Keyword Search Result

[Keyword] reliable multicast(23hit)


  • Acknowledgment Mechanisms for Network-Coding-Based Reliable Wireless Multicast

    Kaikai CHI  Xiaohong JIANG  Yi-hua ZHU  Yanjun LI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E95-B No:10

    Recently, network coding has been applied to reliable multicast in wireless networks for packet loss recovery, resulting in significant bandwidth savings. In network-coding-based multicast schemes, once a receiver receives one packet from the source it sends an ACK to acknowledge packet receipt. Such acknowledgment mechanism has the following limitation: when an ACK from one receiver is lost, the source considers the corresponding packet to be lost at this receiver and then conducts unnecessary retransmission. Motivated by this basic observation, we first propose a block-based acknowledgment mechanism, where an ACK now acknowledges all previously received packets in the current block such that the later received ACKs can offset the loss of previous ACKs. To reduce the total amount of feedback overhead, we further propose a more simple feedback mechanism, in which the receivers only start to send acknowledgments from the last two packets (not from the first one as in the first mechanism) of the current block. The first mechanism has the potential to achieve better performance over the latter one in wireless networks with long deep fades (i.e., continuous packet losses) due to its continuous transmissions of ACKs, while the second one is more promising for wireless networks with only random packet losses due to its smaller amount of feedback. Both theoretical and simulation results demonstrate that, compared to the current acknowledgment mechanism in network-coding-based reliable multicast schemes, these two mechanisms can achieve much higher bandwidth efficiency.

  • Evaluation of Reliable Multicast Delivery in Base Station Diversity Systems

    Katsuhiro NAITO  Kazuo MORI  Hideo KOBAYASHI  


    E93-B No:6

    This paper proposes a multicast delivery system using base station diversity for cellular systems. Conventional works utilize single wireless link communication to achieve reliable multicast. In cellular systems, received signal intensity declines in cell edge areas. Therefore, wireless terminals in cell edge areas suffer from many transmission errors due to low received signal intensity. Additionally, multi-path fading also causes dynamic fluctuation of received signal intensity. Wireless terminals also suffer from transmission errors due to the multi-path fading. The proposed system utilizes multiple wireless link communication to improve transmission performance. Each wireless terminal communicates with some neighbor base stations, and combines frame information which arrives from different base stations. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed system can achieve multicast data delivery with a short transmission period and can reduce consumed wireless resource due to retransmission.

  • Efficient Network Coding-Based Loss Recovery for Reliable Multicast in Wireless Networks

    Kaikai CHI  Xiaohong JIANG  Baoliu YE  Susumu HORIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E93-B No:4

    Recently, network coding has been applied to the loss recovery of reliable multicast in wireless networks, where multiple lost packets are XOR-ed together as one packet and forwarded via single retransmission, resulting in a significant reduction of bandwidth consumption. In this paper, we first prove that maximizing the number of lost packets for XOR-ing, which is the key part of the available network coding-based reliable multicast schemes, is actually a complex NP-complete problem. To address this limitation, we then propose an efficient heuristic algorithm for finding an approximately optimal solution of this optimization problem. Furthermore, we show that the packet coding principle of maximizing the number of lost packets for XOR-ing sometimes cannot fully exploit the potential coding opportunities, and we then further propose new heuristic-based schemes with a new coding principle. Simulation results demonstrate that the heuristic-based schemes have very low computational complexity and can achieve almost the same transmission efficiency as the current coding-based high-complexity schemes. Furthermore, the heuristic-based schemes with the new coding principle not only have very low complexity, but also slightly outperform the current high-complexity ones.

  • Reliable Multicast with Local Retransmission and FEC Using Group-Aided Multicast Scheme

    Alex FUNG  Iwao SASASE  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E92-B No:3

    In reliable multicast, feedback and recovery traffic limit the performance and scalability of the multicast session. In this paper, we present an improvement to the many-to-many reliable multicast protocol, Group-Aided Multicast protocol (GAM), with a local-group based recovery by making use of forward error correction (FEC) locally in addition to NACK/retransmission. In contrast to the original GAM, which only makes use of NACK-based recovery, our scheme produces FEC packets and multicasts the packets within the scope of a local group in order to correct uncorrelated errors of the local members in each group of the multicast session, which reduces the need for NACK/retransmission. By using our scheme, redundancy traffic can be localized in each group within a multicast session, and the overall recovery traffic can be reduced.

