the distortion weighting of the face MBs. The quality of the face regions will thus be largely enhanced. Moreover, the computation originally required for encoding the skipped MBs can also be saved. The experimental results show that the proposed method can significantly improve the PSNR and the subjective quality of face regions, while the degradation introduced on the non-face areas is relatively invisible to human perception. The proposed algorithm is fully compatible with the H. 263 standard, and the low complexity feature makes it well suited to be implemented for real-time applications.

  • Research on the Algorithm of License Plate Recognition Based on MPGAN Haze Weather

    Weiguo ZHANG  Jiaqi LU  Jing ZHANG  Xuewen LI  Qi ZHAO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:5

    The haze situation will seriously affect the quality of license plate recognition and reduce the performance of the visual processing algorithm. In order to improve the quality of haze pictures, a license plate recognition algorithm based on haze weather is proposed in this paper. The algorithm in this paper mainly consists of two parts: The first part is MPGAN image dehazing, which uses a generative adversarial network to dehaze the image, and combines multi-scale convolution and perceptual loss. Multi-scale convolution is conducive to better feature extraction. The perceptual loss makes up for the shortcoming that the mean square error (MSE) is greatly affected by outliers; the second part is to recognize the license plate, first we use YOLOv3 to locate the license plate, the STN network corrects the license plate, and finally enters the improved LPRNet network to get license plate information. Experimental results show that the dehazing model proposed in this paper achieves good results, and the evaluation indicators PSNR and SSIM are better than other representative algorithms. After comparing the license plate recognition algorithm with the LPRNet algorithm, the average accuracy rate can reach 93.9%.

  • Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition via Local Binary Pattern Plus Sample Selective Biomimetic Pattern Recognition

    Yikui ZHAI  Junying GAN  Jinwen LI  Junying ZENG  Ying XU  

    PAPER-Face Perception and Recognition

    E96-D No:3

    Due to security demand of society development, real-time face recognition has been receiving more and more attention nowadays. In this paper, a real-time face recognition system via Local Binary Pattern (LBP) plus Improved Biomimetic Pattern Recognition (BPR) has been proposed. This system comprises three main steps: real-time color face detection process, feature extraction process and recognition process. Firstly, a color face detector is proposed to detect face with eye alignment and simultaneous performance; while in feature extraction step, LBP method is adopted to eliminate the negative effect of the light heterogeneity. Finally, an improved BPR method with Selective Sampling construction is applied to the recognition system. Experiments on our established database named WYU Database, PUT Database and AR Database show that this real-time face recognition system can work with high efficiency and has achieved comparable performance with the state-of-the-art systems.

  • Multiple-Antenna Receiving and Frequency Domain Equalization in Transmitted-Reference UWB Systems

    Xuewen LIAO  Shihua ZHU  Erlin ZENG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:7

    A multiple-antenna receiving and combining scheme is proposed for high-data-rate transmitted-reference (TR) Ultra-Wideband (UWB) systems. The nonlinearity of the inter-symbol interference (ISI) model is alleviated via simple antenna combining. Under the simplified ISI model, frequency domain equalization (FDE) is adopted and greatly reduces the complexity of the equalizer. A simple estimation algorithm for the simplified ISI model is presented. Simulation results demonstrate that compared to the single receive antenna scheme, the proposed method can obtain a significant diversity gain and eliminate the BER floor effect. Moreover, compared to the complex second-order time domain equalizer, FDE showed better performance robustness in the case of imperfect model estimation.

  • Research on the Performance of Multi-GNSS Medium Length Baseline RTK with LEO-Augmented

    Weisheng HU  Xuwen LIANG  Huiling HOU  Zhuochen XIE  Xiaohe HE  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E103-A No:5

    In this letter, we simulate GNSS/LEO measurements and propose a process strategy for LEO-augmented GNSS medium length baseline RTK. Experiments show that, the performance of GNSS medium length baseline RTK can be significantly improved by introducing LEO satellites. The convergence speed of LEO-augmented GPS or BDS float solution maybe better than GPS/BDS combined under the conditions of similar satellite geometry. Besides, the RMS error of fixed solutions are improved to better than 4cm from sub-decimeter level.

