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[Keyword] genetic(292hit)


  • An Approach to Extract Informative Rules for Web Page Recommendation by Genetic Programming

    Jaekwang KIM  KwangHo YOON  Jee-Hyong LEE  


    E95-B No:5

    Clickstreams in users' navigation logs have various data which are related to users' web surfing. Those are visit counts, stay times, product types, etc. When we observe these data, we can divide clickstreams into sub-clickstreams so that the pages in a sub-clickstream share more contexts with each other than with the pages in other sub-clickstreams. In this paper, we propose a method which extracts more informative rules from clickstreams for web page recommendation based on genetic programming and association rules. First, we split clickstreams into sub-clickstreams by contexts for generating more informative rules. In order to split clickstreams in consideration of context, we extract six features from users' navigation logs. A set of split rules is generated by combining those features through genetic programming, and then informative rules for recommendation are extracted with the association rule mining algorithm. Through experiments, we verify that the proposed method is more effective than the other methods in various conditions.

  • Identification of Quasi-ARX Neurofuzzy Model with an SVR and GA Approach

    Yu CHENG  Lan WANG  Jinglu HU  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E95-A No:5

    The quasi-ARX neurofuzzy (Q-ARX-NF) model has shown great approximation ability and usefulness in nonlinear system identification and control. It owns an ARX-like linear structure, and the coefficients are expressed by an incorporated neurofuzzy (InNF) network. However, the Q-ARX-NF model suffers from curse-of-dimensionality problem, because the number of fuzzy rules in the InNF network increases exponentially with input space dimension. It may result in high computational complexity and over-fitting. In this paper, the curse-of-dimensionality is solved in two ways. Firstly, a support vector regression (SVR) based approach is used to reduce computational complexity by a dual form of quadratic programming (QP) optimization, where the solution is independent of input dimensions. Secondly, genetic algorithm (GA) based input selection is applied with a novel fitness evaluation function, and a parsimonious model structure is generated with only important inputs for the InNF network. Mathematical and real system simulations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • MS Location Estimation with Genetic Algorithm

    Chien-Sheng CHEN  Jium-Ming LIN  Wen-Hsiung LIU  Ching-Lung CHI  


    E95-A No:1

    Intelligent transportation system (ITS) makes use of vehicle position to decrease the heavy traffic and improve service reliability of public transportation system. Many existing systems, such as global positioning system (GPS) and cellular communication systems, can be used to estimate vehicle location. The objective of wireless location is to determine the mobile station (MS) location in a wireless cellular communications system. The non-line-of-sight (NLOS) problem is the most crucial factor that it causes large measured error. In this paper, we present a novel positioning algorithm based on genetic algorithm (GA) to locate MS when three BSs are available for location purpose. Recently, GA are widely used as many various optimization problems. The proposed algorithm utilizes the intersections of three time of arrival (TOA) circles based on GA to estimate the MS location. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithms can really improve the location accuracy, even under severe NLOS conditions.

  • Simulation-Based Tactics Generation for Warship Combat Using the Genetic Algorithm

    Yong-Jun YOU  Sung-Do CHI  Jae-Ick KIM  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E94-D No:12

    In most existing warships combat simulation system, the tactics of a warship is manipulated by human operators. For this reason, the simulation results are restricted due to the capabilities of human operators. To deal with this, we have employed the genetic algorithm for supporting the evolutionary simulation environment. In which, the tactical decision by human operators is replaced by the human model with a rule-based chromosome for representing tactics so that the population of simulations are created and hundreds of simulation runs are continued on the basis of the genetic algorithm without any human intervention until finding emergent tactics which shows the best performance throughout the simulation. Several simulation tests demonstrate the techniques.

  • A Simple Class of Binary Neural Networks and Logical Synthesis

    Yuta NAKAYAMA  Ryo ITO  Toshimichi SAITO  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E94-A No:9

    This letter studies learning of the binary neural network and its relation to the logical synthesis. The network has the signum activation function and can approximate a desired Boolean function if parameters are selected suitably. In a parameter subspace the network is equivalent to the disjoint canonical form of the Boolean functions. Outside of the subspace, the network can have simpler structure than the canonical form where the simplicity is measured by the number of hidden neurons. In order to realize effective parameter setting, we present a learning algorithm based on the genetic algorithm. The algorithm uses the teacher signals as the initial kernel and tolerates a level of learning error. Performing basic numerical experiments, the algorithm efficiency is confirmed.

