Runze WU Jiajia ZHU Liangrui TANG Chen XU Xin WU
Deploying low power nodes (LPNs), which reuse the spectrum licensed to a macrocell network, is considered to be a promising way to significantly boost network capacity. Due to the spectrum-sharing, the deployment of LPNs could trigger the severe problem of interference including intra-tier interference among dense LPNs and inter-tier interference between LPNs and the macro base station (MBS), which influences the system performance strongly. In this paper, we investigate a spectrum-sharing approach in the downlink for two-tier networks, which consists of small cells (SCs) with several LPNs and a macrocell with a MBS, aiming to mitigate the interference and improve the capacity of SCs. The spectrum-sharing approach is described as a multi-objective optimization problem. The problem is solved by the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm version II (NSGA-II), and the simulations show that the proposed spectrum-sharing approach is superior to the existing one.
Ho Huu Minh TAM Hoang Duong TUAN Duy Trong NGO Ha Hoang NGUYEN
For a multiuser multi-input multi-output (MU-MIMO) multicell network, the Han-Kobayashi strategy aims to improve the achievable rate region by splitting the data information intended to a serviced user (UE) into a common message and a private message. The common message is decodable by this UE and another UE from an adjacent cell so that the corresponding intercell interference is cancelled off. This work aims to design optimal precoders for both common and private messages to maximize the network sum-rate, which is a highly nonlinear and nonsmooth function in the precoder matrix variables. Existing approaches are unable to address this difficult problem. In this paper, we develop a successive convex quadratic programming algorithm that generates a sequence of improved points. We prove that the proposed algorithm converges to at least a local optimum of the considered problem. Numerical results confirm the advantages of our proposed algorithm over conventional coordinated precoding approaches where the intercell interference is treated as noise.
Jing LIU Yuan WANG Pei Dai XIE Yong Jun WANG
Malware phylogeny refers to inferring the evolutionary relationships among instances of a family. It plays an important role in malware forensics. Previous works mainly focused on tree-based model. However, trees cannot represent reticulate events, such as inheriting code fragments from different parents, which are common in variants generation. Therefore, phylogenetic networks as a more accurate and general model have been put forward. In this paper, we propose a novel malware phylogenetic network construction method based on splits graph, taking advantage of the one-to-one correspondence between reticulate events and netted components in splits graph. We evaluate our algorithm on three malware families and two benign families whose ground truth are known and compare with competing algorithms. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves a higher mean accuracy of 64.8%.
A flexible orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing optical network enables the bandwidth to be flexibly changed by changing the number of sub-carriers. We assume that users request to dynamically change the number of sub-carriers. Dynamic bandwidth changes allow the network resources to be used more efficiently but each change takes a significant amount of time to complete. Service centric resource allocation must be considered in terms of the waiting time needed to change the number of sub-carriers. If the user demands drastically increase such as just after a disaster, the waiting time due to a chain-change of bandwidth becomes excessive because disaster priority telephone services are time-critical. This paper proposes a Grouped-elastic spectrum allocation scheme to satisfy the tolerable waiting time of the service in an optical fiber link. Spectra are grouped to restrict a waiting time in the proposed scheme. In addition, the proposed scheme determines a bandwidth margin between neighbor spectra to spectra to prevent frequent reallocation by estimating real traffic behavior in each group. Numerical results show that the bandwidth requirements can be minimized while satisfying the waiting time constraints. Additionally measurement granularity and channel alignment are discussed.
Thanh Tung VU Ha Hoang KHA Osamu MUTA Mohamed RIHAN
In heterogenous networks (HetNets), the deployment of small cells with the reuse of limited frequency resources to improve the spectral efficiency results in cross- and co-tier interference. In addition, the excessive power usage in such networks is also a critical problem. In this paper, we propose precoding and postcoding schemes to tackle interference and energy efficiency (EE) challenges in the two-tier downlink multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) HetNets. We propose transmission strategies based on hierarchical partial coordination (HPC) of the macro cell and small cells to reduce channel state information (CSI) exchange and guarantee the quality of service (QoS) in the upper tier with any change of network deployment in the lower tier. We employ the interference alignment (IA) scheme to cancel cross- and co-tier interference. Additionally, to maximize the EE, power allocation schemes in each tier are proposed based on a combination of Dinkelbach's method and the bisection searching approach. To investigate insights on the optimization problem, a theoretical analysis on the relationship between the maximum achievable EE and the transmit power is derived. Simulation results prove the superior EE performance of the proposed EE maximization scheme over the sum rate maximization approach and confirm the validity of our theoretical findings.
