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[Author] Jun LIU(30hit)


  • RPCA-Based Radio Interference Cancellation Algorithm for Compact HF Surface Wave Radar

    Di YAO  Aijun LIU  Hongzhi LI  Changjun YU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E104-A No:4

    In the user-congested high-frequency band, radio frequency interference (RFI) is a dominant factor that degrades the detection performance of high-frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR). Up to now, various RFI suppression algorithms have been proposed while they are usually inapplicable to the compact HFSWR because of the minimal array aperture. Therefore, this letter proposes a novel RFI mitigation scheme for compact HFSWR, even for single antenna. The scheme utilized the robust principal component analysis to separate RFI and target, based on the time-frequency distribution characteristics of the RFI. The effectiveness of this scheme is demonstrated by the measured data, which can effectively suppress RFI without losing target signal.

  • Detecting Transportation Modes Using Deep Neural Network

    Hao WANG  GaoJun LIU  Jianyong DUAN  Lei ZHANG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E100-D No:5

    Existing studies on transportation mode detection from global positioning system (GPS) trajectories mainly adopt handcrafted features. These features require researchers with a professional background and do not always work well because of the complexity of traffic behavior. To address these issues, we propose a model using a sparse autoencoder to extract point-level deep features from point-level handcrafted features. A convolution neural network then aggregates the point-level deep features and generates a trajectory-level deep feature. A deep neural network incorporates the trajectory-level handcrafted features and the trajectory-level deep feature for detecting the users' transportation modes. Experiments conducted on Microsoft's GeoLife data show that our model can automatically extract the effective features and improve the accuracy of transportation mode detection. Compared with the model using only handcrafted features and shallow classifiers, the proposed model increases the maximum accuracy by 6%.

  • Double-Scale Channel Prediction for Precoded TDD-MIMO Systems

    De-Chun SUN  Zu-Jun LIU  Ke-Chu YI  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E96-A No:3

    In precoded TDD MIMO systems, precoding is done based on the downlink CSI, which can be predicted according to the outdated uplink CSI. This letter proposes a double-scale channel prediction scheme where frame-scale Kalman filters and pilot-symbol-scale AR predictors jointly predict the needed downlink CSI.

  • The Comparison of Attention Mechanisms with Different Embedding Modes for Performance Improvement of Fine-Grained Classification

    Wujian YE  Run TAN  Yijun LIU  Chin-Chen CHANG  

    PAPER-Core Methods

    E106-D No:5

    Fine-grained image classification is one of the key basic tasks of computer vision. The appearance of traditional deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) combined with attention mechanism can focus on partial and local features of fine-grained images, but it still lacks the consideration of the embedding mode of different attention modules in the network, leading to the unsatisfactory result of classification model. To solve the above problems, three different attention mechanisms are introduced into the DCNN network (like ResNet, VGGNet, etc.), including SE, CBAM and ECA modules, so that DCNN could better focus on the key local features of salient regions in the image. At the same time, we adopt three different embedding modes of attention modules, including serial, residual and parallel modes, to further improve the performance of the classification model. The experimental results show that the three attention modules combined with three different embedding modes can improve the performance of DCNN network effectively. Moreover, compared with SE and ECA, CBAM has stronger feature extraction capability. Among them, the parallelly embedded CBAM can make the local information paid attention to by DCNN richer and more accurate, and bring the optimal effect for DCNN, which is 1.98% and 1.57% higher than that of original VGG16 and Resnet34 in CUB-200-2011 dataset, respectively. The visualization analysis also indicates that the attention modules can be easily embedded into DCNN networks, especially in the parallel mode, with stronger generality and universality.

  • Joint Transceiver Optimization for Multiuser MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relay Broadcast Systems

    Jun LIU  Xiong ZHANG  Zhengding QIU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:4

    This letter considers a dual-hop multiuser MIMO amplify-and-forward relay broadcast system with multi-antenna nodes. A unified scheme is addressed to jointly optimize the linear transceiver based on the sum mean-square error (MSE) and the sum rate criterion. The solutions are iteratively obtained by deriving the gradients of the objective functions for a gradient descent algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate the performance improvements in terms of the BER and the sum rate.

  • Irregular Low-Density Convolutional Codes

    Linhua MA  Jun LIU  Yilin CHANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E88-A No:8

    A method for constructing low-density convolutional (LDC) codes with the degree distribution optimized for block low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes is presented. If the degree distribution is irregular, the constructed LDC codes are also irregular. In this letter we give the encoding and decoding method for LDC codes, and study how to avoid the short cycles of LDC codes. Some simulation results are also presented.

