This paper presents a new incremental approach for robot navigation using associative memory. We defined the association as node→action→node where node is the robot position and action is the action of a robot (i.e., orientation, direction). These associations are used for path planning by retrieving a sequence of path fragments (in form of (node→action→node) → (node→action→node) →…) starting from the start point to the goal. To learn such associations, we applied the associative memory using Self-Organizing Incremental Associative Memory (SOIAM). Our proposed method comprises three layers: input layer, memory layer and associative layer. The input layer is used for collecting input observations. The memory layer clusters the obtained observations into a set of topological nodes incrementally. In the associative layer, the associative memory is used as the topological map where nodes are associated with actions. The advantages of our method are that 1) it does not need prior knowledge, 2) it can process data in continuous space which is very important for real-world robot navigation and 3) it can learn in an incremental unsupervised manner. Experiments are done with a realistic robot simulator: Webots. We divided the experiments into 4 parts to show the ability of creating a map, incremental learning and symbol-based recognition. Results show that our method offers a 90% success rate for reaching the goal.
In this paper, a Spectrum-Aware Routing (SAR) protocol for cognitive radio ad hoc networks, (CRAHN), is proposed which is robust to primary user activity and node failures. The protocol allows nodes to collect spectrum information during a spectrum management interval followed by a transmission period. Cognitive users discover routes by joint channel and next hop selection (synchronization) in the transmission intervals. A restricted geographical routing approach is adopted to avoid performance degradation specially due to routing overhead. We also add spectrum mobility capabilities to routes in our proposed method to provide robustness to primary user activity. SAR protocol performance is investigated through simulations of different scenarios and is compared with the most similar work, CAODV protocol. The results indicate that SAR can achieve significant reduction in control overhead as well as improved throughput.
ChengDong WU Long CHENG YunZhou ZHANG
In this paper, two efficient redeployment strategies which are designed to balance the detection coverage rate and maintenance period are proposed. To develop these strategies, we first analyze the sensor detection coverage and energy consumption model. We then propose a network maintenance indicator that considers the coverage rate and residual energy in each node. We adopt the network maintenance indicator as the cost function. That is, the network maintenance is formulated as a cost optimization problem. Finally we propose COST_MAX_MIN and COST_MAX_AVG strategies to select the redeployed location of candidate nodes. Simulation results show that the COST_MAX_AVG prolong the repair period in comparison with the COST_MAX_MIN strategy.
Kaikai CHI Xiaohong JIANG Yi-hua ZHU Yanjun LI
Recently, network coding has been applied to reliable multicast in wireless networks for packet loss recovery, resulting in significant bandwidth savings. In network-coding-based multicast schemes, once a receiver receives one packet from the source it sends an ACK to acknowledge packet receipt. Such acknowledgment mechanism has the following limitation: when an ACK from one receiver is lost, the source considers the corresponding packet to be lost at this receiver and then conducts unnecessary retransmission. Motivated by this basic observation, we first propose a block-based acknowledgment mechanism, where an ACK now acknowledges all previously received packets in the current block such that the later received ACKs can offset the loss of previous ACKs. To reduce the total amount of feedback overhead, we further propose a more simple feedback mechanism, in which the receivers only start to send acknowledgments from the last two packets (not from the first one as in the first mechanism) of the current block. The first mechanism has the potential to achieve better performance over the latter one in wireless networks with long deep fades (i.e., continuous packet losses) due to its continuous transmissions of ACKs, while the second one is more promising for wireless networks with only random packet losses due to its smaller amount of feedback. Both theoretical and simulation results demonstrate that, compared to the current acknowledgment mechanism in network-coding-based reliable multicast schemes, these two mechanisms can achieve much higher bandwidth efficiency.