  • Genetic Agent-Based Framework for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Jangsu LEE  Sungchun KIM  


    E94-B No:6

    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is composed of so many small sensor nodes which have limited resources. So the technique that raises energy efficiency is the key to prolong the network life time. In the paper, we propose an agent based framework which takes the biological characteristics of gene. The gene represents an operation policy to control agent behavior. Agents are aggregated to reduce duplicate transmissions in active period. And it selects next hop based on the information of neighbor agents. Among neighbors, the node which has enough energy is given higher priority. The base station processes genetic evolution to refine the behavior policy of agent. Each agent is taken latest gene and spread recursively to find the optimal gene. Our proposed framework yields sensor nodes that have the properties of self-healing, self-configuration, and self-optimization. Simulation results show that our proposed framework increases the lifetime of each node.

  • Compact Planar Bandpass Filters with Arbitrarily-Shaped Conductor Patches and Slots

    Tadashi KIDO  Hiroyuki DEGUCHI  Mikio TSUJI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E94-C No:6

    This paper develops planar circuit filters consisting of arbitrarily-shaped conductor patches and slots on a conductor-backed dielectric substrate, which are designed by an optimization technique based on the genetic algorithm. The developed filter has multiple resonators and their mutual couplings in the limited space by using both sides of the substrate, so that its compactness is realized. We first demonstrate the effectiveness of the present filter structure from some design samples numerically and experimentally. Then as a practical application, we design compact UWB filters, and their filter characteristics are verified from the measurements.

  • Optimized Fuzzy Adaptive Filtering for Ubiquitous Sensor Networks

    Hae Young LEE  Tae Ho CHO  


    E94-B No:6

    In ubiquitous sensor networks, extra energy savings can be achieved by selecting the filtering solution to counter the attack. This adaptive selection process employs a fuzzy rule-based system for selecting the best solution, as there is uncertainty in the reasoning processes as well as imprecision in the data. In order to maximize the performance of the fuzzy system the membership functions should be optimized. However, the efforts required to perform this optimization manually can be impractical for commonly used applications. This paper presents a GA-based membership function optimizer for fuzzy adaptive filtering (GAOFF) in ubiquitous sensor networks, in which the efficiency of the membership functions is measured based on simulation results and optimized by GA. The proposed optimization consists of three units; the first performs a simulation using a set of membership functions, the second evaluates the performance of the membership functions based on the simulation results, and the third constructs a population representing the membership functions by GA. The proposed method can optimize the membership functions automatically while utilizing minimal human expertise.

  • A New Framework with FDPP-LX Crossover for Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm

    Zhi-Qiang CHEN  Rong-Long WANG  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E94-A No:6

    This paper presents a new and robust framework for real-coded genetic algorithm, called real-code conditional genetic algorithm (rc-CGA). The most important characteristic of the proposed rc-CGA is the implicit self-adaptive feature of the crossover and mutation mechanism. Besides, a new crossover operator with laplace distribution following a few promising descent directions (FPDD-LX) is proposed for the rc-CGA. The proposed genetic algorithm (rc-CGA+FPDD-LX) is tested using 31 benchmark functions and compared with four existing algorithms. The simulation results show excellent performance of the proposed rc-CGA+FPDD-LX for continuous function optimization.

  • A Timed-Based Approach for Genetic Algorithm: Theory and Applications


    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E94-D No:6

    In this paper, a new algorithm called TGA is introduced which defines the concept of time more naturally for the first time. A parameter called TimeToLive is considered for each chromosome, which is a time duration in which it could participate in the process of the algorithm. This will lead to keeping the dynamism of algorithm in addition to maintaining its convergence sufficiently and stably. Thus, the TGA guarantees not to result in premature convergence or stagnation providing necessary convergence to achieve optimal answer. Moreover, the mutation operator is used more meaningfully in the TGA. Mutation probability has direct relation with parent similarity. This kind of mutation will decrease ineffective mating percent which does not make any improvement in offspring individuals and also it is more natural. Simulation results show that one run of the TGA is enough to reach the optimum answer and the TGA outperforms the standard genetic algorithm.