Kyota HATTORI Masahiro NAKAGAWA Toshiya MATSUDA Masaru KATAYAMA Katsutoshi KODA
Improvement of conventional networks with an incremental approach is an important design method for the development of the future internet. For this approach, we are developing a future aggregation network based on passive optical network (PON) technology to achieve both cost-effectiveness and high reliability. In this paper, we propose a timeslot (TS) synchronization method for sharing a TS from an optical burst mode transceiver between any route of arbitrary fiber length by changing both the route of the TS transmission and the TS control timing on the optical burst mode transceiver. We show the effectiveness of the proposed method for exchanging TSs in bidirectional bufferless wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and time division multiplexing (TDM) multi-ring networks under the condition of the occurrence of a link failure through prototype systems. Also, we evaluate the reduction of the required number of optical interfaces in a multi-ring network by applying the proposed method.
Seungil MOON Thant Zin OO S. M. Ahsan KAZMI Bang Ju PARK Choong Seon HONG
The increase in network access devices and demand for high quality of service (QoS) by the users have led to insufficient capacity for the network operators. Moreover, the existing control equipment and mechanisms are not flexible and agile enough for the dynamically changing environment of heterogeneous cellular networks (HetNets). This non-agile control plane is hard to scale with ever increasing traffic demand and has become the performance bottleneck. Furthermore, the new HetNet architecture requires tight coordination and cooperation for the densely deployed small cell base stations, particularly for interference mitigation and dynamic frequency reuse and sharing. These issues further complicate the existing control plane and can cause serious inefficiencies in terms of users' quality of experience and network performance. This article presents an SDN control framework for energy efficient downlink/uplink scheduling in HetNets. The framework decouples the control plane from data plane by means of a logically centralized controller with distributed agents implemented in separate entities of the network (users and base stations). The scheduling problem consists of three sub-problems: (i) user association, (ii) power control, (iii) resource allocation and (iv) interference mitigation. Moreover, these sub-problems are coupled and must be solved simultaneously. We formulate the DL/UL scheduling in HetNet as an optimization problem and use the Markov approximation framework to propose a distributed economical algorithm. Then, we divide the algorithm into three sub-routines for (i) user association, (ii) power control, (iii) resource allocation and (iv) interference mitigation. These sub-routines are then implemented on different agents of the SDN framework. We run extensive simulation to validate our proposal and finally, present the performance analysis.
Shimin SUN Li HAN Xianshu JIN Sunyoung HAN
For IP-based mobile networks, efficient mobility management is vital to provision seamless online service. IP address starvation and scalability issue constrain the wide deployment of existing mobility schemes, such as Mobile IP, Proxy Mobile IP, and their derivations. Most of the studies focus on the scenario of mobility among public networks. However, most of current networks, such as home networks, sensor networks, and enterprise networks, are deployed with private networks hard to apply mobility solutions. With the rapid development, Software Defined Networking (SDN) offers the opportunity of innovation to support mobility in private network schemes. In this paper, a novel mobility management scheme is presented to support mobile node moving from public network to private network in a seamless handover procedure. The centralized control manner and flexible flow management in SDN are utilized to provide network-based mobility support with better QoS guarantee. Benefiting from SDN/OpenFlow technology, complex handover process is simplified with fewer message exchanges. Furthermore, handover efficiency can be improved in terms of delay and overhead reduction, scalability, and security. Analytical analysis and implementation results showed a better performance than mobile IP in terms of latency and throughput variation.
Changbeom SHIM Wooil KIM Wan HEO Sungmin YI Yon Dohn CHUNG
The development of smart devices has led to the growth of Location-Based Social Networking Services (LBSNSs). In this paper, we introduce an l-Close Range Friends query that finds all l-hop friends of a user within a specified range. We also propose a query processing method on Social Grid Index (SGI). Using real datasets, the performance of our method is evaluated.
