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[Keyword] genetic(292hit)


  • Energy-Efficient Resource Management in Mobile Cloud Computing

    Xiaomin JIN  Yuanan LIU  Wenhao FAN  Fan WU  Bihua TANG  

    PAPER-Energy in Electronics Communications

    E101-B No:4

    Mobile cloud computing (MCC) has been proposed as a new approach to enhance mobile device performance via computation offloading. The growth in cloud computing energy consumption is placing pressure on both the environment and cloud operators. In this paper, we focus on energy-efficient resource management in MCC and aim to reduce cloud operators' energy consumption through resource management. We establish a deterministic resource management model by solving a combinatorial optimization problem with constraints. To obtain the resource management strategy in deterministic scenarios, we propose a deterministic strategy algorithm based on the adaptive group genetic algorithm (AGGA). Wireless networks are used to connect to the cloud in MCC, which causes uncertainty in resource management in MCC. Based on the deterministic model, we establish a stochastic model that involves a stochastic optimization problem with chance constraints. To solve this problem, we propose a stochastic strategy algorithm based on Monte Carlo simulation and AGGA. Experiments show that our deterministic strategy algorithm obtains approximate optimal solutions with low algorithmic complexity with respect to the problem size, and our stochastic strategy algorithm saves more energy than other algorithms while satisfying the chance constraints.

  • Automatic Design of Operational Amplifier Utilizing both Equation-Based Method and Genetic Algorithm

    Kento SUZUKI  Nobukazu TAKAI  Yoshiki SUGAWARA  Masato KATO  


    E100-A No:12

    Automatic design of analog circuits using a programmed algorithm is in great demand because optimal analog circuit design in a short time is required due to the limited development time. Although an automatic design using equation-based method can design simple circuits fast and accurately, it cannot solve complex circuits. On the other hand, an automatic design using optimization algorithm such as Ant Colony Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, and so on, can design complex circuits. However, because these algorithms are based on the stochastic optimization technique and determine the circuit parameters at random, a lot of circuits which do not operate in principle are generated and simulated to find the circuit which meets specifications. In this paper, to reduce the search space and the redundant simulations, automatic design using both equation-based method and a genetic algorithm is proposed. The proposed method optimizes the bias circuit blocks using the equation-based method and signal processing blocks using Genetic Algorithm. Simulation results indicate that the evaluation value which considers the trade-off of the circuit specification is larger than the conventional method and the proposed method can design 1.4 times more circuits which satisfy the minimum requirements than the conventional method.

  • Towards an Efficient Approximate Solution for the Weighted User Authorization Query Problem

    Jianfeng LU  Zheng WANG  Dewu XU  Changbing TANG  Jianmin HAN  

    PAPER-Access Control

    E100-D No:8

    The user authorization query (UAQ) problem determines whether there exists an optimum set of roles to be activated to provide a set of permissions requested by a user. It has been deemed as a key issue for efficiently handling user's access requests in role-based access control (RBAC). Unfortunately, the weight is a value attached to a permission/role representing its importance, should be introduced to UAQ, has been ignored. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive definition of the weighted UAQ (WUAQ) problem with the role-weighted-cardinality and permission-weighted-cardinality constraints. Moreover, we study the computational complexity of different subcases of WUAQ, and show that many instances in each subcase are intractable. In particular, inspired by the idea of the genetic algorithm, we propose an algorithm to approximate solve an intractable subcase of the WUAQ problem. An important observation is that this algorithm can be efficiently modified to handle the other subcases of the WUAQ problem. The experimental results show the advantage of the proposed algorithm, which is especially fit for the case that the computational overhead is even more important than the accuracy in a large-scale RBAC system.

  • A Spectrum-Sharing Approach in Heterogeneous Networks Based on Multi-Objective Optimization

    Runze WU  Jiajia ZHU  Liangrui TANG  Chen XU  Xin WU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:7

    Deploying low power nodes (LPNs), which reuse the spectrum licensed to a macrocell network, is considered to be a promising way to significantly boost network capacity. Due to the spectrum-sharing, the deployment of LPNs could trigger the severe problem of interference including intra-tier interference among dense LPNs and inter-tier interference between LPNs and the macro base station (MBS), which influences the system performance strongly. In this paper, we investigate a spectrum-sharing approach in the downlink for two-tier networks, which consists of small cells (SCs) with several LPNs and a macrocell with a MBS, aiming to mitigate the interference and improve the capacity of SCs. The spectrum-sharing approach is described as a multi-objective optimization problem. The problem is solved by the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm version II (NSGA-II), and the simulations show that the proposed spectrum-sharing approach is superior to the existing one.

