IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications

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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E86-B No.3  (Publication Date:2003/03/01)

    Special Issue on Historical Review of Antenna Systems in Japan
  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Kunio SAWAYA  Takayasu SHIOKAWA  


  • Review of Research and Development on Linear Antennas Open Access

    Kunio SAWAYA  



    Invention and development of the Yagi-Uda antenna, and the self-complementary antenna are described. Analysis methods of large loop antennas and the improved circuit theory (ICT) for design of linear antennas are presented. Recent developments of axial mode helical antennas and spiral antennas for radiating circularly polarized waves are also described.

  • Antennas for Terrestrial Microwave Relay Links Open Access

    Toshikazu HORI  



    Antennas for Japanese terrestrial microwave relay links have been developed since the1950's and put into commercial use up to now in Japan. In particular, the path-length lens antennas developed in 1953 represents a monumental achievement for terrestrial microwave relay links, and the offset antenna for 256 QAM radio relay links developed in 1989 has the best electrical performance in the world. This paper reviews the antennas for Japanese terrestrial microwave relay links that have historical significance and describes the antenna design technologies developed in Japan.

  • Development of Planar Antennas Open Access

    Yasuo SUZUKI  Jiro HIROKAWA  



    As a typical planar antenna in Japan, a microstrip antenna and radial line slot antenna are chosen and some original technologies are introduced for them. About the microstrip antenna, the analyzing method is described first and the method based on the theory of microstrip planar circuit born in Japan is introduced. According to the formulas derived by this method, the design procedure considering the bandwidth is established. In addition, it is shown clearly that a microstrip antenna can produce the circular polarizations at two kinds of frequencies with a single feed. Furthermore, two kinds of broadband techniques born in Japan are picked up. About other unique microstrip antennas, they may be introduced in a suitable section each time. As for the RLSA, the history on invention is briefly presented. The radiation mechanisms depending on the slot-set arrangement and the excitation mode are discussed. The slot-coupling analysis to simulate the excitation of a two-dimensional uniformly-excited slot array is explained. The simple design based on the operation with traveling-wave propagation is also described. The technical progress to keep high efficiency in a wide gain range for satellite-TV reception is reviewed. Extensions of the RLSAs to millimeter-wave bands and plasma etching systems are finally summarized.

  • Reflector Antennas for Earth Stations and Radio Telescopes Open Access

    Shinichi NOMOTO  



    The paper overviews and surveys Japan's reflector antennas for earth stations and radio telescopes since the 1960's. Some interferometers for radio astronomy are included. Japanese original technologies regarding reflector antenna design and measurement are also described. There are 35 figures and 3 tables.

  • Satellite Onboard Reflector Antennas Open Access

    Shigeru MAKINO  Norio MIYAHARA  



    This paper describes a historical review of satellite onboard reflector antenna systems in Japan.

  • Phased Array Antennas Open Access

    Yoshihiko KONISHI  



    This paper reviews research and development on the phased array antennas (PAAs) for several applications in Japan in over past two decades. First, the author shows the historical overview of the PAA for radar, satellite and mobile communication uses. Next, this paper introduces analysis methods for the PAA. It shows mutual coupling analysis methods and pattern synthesis methods for the PAA. Furthermore, the author discusses measurement methods for the PAA. Especially, he explains the rotating-element electric-field vector (REV) method for the Japanese original PAA calibration method. Finally, the author concludes and shows future PAA technologies.

  • Adaptive Antennas Open Access

    Nobuyoshi KIKUMA  Mitoshi FUJIMOTO  



    This paper reviews the historical development of adaptive antennas in Japan. First of all, we watch basic adaptive algorithms. In 1980s, particularly, the following issues were a matter of considerable concern to us; (a) behavior to the coherent interference like multipath waves or radar clutters, (b) signal degradation in case that the direction of arrival (DOA) of desired signal is different from the DOA specified beforehand in the adaptive antennas with the DOA of the desired signal as a prior knowledge, and (c) performance of adaptive antennas when the desired signal and interference are broadband. Although there are a lot of development and modification of adaptive algorithms in Japan, we refer in this paper only to the above-mentioned topics. Secondly, our attention is paid to implementation of adaptive antennas and advanced technologies. A large number of researches on the subjects have been carried out in Japan. Particularly, we focus on the initiative studies in Japan toward mobile communication application. They include researches of mobile radio propagation for adaptive antennas, calibration methods, and adaptive antenna for mobile terminals. As a matter of course, we also refer to adaptive antenna technologies for advanced communication schemes such as CDMA, SDMA, OFDM and so on. Finally, we take notice of some pilot products which were developed to verify the effect of the adaptive antenna in the practical environments. As the initiative ones, a couple of equipments are introduced in this paper.