  • Improved Source Localization Method of the Small-Aperture Array Based on the Parasitic Fly’s Coupled Ears and MUSIC-Like Algorithm Open Access

    Hongbo LI  Aijun LIU  Qiang YANG  Zhe LYU  Di YAO  

    LETTER-Noise and Vibration

    E107-A No:8

    To improve the direction-of-arrival estimation performance of the small-aperture array, we propose a source localization method inspired by the Ormia fly’s coupled ears and MUSIC-like algorithm. The Ormia can local its host cricket’s sound precisely despite the tremendous incompatibility between the spacing of its ear and the sound wavelength. In this paper, we first implement a biologically inspired coupled system based on the coupled model of the Ormia’s ears and solve its responses by the modal decomposition method. Then, we analyze the effect of the system on the received signals of the array. Research shows that the system amplifies the amplitude ratio and phase difference between the signals, equivalent to creating a virtual array with a larger aperture. Finally, we apply the MUSIC-like algorithm for DOA estimation to suppress the colored noise caused by the system. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method can improve the localization precision and resolution of the array.

  • Chaotic Detection of Target Signal in HFSWR Ionospheric Clutter Background under Typhoon Excitation Open Access

    Rong WANG  Changjun YU  Zhe LYU  Aijun LIU  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E107-A No:10

    To address the challenge of target signals being completely submerged by ionospheric clutter during typhoon passages, this letter proposes a chaotic detection method for target signals in the background of ionospheric noise under typhoon excitation. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in detecting target signals with harmonic characteristics from strong ionospheric clutter during typhoon passages.

  • A Novel Earthquake Education System Based on Virtual Reality

    Xiaoli GONG  Yanjun LIU  Yang JIAO  Baoji WANG  Jianchao ZHOU  Haiyang YU  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E98-D No:12

    An earthquake is a destructive natural disaster, which cannot be predicted accurately and causes devastating damage and losses. In fact, many of the damages can be prevented if people know what to do during and after earthquakes. Earthquake education is the most important method to raise public awareness and mitigate the damage caused by earthquakes. Generally, earthquake education consists of conducting traditional earthquake drills in schools or communities and experiencing an earthquake through the use of an earthquake simulator. However, these approaches are unrealistic or expensive to apply, especially in underdeveloped areas where earthquakes occur frequently. In this paper, an earthquake drill simulation system based on virtual reality (VR) technology is proposed. A User is immersed in a 3D virtual earthquake environment through a head mounted display and is able to control the avatar in a virtual scene via Kinect to respond to the simulated earthquake environment generated by SIGVerse, a simulation platform. It is a cost effective solution and is easy to deploy. The design and implementation of this VR system is proposed and a dormitory earthquake simulation is conducted. Results show that powerful earthquakes can be simulated successfully and the VR technology can be applied in the earthquake drills.

  • Unbiased Interference Suppression Method Based on Spectrum Compensation Open Access

    Jian WU  Xiaomei TANG  Zengjun LIU  Baiyu LI  Feixue WANG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E103-B No:1

    The major weakness of global navigation satellite system receivers is their vulnerability to intentional and unintentional interference. Frequency domain interference suppression (FDIS) technology is one of the most useful countermeasures. The pseudo-range measurement is unbiased after FDIS filtering given an ideal analog channel. However, with the influence of the analog modules used in RF front-end, the amplitude response and phase response of the channel equivalent filter are non-ideal, which bias the pseudo-range measurement after FDIS filtering and the bias varies along with the frequency of the interference. This paper proposes an unbiased interference suppression method based on signal estimation and spectrum compensation. The core idea is to use the parameters calculated from the tracking loop to estimate and reconstruct the desired signal. The estimated signal is filtered by the equivalent filter of actual channel, then it is used for compensating the spectrum loss caused by the FDIS method in the frequency domain. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the pseudo-range measurement bias significantly, even for channels with asymmetrical group delay and multiple interference sources at any location.

  • Failure Microscope: Precisely Diagnosing Routing Instability

    Hongjun LIU  Baokang ZHAO  Xiaofeng HU  Dan ZHAO  Xicheng LU  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E96-D No:4

    Root cause analysis of BGP updates is the key to debug and troubleshoot BGP routing problems. However, it is a challenge to precisely diagnose the cause and the origin of routing instability. In this paper, we are the first to distinguish link failure events from policy change events based on BGP updates from single vantage points by analyzing the relationship of the closed loops formed through intersecting all the transient paths during instability and the length variation of the stable paths after instability. Once link failure events are recognized, their origins are precisely inferred with 100% accuracy. Through simulation, our method is effective to distinguish link failure events from link restoration events and policy related events, and reduce the size of candidate set of origins.