  • A GA-Based X-Filling for Reducing Launch Switching Activity toward Specific Objectives in At-Speed Scan Testing

    Yuta YAMATO  Xiaoqing WEN  Kohei MIYASE  Hiroshi FURUKAWA  Seiji KAJIHARA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E94-D No:4

    Power-aware X-filling is a preferable approach to avoiding IR-drop-induced yield loss in at-speed scan testing. However, the ability of previous X-filling methods to reduce launch switching activity may be unsatisfactory, due to low effect (insufficient and global-only reduction) and/or low scalability (long CPU time). This paper addresses this reduction quality problem with a novel GA (Genetic Algorithm) based X-filling method, called GA-fill. Its goals are (1) to achieve both effectiveness and scalability in a more balanced manner and (2) to make the reduction effect of launch switching activity more concentrated on critical areas that have higher impact on IR-drop-induced yield loss. Evaluation experiments are being conducted on both benchmark and industrial circuits, and the results have demonstrated the usefulness of GA-fill.

  • Optimization of Two-Dimensional Filter in Time-to-Space Converted Correlator for Optical BPSK Label Recognition Using Genetic Algorithms

    Naohide KAMITANI  Hiroki KISHIKAWA  Nobuo GOTO  Shin-ichiro YANAGIYA  

    PAPER-Information Processing

    E94-C No:1

    A two-dimensional filter for photonic label recognition system using time-to-space conversion and delay compensation was designed using Genetic-Algorithms (GA). For four-bit Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) labels at 160 Gbit/s, contrast ratio of the output for eight different labels was improved by optimization of two-dimentional filtering. The contrast ratio of auto-correlation to cross-correlation larger than 2.16 was obtained by computer simulation. This value is 22% larger than the value of 1.77 with the previously reported system using matched filters.

  • Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Incorporating Switching

    Kenji TSUCHIE  Yoshiko HANADA  Seiji MIYOSHI  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E93-D No:11

    We propose an "estimation of distribution algorithm" incorporating switching. The algorithm enables switching from the standard estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA) to the genetic algorithm (GA), or vice versa, on the basis of switching criteria. The algorithm shows better performance than GA and EDA in deceptive problems.

  • An Unsupervised Optimization of Structuring Elements for Noise Removal Using GA

    Hiroyuki OKUNO  Yoshiko HANADA  Mitsuji MUNEYASU  Akira ASANO  


    E93-A No:11

    In this paper we propose an unsupervised method of optimizing structuring elements (SEs) used for impulse noise reduction in texture images through the opening operation which is one of the morphological operations. In this method, a genetic algorithm (GA), which can effectively search wide search spaces, is applied and the size of the shape of the SE is included in the design variables. Through experiments, it is shown that our new approach generally outperforms the conventional method.

  • Mixed-Mode Extraction of Figures of Merit for InGaAs Quantum-Well Lasers and SiGe Low-Noise Amplifiers

    Hsien-Cheng TSENG  Jibin HORNG  Chieh HU  Seth TSAU  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E93-C No:11

    We propose a new parameter-extraction approach based on a mixed-mode genetic algorithm (GA), including the efficient search-space separation and local-minima-convergence prevention process. The technique, substantially extended from our previous work, allows the designed figures-of-merit, such as internal quantum efficiency (ηi) as well as transparency current density (Jtr) of lasers and minimum noise figure (NFmin) as well as associated available gain (GA,assoc) of low-noise amplifiers (LNAs), extracted by an analytical equation-based methodology combined with an evolutionary numerical tool. Extraction results, which agree well with actually measured data, for both state-of-the-art InGaAs quantum-well lasers and advanced SiGe LNAs are presented for the first time to demonstrate this multi-parameter analysis and high-accuracy optimization.

  • Genetic Algorithm Based Equalizer for Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communication Systems

    Nazmat SURAJUDEEN-BAKINDE  Xu ZHU  Jingbo GAO  Asoke K. NANDI  Hai LIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:10

    In this paper, we propose a genetic algorithm (GA) based equalization approach for direct sequence ultra-wideband (DS-UWB) wireless communication systems, where the GA is combined with a RAKE receiver to combat the inter-symbol interference (ISI) due to the frequency selective nature of UWB channels for high data rate transmission. The proposed GA based equalizer outperforms significantly the RAKE and the RAKE-minimum mean square error (MMSE) receivers according to results obtained from intensive simulation work. The RAKE-GA receiver also provides bit-error-rate (BER) performance very close to that of the optimal RAKE-maximum likelihood detection (MLD) approach, while offering a much lower computational complexity.