Yasuharu OHTA Tomoyuki OHTA Yoshiaki KAKUDA
An ad hoc network is a decentralized network that consists of mobile nodes with wireless communication devices without the aid of access points. A Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET) is one of the representative applications of the ad hoc network. Epidemic routing has been proposed as a routing protocol based on Store-Carry-Forward mechanism for VANET environment. However, in Epidemic Routing, network resources such as packet buffer of a node are significantly consumed because data packets are spread across the network. Therefore, this paper proposes a new autonomous clustering-based data transfer scheme using positions and moving direction of vehicles for VANETs. The autonomous clustering configures multiple clusters in the network and then only the cluster head that manages the cluster stores data packets. Whenever the cluster meets a new cluster, the cluster head of the cluster decides whether it should forward data packets to the new cluster based on its own position, the destination node's position, and moving direction of the cluster. Finally, this paper presents the simulation results to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
This study proposes an efficient identity-based secure routing protocol based on Weil pairing, that considers symmetric and asymmetric links for Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). A wireless mesh network is a group of wireless mesh routers and several types of wireless devices (or nodes). Individual nodes cooperate by forwarding packets to each other, allowing nodes to communicate beyond the symmetric or asymmetric links. Asymmetric communication is a special feature of WMNs because of the wireless transmission ranges of different wireless devices may be different. The asymmetric link enhances WMN coverage. Ensuring security in WMNs has become an important issue over the last few years. Existing research on this topic tends to focus on providing security for routing and data content in the symmetric link. However, most studies overlook the asymmetric link in WMNs. This study proposes a novel distributed routing protocol that considers symmetric and asymmetric links. The proposed protocol guarantees the security and high reliability of the established route in a hostile environment, such as WMNs, by avoiding the use of unreliable intermediate nodes. The routes generated by the proposed protocol are shorter than those in prior studies. The major objective of the proposed protocol is to allow trustworthy intermediate nodes to participate in the path construction protocol. Using the proposed protocol, mesh clients out of mesh router wireless transmission range may discover a secure route to securely connect to the mesh router for Internet access. The proposed protocol enhances wireless mesh network coverage and assures security.
Heng CHEN Depei QIAN Weiguo WU
The location-based routing protocol has proven to be scalable and efficient in large wireless sensor networks with mobile sinks. A great challenge in location-based routing protocols is the design of scalable distributed location service that tracks the current locations of mobile sinks. Although various location services have been proposed in the literature, hierarchical-based location services have the significant advantage of high scalability. However, most of them depend on a global hierarchy of grids. A major disadvantage of this design is that high control overhead occurs when mobile sinks cross the boundaries of the top level grids. In this paper, we introduce Hierarchical Ring Location Service (HRLS) protocol, a practical distributed location service that provides sink location information in a scalable and distributed manner. In contrast to existing hierarchical-based location services, each sink in HRLS constructs its own hierarchy of grid rings distributively. To reduce the communication overhead of location update, sinks utilize the lazy update mechanism with their indirect location. Once a sensor node detects a target, it queries the location of a sink by sending request packets in eight directions. HRLS is evaluated through mathematical analysis and simulations. Compared with a well-known hierarchical-based location service, our results show that HRLS provides a more scalable and efficient distributed location service in scenarios with various network size, sink mobility and increasing number of source nodes.
Xin AO F. Richard YU Shengming JIANG Quansheng GUAN Gang WEI
In this letter, we propose a Cooperation-aware topology control scheme with Opportunistic Interference Cancellation (COIC) to improve network capacity in wireless ad hoc networks by jointly considering both upper layer network capacity and physical layer cooperative communications with interference cancellation. We show that the benefits brought by cooperative communications are opportunistic and rely on network structures and channel conditions. Such opportunistic advantages have significant impacts on network capacity, and our proposed COIC can effectively capture these opportunities to substantially improve network capacity.