  • On the Performance of Amplify-and-Forward Relay Systems with Limited Feedback Beamforming

    Erlin ZENG  Shihua ZHU  Xuewen LIAO  Zhimeng ZHONG  Zhenjie FENG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:6

    Prior studies have shown that the performance of amplify-and-forward (AF) relay systems can be considerably improved by using multiple antennas and low complexity linear processing at the relay nodes. However, there is still a lack of performance analysis for the cases where the processing is based on limited feedback (LFB). Motivated by this, we derive the closed-form expression of the outage probability of AF relay systems with LFB beamforming in this letter. Simulation results are also provided to confirm the analytical studies.

  • Wavelet Based Multipurpose Color Image Watermarking by Using Dual Watermarks with Human Vision System Models

    Min-Jen TSAI  Chih-Wen LIN  


    E91-A No:6

    In this study, we propose a complete architecture based on digital watermarking techniques to solve the issue of copyright protection and authentication for digital contents. We apply visible and semi-fragile watermarks as dual watermarks where visible watermarking is used to establish the copyright protection and semi-fragile watermarking authenticates and verifies the integrity of the watermarked image. In order to get the best tradeoff between the embedding energy of watermark and the perceptual translucence for visible watermark, the composite coefficients using global and local characteristics of the host and watermark images in the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) domain is considered with Human Vision System (HVS) models. To achieve the optimum noise reduction of the visibility thresholds for HVS in DWT domain, the contrast-sensitive function (CSF) and noise visible function (NVF) of perceptual model is applied which characterizes the global and local image properties and identifies texture and edge regions to determine the optimal watermark locations and strength at the watermark embedding stage. In addition, the perceptual weights according to the basis function amplitudes of DWT coefficients is fine tuned for the best quality of perceptual translucence in the design of the proposed watermarking algorithm. Furthermore, the semi-fragile watermark can detect and localize malicious attack effectively yet tolerate mild modifications such as JPEG compression and channel additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). From the experimental results, our proposed technique not only improves the PSNR values and visual quality than other algorithms but also preserves the visibility of the watermark visible under various signal processing and advanced image recovery attacks.

  • Environmentally-Friendly Switches: Arcing Phenomena in Vacuum and SF6 Substitutes

    Shenli JIA  Xingwen LI  Zongqian SHI  Lijun WANG  


    E95-C No:9

    This paper focuses on the latest research of switching arc both in vacuum and SF6 substitutes in our group. The crucial characteristics of vacuum arc are illustrated, including the motion and distribution of single cathode spot and multiple cathode spots, the influence of axial magnetic field on arc plasma characteristics, the influence of composite magnetic field on cathode jets, and the study of anode activities. Meanwhile, the arc characteristics in SF6 and its substitutes (Ar, CO2 and N2) at different pressures and gap distances are investigated by experiments and simulation.

  • Commit Protocol for Low-Powered Mobile Clients

    Yen-Wen LIN  Hsiao-Kuang WU  Feipei LAI  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E82-D No:8

    Technical advances in the development of portable computers and wireless communications enable users to take part in distributed computing even while moving. The resulting environment is subject to be constrained by the mobility of users and the nature of the cordless medium. In this paper we propose a commit protocol for providing low-powered mobile hosts with two phase commit service which is a powerful technique to implement atomic actions in distributed systems, with some important aspects such as low power consumption, efficient mobility management, subject oriented service binding and effective disconnection handling to well adapt to a mobile computing environment.

  • Measurement of the Dielectric Recovery Strength and Reignition of AC Contactors

    Degui CHEN  Xingwen LI  Ruicheng DAI  

    PAPER-Contactors & Circuit Breakers

    E88-C No:8

    In order to understand the recovery characteristics of AC contactors and improve their performance, experimental measurements were used to investigate the arcing gap recovery process including dielectric recovery strength and reignition, to a pair of splitter plate together and four kinds of arc chamber of AC contactors. A special circuit was designed to perform the work. It demonstrates that under lower current, the dielectric recovery strengths of all kinds of arc chambers in the paper have no significant difference. However, with the increase of current, the difference of dielectric recovery strengths of them is much clear. The reignition characteristics of a pair of splitter plate and arc chambers are similar. With different configurations of arc chambers and prospective currents, the forms of post current zero reignition are distinct.