  • Cellular and PHS Base Station Antenna Systems Open Access

    Hiroyuki ARAI  Keizo CHO  



    This paper reviews the antenna system for Japanese celullar systems and PHS (Personal Handphone System). The unique features of the Japanese cellualr system are multi-band operation, compact diversity antennas, electronic beam tilting, and indoor booster systems. The original antennas for the above purpose will be described. The PHS is also a unique mobile communication system in Japan, and is mainly used for high speed, low cost data transmission. Its original antennas are also presented in this paper.

  • Land Vehicle Antennas Open Access

    Kunitoshi NISHIKAWA  



    Information services for drivers and passengers in land vehicles have been drastically increasing in recent years. Frequency spectra used in vehicle communications cover an extremely wide band ranging from the LF band to the millimeter-wave band. Today, a variety of properties are required of antennas depending on the types of radio systems; more than ten kinds of antennas are installed in land vehicles. Advances in such land vehicle antennas developed in Japan are reviewed in reference to antennas for broadcasting reception and mobile communication systems. Typical antennas are introduced for each system, and the technology and performance are described.

  • Antennas for Wireless Terminals Open Access

    Syu-ichi SEKINE  Hiroki SHOKI  Hisashi MORISHITA  



    This paper reviews antenna technologies for cellular phone terminal in Japan. In regard to the technologies two technical subjects are addressed: a diversity system and miniaturization of terminal size. These subjects provide motivation for studies on design methods for diversity antennas, development of built-in antennas, and control methods for surface current on terminal cavity. These studies are progressing.

  • Tokyo Tower Open Access

    Tetsuya ITSUKI  Kazuyoshi SHOGEN  Toshiki KURASHIMA  Kazumi NOGAMI  Masahiko ARISHIRO  



    The Tokyo Tower is the highest self-supporting steel tower in the world. Since it was built in 1958, the Tower has been a symbol of Tokyo and a well-known, major tourist attraction in Japan. The number of visitors reached 130 million in 1998. The highest number of visitors in one day was 40,000. The original purpose of the Tower was the transmitting of TV signals to the entire Tokyo Metropolitan area. As time passed, FM radio antennas and other equipment for public use were added to the Tower. Recently digital terrestrial antennas were installed on the Tower, a remarkable moment in its history. Digital broadcasting will start in 2003, using these antennas. This paper introduces the Tokyo Tower and its antennas, giving its construction history and its future in the coming digital broadcasting era.

  • Regular Section
  • A Study on Turbo Soft-Decision Decoding for Hard-Detected Optical Communication Signals

    Chen ZHENG  Takaya YAMAZATO  Hiraku OKADA  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission


    We propose a method to realize soft-decision decoding for hard-detected signals. In this paper, a novel concept is introduced as "error-detected reliability. " The method is very useful for optical fiber communications (OFC) as hard detection is the only detection method for the OFC systems. We demonstrate our proposed method using the turbo code in which soft information is required for decoding. As a result, the simulation shows slight difference in the range of moderate to high signal-to-noise ratio between the proposed decoding scheme and the conventional turbo decoding scheme. Moreover, the bit error rate of 10-11 can be achieved by serial concatenation of a Reed-Solomon code and a turbo code for Q-factor lower than 8.0 dB with a bandwidth expansion ratio of 33.3%.

  • A Nation-Wide Photonic Network Architecture with Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Packet-Based Next Generation Networks

    Luis Romeu NUNES  David SANTOSO  Shinji SUGAWARA  Naoto KISHI  Tetsuya MIKI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission


    A simple nation-wide core network architecture based on the optimized combination of WDM and OTDM technologies in a two-tier structure network is proposed. The dynamic timeslot allocation in a fixed length frame structure associated with the wavelength routing scheme creates a virtual path with variable bandwidth for edge-to-edge transport of any type of packet protocol without O-E-O conversion. The simulation results show that dynamic timeslot assignment with bandwidth reservation is the best alternative for the network bandwidth utilization efficiency. The influence of the delay caused by the physical size of the network during the request-acknowledgement process is also discussed.

