Keyword Search Result

[Keyword] genetic(292hit)


  • Dermoscopic Image Segmentation by a Self-Organizing Map and Fuzzy Genetic Clustering

    Harald GALDA  Hajime MURAO  Hisashi TAMAKI  Shinzo KITAMURA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E87-D No:9

    Malignant melanoma is a skin cancer that can be mistaken as a harmless mole in the early stages and is curable only in these early stages. Therefore, dermatologists use a microscope that shows the pigment structures of the skin to classify suspicious skin lesions as malignant or benign. This microscope is called "dermoscope." However, even when using a dermoscope a malignant skin lesion can be mistaken as benign or vice versa. Therefore, it seems desirable to analyze dermoscopic images by computer to classify the skin lesion. Before a dermoscopic image can be classified, it should be segmented into regions of the same color. For this purpose, we propose a segmentation method that automatically determines the number of colors by optimizing a cluster validity index. Cluster validity indices can be used to determine how accurately a partition represents the "natural" clusters of a data set. Therefore, cluster validity indices can also be applied to evaluate how accurately a color image is segmented. First the RGB image is transformed into the L*u*v* color space, in which Euclidean vector distances correspond to differences of visible colors. The pixels of the L*u*v* image are used to train a self-organizing map. After completion of the training a genetic algorithm groups the neurons of the self-organizing map into clusters using fuzzy c-means. The genetic algorithm searches for a partition that optimizes a fuzzy cluster validity index. The image is segmented by assigning each pixel of the L*u*v* image to the nearest neighbor among the cluster centers found by the genetic algorithm. A set of dermoscopic images is segmented using the method proposed in this research and the images are classified based on color statistics and textural features. The results indicate that the method proposed in this research is effective for the segmentation of dermoscopic images.

  • A Resonant Frequency Formula of Bow-Tie Microstrip Antenna and Its Application for the Design of the Antenna Using Genetic Algorithm

    Wen-Jun CHEN  Bin-Hong LI  Tao XIE  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E87-B No:9

    An empirical formula of resonant frequency of bow-tie microstrip antennas is presented, which is based on the cavity model of microstrip patch antennas. A procedure to design a bow-tie antenna using genetic algorithm (GA) in which we take the formula as a fitness function is also given. An optimized bow-tie antenna by genetic algorithm was constructed and measured. Numerical and experimental results are used to validate the formula and GA. The results are in good agreement.

  • On-line Identification Method of Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems Using Radial Basis Function Network Model Adjusted by Genetic Algorithm

    Tomohiro HACHINO  Hitoshi TAKATA  


    E87-A No:9

    This paper deals with an on-line identification method based on a radial basis function (RBF) network model for continuous-time nonlinear systems. The nonlinear term of the objective system is represented by the RBF network. In order to track the time-varying system parameters and nonlinear term, the recursive least-squares (RLS) method is combined in a bootstrap manner with the genetic algorithm (GA). The centers of the RBF are coded into binary bit strings and searched by the GA, while the system parameters of the linear terms and the weighting parameters of the RBF are updated by the RLS method. Numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Self-Reconfigurable Multi-Layer Neural Networks with Genetic Algorithms


    PAPER-Recornfigurable Systems

    E87-D No:8

    This paper addresses the issue of reconfiguring multi-layer neural networks implemented in single or multiple VLSI chips. The ability to adaptively reconfigure network configuration for a given application, considering the presence of faulty neurons, is a very valuable feature in a large scale neural network. In addition, it has become necessary to achieve systems that can automatically reconfigure a network and acquire optimal weights without any help from host computers. However, self-reconfigurable architectures for neural networks have not been studied sufficiently. In this paper, we propose an architecture for a self-reconfigurable multi-layer neural network employing both reconfiguration with spare neurons and weight training by GAs. This proposal offers the combined advantages of low hardware overhead for adding spare neurons and fast weight training time. To show the possibility of self-reconfigurable neural networks, the prototype system has been implemented on a field programmable gate array.

  • Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Texture Classification Using Multichannel Approaches

    Jing-Wein WANG  


    E87-A No:7

    This paper proposes the use of the ratio of wavelet extrema numbers taken from the horizontal and vertical counts respectively as a texture feature, which is called aspect ratio of extrema number (AREN). We formulate the classification problem upon natural and synthesized texture images as an optimization problem and develop a coevolving approach to select both scalar wavelet and multiwavelet feature spaces of greater discriminatory power. Sequential searches and genetic algorithms (GAs) are comparatively investigated. The experiments using wavelet packet decompositions with the innovative packet-tree selection scheme ascertain that the classification accuracy of coevolutionary genetic algorithms (CGAs) is acceptable enough.