  • Initial Assessment of LEO-Augmented GPS RTK in Signal-Degraded Environment

    Weisheng HU  Huiling HOU  Zhuochen XIE  Xuwen LIANG  Xiaohe HE  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E103-A No:7

    We simulate some scenarios that 2/3 LEO satellites enhance 3/4/5 GPS satellites, to assess LEO-augmented GPS RTK positioning in signal-degraded environment. The effects of LEO-augmented GPS RTK in terms of reliability, availability and accuracy are presented, and the DIA algorithm is applied to deal with the poor data quality.

  • Numerical Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Behavior of AC Contactors Concerning with the Bounce of Contact

    Xingwen LI  Degui CHEN  Zhipeng LI  Weixiong TONG  


    E87-C No:8

    In the optimum design of AC contactors, it is necessary to analyze the dynamic behavior. Moreover, movable contacts and core bounce have remarkable effect on the lifetime of contactors. A set of differential equations describes the coupling of the electric circuit, electromagnetic field and mechanical system taking account into bounce and the influence of friction. With virtual prototyping technology, the dynamic behavior, especially for contacts bounce, has been investigated according to different electrical circuit parameters. Two approaches are introduced to solve electromagnetic parameters. Based on 3D finite element static nonlinear analysis, the flux linkage and electromagnetic force can be evaluated with different air gap and exciting current for larger gap. In addition, concerning to the shading coil for smaller gap, magnetic circuit can facilitate the calculation. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed by experiments.

  • A Night Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on MDIFE-Net Curve Estimation

    Jing ZHANG  Dan LI  Hong-an LI  Xuewen LI  Lizhi ZHANG  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E106-D No:2

    In order to solve the low-quality problems such as low brightness, poor contrast, noise interference and color imbalance in night images, a night image enhancement algorithm based on MDIFE-Net curve estimation is presented. This algorithm mainly consists of three parts: Firstly, we design an illumination estimation curve (IEC), which adjusts the pixel level of the low illumination image domain through a non-linear fitting function, maps to the enhanced image domain, and effectively eliminates the effect of illumination loss; Secondly, the DCE-Net is improved, replacing the original Relu activation function with a smoother Mish activation function, so that the parameters can be better updated; Finally, illumination estimation loss function, which combines image attributes with fidelity, is designed to drive the no-reference image enhancement, which preserves more image details while enhancing the night image. The experimental results show that our method can not only effectively improve the image contrast, but also make the details of the target more prominent, improve the visual quality of the image, and make the image achieve a better visual effect. Compared with four existing low illumination image enhancement algorithms, the NIQE and STD evaluation index values are better than other representative algorithms, verify the feasibility and validity of the algorithm, and verify the rationality and necessity of each component design through ablation experiments.

  • Effect of Back-Volume of Arc-Quenching Chamber on Arc Behavior

    Ruicheng DAI  Degui CHEN  Xingwen LI  Chunping NIU  Weixiong TONG  Honggang XIANG  

    PAPER-Arc Discharge & Related Phenomena

    E91-C No:8

    The gas-puffer effect has important effects on the interruption capability of a molded case circuit breaker (MCCB). In this paper, on the basis of a simplified model of an arc chamber with a single break, the effect of back-volume of an arc-quenching chamber on arc behavior in an MCCB is investigated. Firstly, using a 2-D optical-fiber arc-motion measurement system, experiments are performed to study the effect of back-volume on the arc-motion and gas pressure in an arc-quenching chamber. We demonstrate that the lower back-volume of the arc-quenching chamber is, the higher the pressure and the better the arc motion will be. Then, corresponding to the above experiments, the gas pressure inside the arc-quenching chamber is calculated using the integral conservation equation. The simulation results are consistent with the experimental results.

