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[Keyword] antennas(173hit)


  • Evaluation of Interference between 300 GHz Band Fronthaul Links Using Measured High Gain Antenna Radiation Patterns Open Access

    Ken WATANABE  Ryo OKUMURA  Akihiko HIRATA  Thomas KÜRNER  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E108-B No:1

    To shorten the distance between base stations (BSs) and user terminals, next-generation mobile communications (6G) plans to install large numbers of remote antenna units (RAUs) on traffic signals and street lights and connect these RAUs to base band units (BBUs) on buildings using terahertz (THz) band fronthaul radio lines capable of data rates that exceed 100 Gbit/s. However, when THz band fronthaul wireless circuits are densely deployed in urban areas, the challenge is to maintain line-of-sight (LOS) between RAUs and BBUs and prevent interference between fronthaul wireless links. In this study, the three-dimensional (3D) radiation pattern of a 300-GHz-band high-gain antenna was measured using the near-field-to-far-field (NF-FF) conversion method, and the accuracy was compared with the far-field measurement results. Moreover, an algorithm for automatically deploying a 300-GHz-band wireless fronthaul link is proposed, which can be used to position BBUs in locations where one BBU can be connected to as many RAUs as possible. Propagation simulations for fronthaul wireless links placed by the automatic deployment algorithm, using the measured 3D radiation patterns from high-gain antennas, show no interference between the fronthaul wireless links.

  • A 28 GHz Band Compact LTCC Filtering Antenna with Extracted-Pole Unit for Dual Polarization Open Access

    Kaoru SUDO  Ryo MIKASE  Yoshinori TAGUCHI  Koichi TAKIZAWA  Yosuke SATO  Kazushige SATO  Hisao HAYAFUJI  Masataka OHIRA  


    E106-C No:11

    This paper proposes a dual-polarized filtering antenna with extracted-pole unit (EPU) using LTCC substrate. The EPU realizes the high skirt characteristic of the bandpass filter with transmission zeros (TZs) located near the passband without cross coupling. The filtering antenna with EPU is designed and fabricated in 28GHz band for 5G Band-n257 (26.5-29.5GHz). The measured S11 is less than -10.6dB in Band-n257, and the isolation between two ports for dual polarization is greater than 20.0dB. The measured peak antenna gain is 4.0dBi at 28.8GHz and the gain is larger than 2.5dBi in Band-n257. The frequency characteristics of the measured antenna gain shows the high skirt characteristic out of band, which are in good agreement with electromagnetic (EM)-simulated results.

  • A Study on Gain Enhanced Leaf-Shaped Bow-Tie Slot Array Antenna within Quasi-Millimeter Wave Band

    Mangseang HOR  Takashi HIKAGE  Manabu YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E105-B No:3

    In this paper, a linear array of 4 leaf-shaped bowtie slot antennas is proposed for use in quasi-millimeter wave band. The slot antennas array is designed to operate at 28GHz frequency band. The leaf-shaped bowtie slot antenna is a type of self-complementary antenna with low profile and low cost of fabrication. The proposed antenna structure offers improvement in radiation pattern, gain, and -10dB impedance bandwidth. Through out of this paper radiation pattern, actual gain, and -10dB impedance bandwidth are evaluated by Finite Different Time Domain (FDTD) simulation. Antenna characteristics are analyzed in the frequency range of 27GHz to 29GHz. To improve antenna characteristics such as actual gain and -10dB impedance bandwidth, a dielectric superstrate layer with relative permittivity of 10.2 is placed on top of ground plane of the slot antennas array. Three antenna structures are introduced and compared. With two layers of dielectric superstrate on top of the antennas ground plane, analysis results show that -10dB impedance bandwidth occupies the frequency range of 27.17GHz to 28.39GHz. Therefore, the operational impedance bandwidth is 1.22GHz. Maximum actual gain of the slot antennas array with two dielectric superstrate layers is 20.49dBi and -3dB gain bandwidth occupies the frequency range of 27.02GHz to 28.57GHz. To validate the analysis results, prototype of the designed slot antennas array is fabricated. Characteristics of the slot antennas array are measured and compared with the analysis results.

