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With the spread of the broadband Internet and high-performance devices, various services have become available anytime, anywhere. As a result, attention is focused on the service quality and Quality of Experience (QoE) is emphasized as an evaluation index from the user's viewpoint. Since QoE is a subjective evaluation metric and deeply involved with user perception and expectation, quantitative and comparative research was difficult because the QoE study is still in its infancy. At present, after tremendous devoted efforts have contributed to this research area, a shape of the QoE management architecture has become clear. Moreover, not only for research but also for business, video streaming services are expected as a promising Internet service incorporating QoE. This paper reviews the present state of QoE studies with the above background and describes the future prospect of QoE. Firstly, the historical aspects of QoE is reviewed starting with QoS (Quality of Service). Secondly, a QoE management architecture is proposed in this paper, which consists of QoE measurement, QoE assessment, QoS-QoE mapping, QoE modeling, and QoE adaptation. Thirdly, QoE studies related with video streaming services are introduced, and finally individual QoE and physiology-based QoE measurement methodologies are explained as future prospect in the field of QoE studies.
Liangrui TANG Hailin HU Jiajia ZHU Shiyu JI Yanhua HE Xin WU
Heterogeneous Small Cell Network (HSCN) will have wide application given its ability to improve system capacity and hot spot coverage. In order to increase the efficiency of spectrum and energy, a great deal of research has been carried out on radio resource management in HSCN. However, it is a remarkable fact that the user experience in terms of traffic rate demands has been neglected in existing research with excessive concentration on network capacity and energy efficiency. In this paper, we redefined the energy efficiency (EE) and formulate the joint optimization problem of user experience and energy efficiency maximization into a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem. After reformulating the optimization problem, the joint subchannel (SC) allocation and power control algorithm is proposed with the help of cluster method and genetic algorithm. Simulation results show that the joint SC allocation and power control algorithm proposed has better performance in terms of user experience and energy consumption than existing algorithms.
The Technical Committee on Communication Behavior Engineering addresses the research question “How do we construct a communication network system that includes users?”. The growth in highly functional networks and terminals has brought about greater diversity in users' lifestyles and freed people from the restrictions of time and place. Under this situation, the similarities of human behavior cause traffic aggregation and generate new problems in terms of the stabilization of network service quality. This paper summarizes previous studies relevant to communication behavior from a multidisciplinary perspective and discusses the research approach adopted by the Technical Committee on Communication Behavior Engineering.
We present an electrostatic tactile display for stimulus localization. The 240-Hz electrostatic force was generated by the beat phenomenon in a region where excited X electrodes cross excited Y electrodes, which presents localized tactile sensation out of the entire surface. A 10.4-in. visual-tactile integrated display was successfully demonstrated.
Sumaru NIIDA Satoshi UEMURA Shigehiro ANO
With the rapid growth of high performance ICT (Information Communication Technologies) devices such as smart phones and tablet PCs, multitasking has become one of the popular ways of using mobile devices. The reasons users have adopted multitask operation are that it reduces the level of dissatisfaction regarding waiting time and makes effective use of time by switching their attention from the waiting process to other content. This is a good solution to the problem of waiting; however, it may cause another problem, which is the increase in traffic volume due to the multiple applications being worked on simultaneously. Thus, an effective method to control throughput adapted to the multitasking situation is required. This paper proposes a transmission rate control method for web browsing that takes multitasking behavior into account and quantitatively demonstrates the effect of service by two different field experiments. The main contribution of this paper is to present a service design process for a new transmission rate control that takes into account human-network interaction based on the human-centered approach. We show that the degree of satisfaction in relation to waiting time did not degrade even when a field trial using a testbed showed that throughput of the background task was reduced by 40%.
Sumaru NIIDA Satoshi UEMURA Etsuko T. HARADA
As mobile multimedia services expand, user behavior will become more diverse and the control of service quality from the user's perspective will become more important in service design. The quality of the network is one of the critical factors determining mobile service quality. However, this has mainly been evaluated in objective physical terms, such as delay reduction and bandwidth expansion. It is less common to use a human-centered design viewpoint when improving network performance. In this paper, we discuss ways to improve the quality of web services using time-fillers that actively address the human factors to improve the subjective quality of a mobile network. A field experiment was conducted, using a prototype. The results of the field experiment show that time-fillers can significantly decrease user dissatisfaction with waiting, but that this effect is strongly influenced by user preferences concerning content. Based on these results, we discuss the design requirements for effective use of time-fillers.
Wei ZHANG Li RUAN Mingfa ZHU Limin XIAO Jiajun LIU Xiaolan TANG Yiduo MEI Ying SONG Yuzhong SUN
In order to reduce cost and improve efficiency, many data centers adopt virtualization solutions. The advent of virtualization allows multiple virtual machines hosted on a single physical server. However, this poses new challenges for resource management. Web workloads which are dominant in data centers are known to vary dynamically with time. In order to meet application's service level agreement (SLA), how to allocate resources for virtual machines has become an important challenge in virtualized server environments, especially when dealing with fluctuating workloads and complex server applications. User experience is an important manifestation of SLA and attracts more attention. In this paper, the SLA is defined by server-side response time. Traditional resource allocation based on resource utilization has some drawbacks. We argue that dynamic resource allocation directly based on real-time user experience is more reasonable and also has practical significance. To address the problem, we propose a system architecture that combines response time measurements and analysis of user experience for resource allocation. An optimization model is introduced to dynamically allocate the resources among virtual machines. When resources are insufficient, we provide service differentiation and firstly guarantee resource requirements of applications that have higher priorities. We evaluate our proposal using TPC-W and Webbench. The experimental results show that our system can judiciously allocate system resources. The system helps stabilize applications' user experience. It can reduce the mean deviation of user experience from desired targets.