1-6hit |
Motoharu SASAKI Wataru YAMADA Naoki KITA Takatoshi SUGIYAMA
A path loss model for low antenna heights below surrounding buildings in residential areas is presented to contribute to the construction of VHF band wireless systems. The model is constructed on the basis of measurement results at 167.65MHz, near center frequency at VHF band. Path loss characteristics in the middle VHF band are compared to those in bands above UHF. The dominant paths in bands above UHF include propagation paths below surrounding buildings, such as paths along roads. However, in the middle VHF band, these paths are instantly attenuated because their 1st Fresnel zone radius is larger than the average building height or road width. The dominant path in the middle VHF band is the over-roof propagation path, and the 1st Fresnel zone of the path is shielded by the buildings and the ground surface. The proposed path loss model has two features. First, it derives the effective height of the ground surface from the terrain profile of the buildings and the ground surface. Second, it uses formulas of a two-path model to take the shielding of the 1st Fresnel zone into account. Finally, it is shown that the proposed model is able to predict the path loss measurement results more accurately than the conventional model.
Motoharu SASAKI Wataru YAMADA Naoki KITA Takatoshi SUGIYAMA
A new path loss model of interference between mobile terminals in a residential area is proposed. The model uses invertible formulas and considers the effects on path loss characteristics produced by paths having many corners or corners with various angles. Angular profile and height pattern measurements clarify three paths that are dominant in terms of their effect on the accurate modeling of path loss characteristics in residential areas: paths along a road, paths between houses, and over-roof propagation paths. Measurements taken in a residential area to verify the model's validity show that the model is able to predict path loss with greater accuracy than conventional models.
This paper discusses the possibility of deploying a short-range cognitive radio (secondary communication system) within the service area of a primary system. Although the secondary system interferes with the primary system, there are certain locations in the service area of the primary system where the cognitive radio can reuse the frequency of the primary system without causing harmful interference to it and being disturbed by the primary system. These locations are referred to as having a spatial opportunity for communications in the secondary system, since it can reuse the frequency of the primary system. Simulation results indicate that the antenna gain, beamwidth, and propagation path loss greatly affect the spatial opportunity of frequency reuse for the secondary users. The results show that spatial spectrum reuse can be significantly increased when the primary system users are equipped with directional antennas. An important component in this study is the heterogeneous path loss model, i.e., the path loss model within the primary system is different from the model used to calculate the interference between the primary and the secondary systems. Our results show that the propagation models corresponding to the actual antenna heights in the primary/secondary system can largely impact the possibilities for spectrum reuse by the cognitive radios.
A model that combines free-space loss (proportional to the square of distance d) and excess loss has been known to assess the microwave line-of-sight (LOS) path loss in street microcell environments. The excess loss represents the effects of shadowing obstacles. We measure the path loss at the 3.35, 8.45, and 15.75 GHz frequencies in an urban environment, and analyze the distance characteristics of the pass loss for mobile antenna heights of 2.7, 1.6, and 0.5 m. Results show that using a new model that bases on a dα formula instead of d2 in the conventional model produced a better fit to the measured data. They also show that lowering the mobile antenna to a height of 0. 5 m made it possible to virtually ignore the excess loss factor and, instead, use the dα formula to assess the path loss characteristics.
This paper discusses microwave path-loss characteristics as a function of mobile antenna height in an urban line-of-sight environment. Measurements were made in metropolitan Tokyo with high-density buildings, using base station antenna heights of 4 and 8 m. We describe the path-loss characteristics of vehicle-mounted mode (mobile antenna height is 2.7 m) and portable mode (mobile antenna heights are 1.6 and 0.5 m). Dependence of path loss on the distance between base and mobile stations was analyzed. This reveals that the break points shift to the near side in the vehicle-mounted mode. This phenomenon can be interpreted by the existence of an effective height h of the road. The typical value of h was found approximately 1.4 m. In the portable mode, on the other hand, break points were not observed. The mobile antenna heights (1.6 and 0.5 m) in this mode are close to or less than the average height (1-2 m) of pedestrians on the sidewalk; and the received waves at the mobile station are often disturbed by pedestrians. This explains the nonexistence of break points in portable mode. The average attenuation coefficients is observed 3.2 in this mode. The attenuation coefficients tend to be larger at lower base station antenna heights and narrower road widths.
There is currently a need for development of a new frequency band to enable creation of next-generation mobile communication systems. Of the potential bands, the 3 GHz and over microwave band holds the greatest promise. Experimental studies on the delay characteristics of multipath propagation must be conducted in order to achieve high-speed transmission in the microwave band. We have developed a system for measuring the microwave broadband propagation delay profile over 100 MHz spread bandwidths in the 3, 8 and 15 GHz bands. Our experiments confirmed system performances of 20-ns resolution, 40-µs maximum measurable delay, relative amplitude error of within 3 dB and dynamic range of over 60 dB. We used our system to measure delay profiles on an urban area with line of sight, particularly, in terms of the effects of mobile antenna height. Typical examples are presented. Analysis showed that delay spreads increased with transmit/receive distance and decreased with the higher antenna height.