  • Evaluation of Reliable Multicast Applications for Large-Scale Contents Delivery

    Teruji SHIROSHITA  Shingo KINOSHITA  Takahiko NAGATA  Tetsuo SANO  Yukihiro NAKAMURA  


    E90-B No:10

    Reliable Multicast has been applied to large-scale contents delivery systems for distributing digital contents to a large number of users without data loss. Reliable contents distribution is indispensable for software updates and management data sharing in actual delivery services. This paper evaluates the implementation and performance of RMTP; a reliable multicast protocol for bulk-data transfer, through the developments of contents delivery systems. Software configuration is also examined including operation functions such as delivery scheduling. Furthermore, applicability of reliable multicast to emerging broadband networks is also discussed based on the experimentation results. Through the deployment of the protocol and the software, performance estimation has played a key role for constructing the delivery systems as well as for designing the communication protocol.

  • Cost Analysis of BestRelay Retransmission Trees for Reliable Multicasting

    Chang-Han KIM  Jae-Heon YANG  Ikjun YEOM  


    E90-B No:3

    In this paper, we address how to construct efficient retransmission trees for reliable multicast. Efficiency of retransmission trees mainly depends on locations of repairers, which are in charge of retransmitting lost packets. We propose an algorithm for each receiver to find a repairer for efficient recovery. The resulting tree for retransmission is organized by pairs of a receiver and a repairer which is the host "nearest" to the receiver among the multicast group members "nearer" to the sender. We formally prove that the proposed algorithm realizes reliable multicast with only constant times of a lower bound cost achievable through impractical router support. We also evaluate the algorithm through extensive simulations.

  • Performance Analysis of Reliable Multicast Protocols Using Transparent Proxy Servers on Wired and Wireless Networks

    Sung-Kwan Youm  Meejoung KIM  Chul-Hee KANG  


    E89-B No:4

    This paper considers the reliable multicast transport protocols used in hybrid networks that include wired and wireless networks and transparent proxy servers. We present four analytic performance models of two extreme reliable multicast transport protocols, sender-initiated and receiver-initiated, and supported and unsupported by transparent proxy servers are considered in each reliable multicast protocol. We analyze the throughputs of these four different models mathematically. Numerical results show that transparent proxy servers give good effects to overall performance. Furthermore, the receiver-initiated reliable multicast supported by transparent proxy servers gives better performances of total throughput than sender-initiated reliable multicast supported by transparent proxy servers. We provide efficiency criterion of the optimal number of transparent proxy servers for each protocol under varying wireless loss probabilities. Numerical results are verified by simulations.

  • Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Tree-Based Reliable Multicast

    Zuo Wen WAN  Michel KADOCH  Ahmed ELHAKEEM  


    E88-B No:5

    Due to the pruning and joining of members, multicast groups are dynamic. Both the topology and the total number of links change during multicast sessions, and the multicast performance, measured in terms of the bandwidth consumption, will change accordingly. In this paper, we investigate the dynamic performance of multicast communication with homogeneous packet loss probability; indeed, we evaluate the effects of the pruning of receivers and of subnets, after which we find the optimal placements of repair servers. A new 3-phase algorithm for adapting the optimal repair server placements to the dynamic changes of network topologies is presented and analyzed.