  • Inferring Phylogenetic Network of Malware Families Based on Splits Graph

    Jing LIU  Yuan WANG  Pei Dai XIE  Yong Jun WANG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E100-D No:6

    Malware phylogeny refers to inferring the evolutionary relationships among instances of a family. It plays an important role in malware forensics. Previous works mainly focused on tree-based model. However, trees cannot represent reticulate events, such as inheriting code fragments from different parents, which are common in variants generation. Therefore, phylogenetic networks as a more accurate and general model have been put forward. In this paper, we propose a novel malware phylogenetic network construction method based on splits graph, taking advantage of the one-to-one correspondence between reticulate events and netted components in splits graph. We evaluate our algorithm on three malware families and two benign families whose ground truth are known and compare with competing algorithms. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves a higher mean accuracy of 64.8%.

  • FPGA Hardware Acceleration of a Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction with Maximum Parsimony Algorithm

    Henry BLOCK  Tsutomu MARUYAMA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E100-D No:2

    In this paper, we present an FPGA hardware implementation for a phylogenetic tree reconstruction with a maximum parsimony algorithm. We base our approach on a particular stochastic local search algorithm that uses the Progressive Neighborhood and the Indirect Calculation of Tree Lengths method. This method is widely used for the acceleration of the phylogenetic tree reconstruction algorithm in software. In our implementation, we define a tree structure and accelerate the search by parallel and pipeline processing. We show results for eight real-world biological datasets. We compare execution times against our previous hardware approach, and TNT, the fastest available parsimony program, which is also accelerated by the Indirect Calculation of Tree Lengths method. Acceleration rates between 34 to 45 per rearrangement, and 2 to 6 for the whole search, are obtained against our previous hardware approach. Acceleration rates between 2 to 36 per rearrangement, and 18 to 112 for the whole search, are obtained against TNT.

  • An Improved Feature Selection Algorithm for Ordinal Classification

    Weiwei PAN  Qinhua HU  

    PAPER-Machine Learning

    E99-A No:12

    Ordinal classification is a class of special tasks in machine learning and pattern recognition. As to ordinal classification, there is an ordinal structure among different decision values. The monotonicity constraint between features and decision should be taken into account as the fundamental assumption. However, in real-world applications, this assumption may be not true. Only some candidate features, instead of all, are monotonic with decision. So the existing feature selection algorithms which are designed for nominal classification or monotonic classification are not suitable for ordinal classification. In this paper, we propose a feature selection algorithm for ordinal classification based on considering the non-monotonic and monotonic features separately. We first introduce an assumption of hybrid monotonic classification consistency and define a feature evaluation function to calculate the relevance between the features and decision for ordinal classification. Then, we combine the reported measure and genetic algorithm (GA) to search the optimal feature subset. A collection of numerical experiments are implemented to show that the proposed approach can effectively reduce the feature size and improve the classification performance.

  • Neural Network Location Based on Weight Optimization with Genetic Algorithm under the Condition of Less Information

    Jian Hui WANG  Jia Liang WANG  Da Ming WANG  Wei Jia CUI  Xiu Kun REN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E99-B No:11

    This paper puts forward the concept of cellular network location with less information which can overcome the weaknesses of the cellular location technology in practical applications. After a systematic introduction of less-information location model, this paper presents a location algorithm based on AGA (Adaptive Genetic Algorithm) and an optimized RBF (Radical Basis Function) neural network. The virtues of this algorithm are that it has high location accuracy, reduces the location measurement parameters and effectively enhances the robustness. The simulation results show that under the condition of less information, the optimized location algorithm can effectively solve the fuzzy points in the location model and satisfy the FCC's (Federal Communications Commission) requirements on location accuracy.