  • Centralized Radio Resource Management Strategies with Heterogeneous Traffics in HAPS WCDMA Cellular Systems

    Andrea ABRARDO  David SENNATI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    This paper addresses the system throughput maximization problem for HAPS third generation cellular systems. We assume that the Stratospheric Platform is able to perform a perfect link gain estimation for all mobile terminals, such that a centralized resource allocation strategy is made possible. A classical 3G wireless scenario is considered, where traffics characterized by different bit rates coexist with Best Effort Traffic services without stringent bit rate constraints. In this scenario, we firstly envisage three Rate Assignment schemes for best effort terminals which aim at achieving the maximum system throughput subject to different bit rate constraints. For the second envisaged rate assignment scheme, which represents the best compromise between service fairness and throughput, we then propose a simplified approach that allows to noticeably decrease the implementation complexity with a slight performance degradation.

  • Fast Calculation Algorithm and Error Performance of Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection over Fading Channels

    Shiro HANDA  Yusuke OKANO  Mingya LIU  Fumihito SASAMORI  Shinjiro OSHITA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    A novel fast calculation algorithm (FCA) for calculating the decision metric of the multiple-symbol differential detection (MSDD) considering the autocorrelation of a received sequence is proposed. In correspondence to the star quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), the M algorithm is adopted to MSDD over Rayleigh fading channels, in order to reduce the number of search paths. The computational complexity of the decision metric can be greatly reduced by the proposed FCA and the M algorithm. Through computer simulations, it is confirmed that the symbol error rate (SER) performance of the MSDD considering autocorrelation is closer to that of the ideal coherent detection as the length of an observed sequence becomes larger over Rayleigh fading channels.

  • Improved Design Criteria and New Trellis Codes for Space-Time Trellis Coded Modulation in Fast Fading Channels

    Yukihiro SASAZAKI  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    The design criteria for space-time trellis codes (STTC's) in fast fading channels have been proposed: the Distance Criterion and the Product Criterion. The design criteria in [1] are based on optimizing the pairwise error probability (PWEP). However, the frame error rate (FER) of STTC's depends on the distance spectrum. In this paper, we propose a new design criterion for STTC's based on the distance spectrum in fast fading channels. The proposed design criterion is based on the product distance distribution for the large signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the trace distribution for the small SNR, respectively. Moreover, we propose new STTC's by the computer search based on the proposed design criterion in fast fading channels. By computer simulation, we show that the proposed design criterion is more useful than the Product Criterion in [1] in fast fading channels. We also show that the proposed STTC's achieve better FER than the conventional STTC's in fast fading channels.

  • Crosstalk Equalization for High-Speed Digital Transmission Systems

    Hui-Chul WON  Gi-Hong IM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this paper, we discuss crosstalk equalization technique for high-speed digital transmission systems. This equalization technique makes use of the cyclostationarity of the crosstalk interferer. We first analyze the eigenstructure of the equalizer in the presence of cyclostationary crosstalk interference. It is shown that the eigenvalues of the equalizer depend upon the folded signal and interferer power spectra, and the cross power spectrum between the signal and the interferer. The expressions of the minimum mean square error (MMSE) and the excess MSE are then obtained by using the equalizer's eigenstructure. Analysis and simulation results indicate that such peculiar equalizer's eigenstructure in the presence of cyclostationary interference results in significantly different initial convergence and steady-state behaviors as compared with the stationary noise case. We also show that the performance of the equalizer varies depending on the relative clock phase of the symbol clocks used by the signal and the crosstalk interferer.

  • The Influence of Buffer Management on End-to-End Cell Delay in a Cell Switching Network

    Qutaiba RAZOUQI  Sumit GHOSH  



    This is the first paper to report the influence of fuzzy thresolding-based buffer management scheme on the end-to-end delay performance of cell switching networks including asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. In this approach, the fraction of the selectively blocked cells, corresponding to the difference of cell loss due to buffer overflow, between the traditional fixed and fuzzy schemes, are re-routed to their final destinations. A 50-switch, representative, cell-switching network under fuzzy thresholding is first modeled, second, simulated on a testbed consisting of a network of 25+ Pentium workstations under Linux, configured as a loosely-coupled parallel processor, and third, its performance is studied under realistic input traffic conditions. A total of 10,000 user calls, generating between 1.0 and 1.5 million ATM cells, is stochastically distributed among the nodes. Performance analysis reveals that for different input traffic distributions ranging from light to moderate to heavy traffic, the re-routing approach successfully routes these blocked cells, although it causes the average end-to-end cell delay in the network to increase, compared to the fixed scheme, by a factor ranging from 1.65 for relatively light traffic to 6.7 for heavy traffic.