Hoc PHAN Trung Quang DUONG Hans-Jürgen ZEPERNICK
The end-to-end performance of dual-hop multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) decouple-and-forward relaying with orthogonal space-time block code (OSTBC) transmission over Nakagami-m fading is analyzed. By considering the multiple antennas at all nodes, we derive exact closed-form and asymptotic expressions for the outage probability and symbol error rate, which enables us to evaluate the exact performance and reveals the diversity gains of the considered system. In addition, the closed-form approximation and asymptotic expressions for the ergodic capacity are also derived. We show that OSTBC transmission over relay systems yields a unit order of multiplexing gain despite the fact that full diversity order, which is equal to the minimum fading severity between the two hops, is achieved.
Bratislav MILIC Miroslaw MALEK
There exists a considerable number of node placement models and algorithms for simulation of wireless multihop networks. However, the topologies created with the existing algorithms do not have properties of real networks. We have developed NPART (Node Placement Algorithm for Realistic Topologies) in order to resolve this fundamental issue in simulation methodology. We compare topologies generated by NPART with open wireless multihop network in Berlin. The NPART generated topologies have almost identical node degree distribution, number of cut-edges and vertices as the real network. Unlike them, topologies generated with the common node placement models have their own characteristics which are considerably different both from NPART and from reality. NPART algorithm has been developed into a tool. We propose a method and present a tool for integration of NPART with various realistic node mobility algorithms and tools, such as Citymob [1] and MOVE [2]. This integrated tool allows easy and time-efficient generation of highly complex, realistic simulation scenarios. We use the tool to evaluate effects of integration between existing open community wireless multi-hop networks and vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). The evaluation shows that despite partial coverage and peculiar topological properties of open networks, they offer high levels of performance and network availability to the mobile end users, virtually identical to performance and availability of planned, dedicatedly deployed networks. Our results indicate that the integration of these networks may bring considerable benefits to all parties involved.
In this paper, the optimal control problem of a probabilistic Boolean network (PBN), which is one of the significant models in gene regulatory networks, is discussed. In the existing methods of optimal control for PBNs, it is necessary to compute state transition diagrams with 2n nodes for a given PBN with n states. To avoid this computation, a polynomial optimization approach is proposed. In the proposed method, a PBN is transformed into a polynomial system, and the optimal control problem is reduced to a polynomial optimization problem. Since state transition diagrams are not computed, the proposed method is convenient for users.
In wireless single-hop networks, IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) is the standard for Quality of Service (QoS) control. However, it is necessary for controlling QoS to modify the currently used IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF)-compliant terminals as well as Access Points (APs). In addition, it is necessary to modify the parameter of IEEE 802.11e EDCA when the traffic is heavy. This paper proposes a novel scheme to guarantee QoS of high-priority flow with Receiving Opportunity Control in MAC Frame (ROC) employed adaptive flow control in wireless multi-hop network. In the proposed scheme, the edge APs which are directly connected to user terminals estimate the network capacity, and calculate appropriate ACK prevention probability against low-priority flow according to traffic load. Simulation evaluation results show that the proposed scheme guarantees QoS.
In a shared medium communication system, mobile users contend for channel access according to a given set of rules to avoid collisions and achieve efficient use of the medium. If one or more users do not comply with the agree rules either due to selfish or malicious behaviours, they will cause some impacts on the system performance, especially to the well-behaved users. In this paper, we consider the problem of user misbehaviours on the performance of a wireless infrastructure-based network using reservation-based MAC protocols. Key misbehaving strategies possible in such a network are identified and explained. To quantify the impact of these misbehaviours upon the network performance, three different misbehaving scenarios are developed to allow a systematic investigation of each misbehaving strategy. For each scenario, we have derived mathematical formulations for evaluating and analyzing the key performance metrics, i.e., probabilities of success of well-behaved and misbehaved users and the fairness index. Numerical results show that the presence of misbehaviours can cause different levels of damage depending on the misbehavior strategy used. The combined multi-token and increasing permission probability strategies where the misbehaved user selfishly accesses the channel more times and with higher probabilities than allowed is shown to cause the most severe impairment of performance and fairness.