  • Low Profile High-Efficiency Transmitarray Antenna Based on Hybrid Frequency Selective Surface

    Chang-Hyun LEE  Jeong-Hae LEE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E104-B No:1

    This paper presents a low profile high-efficiency transmitarray (TA) antenna based on a hybrid frequency selective surface (FSS). The hybrid FSS consists of two types of unit cells that have different incident angles and TE/TM polarization. This design minimizes the performance degradation caused by the oblique incident angle when designing a low profile TA antenna. In addition, the set of transmission phases to minimize transmission loss is selected by employing the optimal output phase reference. To verify its feasibility, a low profile TA (focal length/diameter of FSS =0.24) antenna that employs a unit patch antenna with a low gain and wide beamwidth as a feed antenna without an additional structure is designed. The simulated and measured results are in good agreement. In particular, the high simulated and measured aperture efficiencies of 42.7% and 41.9%, respectively, are obtained at 10GHz, respectively.

  • Low Complexity Statistic Computation for Energy Detection Based Spectrum Sensing with Multiple Antennas

    Shusuke NARIEDA  Hiroshi NARUSE  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E103-A No:8

    This paper presents a novel statistic computation technique for energy detection-based spectrum sensing with multiple antennas. The presented technique computes the statistic for signal detection after combining all the signals. Because the computation of the statistic for all the received signals is not required, the presented technique reduces the computational complexity. Furthermore, the absolute value of all the received signals are combined to prevent the attenuation of the combined signals. Because the statistic computations are not required for all the received signals, the reduction of the computational complexity for signal detection can be expected. Furthermore, the presented technique does not need to choose anything, such as the binary phase rotator in the conventional technique, and therefore, the performance degradation due to wrong choices can be avoided. Numerical examples indicate that the spectrum sensing performances of the presented technique are almost the same as those of conventional techniques despite the complexity of the presented technique being less than that of the conventional techniques.

  • CU-MAC: A MAC Protocol for Centralized UAV Networks with Directional Antennas Open Access

    Aijing LI  Guodong WU  Chao DONG  Lei ZHANG  


    E103-B No:5

    Media Access Control (MAC) is critical to guarantee different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) networks, such as high reliability for safety packets and high throughput for service packets. Meanwhile, due to their ability to provide lower delay and higher data rates, more UAVs are using frequently directional antennas. However, it is challenging to support different QoS in UAV networks with directional antennas, because of the high mobility of UAV which causes serious channel resource loss. In this paper, we propose CU-MAC which is a MAC protocol for Centralized UAV networks with directional antennas. First, we design a mobility prediction based time-frame optimization scheme to provide reliable broadcast service for safety packets. Then, a traffic prediction based channel allocation scheme is proposed to guarantee the priority of video packets which are the most common service packets nowadays. Simulation results show that compared with other representative protocols, CU-MAC achieves higher reliability for safety packets and improves the throughput of service packets, especially video packets.

  • Metasurface Antennas: Design and Performance Open Access

    Marco FAENZI  Gabriele MINATTI  Stefano MACI  

    INVITED PAPER-Antennas

    E102-B No:2

    This paper gives an overview on the design process of modulated metasurface (MTS) antennas and focus on their performance in terms of efficiency and bandwidth. The basic concept behind MTS antennas is that the MTS imposes the impedance boundary conditions (IBCs) seen by a surface wave (SW) propagating on it. The MTS having a spatially modulated equivalent impedance transforms the SW into a leaky wave with controlled amplitude, phase and polarization. MTS antennas are hence highly customizable in terms of performances by simply changing the IBCs imposed by the MTS, without affecting the overall structure. The MTS can be configured for high gain (high aperture efficiency) with moderate bandwidth, for wide bandwidth with moderate aperture efficiency, or for a trade-off performance for bandwidth and aperture efficiency. The design process herein described relies on a generalized form of the Floquet wave theorem adiabatically applied to curvilinear locally periodic IBCs. Several technological solutions can be adopted to implement the IBCs defined by the synthesis process, from sub-wavelength patches printed on a grounded slab at microwave frequencies, to a bed of nails structure for millimeter waves: in any case, the resulting device has light weight and a low profile.

