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To obtain an ultra-short high-intensity pulse source, we investigated the amplification characteristics of two types of pulses (dissipative soliton and stretched pulses) produced by our Yb-doped fiber laser oscillator. Our results show that the dissipative soliton pulse can be amplified with less deterioration than the stretched pulse.
Zhaohui LI Haiyan SHANG Xinhuan FENG Jianping LI Dejun FENG Bai-ou GUAN
A large-range switchable RF signal generator is demonstrated using a triple-wavelength fiber laser with uneven-frequency-spacing. Due to the birefringence characteristics of the triple-wavelength fiber laser, switchable dual-wavelength operation can be obtained by adjusting a polarization controller. Therefore, we can achieve a stable RF signals at microwave or millimeter-wave band.
Masahiro KASHIWAGI Katsuhiro TAKENAGA Kentaro ICHII Tomoharu KITABAYASHI Shoji TANIGAWA Kensuke SHIMA Shoichiro MATSUO Munehisa FUJIMAKI Kuniharu HIMENO
We review our recent work on Yb-doped and hybrid-structured solid photonic bandgap fibers (Yb-HS-SPBGFs) for linearly-polarized fiber lasers oscillating in the small gain wavelength range from 1160 nm to 1200 nm. The stack-and-draw or pit-in-jacket method is employed to fabricate two Yb-HS-SPBGFs. Both of the fiber shows optical filtering property for eliminating ASE in the large gain wavelength range from 1030 nm to 1130 nm and enough high birefringence for maintaining linear polarization, thanks to the photonic bandgap effect and the induced birefringence of the hybrid structure. The fiber attenuation of the Yb-HS-SPBGF fabricated by the pit-in-jacket method is much lower than that of the Yb-HS-SPBGF fabricated by stack-and-draw method. Linearly-polarized single stage fiber lasers using Yb-HS-SPBGFs are also demonstrated. Laser oscillation at 1180 nm is confirmed without parasitic lasing in the fiber lasers. High output power and high slope efficiency in linearly-polarized single-cavity fiber laser using the low-loss Yb-HS-SPGF fabricated by the pit-in-jacket method are achieved. Narrow linewidth, high polarization extinction ratio and high beam quality are also confirmed, which are required for high-efficient frequency-doubling. A compact and high-power yellow-orange frequency-doubling laser would be realized by using a linearly-polarized single-cavity fiber laser employing a low-loss Yb-HS-SPBGF.
Next generation free electron lasers aim to generate x-ray pulses with pulse durations down to 30 fs, and possibly even sub-fs. Synchronization of various stages of the accelerator and the probe laser system to the x-ray pulses with stability on the order of the pulse width is necessary to make maximal use of this capability. We are developing an optical timing synchronization system in order to meet this challenge. The scheme is based on generating a train of short optical pulses, with a precise repetition frequency, from a mode-locked laser oscillator and distributed via length-stabilized optical fibers to points requiring synchronization. The timing information is embedded in the repetition frequency and its harmonics. A significant advantage of the optical synchronization system is that multiple mode-locked Ti:sapphire seed oscillators typically present in an accelerator facility can be replaced by the master mode-locked fiber laser. In this paper, we briefly review progress on the development of the synchronization system and then discuss the implementation of this new possibility. Several technical issues related to this approach are analyzed.
Kazuhiko SUMIMURA Hidetsugu YOSHIDA Hisanori FUJITA Masahiro NAKATSUKA Hisashi SAWADA
Self-controlled sub-nanosecond pulse generator was demonstrated with an ytterbium-doped fiber. This fiber laser consisted simply of all non-polarization fiber without any devices for polarization control and birefringence compensation. The self-pulse operation system gave an average output power of 0.9 mW in 800-ps duration pulses.
Kazuhiko SUMIMURA Hidetsugu YOSHIDA Hisanori FUJITA Masahiro NAKATSUKA Minoru YOSHIDA
A self-starting pulse laser with an erbium-doped fiber cooled at liquid-nitrogen temperature was demonstrated. The self-starting-pulse fiber-ring laser can produce an approximately 1 ns pulse train without the need for devices for polarization control and compensation of birefringence.
