Yoshihiko KANAUMI Shu-ichi SAITO Eiji KAWAI Shuji ISHII Kazumasa KOBAYASHI Shinji SHIMOJO
The deployment of hybrid wide-area OpenFlow networks is essential for the gradual integration of OpenFlow technology into existing wide-area networks. Integration is necessary because it is impractical to replace such wide-area networks with OpenFlow-enabled ones at once. On the other hand, the design, deployment, and operation of such hybrid OpenFlow networks are often conducted intuitively without in-depth technical considerations. In this paper, we systematically discuss the technical aspects of the hybrid architecture for OpenFlow networks based on our experience so far in developing wide-area hybrid OpenFlow networks on JGN2plus and JGN-X, which are nation-wide testbed networks in Japan. We also describe the design and operation of RISE (Research Infrastructure for large-Scale network Experiments) on JGN-X, whose objective is to support a variety of OpenFlow network experiments.
Yi ZHOU Yusheng JI Weidong XIANG Sateesh ADDEPALLI Aihuang GUO Fuqiang LIU
To accurately evaluate and manage future distributed wireless networks, it is indispensable to fully understand cooperative propagation channels. In this contribution, we propose cascaded multi-keyhole channel models for analyzing cooperative diversity wireless communications. The cascaded Wishart distribution is adopted to investigate the eigenvalue distribution of the multi-keyhole MIMO (multiple input multiple output) channel matrix, and the capacity performance is also presented for the wireless systems over such channels. A diversity order approximation method is proposed for better evaluating the eigenvalue and capacity distributions. The good match of analytical derivations and numerical simulations validates the proposed models and analysis methods. The proposed models can provide an important reference for the optimization and management of cooperative diversity wireless networks.
The broadcast scheduling problem (BSP) in wireless ad-hoc networks is a well-known NP-complete combinatorial optimization problem. The BSP aims at finding a transmission schedule whose time slots are collision free in a wireless ad-hoc network with time-division multiple access (TDMA). The transmission schedule is optimized for minimizing the frame length of the node transmissions and maximizing the utilization of the shared channel. Recently, many metaheuristics can optimally solve smaller problem instances of the BSP. However, for complex problem instances, the computation of metaheuristics can be quite time and memory consuming. In this work, we propose a greedy genetic algorithm for solving the BSP with a large number of nodes. We present three heuristic genetic operators, including a greedy crossover and two greedy mutation operators, to optimize both objectives of the BSP. These heuristic genetic operators can generate good solutions. Our experiments use both benchmark data sets and randomly generated problem instances. The experimental results show that our genetic algorithm is effective in solving the BSP problem instances of large-scale networks with 2,500 nodes.
Euisin LEE Soochang PARK Hosung PARK Sang-Ha KIM
In this paper, to provide scalability and mobility of sinks and events, we propose a new independent structure-based routing protocol which exploits a k-level Independent Grid Structure (IGS) for data dissemination from sources to sinks. Beside the k-level IGS, the proposed protocol does not to construct any additional routing structure irrespective of the number and the movement of both sinks and events. The proposed protocol also allows query or report packets to be sent to only a few grid headers in the k-level IGS and provides aggregation and multicasting of report packets by the k-level IGS. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol is superior to other protocols regarding to energy-efficiency.
Dac-Binh HA Vo Nguyen Quoc BAO Xuan-Nam TRAN Tuong-Duy NGUYEN
In this work, we analyze the performance of cognitive amplify-and-forward (AF) relay networks under the spectrum sharing approach. In particular, by assuming that the AF relay operates in the semi-blind mode (fixed-gain), we derive the exact closed-form expressions of the outage probability for the cognitive relaying (no direct link) and cognitive cooperative (with direct link) systems. Simulation results are presented to verify the theoretical analysis.
Chen FANG Lili QIAN Guoliang YAO Hao LIU
In this paper we propose MR-MAC, a new multiple reservation MAC protocol for asynchronous duty cycling wireless sensor networks. In MR-MAC, the receiver transmits a collection packet to the senders when it wakes up that asks for the number of packets each sender wants to send. Then each sender replies to the receiver according to the scheduled sequence with a short report packet. After getting the number of packets from each sender, the receiver assigns multiple batch transmission (MBT) for the senders and begins to initiate the transmissions. The senders then transmit packets to the receiver in a batch style as scheduled so that packets can be delivered to the receiver as fast as possible. Experiments on a Tmote-sky testbed show that our protocol outperforms other protocols in diverse performance metrics such as throughput, latency and energy efficiency.