  • Coaxially Fed Antenna Composed of Monopole and Choke Structure Using Two Different Configurations of Composite Right/Left-Handed Coaxial Lines

    Takatsugu FUKUSHIMA  Naobumi MICHISHITA  Hisashi MORISHITA  Naoya FUJIMOTO  


    E102-B No:2

    Two kinds of composite right/left-handed coaxial lines (CRLH CLs) are designed for an antenna element. The dispersion relations of the infinite periodic CRLH CLs are designed to occur -1st resonance at around 700 MHz, respectively. The designed CRLH CLs comprise a monopole and a choke structure for antenna elements. To verify the resonant modes and frequencies, the monopole structure, the choke structure, and the antenna element which is combined the monopole and the choke structures are simulated by eigenmode analysis. The resonant frequencies correspond to the dispersion relations. The monopole and the choke structures are applied to the coaxially fed antenna. The proposed antenna matches at 710 MHz and radiates. At the resonant frequency, the total length of the proposed antenna which is the length of the monopole structure plus the choke structure is 0.12 wavelength. The characteristics of the proposed antenna has been compared with that of the conventional coaxially fed monopole antenna without the choke structure and the sleeve antenna with the quarter-wavelength choke structure. The radiation pattern of the proposed antenna is omnidirectional, the total antenna efficiency is 0.73 at resonant frequencies, and leakage current is suppressed lesser than -10 dB at resonant frequency. The propose antenna is fabricated and measured. The measured |S11| characteristics, radiation patterns, and the total antenna efficiency are in good agreement with the simulated results.

  • Reconfigurable Metal Chassis Antenna

    Chi-Yuk CHIU  Shanpu SHEN  Fan JIANG  Katsunori ISHIMIYA  Qingsha S. CHENG  Ross D. MURCH  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E102-B No:1

    Smartphones for wireless communication typically consist of a large area frontal liquid crystal display (LCD), which incorporates a metal back plate, and a back cover chassis made from metal. Leveraging this structure a new approach to construct antennas for smartphones is proposed where the complete metal back cover chassis and LCD back plate are used as the radiating element and ground plane. In the design a feedline is connected between the metal back cover chassis and LCD back plate, along with shorts at various locations between the two metal plates, to control the resonance frequency of the resulting antenna. Multiple-band operation is possible without the need for any slots in the plates for radiation. Results show that antenna frequency reconfigurability can be achieved when switching function is added to the shorts so that several wireless communication bands can be covered. This approach is different from existing metallic frame antenna designs currently available in the market. A design example is provided which uses one PIN diode for the switching shorts and the target frequency bands are 740-780MHz and 900-1000MHz & 1700-1900MHz. The optimization of LC matchings and concerns of hand effects and metallic components between the chassis and LCD metal back plate are also addressed.

  • Broadband Sleeve Dipole Antenna with Consistent Gain in the Horizontal Direction

    Takatsugu FUKUSHIMA  Naobumi MICHISHITA  Hisashi MORISHITA  Naoya FUJIMOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:4

    This paper improves radiation patterns and impedance matching of a broadband sleeve dipole antenna. A broadband sleeve dipole antenna is designed and the effect of the structure parameters on the |S11| characteristics is calculated. Current distributions of the resonance frequencies are calculated. A broadband sleeve dipole antenna with plate element is proposed. Better impedance matching is obtained by adjusting the size of the plate element. The nulls of the radiation patterns are reduced at high frequencies and the gain in the horizontal direction is improved.

  • Noise Temperature Approximations for Offset Gregorian Reflector Systems



    E101-B No:2

    Predicting the receiving sensitivity of an offset Gregorian reflector system antenna requires an accurate prediction of the antenna noise temperature. Calculating the antenna noise temperature is computationally intensive especially for the electrically larger reflector systems. Using the main reflector masking technique, which removes the main reflector from the calculation domain, considerably reduces the computation cost. For an electrically smaller reflector system, diffraction effects affect the accuracy of this technique. Recently an improvement to the technique was proposed that introduces diffraction compensation correction factors. In this paper we introduce new compensation factor and interpolation techniques that improve the accuracy of the approximated antenna noise temperature calculation. The techniques are applied to several offset Gregorian reflector systems similar to those considered for the Square Kilometre Array, with various feeds and the accuracy in terms of receiving sensitivity is evaluated. The techniques can reduce the prediction error of the receiving sensitivity for frequency-invariant feeds to fractions of a percent, while maintaining a significant speed-up over direct calculations.

