Keyword Search Result

[Keyword] quality(486hit)


  • Web-Browsing QoE Estimation Model

    Toshiko TOMINAGA  Kanako SATO  Noriko YOSHIMURA  Masataka MASUDA  Hitoshi AOKI  Takanori HAYASHI  


    E100-B No:10

    Web browsing services are expanding as smartphones are becoming increasingly popular worldwide. To provide customers with appropriate quality of web-browsing services, quality design and in-service quality management on the basis of quality of experience (QoE) is important. We propose a web-browsing QoE estimation model. The most important QoE factor for web-browsing is the waiting time for a web page to load. Next, the variation in the communication quality based on a mobile network should be considered. We developed a subjective quality assessment test to clarify QoE characteristics in terms of waiting time using 20 different types of web pages and constructed a web-page QoE estimation model. We then conducted a subjective quality assessment test of web-browsing to clarify the relationship between web-page QoE and web-browsing QoE for three web sites. We obtained the following two QoE characteristics. First, the main factor influencing web-browsing QoE is the average web-page QoE. Second, when web-page QoE variation occurs, a decrease in web-page QoE with a huge amplitude causes the web-browsing QoE to decrease. We used these characteristics in constructing our web-browsing QoE estimation model. The verification test results using non-training data indicate the accuracy of the model. We also show that our findings are applicable to web-browsing quality design and solving management issues on the basis of QoE.

  • Wiener-Based Inpainting Quality Prediction

    Takahiro OGAWA  Akira TANAKA  Miki HASEYAMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E100-D No:10

    A Wiener-based inpainting quality prediction method is presented in this paper. The proposed method is the first method that can predict inpainting quality both before and after the intensities have become missing even if their inpainting methods are unknown. Thus, when the target image does not include any missing areas, the proposed method estimates the importance of intensities for all pixels, and then we can know which areas should not be removed. Interestingly, since this measure can be also derived in the same manner for its corrupted image already including missing areas, the expected difficulty in reconstruction of these missing pixels is predicted, i.e., we can know which missing areas can be successfully reconstructed. The proposed method focuses on expected errors derived from the Wiener filter, which enables least-squares reconstruction, to predict the inpainting quality. The greatest advantage of the proposed method is that the same inpainting quality prediction scheme can be used in the above two different situations, and their results have common trends. Experimental results show that the inpainting quality predicted by the proposed method can be successfully used as a universal quality measure.

  • Collaborative Quality Framework: QoE-Centric Service Operation in Collaboration with Users, Service Providers, and Network Operators Open Access

    Akira TAKAHASHI  Takanori HAYASHI  


    E100-B No:9

    We propose a framework called “QoE-centric Service Operation,” with which we attempt to implement a means to enable the collaboration of end-users, service providers, and network providers to achieve better QoE of telecommunication services. First, we give an overview of the transition in the quality factors of voice, video, and web-browsing applications. Then, taking into account the fact that many quality factors exist not only in networks, but also in servers and terminals, we discuss how to measure, assess, analyze, and control QoE and the technical requirements in each component. We also propose approaches to meet these requirements: packet- and KPI-based QoE estimation, compensation of sparse measurement, and quality prediction based on human behavior and traffic estimation. Finally, we explain the results of our proof-of-concept study using an actual video delivery service in Japan.

  • DIBR-Synthesized Image Quality Assessment via Statistics of Edge Intensity and Orientation

    Yu ZHOU  Leida LI  Ke GU  Zhaolin LU  Beijing CHEN  Lu TANG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E100-D No:8

    Depth-image-based-rendering (DIBR) is a popular technique for view synthesis. The rendering process mainly introduces artifacts around edges, which leads to degraded quality. This letter proposes a DIBR-synthesized image quality metric by measuring the Statistics of both Edge Intensity and Orientation (SEIO). The Canny operator is first used to detect edges. Then the gradient maps are calculated, based on which the intensity and orientation of the edge pixels are computed for both the reference and synthesized images. The distance between the two intensity histograms and that between the two orientation histograms are computed. Finally, the two distances are pooled to obtain the overall quality score. Experimental results demonstrate the advantages of the presented method.

  • Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-Order Local Features Description, Modeling and Quantification

    Yong DING  Xinyu ZHAO  Zhi ZHANG  Hang DAI  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E100-D No:6

    Image quality assessment (IQA) plays an important role in quality monitoring, evaluation and optimization for image processing systems. However, current quality-aware feature extraction methods for IQA can hardly balance accuracy and complexity. This paper introduces multi-order local description into image quality assessment for feature extraction. The first-order structure derivative and high-order discriminative information are integrated into local pattern representation to serve as the quality-aware features. Then joint distributions of the local pattern representation are modeled by spatially enhanced histogram. Finally, the image quality degradation is estimated by quantifying the divergence between such distributions of the reference image and those of the distorted image. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches in consideration of not only accuracy that is consistent with human subjective evaluation, but also robustness and stability across different distortion types and various public databases. It provides a promising choice for image quality assessment development.

  • Radar Modulation Identification Using Inequality Measurement in Frequency Domain

    Kyung-Jin YOU  Ha-Eun JEON  Hyun-Chool SHIN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:4

    In this paper, we proposed a method for radar modulation identification based on the measurement of inequality in the frequency domain. Gini's coefficient was used to exploit the inequality in the powers of spectral components. The maximum likelihood classifier was used to classify the detected radar signal into four types of modulations: unmodulated signal (UM), linear frequency modulation (LFM), non-linear frequency modulation (NLFM), and frequency shift keying (FSK). The simulation results demonstrated that the proposed method achieves an overall identification accuracy of 98.61% at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of -6dB without a priori information such as carrier frequency, pulse arrival times or pulse width.

  • Link Quality Information Sharing by Compressed Sensing and Compressed Transmission for Arbitrary Topology Wireless Mesh Networks

    Hiraku OKADA  Shuhei SUZAKI  Tatsuya KATO  Kentaro KOBAYASHI  Masaaki KATAYAMA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E100-B No:3

    We proposed to apply compressed sensing to realize information sharing of link quality for wireless mesh networks (WMNs) with grid topology. In this paper, we extend the link quality sharing method to be applied for WMNs with arbitrary topology. For arbitrary topology WMNs, we introduce a link quality matrix and a matrix formula for compressed sensing. By employing a diffusion wavelets basis, the link quality matrix is converted to its sparse equivalent. Based on the sparse matrix, information sharing is achieved by compressed sensing. In addition, we propose compressed transmission for arbitrary topology WMNs, in which only the compressed link quality information is transmitted. Experiments and simulations clarify that the proposed methods can reduce the amount of data transmitted for information sharing and maintain the quality of the shared information.

  • Naturalization of Screen Content Images for Enhanced Quality Evaluation

    Xingge GUO  Liping HUANG  Ke GU  Leida LI  Zhili ZHOU  Lu TANG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E100-D No:3

    The quality assessment of screen content images (SCIs) has been attractive recently. Different from natural images, SCI is usually a mixture of picture and text. Traditional quality metrics are mainly designed for natural images, which do not fit well into the SCIs. Motivated by this, this letter presents a simple and effective method to naturalize SCIs, so that the traditional quality models can be applied for SCI quality prediction. Specifically, bicubic interpolation-based up-sampling is proposed to achieve this goal. Extensive experiments and comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Linear Quadratic Regulator with Decentralized Event-Triggering



    E100-A No:2

    Event-triggered control is a control method that the measured signal is sent to the controller only when a certain triggering condition on the measured signal is satisfied. In this paper, we propose a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) with decentralized triggering conditions. First, a suboptimal solution to the design problem of LQRs with decentralized triggering conditions is derived. A state-feedback gain can be obtained by solving a convex optimization problem with LMI (linear matrix inequality) constraints. Next, the relation between centralized and decentralized triggering conditions is discussed. It is shown that control performance of an LQR with decentralized event-triggering is better than that with centralized event-triggering. Finally, a numerical example is illustrated.