  • Robust VQ-Based Digital Watermarking for the Memoryless Binary Symmetric Channel

    Jeng-Shyang PAN  Min-Tsang SUNG  Hsiang-Cheh HUANG  Bin-Yih LIAO  


    E87-A No:7

    A new scheme for watermarking based on vector quantization (VQ) over a binary symmetric channel is proposed. By optimizing VQ indices with genetic algorithm, simulation results not only demonstrate effective transmission of watermarked image, but also reveal the robustness of the extracted watermark.

  • Multiple DNA Sequences Alignment Using Heuristic-Based Genetic Algorithm

    Chih-Chin LAI  Shih-Wei CHUNG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E87-D No:7

    The alignment of biological sequences is a crucial tool in molecular biology and genome analysis. A wide variety of approaches has been proposed for multiple sequence alignment problem; however, some of them need prerequisites to help find the best alignment or some of them may suffer from the drawbacks of complexity and memory requirement so they can be only applied to cases with a limited number of sequences. In this paper, we view the multiple sequence alignment problem as an optimization problem and propose a heuristic-based genetic algorithm (GA) approach to solve it. The heuristic/GA hybrid yields better results than other well-known packages do. Experimental results are presented to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed approach.

  • A Distributed Parallel Genetic Local Search with Tree-Based Migration on Irregular Network Topologies

    Yiyuan GONG  Morikazu NAKAMURA  Takashi MATSUMURA  Kenji ONAGA  


    E87-A No:6

    In this paper we propose a parallel and distributed computation of genetic local search with irregular topology in distributed environments. The scheme we propose in this paper is implemented with a tree topology established on an irregular network where each computing element carries out genetic local search on its own chromosome set and communicates with its parent when the best solution of each generation is updated. We evaluate the proposed algorithm by a simulation system implemented on a PC-cluster. We test our algorithm on four types topologies: star, line, balanced binary tree and sided binary tree, and investigate the influence of communication topology and delay on the evolution process.

  • An Optimal Material Distribution System Based on Nested Genetic Algorithm

    Chih-Chin LAI  Shing-Hwang DOONG  


    E87-D No:3

    The number and location of the inventory centers play an important role in the material distribution process since residents and inventory centers may be in dispersed regions. In this paper, we view the problem of finding the better locations for the inventory centers as an optimization problem, and propose a nested genetic algorithm (NGA) approach to design an optimal material distribution system. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach by numerical experiments.

  • Schema Co-Evolutionary Algorithm (SCEA)

    Kwee-Bo SIM  Dong-Wook LEE  


    E87-D No:2

    Simple genetic algorithm (SGA) is a population-based optimization method based on the Darwinian natural selection. The theoretical foundations of SGA are the Schema Theorem and the Building Block Hypothesis. Although SGA does well in many applications as an optimization method, it still does not guarantee the convergence of a global optimum in GA-hard problems and deceptive problems. As an alternative schema, therefore, there is a growing interest in a co-evolutionary system where two populations constantly interact and cooperate each other. In this paper we propose a schema co-evolutionary algorithm (SCEA) and show why the SCEA works better than SGA in terms of an extended schema theorem. The experimental analyses using the Walsh-Schema Transform show that the SCEA works well in GA-hard problems including deceptive problems.

  • Genetic Algorithm Approach to Estimate Radar Cross Section of Dielectric Objects

    Elif AYDIN  K. Cem NAKIBOGLU  


    E86-C No:11

    Genetic algorithm (GA) is a widely used numerical technique to simplify some analytical solutions in electromagnetic theory. Genetic algorithms can be combined with the geometric optics method to tackle electromagnetic scattering problems. This paper presents an extrapolation procedure, which derived, as a first step, a functional representation of the radar cross section (RCS) of three different dielectric objects that was computed via the Mie solution or the method of moments (MOM). An algorithm was employed to fit the scattering characteristics of dielectric objects at high frequencies.

  • Inverse Scattering of a Two-Dimensional Dielectric Object by Genetic Algorithms

    Chun Jen LIN  Chien-Ching CHIU  Yi-Da WU  


    E86-C No:11

    In this paper, an efficient optimization algorithm for solving the inverse problem of a two-dimensional lossless homogeneous dielectric object is investigated. A lossless homogeneous dielectric cylinder of unknown permittivity scatters the incident wave in free space and the scattered fields are recorded. Based on the boundary condition and the incident field, a set of nonlinear surface integral equation is derived. The imaging problem is reformulated into optimization problem and the steady-state genetic algorithm is employed to reconstruct the shape and the dielectric constant of the object. Numerical results show that the permittivity of the cylinders can be successfully reconstructed even when the permittivity is fairly large. The effect of random noise on imaging reconstruction is also investigated.