  • An Efficient Selective Receiver Switching Scheme for STBC with Full Code Rate and Non Orthogonal Design

    Lijun LIU  Myoung-Seob LIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:6

    In the design of Space Time Block Coding (STBC), for an arbitrary complex signal constellation with a size above 2 as well as a real signal matrix with a size above 8, it is difficult to acquire full code rate and full transmit diversity simultaneously. In this letter, an efficient selective receiver switching scheme is proposed for STBC with the full code rate and non-orthogonal design with the example of a 4-by-4 matrix. In the proposed scheme with the aid of beamforming, we divide the received signals into two groups according to the encoded matrix. By this way, we can eliminate the interference from the neighboring signals by more than half.

  • Behavioral Equivalence of Security-Oriented Interactive Systems

    Guanjun LIU  Changjun JIANG  


    E99-D No:8

    In the classical computation theory, the language of a system features the computational behavior of the system but it does not distinguish the determinism and nondeterminism of actions. However, Milner found that the determinism and nondeterminism affect the interactional behavior of interactive systems and thus the notion of language does not features the interactional behavior. Therefore, Milner proposed the notion of (weak) bisimulation to solve this problem. With the development of internet, more and more interactive systems occur in the world, such as electronic trading system. Security is one of the most important topics for these systems. We find that different security policies can also affect the interactional behavior of a system, which exactly is the reason why a good policy can strengthen the security. In other words, two interactive systems with different security policies are not of an equivalent behavior although their functions (or business processes) are identical. However, the classic (weak) bisimulation theory draws an opposite conclusion that their behaviors are equivalent. The notion of (weak) bisimulation is not suitable for these security-oriented interactive systems since it does not consider a security policy. This paper proposes the concept of secure bisimulation in order to solve the above problem.

  • SLA_Driven Adaptive Resource Allocation for Virtualized Servers

    Wei ZHANG  Li RUAN  Mingfa ZHU  Limin XIAO  Jiajun LIU  Xiaolan TANG  Yiduo MEI  Ying SONG  Yuzhong SUN  

    PAPER-Computer System and Services

    E95-D No:12

    In order to reduce cost and improve efficiency, many data centers adopt virtualization solutions. The advent of virtualization allows multiple virtual machines hosted on a single physical server. However, this poses new challenges for resource management. Web workloads which are dominant in data centers are known to vary dynamically with time. In order to meet application's service level agreement (SLA), how to allocate resources for virtual machines has become an important challenge in virtualized server environments, especially when dealing with fluctuating workloads and complex server applications. User experience is an important manifestation of SLA and attracts more attention. In this paper, the SLA is defined by server-side response time. Traditional resource allocation based on resource utilization has some drawbacks. We argue that dynamic resource allocation directly based on real-time user experience is more reasonable and also has practical significance. To address the problem, we propose a system architecture that combines response time measurements and analysis of user experience for resource allocation. An optimization model is introduced to dynamically allocate the resources among virtual machines. When resources are insufficient, we provide service differentiation and firstly guarantee resource requirements of applications that have higher priorities. We evaluate our proposal using TPC-W and Webbench. The experimental results show that our system can judiciously allocate system resources. The system helps stabilize applications' user experience. It can reduce the mean deviation of user experience from desired targets.

  • Improve the Prediction of Student Performance with Hint's Assistance Based on an Efficient Non-Negative Factorization

    Ke XU  Rujun LIU  Yuan SUN  Keju ZOU  Yan HUANG  Xinfang ZHANG  


    E100-D No:4

    In tutoring systems, students are more likely to utilize hints to assist their decisions about difficult or confusing problems. In the meanwhile, students with weaker knowledge mastery tend to choose more hints than others with stronger knowledge mastery. Hints are important assistances to help students deal with questions. Students can learn from hints and enhance their knowledge about questions. In this paper we firstly use hints alone to build a model named Hints-Model to predict student performance. In addition, matrix factorization (MF) has been prevalent in educational fields to predict student performance, which is derived from their success in collaborative filtering (CF) for recommender systems (RS). While there is another factorization method named non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) which has been developed over one decade, and has additional non-negative constrains on the factorization matrices. Considering the sparseness of the original matrix and the efficiency, we can utilize an element-based matrix factorization called regularized single-element-based NMF (RSNMF). We compared the results of different factorization methods to their combination with Hints-Model. From the experiment results on two datasets, we can find the combination of RSNMF with Hints-Model has achieved significant improvement and obtains the best result. We have also compared the Hints-Model with the pioneer approach performance factor analysis (PFA), and the outcomes show that the former method exceeds the later one.