  • Policy Optimization for Spoken Dialog Management Using Genetic Algorithm

    Hang REN  Qingwei ZHAO  Yonghong YAN  

    PAPER-Spoken dialog system

    E99-D No:10

    The optimization of spoken dialog management policies is a non-trivial task due to the erroneous inputs from speech recognition and language understanding modules. The dialog manager needs to ground uncertain semantic information at times to fully understand the need of human users and successfully complete the required dialog tasks. Approaches based on reinforcement learning are currently mainstream in academia and have been proved to be effective, especially when operating in noisy environments. However, in reinforcement learning the dialog strategy is often represented by complex numeric model and thus is incomprehensible to humans. The trained policies are very difficult for dialog system designers to verify or modify, which largely limits the deployment for commercial applications. In this paper we propose a novel framework for optimizing dialog policies specified in human-readable domain language using genetic algorithm. We present learning algorithms using user simulator and real human-machine dialog corpora. Empirical experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve competitive performance on par with some state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms, while maintaining a comprehensible policy structure.

  • Non-Crossover and Multi-Mutation Based Genetic Algorithm for Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem

    Zhongshan ZHANG  Yuning CHEN  Yuejin TAN  Jungang YAN  

    PAPER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E99-A No:10

    This paper presents a non-crossover and multi-mutation based genetic algorithm (NMGA) for the Flexible Job-shop Scheduling problem (FJSP) with the criterion to minimize the maximum completion time (makespan). Aiming at the characteristics of FJSP, three mutation operators based on operation sequence coding and machine assignment coding are proposed: flip, slide, and swap. Meanwhile, the NMGA framework, coding scheme, as well as the decoding algorithm are also specially designed for the FJSP. In the framework, recombination operator crossover is not included and a special selection strategy is employed. Computational results based on a set of representative benchmark problems were provided. The evidence indicates that the proposed algorithm is superior to several recently published genetic algorithms in terms of solution quality and convergence ability.

  • A Design of Vehicular GPS and LTE Antenna Considering Vehicular Body Effects

    Patchaikani SINDHUJA  Yoshihiko KUWAHARA  Kiyotaka KUMAKI  Yoshiyuki HIRAMATSU  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:4

    In this paper, a vehicular antenna design scheme that considers vehicular body effects is proposed. A wire antenna for the global positioning system (GPS) and long-term evolution (LTE) systems is implemented on a plastic plate and then mounted on a windshield of the vehicle. Common outputs are used to allow feed sharing. It is necessary to increase the GPS right-hand circularly polarization (RHCP) gain near the zenith and to reduce the axis ratio (AR). For LTE, we need to increase the horizontal polarization (HP) gain. In addition, for LTE, multiband characteristics are required. In order to achieve the specified performance, the antenna shape is optimized via a Pareto genetic algorithm (PGA). When an antenna is mounted on the body, antenna performance changes significantly. To evaluate the performance of an antenna with complex shape mounted on a windshield, a commercial electromagnetic simulator (Ansoft HFSS) is used. To apply electromagnetic results output by HFSS to the PGA algorithm operating in the MATLAB environment, a MATLAB-to-HFSS linking program via Visual BASIC (VB) script was used. It is difficult to carry out the electromagnetic analysis on the entire body because of the limitations of the calculating load and memory size. To overcome these limitations, we consider only that part of the vehicle's body that influences antenna performance. We show that a series of optimization steps can minimize the degradation caused by the vehicle`s body. The simulation results clearly show that it is well optimized at 1.575GHz for GPS, and 0.74 ∼ 0.79GHz and 2.11 ∼ 2.16GHz for LTE, respectively.

  • Performance Evaluation on GA-Based Localization for Wireless Capsule Endoscope Using Scattered Electric Fields

    Taiki IIDA  Daisuke ANZAI  Jianqing WANG  


    E99-B No:3

    To improve the performance of capsule endoscope, it is important to add location information to the image data obtained by the capsule endoscope. There is a disadvantage that a lot of existing localization techniques require to measure channel model parameters in advance. To avoid such a troublesome pre-measurement, this paper pays attention to capsule endoscope localization based on an electromagnetic imaging technology which can estimate not only the location but also the internal structure of a human body. However, the electromagnetic imaging with high resolution has huge computational complexity, which should prevent us from carrying out real-time localization. To ensure the accurate real-time localization system without pre-measured model parameters, we apply genetic algorithm (GA) into the electromagnetic imaging-based localization method. Furthermore, we evaluate the proposed GA-based method in terms of the simulation time and the location estimation accuracy compared to the conventional methods. In addition, we show that the proposed GA-based method can perform more accurately than the other conventional methods, and also, much less computational complexity of the proposed method can be accomplished than a greedy algorithm-based method.