  • High-Level Synthesis by Ants on a Tree


    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E86-A No:10

    In this paper an algorithm based on Ant Colony Optimization techniques called Ants on a Tree (AOT) is introduced. This algorithm can integrate many algorithms together to solve a single problem. The strength of AOT is demonstrated by solving a High-Level Synthesis problem. A High-Level Synthesis problem consists of many design steps and many algorithms to solve each of them. AOT can easily integrate these algorithms to limit the search space and use them as heuristic weights to guide the search. During the search, AOT generates a dynamic decision tree. A boosting technique similar to branch and bound algorithms is applied to guide the search in the decision tree. The storage explosion problem is eliminated by the evaporation of pheromone trail generated by ants, the inherent property of our search algorithm.

  • Adaptive On-Line Frequency Stabilization System for Laser Diodes Based on Genetic Algorithm

    Shintaro HISATAKE  Naoto HAMAGUCHI  Takahiro KAWAMOTO  Wakao SASAKI  

    PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E86-C No:10

    We propose a frequency stabilization system for laser diodes (LDs), in which the electrical feedback loop response can be determined using an on-line genetic algorithm (GA) so as to attain lower LD frequency noise power within the specific Fourier frequency range of interest. At the initial stage of the stabilization, the feedback loop response has been controlled through GA, manipulating the proportional gain, integration time, and derivative time of conventional analog PID controller. Individuals having 12-bit chromosomes encoded by combinations of PID parameters have converged evolutionarily toward an optimal solution providing a suitable feedback loop response. A fitness function has been calculated for each individual in real time based on the power spectral density (PSD) of the frequency noise. The performance of this system has been tested by stabilizing a 50 mW visible LD. Long-term (τ > 0.01 s) frequency stability and its repeatability have been improved.

  • A Study on the Behavior of Genetic Algorithms on NK-Landscapes: Effects of Selection, Drift, Mutation, and Recombination

    Hernan AGUIRRE  Kiyoshi TANAKA  

    PAPER-Neuro, Fuzzy, GA

    E86-A No:9

    NK-Landscapes are stochastically generated fitness functions on bit strings, parameterized with N bits and K epistatic interactions between bits. The term epistasis describes nonlinearities in fitness functions due to changes in the values of interacting bits. Empirical studies have shown that the overall performance of random bit climbers on NK-Landscapes is superior to the performance of some simple and enhanced genetic algorithms (GAs). Analytical studies have also lead to suggest that NK-Landscapes may not be appropriate for testing the performance of GAs. In this work we study the effect of selection, drift, mutation, and recombination on NK-Landscapes for N = 96. We take a model of generational parallel varying mutation GA (GA-SRM) and switch on and off its major components to emphasize each of the four processes mentioned above. We observe that using an appropriate selection pressure and postponing drift make GAs quite robust on NK-Landscapes; different to previous studies, even simple GAs with these two features perform better than a random bit climber (RBC+) for a broad range of classes of problems (K 4). We also observe that the interaction of parallel varying mutation with crossover improves further the reliability of the GA, especially for 12 < K < 32. Contrary to intuition, we find that for small K a mutation only evolutionary algorithm (EA) is very effective and crossover may be omitted; but the relative importance of crossover interacting with varying mutation increases with K performing better than mutation alone (K > 12). This work indicates that NK-Landscapes are useful for testing each one of the major processes involved in a GA and for assessing the overall behavior of a GA on complex non-linear problems. This study also gives valuable guidance to practitioners applying GAs to real world problems of how to configure the GA to achieve better results as the non-linearity and complexity of the problem increases.

  • Design Consideration of Polarization-Transformation Filters Using a Genetic Algorithm