  • A Model-Based Scalable Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol for Wireless/Mobile Networks

    Prawit CHUMCHU  Zhe Guang ZHOU  Aruna SENEVIRATNE  


    E88-B No:4

    In this paper, we propose the design of a scalable reliable mobile multicast scheme--SRMoM. SRMoM uses well-known Scalable Reliable Multicast (SRM) in the wired networks and a NAK-based ARQ with adaptive Forward Error Correction (AFEC) in the wireless networks. In AFEC, the probability of needing retransmission of original multicast packets after FEC recovery is selectable. This selective property enables the control of channel utilization in the wireless segment for different numbers of Mobile Hosts (MHs). Using this property, the channel utilization of SRMoM is made to be virtually independent of the number of MHs, thus making it extremely scalable. The performance of SRMoM is analyzed with three adaptive FEC algorithms based on three wireless loss models, namely a Gilbert-Elliott channel, a simplified Gilbert-Elliott channel, and a binary symmetric channel, analytically as well as through simulation. Furthermore, the performance of SRMoM is compared with SRM and MRMoM (NAK-based protocol without FEC) through simulation. Using the average number of transmissions per original multicast packet, and wireless link utilization as metrics, we demonstrate that the performance of SRMoM is indeed virtually independent of the number of MHs, and that it results in the lowest number of packet transmissions and lowest channel utilization of reliable mobile multicast protocols that have been proposed to date.

  • An Efficient Multicast Distribution Scheme Combining Erasure Codes and Direct Requests



    E88-B No:4

    For the efficient multicast distribution services on the Internet, suppressing the influence of packet loss is important issues. As a solution of this problem, Forward Error Correction (FEC) based on Reed-Solomon codes is usually used. However, in the case of content delivery services for a large amount of data, this approach is not suitable. In this paper, we focus on the erasure codes which are new approach of FEC and propose the efficient multicast video distribution method which combines the multicast distribution using erasure codes and direct request to the server. We implement proposal method and confirm its efficiency from the viewpoints of redundancy and processing time.

  • An Analysis Comparison of Reliability Mechanisms for Improving Reliable Mobile Multicast Protocols

    Prawit CHUMCHU  Zhe Guang ZHOU  Aruna SENEVIRATNE  


    E88-B No:3

    Existing reliable multicast protocols are designed to perform well in wired networking environments. However, in mobile networking environments, these reliable mobile multicast protocols are not optimal as they do not take into account the limitations of power (energy), storage capacity, processing power, impairments of wireless communication channels, and the frequent changes of location and the resulting loss of network connectivity. This paper analyses four hybrid reliable multicast schemes, namely NAK-based schemes, ACK-based schemes, ACK-based schemes with FEC (Forward Error Correction), and NAK-based schemes with FEC that are suitable for mobile networking environments and quantifies their performance. These four schemes differ from the generic sender-initiated and receiver-initiated reliable multicast protocols in that they rely on a mixture of multicasting and unicasting for providing reliability. This analysis is used to show that NAK-based schemes with FEC is best suited for reliable multicasting in mobile environments as they provide excellent performance in terms of average wireless channel utilization and average processing time, independently of the number of MHs.

  • MTRMCC: A Congestion Control Mechanism for Many-to-Many Tree-Based Reliable Multicast Protocols

    Kyungran KANG  Dongman LEE  Je-young YOU  


    E87-B No:6

    As the Internet proliferates, there has been a growing interest in supporting multiparty collaborative applications. It has led to the emergence of many-to-ma ny reliable multicast. Congestion control is a key task in reliable multicast along with error control. However, existing tree-based congestion control schemes such as TRAMCC and MTCP are designed for one-to-many reliable multicast and have some drawbacks when they are used for many-to-many reliable multicast. We propose an efficient congestion control mechanism, MTRMCC, for tree-based many-to-many reliable multicast protocols. The proposed scheme is based on the congestion windowing mechanism and a rate controller is used in addition. The feedback for error recovery is exploited for congestion control as well to minimize the overhead at the receivers. The ACK timer and the NACK timers are set dynamically reflecting the network traffic changes. The rate regulation algorithm in the proposed scheme is designed to help the flows sharing the same link to achieve the fair share quickly. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated using network simulator ns-2. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms TRAMCC in terms of intra-session fairness and supports responsiveness, TCP-friendliness, and scalability.