  • CMOS-Based Optoelectronic On-Chip Neural Interface Device Open Access

    Takashi TOKUDA  Hiroaki TAKEHARA  Toshihiko NODA  Kiyotaka SASAGAWA  Jun OHTA  


    E99-C No:2

    On-chip neural interface devices based on CMOS image sensor technology are proposed and demonstrated. The devices were designed with target applications to optogenetics in bioscience. Multifunctional CMOS image sensors equipped with an addressable on-chip electrode array were integrated with a functional interface chip that contained embedded GaInN light emitting diodes (LEDs) and electrodes to create a neural interface. Detailed design information regarding the CMOS sensor chip and the functional interface chip including the packaging structure and fabrication processes are presented in this paper. The on-chip optical stimulation functionality was demonstrated in an in vitro experiment using neuron-like cells cultured on the proposed device.

  • GA-MAP: An Error Tolerant Address Mapping Method in Data Center Networks Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm

    Gang DENG  Hong WANG  Zhenghu GONG  Lin CHEN  Xu ZHOU  


    E98-D No:12

    Address configuration is a key problem in data center networks. The core issue of automatic address configuration is assigning logical addresses to the physical network according to a blueprint, namely logical-to-device ID mapping, which can be formulated as a graph isomorphic problem and is hard. Recently years, some work has been proposed for this problem, such as DAC and ETAC. DAC adopts a sub-graph isomorphic algorithm. By leveraging the structure characteristic of data center network, DAC can finish the mapping process quickly when there is no malfunction. However, in the presence of any malfunctions, DAC need human effort to correct these malfunctions and thus is time-consuming. ETAC improves on DAC and can finish mapping even in the presence of malfunctions. However, ETAC also suffers from some robustness and efficiency problems. In this paper, we present GA-MAP, a data center networks address mapping algorithm based on genetic algorithm. By intelligently leveraging the structure characteristic of data center networks and the global search characteristic of genetic algorithm, GA-MAP can solve the address mapping problem quickly. Moreover, GA-MAP can even finish address mapping when physical network involved in malfunctions, making it more robust than ETAC. We evaluate GA-MAP via extensive simulation in several of aspects, including computation time, error-tolerance, convergence characteristic and the influence of population size. The simulation results demonstrate that GA-MAP is effective for data center addresses mapping.

  • A New Approach to Embedded Software Optimization Based on Reverse Engineering

    Nguyen Ngoc BINH  Pham Van HUONG  Bui Ngoc HAI  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E98-D No:6

    Optimizing embedded software is a problem having scientific and practical signification. Optimizing embedded software can be done in different phases of the software life cycle under different optimal conditions. Most studies of embedded software optimization are done in forward engineering and these studies have not given an overall model for the optimization problem of embedded software in both forward engineering and reverse engineering. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new approach to embedded software optimization based on reverse engineering. First, we construct an overall model for the embedded software optimization in both forward engineering and reverse engineering and present a process of embedded software optimization in reverse engineering. The main idea of this approach is that decompiling executable code to source code, converting the source code to models and optimizing embedded software under different levels such as source code and model. Then, the optimal source code is recompiled. To develop this approach, we present two optimization techniques such as optimizing power consumption of assembly programs based on instruction schedule and optimizing performance based on alternating equivalent expressions.

  • Image Encryption Based on a Genetic Algorithm and a Chaotic System

    Xiaoqiang ZHANG  Xuesong WANG  Yuhu CHENG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E98-B No:5

    To ensure the security of image transmission, this paper presents a new image encryption algorithm based on a genetic algorithm (GA) and a piecewise linear chaotic map (PWLCM), which adopts the classical diffusion-substitution architecture. The GA is used to identify and output the optimal encrypted image that has the highest entropy value, the lowest correlation coefficient among adjacent pixels and the strongest ability to resist differential attack. The PWLCM is used to scramble pixel positions and change pixel values. Experiments and analyses show that the new algorithm possesses a large key space and resists brute-force, statistical and differential attacks. Meanwhile, the comparative analysis also indicates the superiority of our proposed algorithm over a similar, recently published, algorithm.