  • Effects of Diffraction and Feed Pattern Variation in Shaped Offset Gregorian Reflectors

    Dirk I. L. DE VILLIERS  Robert LEHMENSIEK  Marianna V. IVASHINA  


    E101-B No:2

    Designing shaped offset Gregorian reflector systems to operate with several interchangeable feed horns, over frequency bandwidths of more than a decade, with multiple, often conflicting, performance figures of merit such as aperture efficiency, receiving sensitivity, sidelobe levels, and cross polarization isolation is a difficult optimization problem. An additional complication may be that the radiation patterns of all the feeds to be used in the system are not known at the time of the dish designs, as upgrades to the feeds may happen throughout the lifetime of large reflector systems. This paper presents a systematic parametric study to quantify the effects of the main causes of performance degradation in such a system, i.e. reflector diffraction and feed pattern variations. First, ideal Gaussian feed patterns are used in order to isolate the diffraction effects, and then the ideal patterns are varied to model the effect of using wideband feeds exhibiting radiation pattern variations over frequency. It is shown that the peak position in the shaping parameter space of the receiving sensitivity is not strongly influenced by diffraction - although the peak value is, as expected, reduced at lower frequencies. This allows similar feed patterns to be used in different frequency bands to still produce systems operating near the maximum sensitivity. When using non-ideal feed patterns it is shown that, for most performance metrics, diffraction effects dominate the feed variation performance degradation in smaller dishes. This allows possibly relaxed requirements on the radiation patterns of feeds used to illuminate electrically small reflector systems.

  • Design, Fabrication, and Measurement of Constant Gain UWB Planar Antenna Using FSS-Based Reflectors

    Rabia YAHYA  Akira NAKAMURA  Makoto ITAMI  Tayeb A. DENIDNI  


    E100-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose a technique to improve the gain of ultra wide-band (UWB) planar antennas by using low profile reflectors based on frequency selective surfaces (FSS). This technique not only enhances the gain of the planar UWB antennas but also guarantees a constant gain with weak variation across the entire UWB while keeping their attractive merits such as planar structure and easy fabrication. An UWB coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed antenna is installed above the proposed reflectors, to prove the effectiveness of the proposed technique. As a result, a constant gain is achieved across a very large bandwidth.

  • Theoretical Limit of the Radiation Efficiency for Electrically Small Self-Resonant Spherical Surface Antennas

    Keisuke FUJITA  Hiroshi SHIRAI  


    E100-C No:1

    Theoretical maximum radiation efficiency of electrically small spherical surface antennas has been derived in this study. The current on the antenna surface is described in terms of vector spherical harmonics, and the radiated and the dissipated powers are calculated to obtain the radiation efficiency. It has been found that non-resonant TM1m mode shows the best radiation efficiency, and a proper combination of TM10 and TE10 modes establishes a resonant spherical surface antenna whose radiation efficiency is bounded by those values of non-resonant TM10 and TE10 modes. As a practical example of the spherical surface antennas, the radiation efficiency of the spherical helix antennas has also been computed to check the validity of our formulation.

  • Extended S-Parameter Method for Measuring Reflection and Mutual Coupling of Multi-Antennas Open Access

    Takashi YANAGI  Toru FUKASAWA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:10

    In this paper, a measurement method for the impedance and mutual coupling of multi-antennas that we have proposed is summarized. Impedance and mutual coupling characteristics are obtained after reducing the influence of the coaxial cables by synthesizing the measured S-parameters under the condition that unbalanced currents on the outside of the coaxial cables are canceled at feed points. We apply the proposed method to two closely positioned monopole antennas mounted on a small ground plane and demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method by simulation and experiment. The proposed method is significantly better in terms of the accuracy of the mutual coupling data. In the presented case, the errors at the resonant frequency of the antennas are only 0.5dB in amplitude and 1.8° in phase.