  • A Histogram-Based Quality Model for HTTP Adaptive Streaming

    Huyen T. T. TRAN  Nam PHAM NGOC  Yong Ju JUNG  Anh T. PHAM  Truong Cong THANG  


    E100-A No:2

    HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) has become a popular solution for multimedia delivery nowadays. Because of throughput variations, video quality fluctuates during a streaming session. Therefore, a main challenge in HAS is how to evaluate the overall video quality of a session. In this paper, we explore the impacts of quality values and quality variations in HAS. We propose to use the histogram of segment quality values and the histogram of quality gradients in a session to model the overall video quality. Subjective test results show that the proposed model has very high prediction performance for different videos. Especially, the proposed model provides insights into the influence factors of the overall quality, thus leading to suggestions to improve the quality of streaming video.

  • Quality Improvement for Video On-Demand Streaming over HTTP

    Huyen T. T. TRAN  Hung T. LE  Nam PHAM NGOC  Anh T. PHAM  Truong Cong THANG  


    E100-D No:1

    It is crucial to provide Internet videos with the best possible content value (or quality) to users. To adapt to network fluctuations, existing solutions provide various client-based heuristics to change video versions without considering the actual quality. In this work, we present for the first time the use of a quality model in making adaptation decisions to improve the overall quality. The proposed method also estimates the buffer level in the near future to prevent the client from buffer underflows. Experiment results show that the proposed method is able to provide high and consistent video quality under strongly fluctuating bandwidths.

  • Assessing the Bug-Prediction with Re-Usability Based Package Organization for Object Oriented Software Systems

    Mohsin SHAIKH  Ki-Seong LEE  Chan-Gun LEE  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E100-D No:1

    Packages are re-usable components for faster and effective software maintenance. To promote the re-use in object-oriented systems and maintenance tasks easier, packages should be organized to depict compact design. Therefore, understanding and assessing package organization is primordial for maintenance tasks like Re-usability and Changeability. We believe that additional investigations of prevalent basic design principles such as defined by R.C. Martin are required to explore different aspects of package organization. In this study, we propose package-organization framework based on reachable components that measures re-usability index. Package re-usability index measures common effect of change taking place over dependent elements of a package in an object-oriented design paradigm. A detailed quality assessment on different versions of open source software systems is presented which evaluates capability of the proposed package re-usability index and other traditional package-level metrics to predict fault-proneness in software. The experimental study shows that proposed index captures different aspects of package-design which can be practically integrated with best practices of software development. Furthermore, the results provide insights on organization of feasible software design to counter potential faults appearing due to complex package dependencies.

  • Sparse Representation for Color Image Super-Resolution with Image Quality Difference Evaluation

    Zi-wen WANG  Guo-rui FENG  Ling-yan FAN  Jin-wei WANG  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E100-D No:1

    The sparse representation models have been widely applied in image super-resolution. The certain optimization problem is supposed and can be solved by the iterative shrinkage algorithm. During iteration, the update of dictionaries and similar patches is necessary to obtain prior knowledge to better solve such ill-conditioned problem as image super-resolution. However, both the processes of iteration and update often spend a lot of time, which will be a bottleneck in practice. To solve it, in this paper, we present the concept of image quality difference based on generalized Gaussian distribution feature which has the same trend with the variation of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), and we update dictionaries or similar patches from the termination strategy according to the adaptive threshold of the image quality difference. Based on this point, we present two sparse representation algorithms for image super-resolution, one achieves the further improvement in image quality and the other decreases running time on the basis of image quality assurance. Experimental results also show that our quantitative results on several test datasets are in line with exceptions.