A lasing charactrization of a Brillouin/erbium optical fiber laser (BEFL) is experimentally discussed. In the BEFL, an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is incorporated into the Brillouin laser resonator to enhance small Brillouin gain, which makes the configuration of the Brillouin laser resonator easy and flexible. The experimental results show that the output power of the BEFL has a threshold against the Brillouin pump power, and above the Brillouin threshold, the output power increases linearly with the EDFA pump power. The BEFL threshold decreases with increasing the length of the optical fiber in the laser resonator used as a Brillouin gain medium. The BEFL oscillates in a stable single longitudinal mode because the bandwidth of the Brillouin gain profile is very narrow ( 30 MHz). The relative intensity noise (RIN) and the spectral lineshape were measured. The noise floor level decreases with increasing the EDFA pump power, and the full-width at half maximum of the BEFL was measured to be about 8 kHz.
The oscillation characteristics of a 40 GHz, 1-3 ps regeneratively and harmonically mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser have been investigated in detail with respect to stability, linewidth, and mode hopping. We show that because the Q value of the microwave filter in the feedback loop is limited to around 1000, which is almost the same as that in a 10 GHz laser, the cavity length should not be greatly increased as this would result in as much as a fourfold increase in the number of longitudinal beat signals. We undertook a detailed stability analysis by using three cavity lengths, 60, 80, and 230 m. The 80 m long cavity greatly improved the long-term stability of the laser because the supermode noise was suppressed and there were not too many longitudinal modes. We measured the linewidth of the longitudinal mode of the laser using a heterodyne method, and it was less than 1 kHz. We also point out that there is a longitudinal mode hopping effect with time that is induced by very small changes in temperature.
Nobuhide YAMADA Hiroshi OHTA Seiji NOGIWA
This very useful optical sampling system uses a passively mode-locked fiber laser as an optical sampling pulse source and is based on sum-frequency generation. The optical pulse had a sufficiently short pulse width, and its peak power was very high. In addition, it had a very low timing jitter. We could observe optical signals that were jitter-free in terms of single scanning. The sum-frequency generation conversion efficiency was 1.0 10-4 W-1, and the temporal resolution was 700 fs, when we used a 5-mm-thick KTP crystal. A 320-Gbit/s optical signal could be clearly observed. We have also developed a polarization-insensitive optical sampling system with a two-path configuration based on sum-frequency generation using the type-II phase matching condition in a KTP crystal. The polarization dependency was less than 3.5% (0.15 dB) in the wavelength range from 1520 to 1620 nm.
Myriam KABA Jean-Claude MOLLIER
We present theoretical and experimental results for a microwave photonic oscillator (MPO) that provides a microwave signal and a modulated optical wave simultaneously. Among the different techniques currently in use for optically generating a microwave signal, we have chosen a ring configuration based on an electro-optical Mach-Zehnder modulator (EOM) driven by a 1.55 µm DFB laser diode. An accurate modelling of EOM and the contributions from all noise sources in the oscillation loop allows us to predict performances of our designated MPO in a very good agreement with the measured oscillation power (up to 22 dBm, depending on the DC bias voltage) and phase noise spectral density (-130 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz away from the carrier). We propose this hybrid microwave photonic source to be used as a local oscillator for a coherent laser radar operating at 1550 nm. A good compromise between a very high tunability range (1-8 GHz) and a high spectral purity (> -120 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz) is obtained through a dual-loop configuration for the MPO.
Sze Yun SET Chee Seong GOH Kazuro KIKUCHI
The generation of high repetition-rate optical pulse train using a passively mode-locked figure-8 fiber ring laser is presented. The laser employs a novel configuration incorporating a superstructure fiber Bragg grating. Pulse train with repetition rates up to 100GHz is possible and transform-limited pulses with pulsewidth below 1ps can be achieved with chirp compensation. The output pulses can further be reduced to 83fs with an external pulse compressor.
