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Yongzheng ZHAN Qingsheng HU Yinhang ZHANG
This paper analyzes the effect of error propagation of decision feedback equalizer (DFE) for PAM4 based 400Gb/s Ethernet. First, an analytic model for the error propagation is proposed to estimate the probability of different burst error length due to error propagation for PAM4 link system with multi-tap TX FFE (Feed Forward Equalizer) + RX DFE architecture. After calculating the symbol error rate (SER) and bit error rate (BER) based on the probability model, the theoretical analysis about the impact of different equalizer configurations on BER is compared with the simulation results, and then BER performance with FEC (Forward Error Correction) is analyzed to evaluate the effect of DFE error propagation on PAM4 link. Finally, two FEC interleaving schemes, symbol and bit interleaving, are employed in order to reduce BER further and then the theoretical analysis and the simulation result of their performance improvement are also evaluated. Simulation results show that at most 0.52dB interleaving gain can be achieved compared with non-interleaving scheme just at a little cost in storing memory and latency. And between the two interleaving methods, symbol interleaving performs better compared with the other one from the view of tradeoff between the interleaving gain and the cost and can be applied for 400Gb/s Ethernet.
As technology nodes continue to shrink, the impact of radiation-induced soft error on processor reliability increases. Estimation of processor reliability and identification of vulnerable flip-flops requires accurate soft error rate (SER) analysis techniques. This paper presents a proposal for a soft error propagation analysis technique. We specifically examine single event upset (SEU) occurring at a flip-flop in sequential circuits. When SEUs propagate in sequential circuits, the faults can be masked temporally and logically. Conventional soft error propagation analysis techniques do not consider error convergent timing on re-convergent paths. The proposed technique can analyze soft error propagation while considering error-convergent timing on a re-convergent path by combinational analysis of temporal and logical effects. The proposed technique also considers the case in which the temporal masking is disabled with an enable signal of the erroneous flip-flop negated. Experimental results show that the proposed technique improves inaccuracy by 70.5%, on average, compared with conventional techniques using ITC 99 and ISCAS 89 benchmark circuits when the enable probability is 1/3, while the runtime overhead is only 1.7% on average.
Multiple access relay systems with network coding provide spatial diversity with fewer transmissions. However, errors generated at the relay can propagate to the destination and the system performance can be severely degraded. Although many techniques have been proposed to resolve the error propagation, these techniques require some special operations at the relay or complicated reception schemes at the destination unless the global channel state information is available at the destination. This paper proposes a simple cooperative demodulation scheme for multiple access relay systems with network coding assuming that the relay simply forwards the decoded data and the destination has only the local channel state information.
Nobuaki OTSUKI Takatoshi SUGIYAMA
In this paper, we propose a wireless network coding diversity technique based on hybrid amplify-and-forward/decode-and-forward relay method employing adaptive power control for two-hop wireless networks in order to improve relay node position flexibility. Wireless network coding diversity based on hybrid relay method selects either modulation symbol level wireless network coding diversity or bit sequence level wireless network coding diversity as its wireless network coding diversity scheme according to the cyclic redundancy check result at the relay node. Moreover, the adaptive power control scheme proposed here controls the relay node's transmit power according to its position. Computer simulations verify that wireless network coding diversity based on hybrid relay method employing the adaptive power control scheme can expand the area wherein the relay node can be located while satisfying the required communication quality by 4.56 times compared to the conventional wireless network coding diversity scheme. Therefore, we confirm that our proposed scheme can increase relay node position flexibility.
Sung Kwon HONG Jong-Moon CHUNG
In this letter, two new network coding (NC) diversity enhancement schemes are introduced for wireless relay systems. Conventional diversity enhancement approaches for relay systems suffer from error propagation at each relay and exhibit second order diversity performance. In the proposed schemes, when a relay experiences a decoding failure, the relay makes a request to have the source transmit the NC frames to the destination in its time slot. Due to this operation, the proposed schemes prevent error propagation and achieve near third order diversity performance. The proposed schemes are compared to conventional schemes based on the derived mathematical error bounds and simulation performance, both of which demonstrate the superiority of the proposed schemes.
Tien HUU VU Supavadee ARAMVITH Yoshikazu MIYANAGA
In this paper, we propose an error resilience scheme for wireless video coding based on adaptive flexible macroblock ordering (FMO) and intra refresh. An FMO explicit map is generated frame-by-frame by using prior information. This information involves estimated locations of guard and burst sections in the channel and estimated effect of error propagation (EEP) from the previous frame to the current frame. In addition, the role of the current frame in propagating an error to the next frame is also considered. A suitable intra refresh rate which is adaptive to the channel state is used to reduce the dependence between frames and thus can stop the EEP. The results in experiments show that the proposed method gains some improvements in terms of peak signal-to-noise rate (PSNR) as compared with some other methods that have not considered the channel condition and the error propagation in generating an FMO map.