  • Logic-Path-and-Clock-Path-Aware At-Speed Scan Test Generation

    Fuqiang LI  Xiaoqing WEN  Kohei MIYASE  Stefan HOLST  Seiji KAJIHARA  


    E99-A No:12

    Excessive IR-drop in capture mode during at-speed scan testing may cause timing errors for defect-free circuits, resulting in undue test yield loss. Previous solutions for achieving capture-power-safety adjust the switching activity around logic paths, especially long sensitized paths, in order to reduce the impact of IR-drop. However, those solutions ignore the impact of IR-drop on clock paths, namely test clock stretch; as a result, they cannot accurately achieve capture-power-safety. This paper proposes a novel scheme, called LP-CP-aware ATPG, for generating high-quality capture-power-safe at-speed scan test vectors by taking into consideration the switching activity around both logic and clock paths. This scheme features (1) LP-CP-aware path classification for characterizing long sensitized paths by considering the IR-drop impact on both logic and clock paths; (2) LP-CP-aware X-restoration for obtaining more effective X-bits by backtracing from both logic and clock paths; (3) LP-CP-aware X-filling for using different strategies according to the positions of X-bits in test cubes. Experimental results on large benchmark circuits demonstrate the advantages of LP-CP-aware ATPG, which can more accurately achieve capture-power-safety without significant test vector count inflation and test quality loss.

  • Revisiting the Regression between Raw Outputs of Image Quality Metrics and Ground Truth Measurements

    Chanho JUNG  Sanghyun JOO  Do-Won NAM  Wonjun KIM  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:11

    In this paper, we aim to investigate the potential usefulness of machine learning in image quality assessment (IQA). Most previous studies have focused on designing effective image quality metrics (IQMs), and significant advances have been made in the development of IQMs over the last decade. Here, our goal is to improve prediction outcomes of “any” given image quality metric. We call this the “IQM's Outcome Improvement” problem, in order to distinguish the proposed approach from the existing IQA approaches. We propose a method that focuses on the underlying IQM and improves its prediction results by using machine learning techniques. Extensive experiments have been conducted on three different publicly available image databases. Particularly, through both 1) in-database and 2) cross-database validations, the generality and technological feasibility (in real-world applications) of our machine-learning-based algorithm have been evaluated. Our results demonstrate that the proposed framework improves prediction outcomes of various existing commonly used IQMs (e.g., MSE, PSNR, SSIM-based IQMs, etc.) in terms of not only prediction accuracy, but also prediction monotonicity.

  • Measurement of Wireless LAN Characteristics in Sewer Pipes for Sewer Inspection Systems Using Drifting Wireless Sensor Nodes

    Taiki NAGASHIMA  Yudai TANAKA  Susumu ISHIHARA  


    E99-B No:9

    Deterioration of sewer pipes is one of very important problems in Japan. Sewer inspections have been carried out mainly by visual check or wired remote robots with a camera. However, such inspection schemes involve high labor and/or monetary cost. Sewer inspection with boat-type video cameras or unwired robots takes a long time to check the result of the inspection because video data are obtained after the equipment is retrieved from the pipe. To realize low cost, safe and quick inspection of sewer pipes, we have proposed a sewer inspection system using drifting wireless sensor nodes. Water, soil, and the narrow space in the pipe make the long-range and high throughput wireless radio communication difficult. Therefore, we have to identify suitable radio frequency and antenna configuration based on wireless communication characteristics in sewer pipes. If the frequency is higher, the Fresnel zone, the needed space for the line of sight is small, but the path loss in free space is large. On the other hand, if the frequency is lower, the size of the Fresnel zone is large, but the path loss in free space is small. We conducted wireless communication experiments using 920MHz, 2.4GHz, and 5GHz band off-the-shelf devices in an experimental underground pipe. The measurement results show that the wireless communication range of 5GHz (IEEE 802.11a) is over 8m in a 200mm-diameter pipe and is longer than 920MHz (ARIB STD-T108), 2.4GHz (IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.15.4) band at their maximum transmission power. In addition, we confirmed that devices that use IEEE 802.11a and 54Mbps bit rate can transmit about 43MB data while they are in the communication range of an AP and drift at 1m/s in a 200mm-diameter pipe, and it is bigger than one of devices that use other bit rate.

  • JND-Based Power Consumption Reduction for OLED Displays

    Ji-Hoon CHOI  Oh-Young LEE  Myong-Young LEE  Kyung-Jin KANG  Jong-Ok KIM  


    E99-A No:9

    With the appearance of large OLED panels, the OLED TV industry has experienced significant growth. However, this technology is still in the early stages of commercialization, and some technical challenges remain to be overcome. During the development phase of a product, power consumption is one of the most important considerations. To reduce power consumption in OLED displays, we propose a method based on just-noticeable difference (JND). JND refers to the minimum visibility threshold when visual content is altered and results from physiological and psychophysical phenomena in the human visual system (HVS). A JND model suitable for OLED displays is derived from numerous experiments with OLED displays. With the use of JND, it is possible to reduce power consumption while minimizing perceptual image quality degradation.