  • Reliable Multicast Control Scheme for Achieving TCP-Friendly in Heterogeneous Environment

    Yuki MORITANI  Yukio ATSUMI  

    PAPER-Traffic Control in CDNs

    E86-B No:6

    Reliable multicast is an interesting application of distributing data to lots of clients at the same time. In heterogeneous environment, it is necessary to adjust the transmitting rate corresponding to the bandwidth of receivers. Placed at a network bottleneck point, an active server can buffer the multicast packets and control the transmitting rate to the downstream multicast receivers independently so as to absorb bandwidth differences. If wireless and wired receivers coexist, the best position for the active server is at the edge of the wired and wireless links because the bandwidth of wireless receivers are lower than that of wired receivers. However, it is not enough that an active server only controls the transmitting rate in such environment because wireless receivers tend to lose packet by the wireless transmission error. This paper proposes a scheme in which the active server independently controls a reliable multicast scheme that is robust against packet loss due to wireless transmission error. Simulation results show that rate-based reliable multicast congestion control is more appropriate than window-based control for wireless links. We also show that FEC applied only to the wireless link improves the throughput of wireless multicast receivers. Finally, we show that combining rate-based reliable multicast congestion control scheme with FEC only for the wireless link makes reliable multicast more practical and friendly with TCP even if packets are lost due to transmission errors.

  • Reliable Multicast Protocol Applying Local FEC


    PAPER-Packet Transmission

    E86-B No:2

    One of the most important technical problems in reliable multicast protocol is reducing redundant feedback information, e.g. NAKs, to avoid feedback implosion. A number of feedback suppression mechanisms have been proposed to deal with this problem. In the MBONE, which is a virtual multicast network and makes multi-point communication across the Internet feasible, the source link, the links directly connected to or very close to the source, is reported to contribute high percentile packet loss. When a well-known NAK suppression mechanism is applied, in the case of the source link loss, all receivers suffer the same packet loss and NAK suppression mechanism does not work effectively. In this paper we propose a Reliable Multicast Protocol Applying Local FEC, called Local FEC, where the source link loss is recovered with FEC applied locally only to the source link. To investigate performance of our proposed protocol, it is compared with a popular reliable multicast protocol with NAK suppression mechanism. Our performance analysis results with mathematical analysis and computer simulation show that our proposed protocol outperforms the NAK suppression protocol from the viewpoint of scalability and wasted bandwidth.

  • Transmission Efficiency of Receiver-Based and Router-Based Reliable Multicast Protocols with Local Recovery

    Satomi AMAKI  Masaharu KOMATSU  


    E85-B No:11

    In this paper, to investigate the processing requirements at each node and offered network load of receiver-based and router-based protocols, we analyze the number of packet transmissions on each link until all receivers receive a packet for an arbitrary multicast-tree topology and packet loss probability considering the correlation between loss events of a packet for different receivers. In order to show the effectiveness of the analytical results, we demonstrate the numerical examples for various conditions. The numerical results show that local recovery protocols, especially router-based protocol can reduce the offered network load due to data packets and their acknowledgements, and can decentralize processing requirement of sending nodes effectively. Further, we reveal the influence of the locations of group senders on the performance of both protocols.

  • Congestion Control for Reliable Multicast Achieving TCP Fairness

    Kazunori YAMAMOTO  Miki YAMAMOTO  Hiromasa IKEDA  


    E85-B No:1

    In the paper, we propose a congestion control scheme for reliable multicast communication which enables TCP fairness and prevents a drop-to-zero problem. The proposed congestion control scheme is rate-based one based on NAKs from receivers and cooperatively works with a flow control scheme. The congestion control scheme consists of two components of a rate-based controller and a selection mechanism of a representative. The rate-based controller runs between the sender and the representative and achieves TCP fairness and fast response to losses at the representative. The selection mechanism of the representative allows the sender to select the representative in a scalable manner, in which the sender makes use of NAKs from receivers to select it. In the paper, we also propose the switchover mechanism of the flow and congestion control schemes which enables the sender to use either of them adaptively based on network situations. When the network is congested, the congestion control scheme works to share network resources fairly with competing TCP flows. Otherwise, the flow control scheme works to adapt the transmission rate to the slowest receiver. We verify the performance of our proposed schemes by using computer simulation.