Yong-Goo KIM Yungho CHOI Yoonsik CHOE
The error resilient entropy coding (EREC) provides efficient resynchronization method to the coded bitstream, which might be corrupted by transmission errors. The technique has been given more prominence, nowadays, because it achieves fast resynchronization without sizable overhead, and thereby provides graceful quality degradation according to the network conditions. This paper presents a novel framework to analyze the performance of EREC in terms of the error probability in decoding a basic resynchronization unit (RU) for various error prone networks. In order to show the feasibility of the proposed framework, this paper also proposes a novel EREC algorithm based on the slightly modified H.263 bitstream syntax. The proposed scheme minimizes the effect of errors on low frequency DCT coefficients and incorporates near optimal channel-matched searching pattern (SP), which guarantees the best possible quality of reproduced video. Given the number of bits generated for each RU, the near optimal SP is produced by the proposed iterative deterministic partial SP update method, which reduces the complexity of finding optimal solution, O((N-1)!), to O(m·N2). The proposed EREC algorithm significantly improves the decoded video quality, especially when the bit error rate is in the rage of 10-3-10-4. Up to 5 dB enhancement of the PSNR value was observed in a single video frame.
The selection of motion vectors plays an important role in the error propagation process between inter-frames. In this letter, an end-to-end prediction error calculation method is proposed and is used for the rate-distortion optimized selection of motion vectors. Simulation results show that the robustness of encoded video streams under error-prone environment is improved.
Jaekwon KIM Dongho KIM SangKyun YUN
In this letter, we propose a novel signal detection method for spatially multiplexed multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, based on the idea of ordered successive interference cancellation (OSIC). In the proposed method, we try every possible value as the first detected symbol instead of making a decision. Although the proposed method requires slightly increased complexity compared to the conventional OSIC, the proposed method eliminates the error propagation from the first detected symbol, so it offers significantly better error performance compared to the conventional OSIC. We compare the proposed method with previous ML, ML-DFE, QRD-M, MMSE, MMSE-OSIC detection methods in terms of the error performance and the computational complexity, and show that the proposed method offers a good performance-complexity trade-off.
Linhua MA Yilin CHANG Jun LIU Xinmin DU
A novel variable-length code (VLC), called alternate VLC (AVLC), is proposed, which employs two types of VLC to encode source symbols alternately. Its advantage is that it can not only stop the symbol error propagation effect, but also correct symbol insertion errors and symbol deletion errors, which is very important in video communication.
Bit-errors in a subband of a wavelet-based video frame during network transmission affect not only lower-level subbands within the same frame but also the subsequent frames. This is because the video frame is wavelet-transformed image with multi-levels and referenced from later frames. In this paper, we propose a new motion estimation scheme for wavelet-based video called Intra-frame Motion Estimation (IME), in which each subband except the LL subband refers to the 1-level-lower subband in the same orientation within the same frame. This scheme protects video quality by confining the effects of the bit-errors of all subbands, except the LL subband, within a frame. We evaluated the performance of our proposed scheme in a simulated wireless network environment. As a result of tests, it was shown that the proposed IME algorithm performs better than MRME, a motion-compensated video coding scheme for wavelet video, in a heavy motion video sequence, while IME outperforms MRME at a high bit-rate in small motion video sequence.
Toyohiko HAYASHI Kazuyuki KAZAMA Takahiro ABE Michio MIYAKAWA
Efforts have been cumulated to measure tooth mobility, in order to accurately characterize the mechanical features of periodontal tissues. This paper provides a totally new technique for accomplishing the task of measuring tooth displacement in 6 degrees of freedom, using a range finder. Its intraoral equipment comprises two elements, a moving polyhedron and a referential device, both of which are secured to a subject tooth and several other teeth splinted together. The polyhedron has 6 planar surfaces, each oriented in a distinctly different direction, with each plane facing an opposing range finder mounted on the referential part. If the sensor geometry is provided, the position and orientation of the movable part, vis-a-vis the reference, can be determined theoretically from the distances between all the range finders and their opposing surfaces. This computation was mathematically formulated as a non-linear optimization problem, the numerical solution of which can be obtained iteratively. Its error-propagation formula was also provided as a linear approximation.
The performance of decision-feedback equalization combined with maximum-likelihood detection (DFE/ML) using the fixed-delay-tree-search/decision feedback (FDTS/DF) algorithm was estimated analytically in terms of the length of the feedback-filter and the depth of the ML-detector. Performance degradation due to error propagation in the feedback-loop and in the ML-detector was taken into account by using a Markov process analysis. It was quantitatively shown that signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) performance in high-density magnetic recording channels can be improved by combining an ML-detector with a feedback-filter and that the error propagation in the DFE channel can be reduced by using an ML-detector. Finally, it was found that near-optimum performance with regard to channel SNR and error propagation can be achieved, over the channel density range from 2 to 3, by increasing the sum of the feedback-filter length and the ML-detector depth to six bits.