Jang Woon BAEK Young Jin NAM Dae-Wha SEO
In this paper, we propose a novel in-network aggregation scheduling scheme for forest fire monitoring in a wireless sensor network. This adaptively configures both the timeout and the collecting period according to the potential level of a fire occurrence. At normal times, the proposed scheme decreases a timeout that is a wait time for packets sent from child nodes and makes the collecting period longer. That reduces the dissipated energy of the sensor node. Conversely, the proposed scheme increases the timeout and makes the collecting period shorter during fire occurrences in order to achieve more accurate data aggregation and early fire detection.
Yasuhiro KOTANI Hideyuki IWAMURA Masahiro SARASHINA Hideaki TAMAI Masayuki KASHIMA
In this paper, a novel charge coupled device matched filter (CCD-MF) for Electrical code division multiplexing (ECDM) decoder is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Simulation results clarify the influence of low charge transfer efficiency (CTE) and the validity of a parallel CCD-MF we proposed. A 15-channel ECDM system using a 2 Gchip/s, 2-parallel CCD-MF is experimentally demonstrated.
One of the most important constraints in wireless sensor networks (WSN) is that their nodes, in most of the cases, are powered by batteries, which cannot be replaced or recharged easily. In these types of networks, data transmission is one of the processes that consume a lot of energy, and therefore the embedded routing algorithm should consider this issue by establishing optimal routes in order to avoid premature death and eventually having partitioned nodes network. This paper proposes a new routing algorithm for WSN called Micro-Economic Routing Algorithm (MERA), which is based on the microeconomic model of supply-demand. In such algorithm each node comprising the network fixes a cost for relay messages according to their residual battery energy; and before sending information to the base station, the node searches for the most economical route. In order to test the performance of MERA, we varied the initial conditions of the system such as the network size and the number of defined thresholds. This was done in order to measure the time span for which the first node dies and the number of information messages received by the base station. Using the NS-2 simulator, we compared the performance of MERA against the Conditional Minimum Drain Rate (CMDR) algorithm reported in the literature. An optimal threshold value for the residual battery is estimated to be close to 20%.
Jang Woon BAEK Young Jin NAM Dae-Wha SEO
This paper proposes a novel routing algorithm that constructs position-based k-disjoint paths to realize greater resiliency to patterned failure. The proposed algorithm constructs k-disjoint paths that are spatially distributed by using the hop-count based positioning system. Simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithm is more resilient to patterned failure than other routing algorithms, while it has low power consumption and small delay.
Guangchun LUO Jinsheng REN Ke QIN
A new training algorithm for the chaotic Adachi Neural Network (AdNN) is investigated. The classical training algorithm for the AdNN and it's variants is usually a “one-shot” learning, for example, the Outer Product Rule (OPR) is the most used. Although the OPR is effective for conventional neural networks, its effectiveness and adequateness for Chaotic Neural Networks (CNNs) have not been discussed formally. As a complementary and tentative work in this field, we modified the AdNN's weights by enforcing an unsupervised Hebbian rule. Experimental analysis shows that the new weighted AdNN yields even stronger dynamical associative memory and pattern recognition phenomena for different settings than the primitive AdNN.
Yong LI Depeng JIN Li SU Lieguang ZENG
The applications of dynamic content updates for a group of users, for example weather reports and news broadcast, have been shown to benefit significantly from Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) communication mechanisms. In this paper, we study the performance of dynamic content updates over DTNs by focusing on the latest content distribution, which is an important factor of the system energy consumption and content update efficiency. By characterizing the content generating process and content sharing process, we obtain an explicit expression for the latest content distribution, and prove it theoretically. Moreover, through simulations based on two synthetical mobility models and a real-world scenario, we demonstrate the accuracy and correctness of the theoretically obtained result.
This paper presents a single-cycle shared output buffered router for Networks-on-Chip. In output ports, each input port always has an output virtual-channel (VC) which can be exchanged by VC swapper. Its critical path is only 24 logic gates, and it reduces 9.4% area overhead compared with the classical router.