  • Performance of a Burst Switching Scheme for CDMA-Based Wireless Packet Data Systems

    Sung Kyung KIM  Meejoung KIM  Chung Gu KANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Switching


    Emerging requirements for higher rate data services and better spectrum efficiency are the main issues of third-generation mobile radio systems. In particular, a new concept of burst switching has been introduced for supporting the packet data services in the CDMA-based wireless system. In the burst switching system, radio resources are allocated to users for the duration of data bursts, which is a series of packets, as opposed to the conventional packet switching scheme. To implement the burst switching scheme, three different states (active, control hold, dormant states) are defined and two transition timers are employed to release the fundamental and supplemental code channels, respectively, at certain instances. Furthermore, the system is subject to burst admission control policy, with which a burst is admitted only when the number of currently available channels is greater than the admission threshold. Since there exists a trade-off between the additional packet access delay during a burst and resource utilization depending on the time-out value of the transition timer and burst admission threshold, it is critical to understand the performance characteristics in terms of the underlying design parameters. In this paper, we develop an analytic model and present a Quasi-Birth-Death (QBD) queueing analysis for evaluating the performance of burst switching schemes. This work focuses on the trade-off studies for optimizing the time-out value of the transition timer so as to minimize the average delay performance. Theoretical performance measures are derived by means of the matrix geometric method and furthermore, some simulation results are presented to validate the proposed analytical approach.

  • An Efficient Resource Reservation Protocol by QoS Agents in Mobile Networks

    Young-Joo SUH  Min-Sun KIM  Young-Jae KIM  



    There is a growing demand that mobile networks should provide quality-of-service (QoS) to mobile users since portable devices become popular and more and more applications require real-time services. Providing QoS to mobile hosts is very difficult due to mobility of hosts. The resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) establishes and maintains a reservation state to ensure a given QoS level between the sender and receiver. However, RSVP is designed for fixed networks and thus it is inadequate in wireless mobile networking environments. In this paper, we propose a resource reservation protocol for mobile hosts in mobile networks. The proposed protocol extends the RSVP by introducing RSVP agents in local networks to manage the reservations. The proposed protocol reduces packet delay, bandwidth overhead, and the number of RSVP messages to maintain reservation states. We examined the performance of the proposed protocol by simulation and we got an improved performance over the existing protocols.

  • Comparative Assessment of Test Signals Used for Measuring Residual Echo Characteristics

    Nobuhiko KITAWAKI  Takeshi YAMADA  Futoshi ASANO  



    Appropriate test signals defined by formula or generated by algorithm are used for measuring objective QoS (Quality of Services) for voice operated telecommunication devices such as telephone and speech codec (coder-decoder). However, that for measuring residual echo characteristics in hands-free telecommunications equipped with acoustic echo canceller is under study in ITU-T Recommendation G.167. This paper describes comparative assessment of test signals for measurement of residual echo characteristics. In hands-free telecommunications, acoustical echo canceller has been developed to remove a room echo signal through the loudspeaker to the microphone in the receiving end. Performance of the echo canceller system is evaluated by residual echo characteristics expressed in echo return loss enhancement (ERLE). The ERLE can be conventionally measured by putting white noise into the echo canceller system. However, white noise is not adequate as the test signal for measuring the performance of the echo canceller, since the performance may depend on the characteristics of input test signal, and the characteristics of the white noise differ from those of real voice. Therefore, this paper discusses appropriate characteristics of real voice required for objective quality evaluation of echo canceller system. The test signals used for this verification tests were real voice (RV), white noise (WN), frequency weighted noise (FWN), artificial voice (AV), and composite source signal (CSS) depending on the approximation of real voice characteristics. As the comparative assessment results, the ERLE characteristics measured by artificial voice conforming to ITU-T Recommendation P.50 having average characteristics of real voices in time and frequency domains are almost equivalent to those of real voice and best among those test signals. It is concluded that artificial voice P.50 is satisfied with measurement of residual echo characteristics.

  • Establishment of Protection Paths Using Maximum Degree of Sharing in WDM Networks

    Jian-Qing LI  Hong-Shik PARK  Hyeong-Ho LEE  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation


    In wavelength division multiplexed networks, shared path protection provides the same level of protection against a single fiber-link failure as dedicated path protection with potentially higher network utilization. The shared path protection is more complex to provision and maintain. In this paper, we introduce a parameter, the degree of sharing, which refers to the number of protection paths that a wavelength can be assigned to on a link. We propose methods for calculating the maximum degree of sharing. We consider on-line routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) of protection paths that are established for incremental traffic using the maximum degree of sharing. Establishment of protection paths using the maximum degree of sharing can simplify the algorithm. We compare the results on the decreased calculation time with accepted connection requests for a given number of wavelengths, assuming that wavelengths are assigned according to the First-Fit policy for working paths and Last-Fit policy for protection paths. The more wavelengths are used, the more calculation time can be reduced. When the load increases, the decreasing rate of calculation time also increases.