  • WORLD: A Vocoder-Based High-Quality Speech Synthesis System for Real-Time Applications Open Access

    Masanori MORISE  Fumiya YOKOMORI  Kenji OZAWA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-D No:7

    A vocoder-based speech synthesis system, named WORLD, was developed in an effort to improve the sound quality of real-time applications using speech. Speech analysis, manipulation, and synthesis on the basis of vocoders are used in various kinds of speech research. Although several high-quality speech synthesis systems have been developed, real-time processing has been difficult with them because of their high computational costs. This new speech synthesis system has not only sound quality but also quick processing. It consists of three analysis algorithms and one synthesis algorithm proposed in our previous research. The effectiveness of the system was evaluated by comparing its output with against natural speech including consonants. Its processing speed was also compared with those of conventional systems. The results showed that WORLD was superior to the other systems in terms of both sound quality and processing speed. In particular, it was over ten times faster than the conventional systems, and the real time factor (RTF) indicated that it was fast enough for real-time processing.

  • User-Centric Approach for Bandwidth Allocation Method Based on Quality of Experience

    Huong PHAM-THI  Takumi MIYOSHI  


    E99-B No:6

    This paper focuses on the bandwidth allocation methods based on real user experience for web browsing applications. Because the Internet and its services are rapidly increasing, the bandwidth allocation problem has become one of the typical challenges for Internet service providers (ISPs) and network planning with respect to providing high service quality. The quality of experience (QoE) plays an important role in the success of services, and the guarantee of QoE accordingly represents an important goal in network resource control schemes. To cope with this issue, this paper proposes two user-centric bandwidth resource allocation methods for web browsing applications. The first method dynamically allocates bandwidth by considering the same user's satisfaction in terms of QoE with respect to all users in the system, whereas the second method introduces an efficient trade-off between the QoE of each user group and the average QoE of all users. The purpose of these proposals is to provide a flexible solution to reasonably allocate limited network resources to users. By considering service quality from real users' perception viewpoint, the proposed allocation methods enable us to understand actual users' experiences. Compared to previous works, the numerical results show that the proposed bandwidth allocation methods achieve the following contributions: improving the QoE level for dissatisfied users and providing a fair distribution, as well as retaining a reasonable average QoE.

  • FAQS: Fast Web Service Composition Algorithm Based on QoS-Aware Sampling

    Wei LU  Weidong WANG  Ergude BAO  Liqiang WANG  Weiwei XING  Yue CHEN  

    PAPER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E99-A No:4

    Web Service Composition (WSC) has been well recognized as a convenient and flexible way of service sharing and integration in service-oriented application fields. WSC aims at selecting and composing a set of initial services with respect to the Quality of Service (QoS) values of their attributes (e.g., price), in order to complete a complex task and meet user requirements. A major research challenge of the QoS-aware WSC problem is to select a proper set of services to maximize the QoS of the composite service meeting several QoS constraints upon various attributes, e.g. total price or runtime. In this article, a fast algorithm based on QoS-aware sampling (FAQS) is proposed, which can efficiently find the near-optimal composition result from sampled services. FAQS consists of five steps as follows. 1) QoS normalization is performed to unify different metrics for QoS attributes. 2) The normalized services are sampled and categorized by guaranteeing similar number of services in each class. 3) The frequencies of the sampled services are calculated to guarantee the composed services are the most frequent ones. This process ensures that the sampled services cover as many as possible initial services. 4) The sampled services are composed by solving a linear programming problem. 5) The initial composition results are further optimized by solving a modified multi-choice multi-dimensional knapsack problem (MMKP). Experimental results indicate that FAQS is much faster than existing algorithms and could obtain stable near-optimal result.


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