  • Context-Based Segmentation of Renal Corpuscle from Microscope Renal Biopsy Image Sequence

    Jun ZHANG  Jinglu HU  


    E98-A No:5

    A renal biopsy is a procedure to get a small piece of kidney for microscopic examination. With the development of tissue sectioning and medical imaging techniques, microscope renal biopsy image sequences are consequently obtained for computer-aided diagnosis. This paper proposes a new context-based segmentation algorithm for acquired image sequence, in which an improved genetic algorithm (GA) patching method is developed to segment different size target. To guarantee the correctness of first image segmentation and facilitate the use of context information, a boundary fusion operation and a simplified scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT)-based registration are presented respectively. The experimental results show the proposed segmentation algorithm is effective and accurate for renal biopsy image sequence.

  • Mood-Learning Public Display: Adapting Content Design Evolutionarily through Viewers' Involuntary Gestures and Movements

    Ken NAGAO  Issei FUJISHIRO  


    E97-D No:8

    Due to the recent development of underlying hardware technology and improvement in installing environments, public display has been becoming more common and attracting more attention as a new type of signage. Any signage is required to make its content more attractive to its viewers by evaluating the current attractiveness on the fly, in order to deliver the message from the sender more effectively. However, most previous methods for public display require time to reflect the viewers' evaluations. In this paper, we present a novel system, called Mood-Learning Public Display, which automatically adapts its content design. This system utilizes viewers' involuntary behaviors as a sign of evaluation to make the content design more adapted to local viewers' tastes evolutionarily on site. The system removes the current gap between viewers' expectations and the content actually displayed on the display, and makes efficient mutual transmission of information between the cyberworld and the reality.

  • One-Class Naïve Bayesian Classifier for Toll Fraud Detection

    Pilsung KANG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E97-D No:5

    In this paper, a one-class Naïve Bayesian classifier (One-NB) for detecting toll frauds in a VoIP service is proposed. Since toll frauds occur irregularly and their patterns are too diverse to be generalized as one class, conventional binary-class classification is not effective for toll fraud detection. In addition, conventional novelty detection algorithms have struggled with optimizing their parameters to achieve a stable detection performance. In order to resolve the above limitations, the original Naïve Bayesian classifier is modified to handle the novelty detection problem. In addition, a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to increase efficiency by selecting significant variables. In order to verify the performance of One-NB, comparative experiments using five well-known novelty detectors and three binary classifiers are conducted over real call data records (CDRs) provided by a Korean VoIP service company. The experimental results show that One-NB detects toll frauds more accurately than other novelty detectors and binary classifiers when the toll frauds rates are relatively low. In addition, The performance of One-NB is found to be more stable than the benchmark methods since no parameter optimization is required for One-NB.

  • Interval Walking Training for Middle-Aged and Older People: Methods and Evidence Open Access

    Hiroshi NOSE  


    E97-B No:3

    Faced with social problems such as rapidly aging society, the solutions have been expected in sports medicine. Humans became widely distributed on the earth from their birth by acquiring abilities to walk in an upright position and to adapt themselves to various natural environments. However, seeking a ‘comfortable environment’ in modern civilization has deteriorated these genetic characteristics of humans, and the consumption of resources and energy to acquire such a ‘comfortable environment’ has induced global warming-associated natural disasters and the destruction of social order. To halt this vicious cycle, we may reactivate the genetic characteristics in humans by doing exercise. To do this, we have developed a health promotion program for middle aged and older people, Jukunen Taiikudaigaku Program, in cooperation with the Japanese government, developed high-intensity interval walking training (IWT), and examined the physical and mental effects on 5,400 people for these 10 years. We found that IWT for 4 months increased physical fitness by 10-20%, decreased the indices of life-style related diseases by 10-20%. Since a prescription of IWT can be conducted by using an IT network system called e-Health Promotion System, the participants in the program were able to receive the prescription even if they lived remote from trainers, enabling them to perform IWT at their favored places and times, and also at low cost. Moreover, we found some single nucleotide polymorphisms closely related to inter-individual differences in the responses to IWT. Further, the system enables us to assess the inactivation/activation of genes for inflammatory responses which has been suggested to be involved in life-style related diseases. Also, the system enables us to search foods to promote health when they are consumed during exercise training. Thus, the system would have strong potential to promote health of middle-aged and older people in advanced aging society.


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