  • Extended Selective Encoding of Scan Slices for Reducing Test Data and Test Power

    Jun LIU  Yinhe HAN  Xiaowei LI  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E93-D No:8

    Test data volume and test power are two major concerns when testing modern large circuits. Recently, selective encoding of scan slices is proposed to compress test data. This encoding technique, unlike many other compression techniques encoding all the bits, only encodes the target-symbol by specifying a single bit index and copying group data. In this paper, we propose an extended selective encoding which presents two new techniques to optimize this method: a flexible grouping strategy, X bits exploitation and filling strategy. Flexible grouping strategy can decrease the number of groups which need to be encoded and improve test data compression ratio. X bits exploitation and filling strategy can exploit a large number of don't care bits to reduce testing power with no compression ratio loss. Experimental results show that the proposed technique needs less test data storage volume and reduces average weighted switching activity by 25.6% and peak weighted switching activity by 9.68% during scan shift compared to selective encoding.

  • A Variable-Length Encoding Method to Prevent the Error Propagation Effect in Video Communication

    Linhua MA  Yilin CHANG  Jun LIU  Xinmin DU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E89-D No:4

    A novel variable-length code (VLC), called alternate VLC (AVLC), is proposed, which employs two types of VLC to encode source symbols alternately. Its advantage is that it can not only stop the symbol error propagation effect, but also correct symbol insertion errors and symbol deletion errors, which is very important in video communication.

  • A Satellite Handover Strategy Based on Heuristic Algorithm for LEO Satellite Networks

    Senbai ZHANG  Aijun LIU  Chen HAN  Xiaohu LIANG  Xiang DING  Aihong LU  

    PAPER-Satellite Communications

    E105-B No:7

    Due to the significant difference in speed between the user terminals (UTs) and the low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, it is necessary to solve the frequent handover of UTs at the edge of the moving satellite beams. Besides, as the development of LEO satellite communications, the scale of constellations and the number of UTs undergoing massive increase. Thus, in this paper, a satellite handover strategy is proposed to improve the handover performances of UTs and satellites. We define the utility function of handover jointly by considering the quality of experience of UTs, the throughput of satellites and the load balancing of network. Then, a coding method is proposed to represent the combinations of UTs and satellites. To reduce the calculational cost, an access and handover strategy based on a heuristic algorithm is proposed to search the optimal handover result. Finally, simulations show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed strategy.

  • 3D Error Diffusion Method Based on Edge Detection for Flat Panel Display

    Zujun LIU  Chunliang LIU  Shengli WU  

    LETTER-Electronic Displays

    E89-C No:10

    A 3 dimensional (3D) error diffusion method based on edge detection for flat panel display (FPD) is presented. The new method diffuses errors to the neighbor pixels in current frame and the neighbor pixel in the next frame. And the weights of error filters are dynamically adjusted based on the results of edge detection in each pixel's processing, which makes the weights coincide with the local edge feathers of input image. The proposed method can reduce worm artifacts and improve reproduction precision of image details.

  • Sparse Trajectory Prediction Method Based on Entropy Estimation

    Lei ZHANG  Leijun LIU  Wen LI  


    E99-D No:6

    Most of the existing algorithms cannot effectively solve the data sparse problem of trajectory prediction. This paper proposes a novel sparse trajectory prediction method based on L-Z entropy estimation. Firstly, the moving region of trajectories is divided into a two-dimensional plane grid graph, and then the original trajectories are mapped to the grid graph so that each trajectory can be represented as a grid sequence. Secondly, an L-Z entropy estimator is used to calculate the entropy value of each grid sequence, and then the trajectory which has a comparatively low entropy value is segmented into several sub-trajectories. The new trajectory space is synthesised by these sub-trajectories based on trajectory entropy. The trajectory synthesis can not only resolve the sparse problem of trajectory data, but also make the new trajectory space more credible. In addition, the trajectory scale is limited in a certain range. Finally, under the new trajectory space, Markov model and Bayesian Inference is applied to trajectory prediction with data sparsity. The experiments based on the taxi trajectory dataset of Microsoft Research Asia show the proposed method can make an effective prediction for the sparse trajectory. Compared with the existing methods, our method needs a smaller trajectory space and provides much wider predicting range, faster predicting speed and better predicting accuracy.


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