Shinji YAMASHITA Teruyuki BABA Yoshinori NAMIHIRA
We propose and demonstrate a novel method to measure the polarization mode dispersion (PMD) of optical devices. The device under test (DUT) is installed in a fiber laser cavity which can operate at multiwavelength. PMD can be evaluated by the wavelength spacing of the multiwavelength laser output spectrum. In our method, the maximum extrema wavelength is easier to be identified than in the conventional fixed-analyzer (FA) method. We measure the PMD of polarization maintaining fibers (PMFs) and the ITU-T round robin KDD samples.
An improvement of the fiber-optic transceiver having both transmitter and receiver functions of optical time-domain reflectometers is examined. The improvement is achieved by introducing an external optical amplifier without changing the previously reported configuration. The characteristics of the transmitted Q-switched pulse and the receiver gain is studied theoretically and experimentally to estimate the performance improvement. It is found that the introduction of the external optical amplifier is a simple and effective way to the performance improvement.
Compact intra-cavity spectroscopic measurements may be obtained with any material that has an absorption signature under the gain bandwidth of a fiber laser. Experiments have demonstrated that compared with a regular absorption scheme, an increase in sensitivity is achieved when using the intra-cavity configuration. The practical limit for this enhancement is given by the fiber laser noise. Since intra-cavity spectroscopy is essentially a single beam technique, the application of dual-beam noise reduction techniques is not possible. However, considering that a single-mode fiber can support two modes of polarization, we have used a polarization beam splitter to create two independent cavities (x and y polarization) with the same noise, one cavity of which contains the absorber. For the first time, this permits the convenient use of Balanced Ratiometric Detection in conjunction with an intra-cavity absorption arrangement.
This paper analyzes pulse characteristics of actively mode-locked fiber lasers by including the group-velocity dispersion and the Kerr nonlinearity of the fiber, both of which have not been taken into account in the conventional theory of mode locking. We show that chirped sech pulses are generated from nonlinear and dispersive fiber lasers. By considering the stability of the laser, we also derive design rules for the generation of ultra-short pulses.
The dependence of the output characteristics of a regeneratively and harmonically FM mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser on intracavity dispersion have been investigated by changing the group velocity dispersion (GVD) of the fiber. It is shown that a stable pulse train can be obtained only when the GVD of the cavity is anomalous in the presence of self-phase modulation (SPM). The shortest pulse obtained was 2. 0 ps at a repetition rate of 10 GHz.
We investigate the relaxation oscillation characteristics of an actively mode-locked fiber laser and a novel stabilizing method of the laser theoretically and experimentally. The stabilizing method controls cavity length to suppress the rf power of the relaxation oscillation frequency of the laser output, and can directly monitor the stability of the laser to ensure the most stable operation. With this method, the rf power ratio between mode-locking frequency and the background noise can be kept to more than 70 dB, and highly stable transform-limited pulse generation is achieved. Bit-error-free operation at 6. 3 GHz over 10 hours is successfully demonstrated. The stability of the center wavelength of the laser output and the required accuracy of cavity control for high-speed laser operation are also discussed.
David J. JONES Hermann A. HAUS Lynn E. NELSON Erich P. IPPEN
In this paper we review the stretched-pulse principle and discuss its inherent advantages for ultrashort pulse generation and transmission. An analytic theory of the stretched-pulse fiber laser is presented and shown to be in good agreement with experimental results. An extension of the stretched-pulse theory is applied to both fiber lasers and dispersion-allocated soliton transmission and then compared to numerical results. We also discuss the design and operation of an environmentally stable stretched-pulse fiber laser.
Recent progress on the ultrahigh-speed optical transmission experiments are reviewed including the ultrashort pulse generation, high-speed timing extraction, all-optical multi/demultiplexing. Also discussed are the latest 100 Gbit/s experiments and a scope to higher bit-rate, longer distance optical transmission.