This paper identifies a ripple effect problem (REP) that spreads interference to neighbors and proposes a novel channel localization mechanism to decrease the REP in a Wi-Fi system. The proposed mechanism has less blocking probability when compared to a random channel allocation mechanism and also has increased channel reusability. The proposed mechanism in simulation yields less channels BEm as the number of users and Tused increase.
Recently, cooperative spectrum sensing is being studied to greatly improve the sensing performance of cognitive radio networks. To develop an adaptable cooperative sensing algorithm, an important issue is how to properly induce selfish users to participate in spectrum sensing work. In this paper, a new cognitive radio spectrum sharing scheme is developed by employing the trust-based bargaining model. The proposed scheme dynamically adjusts bargaining powers and adaptively shares the available spectrum in real-time online manner. Under widely different and diversified network situations, this approach is so dynamic and flexible that it can adaptively respond to current network conditions. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can obtain better network performance and bandwidth efficiency than existing schemes.
Jong-Kwan LEE Kyu-Man LEE JaeSung LIM
In this letter, we propose a fast dynamic slot assignment (F-DSA) protocol to reduce timeslot access delay of a newly arrived node in ad hoc networks. As there is no central coordinator, a newly arrived node needs separate negotiation with all the neighboring nodes for assigning slots to itself. Thus, it may result in network join delay and this becomes an obstacle for nodes to dynamically join and leave networks. In order to deal with this issue better, F-DSA simplifies the slot assignment process. It provides frequent opportunities to assign slots by using mini-slots to share control packets in a short time. Numerical analysis and extensive simulation show that F-DSA can significantly reduce the timeslot access delay compared with other existing slot assignment protocols. In addition, we investigate the effect of the mini-slot overhead on the performance.
Tatsuya AKUTSU Yang ZHAO Morihiro HAYASHIDA Takeyuki TAMURA
The Boolean network (BN) can be used to create discrete mathematical models of gene regulatory networks. In this paper, we consider three problems on BNs that are known to be NP-hard: detection of a singleton attractor, finding a control strategy that shifts a BN from a given initial state to the desired state, and control of attractors. We propose integer programming-based methods which solve these problems in a unified manner. Then, we present results of computational experiments which suggest that the proposed methods are useful for solving moderate size instances of these problems. We also show that control of attractors is -hard, which suggests that control of attractors is harder than the other two problems.
Geographic routing uses the geographical location information provided by nodes to make routing decisions. However, the nodes can not obtain accurate location information due to the effect of measurement error. A new routing strategy using maximum expected distance and angle (MEDA) algorithm is proposed to improve the performance and promote the successive transmission rate. We firstly introduce the expected distance and angle, and then we employ the principal component analysis to construct the object function for selecting the next hop node. We compare the proposed algorithm with maximum expectation within transmission range (MER) and greedy routing scheme (GRS) algorithms. Simulation results show that the proposed MEDA algorithm outperforms the MER and GRS algorithms with higher successive transmission rate.
Dong-Won KUM Ajmal KHAN You-Ze CHO
This paper proposes an efficient broadcast scheme based on traffic density measurement to mitigate broadcast storms in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). In a VANET, the number of vehicles that rebroadcasts a message is closely related with the collision ratio of the message, so a well-designed broadcast scheme should consider traffic density when rebroadcasting a message. The proposed scheme introduces a traffic density measurement scheme and broadcast scheme for VANET. It is based on the slotted p-persistence scheme, but the rebroadcast procedure is enhanced and the rebroadcast probability p is controlled dynamically according to the estimated traffic density. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms existing schemes in terms of the end-to-end delay and collision ratio.
Jean Marc Kouakou ATTOUNGBLE Kazunori OKADA
In this paper, we present Greedy Routing for Maximum Lifetime (GRMax) [1],[2] which can use the limited energy available to nodes in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in order to delay the dropping of packets, thus extend the network lifetime. We define network lifetime as the time period until a source node starts to drop packets because it has no more paths to the destination [3]. We introduce the new concept of Network Connectivity Aiming (NCA) node. The primary goal of NCA nodes is to maintain network connectivity and avoid network partition. To evaluate GRMax, we compare its performance with Geographic and Energy Aware Routing (GEAR) [4], which is an energy efficient geographic routing protocol and Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) [5], which is a milestone among geographic routing protocol. We evaluate and compare the performance of GPSR, GEAR, and GRMax using OPNET Modeler version 15. The results show that GRMax performs better than GEAR and GPSR with respect to the number of successfully delivered packets and the time period before the nodes begin to drop packets. Moreover, with GRMax, there are fewer dead nodes in the system and less energy is required to deliver packets to destination node (sink).