    Atsushi KUSUNOKI  Mitsuru TANAKA  


    E86-C No:8

    This paper presents the design consideration of a polarization-transformation transmission filter, which is composed of a multilayered chiral slab. The optimal material parameters and thickness of each layer of the slab can be determined by using a genetic algorithm (GA). Substituting the constitutive relations for a chiral medium into Maxwell's equations, the electromagnetic field in the medium is obtained. A chain-matrix formulation is used to derive the relationship between the components of the incident, the reflected, and the transmitted electric fields. The cross- and co-polarized powers carried by the transmitted and reflected waves are represented in terms of their electric field components. The procedure proposed for the design of a polarization-transformation filter is divided into two stages. An ordinary filter without polarization-transformation and a polarization-transformation filter for the transmitted wave are designed with a multilayered non-chiral slab and a multilayered chiral slab at the first and the second stages, respectively. According to the specifications of the filters, two functionals are defined with the transmitted and reflected powers. Thus the optimal design of a polarization-transformation filter with the multilayered chiral slab is reduced to an optimization problem where the material parameters and thickness of each chiral layer are found by maximizing the functionals. Applying the GA to the maximization of the functionals, one can obtain the optimal material parameters and thicknesses of the multilayered chiral slab. Numerical results are presented to confirm the effectiveness of the two-stage design procedure. For three types of multilayered chiral slabs, optimal values of refractive indices, thicknesses, and chiral admittances are obtained. It is seen from the numerical results that the proposed procedure is very effective in the optimal design of polarization-transformation filters for the transmitted wave.

  • A Spatio-Temporal Error Concealment Using Genetic Algorithm with Isophote Constraints

    Jong Bae KIM  Hang Joon KIM  


    E86-A No:8

    In this paper, a spatio-temporal error concealment method of transmission errors for improving visual quality over the wireless channel is proposed, which makes use of geometric information extracted from the surrounding blocks. The geometric information is an isophote that is curves of constant intensity of image. To improve visual quality during video communication, the proposed method smoothly connects the isophotes disconnected due to transmission error using a genetic algorithm (GA) with an isophote constraint. In the proposed method, the error concealment problem is modeled as an optimization problem, which in our case, is solved by a cost function with isophotes constraint that is minimized using a GA. Experimental results shows more visually realistic than other error concealment methods.

  • A Modified Genetic Algorithm for Multiuser Detection in DS/CDMA Systems

    Mahrokh G. SHAYESTEH  Mohammad B. MENHAJ  Babak G. NOBARY  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:8

    Multiple access interference and near-far effect cause the performance of the conventional single user detector in DS/CDMA systems to degrade. Due to high complexity of the optimum multiuser detector, suboptimal multiuser detectors with less complexity and reasonable performance have received considerable attention. In this paper we apply the classic and a new modified genetic algorithm for multiuser detection of DS/CDMA signals. It is shown that the classic genetic algorithm (GA) reaches an error floor at high signal to noise ratios (SNR) while the performance of proposed modified GA is much better than the classic one and is comparable to the optimum detector with much less complexity. The results hold true for AWGN and fading channels. We also describe another GA called as meta GA to find the optimum parameters of the modified GA. We compare the performance of proposed method with the other detectors used in CDMA.

  • Using B-Spline Curves and Genetic Algorithms to Correct Linear Array Failure

    Wen-Chia LUE  Fang HSU  

    LETTER-Antenna and Propagation

    E86-B No:8

    A new approach to correcting the array amplitude failure by a combination of B-spline techniques and genetic algorithms is proposed. Some array elements indicate the control knots for a B-spline curve by their nominal positions and amplitudes; others distribute the excitation amplitudes according to the sampling points on the curve. The inherent smoothness of the B-spline curves reduce the effect of excessive coupling between adjacent elements. Genetic algorithms are used to search for a quasi-optimized B-spline curve to produce the ultimate amplitude distribution for correcting the array failure. To demonstrate the method's effectiveness, simulation results for correcting failures with three- and four-element failures are presented.

  • A GA-Based Fuzzy Traffic Controller for an Intersection with Time-Varying Flow Rate

    Nam-Chul HUH  Byeong Man KIM  Jong Wan KIM  Seung Ryul MAENG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science

    E86-D No:7

    Many fuzzy traffic controllers adjust the extension time of the green phase with the fuzzy input variables, arrival and queue. However, in our experiments, we found that the two input variables are not sufficient for an intersection where traffic flow rates change and thus, in this paper, traffic volume is used as an additional variable. Traffic volume is defined as the number of vehicles entering an intersection every second. In designing a fuzzy traffic controller, an ad-hoc approach is usually used to find membership functions and fuzzy control rules showing good performance. That is, initial ones are generated by human operators and modified many times based on the results of simulation. To partially overcome the limitations of the ad-hoc approach, we use genetic algorithms to automatically determine the membership functions for terms of each fuzzy variable when fuzzy control rules are given by hand. The experimental results indicate that a fuzzy logic controller with volume variable outperforms conventional ones with no volume variable in terms of the average delay and the average velocity. Also, the controller shows better performance when membership functions generated by a genetic algorithms instead of ones generated by hand are used.


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