  • Multi-Objective Genetic Programming with Redundancy-Regulations for Automatic Construction of Image Feature Extractors

    Ukrit WATCHAREERUETAI  Tetsuya MATSUMOTO  Yoshinori TAKEUCHI  Hiroaki KUDO  Noboru OHNISHI  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E93-D No:9

    We propose a new multi-objective genetic programming (MOGP) for automatic construction of image feature extraction programs (FEPs). The proposed method was originated from a well known multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA), i.e., NSGA-II. The key differences are that redundancy-regulation mechanisms are applied in three main processes of the MOGP, i.e., population truncation, sampling, and offspring generation, to improve population diversity as well as convergence rate. Experimental results indicate that the proposed MOGP-based FEP construction system outperforms the two conventional MOEAs (i.e., NSGA-II and SPEA2) for a test problem. Moreover, we compared the programs constructed by the proposed MOGP with four human-designed object recognition programs. The results show that the constructed programs are better than two human-designed methods and are comparable with the other two human-designed methods for the test problem.

  • Evolution of Cellular Automata toward a LIFE-Like Rule Guided by 1/f Noise

    Shigeru NINAGAWA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E93-D No:6

    There is evidence in favor of a relationship between the presence of 1/f noise and computational universality in cellular automata. To confirm the relationship, we search for two-dimensional cellular automata with a 1/f power spectrum by means of genetic algorithms. The power spectrum is calculated from the evolution of the state of the cell, starting from a random initial configuration. The fitness is estimated by the power spectrum with consideration of the spectral similarity to the 1/f spectrum. The result shows that the rule with the highest fitness over the most runs exhibits a 1/f type spectrum and its transition function and behavior are quite similar to those of the Game of Life, which is known to be a computationally universal cellular automaton. These results support the relationship between the presence of 1/f noise and computational universality.

  • Noise Reduction in CMOS Image Sensor Using Cellular Neural Networks with a Genetic Algorithm

    Jegoon RYU  Toshihiro NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E93-D No:2

    In this paper, Cellular Neural Networks using genetic algorithm (GA-CNNs) are designed for CMOS image noise reduction. Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs) could be an efficient way to apply to the image processing technique, since CNNs have high-speed parallel signal processing characteristics. Adaptive CNNs structure is designed for the reduction of Photon Shot Noise (PSN) changed according to the average number of photons, and the design of templates for adaptive CNNs is based on the genetic algorithm using real numbers. These templates are optimized to suppress PSN in corrupted images. The simulation results show that the adaptive GA-CNNs more efficiently reduce PSN than do the other noise reduction methods and can be used as a high-quality and low-cost noise reduction filter for PSN. The proposed method is designed for real-time implementation. Therefore, it can be used as a noise reduction filter for many commercial applications. The simulation results also show the feasibility to design the CNNs template for a variety of problems based on the statistical image model.

  • Circuit Design Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm with Parameterized Uniform Crossover

    Zhiguo BAO  Takahiro WATANABE  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E93-A No:1

    Evolvable hardware (EHW) is a new research field about the use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) to construct electronic systems. EHW refers in a narrow sense to use evolutionary mechanisms as the algorithmic drivers for system design, while in a general sense to the capability of the hardware system to develop and to improve itself. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one of typical EAs. We propose optimal circuit design by using GA with parameterized uniform crossover (GApuc) and with fitness function composed of circuit complexity, power, and signal delay. Parameterized uniform crossover is much more likely to distribute its disruptive trials in an unbiased manner over larger portions of the space, then it has more exploratory power than one and two-point crossover, so we have more chances of finding better solutions. Its effectiveness is shown by experiments. From the results, we can see that the best elite fitness, the average value of fitness of the correct circuits and the number of the correct circuits of GApuc are better than that of GA with one-point crossover or two-point crossover. The best case of optimal circuits generated by GApuc is 10.18% and 6.08% better in evaluating value than that by GA with one-point crossover and two-point crossover, respectively.


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