This paper proposes a distributed TDMA slot scheduling algorithm with power control, which the slot allocation priority is controlled by distance measurement information. In the proposed scheme, Lamport's bakery algorithm for mutual exclusion is applied for prioritized slot allocation based on the distance measurement information between nodes, and a packet-based transmission power control scheme is combined. This aims at achieving media access control methods which can construct a local network practically by limiting the scope. The proposed scheme can be shown as a possible replacement of DRAND algorithm for Z-MAC scheme in a distance-measurement-oriented manner. The scheme can contribute to the efficient TDMA slot allocation.
In this letter, a timing-offset estimation scheme is proposed for cooperative networks. The estimation scheme consists of coarse timing-offset estimation and fine timing-offset estimation. The presented scheme relies on periodic training data and linear mean square estimation for efficient estimation. The simulation results indicate that the performance of the proposed approach is better than or comparable to that of the conventional methods with lower computational complexity in the fine estimation.
Jing MA Hiroo SEKIYA Atsushi NAGASAKI Nobuyoshi KOMURO Shiro SAKATA
We herein propose a MAC protocol for the smart antenna network, which applies pulse/tone exchange prior to the RTS/CTS handshake process. RTS frame collisions are drastically reduced with little additional overhead due to pulse/tone exchange in the proposed protocol. In addition, the number of exposed nodes is reduced by using smart antennas. Furthermore, since the occurrence of the deafness problem can be identified by pulse/tone exchange failure, retransmission is conducted using a fixed contention window value. Therefore, the wastage of wireless resources due to the deafness problem is reduced. As a result, the network throughput can be effectively improved compared with that for previous protocols. Simulation results demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed protocol.
This paper presents a new incremental approach for robot navigation using associative memory. We defined the association as node→action→node where node is the robot position and action is the action of a robot (i.e., orientation, direction). These associations are used for path planning by retrieving a sequence of path fragments (in form of (node→action→node) → (node→action→node) →…) starting from the start point to the goal. To learn such associations, we applied the associative memory using Self-Organizing Incremental Associative Memory (SOIAM). Our proposed method comprises three layers: input layer, memory layer and associative layer. The input layer is used for collecting input observations. The memory layer clusters the obtained observations into a set of topological nodes incrementally. In the associative layer, the associative memory is used as the topological map where nodes are associated with actions. The advantages of our method are that 1) it does not need prior knowledge, 2) it can process data in continuous space which is very important for real-world robot navigation and 3) it can learn in an incremental unsupervised manner. Experiments are done with a realistic robot simulator: Webots. We divided the experiments into 4 parts to show the ability of creating a map, incremental learning and symbol-based recognition. Results show that our method offers a 90% success rate for reaching the goal.
Chen CHEN Qingqi PEI Xiaoji LI Rong SUN
In this letter, a Simple but Effective Congestion Control scheme (SECC) in VANET has been proposed to guarantee the successful transmissions for safety-related nodes. The strategy derive a Maximum Beacon Load Activity Indicator (MBLAI) to restrain the neighboring general periodical beacon load for the investigated safety-related “observation nodes”, i.e., the nodes associated with some emergent events. This mechanism actually reserves some bandwidth for the safety-related nodes to make them have higher priorities than periodical beacons to access channel. Different from the static congestion control scheme in IEEE802.11p, this strategy could provide dynamic control strength for congestion according to tolerant packets drop ratio for different applications.
ChengDong WU Long CHENG YunZhou ZHANG
In this paper, two efficient redeployment strategies which are designed to balance the detection coverage rate and maintenance period are proposed. To develop these strategies, we first analyze the sensor detection coverage and energy consumption model. We then propose a network maintenance indicator that considers the coverage rate and residual energy in each node. We adopt the network maintenance indicator as the cost function. That is, the network maintenance is formulated as a cost optimization problem. Finally we propose COST_MAX_MIN and COST_MAX_AVG strategies to select the redeployed location of candidate nodes. Simulation results show that the COST_MAX_AVG prolong the repair period in comparison with the COST_MAX_MIN strategy.
Sensor networks, in which many small terminals are wirelessly connected, have recently received considerable interest according to the development of wireless technology and electronic circuit. To provide advanced applications and services by the sensor networks, data collection including node location is essential. Hence the location estimation is important and many localization schemes have been proposed. Time of arrival (TOA) localization is one of the popular schemes because of its high estimation accuracy in ultra wide-band (UWB) sensor networks. However, a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environment between the target and the anchor nodes causes a serious estimation error because the time is delayed more than its true one. Thus, the NLOS nodes should be detected and eliminated for estimation. As a well-known NLOS detection scheme, an iterative minimum residual (IMR) scheme which has low calculation complexity is used for detection. However, the detection error exists in IMR scheme due to the measurement error. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new IMR-based NLOS detection scheme and show its performance improvement by computer simulations.