  • A New Rapid and Accurate Synchronization Scheme Based on PMF-FFT for High Dynamic GPS Receiver

    Huiling HOU  Kang WU  Yijun CHEN  Xuwen LIANG  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E100-A No:12

    In this letter, a new rapid and accurate synchronization scheme based on PMF-FFT for high dynamic GPS receiver is proposed, with a fine Doppler frequency estimation inserted between the acquisition and tracking modules. Fine Doppler estimation is firstly achieved through a simple interpolation of the PMF-FFT outputs in terms of LSE criterion. Then a high dynamic tracking loop based on UKF is designed to verify the synchronization speed and accuracy. Numerical results show that the fine frequency estimation can closely approach the CRB, and the high dynamic receiver can obtain fine synchronization rapidly just through a very narrow bandwidth. The simplicity and low complexity give the proposed scheme a strong and practical-oriented ability, even for weak GPS signals.

  • A New and Accurate Method for the Frequency Estimation of Complex Exponential Signals

    Kang WU  Yijun CHEN  Huiling HOU  Wenhao CHEN  Xuwen LIANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:5

    In this letter, a new and accurate frequency estimation method of complex exponential signals is proposed. The proposed method divides the signal samples into several identical segments and sums up the samples belonging to the same segment respectively. Then it utilizes fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm with zero-padding to obtain a coarse estimation, and exploits three Fourier coefficients to interpolate a fine estimation based on least square error (LSE) criterion. Numerical results show that the proposed method can closely approach the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) with different estimation ranges. Furthermore, the computational complexity of the proposed method is proportional to the estimation range, showing its practical-oriented ability. The proposed method can be useful in several applications involving carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation for burst-mode satellite communications.

  • Experimental Study of the Arc Plasma Characteristics in SF6, N2 and CO2

    Xingwen LI  Shenli JIA  Yimin YOU  Zongqian SHI  


    E94-C No:9

    The paper is devoted to the experimental study of the arc plasma characteristics in SF6, N2 and CO2. To one flexible model of gas circuit breaker, short circuit experiments have been carried out considering the influence of contact gap (4–12 mm), gas pressure (1–5 atm), short circuit current (1–5 kA effective value) as well as gas species particularly. During the experiments, the arc image, arc current and arc voltage are recorded by the high speed camera, shunt and voltage transducer, respectively. It demonstrates that to the above mentioned three kinds of gases, the arc radius and arc voltage increase with the short circuit current and gas pressure normally; however, under the same experimental conditions, N2 arc holds the minimum arc radius and the maximum arc voltage, and the arc voltage of SF6 arc is the lowest.

  • Investigating System Survivability from a Probabilistic Perspective

    Yongxin ZHAO  Yanhong HUANG  Qin LI  Huibiao ZHU  Jifeng HE  Jianwen LI  Xi WU  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E97-D No:9

    Survivability is an essential requirement of the networked information systems analogous to the dependability. The definition of survivability proposed by Knight in [16] provides a rigorous way to define the concept. However, the Knight's specification does not provide a behavior model of the system as well as a verification framework for determining the survivability of a system satisfying a given specification. This paper proposes a complete formal framework for specifying and verifying the concept of system survivability on the basis of Knight's research. A computable probabilistic model is proposed to specify the functions and services of a networked information system. A quantified survivability specification is proposed to indicate the requirement of the survivability. A probabilistic refinement relation is defined to determine the survivability of the system. The framework is then demonstrated with three case studies: the restaurant system (RES), the Warship Command and Control system (LWC) and the Command-and-Control (C2) system.

  • Coverage Prediction in Indoor Wireless Communication

    Chien-Ching CHIU  Shyh-Wen LIN  

    PAPER-Indoor Wireless Systems

    E79-B No:9

    For indoor wireless communication systems, transceivers need to be placed strategically to achieve optimum communication coverage area at the lowest cost. Unfortunately the coverage region for a transceiver depends heavily on the type of building and on the placement of walls within the building. This paper proposed a slab model to simulate the wave transmission in the wall and employed this simple path loss model to predict the coverage region. This method prevents the complicated computation of wave propagation, so it could predict the coverage area real time. Numerical results show predicted path loss date are well agreed with the measurement ones.


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