Jichiang TSAI Jain-Shing LIU Tien-Yu CHANG
Peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks are widely employed in distributed systems. The number of hops required by a node to locate an object is the fundamental search cost of a P2P network. Creating replicas can efficiently reduce the cost of object search, so how to deploy replicas to reduce the cost as much as possible is a critical problem of P2P networks. In the literature, most existing replica placement strategies arrange replicas at nodes near the one containing the considered object. In this paper, we formally demonstrate that for a complete Chord P2P network and many non-complete Chord ones, due to their deterministic structures, we can allocate replicas to nodes closest to the target in the identifier space to maximize the reduction in the total number of hops required by all nodes to reach a copy of the object during the search heading to the target node.
Particle swarm optimizer network (PSON) is one of the multi-swarm PSOs. In PSON, a population is divided into multiple sub-PSOs, each of which searches a solution space independently. Although PSON has a good solving performance, it may be trapped into a local optimum solution. In this paper, we introduce into PSON a dynamic stochastic network topology called “PSON with stochastic connection” (PSON-SC). In PSON-SC, each sub-PSO can be connected to the global best (gbest) information memory and refer to gbest stochastically. We show clearly herein that the diversity of PSON-SC is higher than that of PSON, while confirming the effectiveness of PSON-SC by many numerical simulations.
Wireless LAN (WLAN) roaming systems, such as eduroam, enable the mutual use of WLAN facilities among multiple organizations. As a consequence of the strong demand for WLAN roaming, it is utilized not only at universities and schools but also at the venues of large events such as concerts, conferences, and sports events. Moreover, it has also been reported that WLAN roaming is useful in areas afflicted by natural disasters. This paper presents a novel WLAN roaming system over Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) that is useful for the use cases shown above. The proposed system is based on two methods as follows: 1) Automatic authentication path generation method decreases the WLAN roaming system deployment costs including the wiring cost and configuration cost. Although the wiring cost can be reduced by using WMN technologies, some additional configurations are still required if we want to deploy a secure user authentication mechanism (e.g. IEEE 802.1X) on WLAN systems. In the proposed system, the Access Points (APs) can act as authenticators automatically using RadSec instead of RADIUS. Therefore, the network administrators can deploy 802.1X-based authentication systems over WMNs without additional configurations on-site. 2) Local authentication method makes the system deployable in times of natural disasters, in particular when the upper network is unavailable or some authentication servers or proxies are down. In the local authentication method, users and APs can be authenticated at the WMN by locally verifying the digital certificates as the authentication credentials.
Yulong XU Yang LI Jiabao WANG Zhuang MIAO Hang LI Yafei ZHANG
Feature extractor plays an important role in visual tracking, but most state-of-the-art methods employ the same feature representation in all scenes. Taking into account the diverseness, a tracker should choose different features according to the videos. In this work, we propose a novel feature adaptive correlation tracker, which decomposes the tracking task into translation and scale estimation. According to the luminance of the target, our approach automatically selects either hierarchical convolutional features or histogram of oriented gradient features in translation for varied scenarios. Furthermore, we employ a discriminative correlation filter to handle scale variations. Extensive experiments are performed on a large-scale benchmark challenging dataset. And the results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art trackers in accuracy and robustness.
Wireless sensor networks are being used in many disaster-related applications. Certain types of disasters are studied and modeled with different and dynamic risk estimations in different areas, hence requiring different levels of monitoring. Such nonuniform and dynamic coverage requirements pose a challenge to a sensor coverage problem. This work proposes the Mobile sensor Relocation using Delaunay triangulation And Shifting on Hill climbing (MR-DASH) approach, which calculates an appropriate location for each mobile sensor as an attempt to maximize coverage ratio. Based on a probabilistic sensing model, it constructs a Delaunay triangulation from static sensors' locations and vertices of interesting regions. The resulting triangles are then prioritized based on their sizes and corresponding levels of requirement so that mobile sensors can be relocated accordingly. The proposed method was both compared with an existing previous work and demonstrated with real-world disaster scenarios by simulation. The result showed that MR-DASH gives appropriate target locations that significantly improve the coverage ratio with relatively low total sensors' moving distance, while properly adapting to variations in coverage requirements.