  • Novel Beam-Scanning Center-Fed Imaging Reflector Antenna with Elliptical Aperture for Wide Area Observation

    Michio TAKIKAWA  Yoshio INASAWA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  Izuru NAITO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E99-C No:9

    We investigate a phased array-fed dual reflector antenna applying one-dimensional beam-scanning of the center-fed type, using an elliptical aperture to provide wide area observation. The distinguishing feature of this antenna is its elliptical aperture shape, in which the aperture diameter differs between the forward satellite direction and the cross-section orthogonal to it. The shape in the plane of the forward satellite direction, which does not have a beam-scanning function, is a ring-focus Cassegrain antenna, and the shape in the plane orthogonal to that, which does have a beam-scanning function, is an imaging reflector antenna. This paper describes issues which arose during design of the elliptical aperture shape and how they were solved, and presents design results using elliptical aperture dimensions of 1600 mm × 600 mm, in which the beam width differs by more than two times in the orthogonal cross-section. The effectiveness of the antenna was verified by fabricating a prototype antenna based on the design results. Measurement results confirmed that an aperture efficiency of 50% or more could be achieved, and that a different beam width was obtained in the orthogonal plane in accordance with design values.

  • New Estimation Method for the Operational Low Frequency End of Antipodal Vivaldi Antennas

    Hien Ba CHU  Hiroshi SHIRAI  Chien Dao NGOC  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E99-C No:8

    A simple approach is presented for designing an antipodal Vivaldi antenna in this paper. A new and better estimation of the low frequency end of the operational range is shown. Final dimensions of the antenna parameters are determined by using the High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). The proposed antenna has a simple configuration but exhibits low return loss, good radiation characteristics, and high and flat gain in the operating ultra wideband frequency range (3.1-10.6 GHz). Lastly, the fabrication has been done along with the specification to confirm the properties by measurements.

  • Novel Design of Dual-Band Reconfigurable Dipole Antenna Using Lumped and Distributed Elements

    Shoichi ONODERA  Ryo ISHIKAWA  Akira SAITOU  Kazuhiko HONJO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:7

    A frequency-reconfigurable dipole antenna, whose dual resonant frequencies are independently controlled, is introduced. The antenna's conductor consists of radiating conductors, lumped and distributed elements, and varactors. To design the antenna, current distribution, input impedance, and radiation power including higher-order modes, are analyzed for a narrow-angle sectorial antenna embedded with passive elements. To derive the formulae used, radiation power is analyzed in two ways: using Chu's equivalent circuit and the multipole expansion method. Numerical estimations of electrically small antennas show that dual-band antennas are feasible. The dual resonant frequencies are controlled with the embedded series and shunt inductors. A dual-band antenna is fabricated, and measured input impedances agree well with the calculated data. With the configuration, an electrically small 2.5-/5-GHz dual-band reconfig-urable antenna is designed and fabricated, where the reactance values for the series and shunt inductors are controlled with varactors, each connected in series to the inductors. Varying the voltages applied to the varactors varies the measured upper and lower resonant frequencies between 2.6 and 2.9GHz and between 5.1 and 5.3GHz, where the other resonant frequency is kept almost identical. Measured radiation patterns on the H-plane are almost omni-directional for both bands.

  • Eigen Domain Channel-Unaware Narrowband Interference Suppression for Time Synchronization

    Fengwei LIU  Hongzhi ZHAO  Ying LIU  Youxi TANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:5

    In this paper, we propose a channel-unaware algorithm to suppress the narrowband interference (NBI) for the time synchronization, where multiple antennas are equipped at the receiver. Based on the fact that the characteristics of synchronization signal are different from those of NBI in both the time and spatial domain, the proposed algorithm suppresses the NBI by utilizing the multiple receive antennas in the eigen domain of NBI, where the eigen domain is obtained from the time domain statistical information of NBI. Because time synchronization involves incoherent detection, the proposed algorithm does not use the desired channel information, which is different from the eigen domain interference rejection combining (E-IRC). Simulation results show, compared with the traditional frequency domain NBI suppression technique, the proposed algorithm has about a 2 dB gain under the same probability of detection.

  • A Linearly and Circularly Polarized Double-Band Cross Spiral Antenna

    Mayumi MATSUNAGA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:2

    A novel circularly and linearly polarized loop antenna is presented. A simple loop configuration, twisted like a cross shape, has achieved radiating wide beam circular polarization simultaneously with linear polarization in two close bands. This cross configuration brings good circular polarization to a loop antenna because it uses the transmission line mode of a folded dipole antenna. For these reasons, the antenna is named the Cross Spiral Antenna (CSA). In this paper, a basic structure and the principle of the CSA radiating circular polarization with one port feeding is explained. The prototype CSA, which is tuned to around 1.57GHz and 1.6GHz, is tested for verifying the effectiveness of the suggested antenna configuration.


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