  • Design of a Telepresentation Protocol Using Reliable Multicast and Its Application to Cyber Education

    Kaori MAEDA  Eitaro KOHNO  Yosuke SAKAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Mobile Service and Technologies

    E84-B No:12

    Telepresentations will be popular in the future of ubiquitous digital media. To realize a telepresentation easily over the Internet, we design a communication protocol to control a remote material (digital media) used in a telepresentation. We describe our proposed protocol; RMOP (Remote Material Operation Protocol) in this paper. This protocol specifies commands for material operations such as synchronization of slides, drawing, and pointing. Since this protocol just specifies the common formats through IP networks independent of special functions of presentation tools, it can be applied to various presentation tools. To design the protocol, we consider the trade-off between reliability of IP multicast and practical availability in the actual Internet. We adopt the reliable multicast mechanism to improve reliability but not to lose practicality in the protocol. Also, we describe an implementation of our prototype system using RMOP for a telepresentation. Then we show some evaluations such as the protocol overhead and comparisons with the other existing systems. Last, we show a case study of a telepresentation over the Internet using our system.

  • Enhancing Scalability of Tree-Based Reliable Multicast by Approximating Logical Tree to Multicast Routing Tree

    Dongman LEE  Wonyong YOON  Hee Yong YOUN  


    E84-B No:10

    Tree-based approach has been proven to be most scalable for one-to-many reliable multicast. It efficiently combines distributed recovery with local recovery over a logical tree of the sender and receivers. It has also been known that the performance of the tree-based protocols heavily depends upon the quality of the logical tree. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end scheme to further enhance the scalability of the tree-based approach. By exchanging packet loss information observed at the end hosts, the scheme constructs and maintains a logical tree congruent with the underlying multicast routing tree even in the presence of session membership and multicast route changes. The scheme also groups the tree nodes and assigns separate multicast addresses to them in order to enable efficient multicast retransmission for reducing both delay and exposure. We compare the proposed scheme with Tree-based Multicast Transport Protocol (TMTP), a static tree-based protocol. Extensive simulations up to 300 node sessions reveal that the proposed scheme reduces implosion and exposure more than 20% and 50%, respectively. The results also indicate that the scheme is highly scalable such that the improvement gets more significant as the size of the session increases.

  • Performance Evaluation of ACK-Based and NAK-Based Flow Control Mechanisms for Reliable Multicast Communications

    Kazunori YAMAMOTO  Yoshitsugu SAWA  Miki YAMAMOTO  Hiromasa IKEDA  


    E84-B No:8

    In this paper, we evaluate the performance of flow control mechanisms for reliable multicast under several retransmission approaches in terms of scalability. The mechanisms examined are a window-based flow control mechanism for ACK-based retransmission approaches and a rate-based flow control mechanism for NAK-based retransmission approaches. Our simulation results show that the NAK-based flow control mechanism has better scalability and higher throughput than the ACK-based flow control mechanism, and the delay incurred by a NAK suppression mechanism does not affect the performance of multicast flow control.

  • Performance Evaluation of Local Recovery Group Configuration in Reliable Multicast

    Miki YAMAMOTO  Takashi HASHIMOTO  Hiromasa IKEDA  


    E83-B No:12

    In reliable multicast communications, retransmission control plays an important role from the viewpoint of scalability. Previous works show that the implosion of control packets, e.g. ACKs or NAKs, degrades the total performance of reliable multicast communications. Local recovery which enables receivers receiving a packet successfully to initiate recovering a lost packet may have the possibility to solve this scalability problem. This paper presents the performance evaluation of local recovery caused by grouping receiving nodes in reliable multicast communication. There seems to be many features dominating the performance of local recovery, the number of nodes in a group, the shared loss occurring simultaneously at multiple receivers and so on. When the number of receivers in a group increases, the geographical expansion of a group will degrade the delay performance of the receivers. In a configuration where most nodes in a local-recovery group suffer from shared loss, the failure of local recovery degrades the total performance. Our simulation results under a hierarchical network topology like the real Internet show that a local-recovery group configuration with two-adjacent MANs grouping performs well.


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