Jana BACKHUS Ichigaku TAKIGAWA Hideyuki IMAI Mineichi KUDO Masanori SUGIMOTO
In this paper, we introduce a self-constructive Normalized Gaussian Network (NGnet) for online learning tasks. In online tasks, data samples are received sequentially, and domain knowledge is often limited. Then, we need to employ learning methods to the NGnet that possess robust performance and dynamically select an accurate model size. We revise a previously proposed localized forgetting approach for the NGnet and adapt some unit manipulation mechanisms to it for dynamic model selection. The mechanisms are improved for more robustness in negative interference prone environments, and a new merge manipulation is considered to deal with model redundancies. The effectiveness of the proposed method is compared with the previous localized forgetting approach and an established learning method for the NGnet. Several experiments are conducted for a function approximation and chaotic time series forecasting task. The proposed approach possesses robust and favorable performance in different learning situations over all testbeds.
Wei HAN Xiongwei ZHANG Meng SUN Li LI Wenhua SHI
In this letter, we propose a novel speech separation method based on perceptual weighted deep recurrent neural network (DRNN) which incorporate the masking properties of the human auditory system. In supervised training stage, we firstly utilize the clean label speech of two different speakers to calculate two perceptual weighting matrices. Then, the obtained different perceptual weighting matrices are utilized to adjust the mean squared error between the network outputs and the reference features of both the two clean speech so that the two different speech can mask each other. Experimental results on TSP speech corpus demonstrate that the proposed speech separation approach can achieve significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods when tested with different mixing cases.
Shinya OHTANI Yu KATO Nobutaka KUROKI Tetsuya HIROSE Masahiro NUMA
This paper proposes image super-resolution techniques with multi-channel convolutional neural networks. In the proposed method, output pixels are classified into K×K groups depending on their coordinates. Those groups are generated from separate channels of a convolutional neural network (CNN). Finally, they are synthesized into a K×K magnified image. This architecture can enlarge images directly without bicubic interpolation. Experimental results of 2×2, 3×3, and 4×4 magnifications have shown that the average PSNR for the proposed method is about 0.2dB higher than that for the conventional SRCNN.
In this paper, a new method of model predictive control (MPC) for a multi-hop control network (MHCN) is proposed. An MHCN is a control system in which plants and controllers are connected through a multi-hop wireless network. In the proposed method, (i) control inputs and (ii) paths used in transmission of control inputs are computed with constant period by solving the finite-time optimal control problem. First, a mathematical model for expressing an MHCN is proposed. This model is given by a switched linear system, and is compatible with MPC. Next, the finite-time optimal control problem using this model is formulated, and is reduced to a mixed integer quadratic programming problem. Finally, a numerical example is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Wei HAN Xiongwei ZHANG Gang MIN Xingyu ZHOU Meng SUN
In this letter, we explore joint optimization of perceptual gain function and deep neural networks (DNNs) for a single-channel speech enhancement task. A DNN architecture is proposed which incorporates the masking properties of the human auditory system to make the residual noise inaudible. This new DNN architecture directly trains a perceptual gain function which is used to estimate the magnitude spectrum of clean speech from noisy speech features. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed speech enhancement approach can achieve significant improvements over the baselines when tested with TIMIT sentences corrupted by various types of noise, no matter whether the noise conditions are included in the training set or not.
Masato TSURU Mineo TAKAI Shigeru KANEDA Agussalim Rabenirina AINA TSIORY
In the evolution of wireless networks such as wireless sensor networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, and delay/disruption tolerant networks, the Store-Carry-Forward (SCF) message relaying paradigm has been commonly featured and studied with much attention. SCF networking is essential for offsetting the deficiencies of intermittent and range limited communication environments because it allows moving wireless communication nodes to act as “mobile relay nodes”. Such relay nodes can store/carry/process messages, wait for a better opportunity for transmission, and finally forward the messages to other nodes. This paper starts with a short overview of SCF routing and then examines two SCF networking scenarios. The first one deals with large content delivery across multiple islands using existing infrastructural transportation networks (e.g., cars and ferries) in which mobility is uncontrollable from an SCF viewpoint. Simulations show how a simple coding technique can improve flooding-based SCF. The other scenario looks at a prototype system of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for high-quality video surveillance from the sky in which mobility is partially controllable from an SCF viewpoint. Three requisite techniques in this scenario are highlighted - fast link setup, millimeter wave communications, and use of multiple links. Through these examples, we discuss the benefits and issues of the practical use of SCF networking-based systems.