  • A Simple Configuration of Adaptive Array Antenna for DS-CDMA Systems

    Kazunari KIHIRA  Rumiko YONEZAWA  Isamu CHIBA  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation


    An adaptive array antenna for the suppression of high-power interference in direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems is presented. Although DS-CDMA has sufficient flexibility to support a variety of services, from voice to moving-pictures, with high levels of quality, multiple access interference (MAI) is a problem. This is particularly so of the high-power interference which accompanies high-speed transmission in DS-CDMA. While the application of adaptive array antennas is an effective way of improving signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), problems with this approach include large levels of power consumption and the high costs of hardware and of implementing the antennas. Therefore, our main purpose is to realize a simple configuration for an adaptive array system. In order to reduce the required amounts of processing, a common beam provides suppression of high-power interference for the low-bit-rate users; this makes per-user preparation of weights unnecessary. This approach also reduces the consumption of power by the system. Interference is cancelled by minimization of the array output power (i.e., the application of a power inversion algorithm) before despreading. The approach also allows us to improve the implementation of the antenna elements by using small auxiliary antennas. The basic performance of the system is confirmed through numerical calculation and computer simulation. Furthermore, a real-time processing unit has been developed and the effectiveness of the approach is confirmed by an experiment in a radio-anechoic chamber.

  • Effect of Conductive Sheet Placed over PCB on Electromagnetic Noise Shielding

    Motoshi TANAKA  Hisashi TAKITA  Hiroshi INOUE  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)


    The effect of a conductive sheet placed over a PCB with a microstrip line on electromagnetic noise shielding is investigated. As a typical conductive sheet, a copper sheet is used, and is not grounded. First, the input impedance of the microstrip line and the magnetic field when varying the distance between the PCB and the conductive sheet are measured, and the distance that does not affect the signal transmission is set at 8 mm. Second, the effect of the conductive sheet size on the magnetic field radiation is discussed by measurements and FDTD modeling, and the magnetic near-field distribution around the PCB is visualized by using the FDTD calculation. A conductive sheet whose width is larger than the PCB width should be effective for suppression of the magnetic near-field noise radiation just above a PCB.

  • Soft-Decision Decoding of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Hard-Detected Optical Communication Signals

    Chen ZHENG  Takaya YAMAZATO  Hiraku OKADA  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories


    A soft-decision decoding scheme of low-density parity-check codes (LDPC) is proposed for hard-detected signals of optical fiber communication (OFC) systems. Based on the error detection, the proposed scheme converts the received hard-decision into soft reliability for the input of the LDPC decoder, and soft-decision decoding is performed. Simulation results under OFC channels are shown and superior performance is obtained by using the proposed decoding scheme of the LDPC codes.

  • An Offline Check System with Reusable Refunds

    Sangjin KIM  Heekuck OH  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories


    We propose a new offline check system that allows refunds to be reused in payments. In this system, a shop issues a new check, called a refund check, for the change. The form of the refund check is much simpler than that of existing checks, and uses a more flexible and efficient denomination method. The new system also provides tracing mechanisms to counter criminal acts and considers the atomicity of transactions occurring in the system.

  • Efficient Anonymous Cash Using the Hash Chain

    Sangjin KIM  Heekuck OH  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories


    An efficient anonymous cash system based on the hash chain is presented. The new system is debit-based and vendor-independent. It also provides tracing mechanisms to reinforce controls on illegal use. The efficiency of the system results from its capacity to pay variable amounts with no additional cost. A client always makes a single blind signature, independent of the length of the chain. During payment, the client makes a single challenge-and-response or one signature, independent of the amount paid.

  • Pre-FFT Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm for OFDM Systems with Array Antenna

    Chan Kyu KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this letter, a new pre-fast Fourier transformation (FFT) adaptive beamforming algorithm is proposed for an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system with an array antenna. The proposed pre-FFT beamforming algorithm for OFDM system can significantly improve BER performance and reduce complexity as the proposed algorithm requires only two processors (one FFT/IFFT). BER performance improvement and convergence behavior of the proposed approach are investigated through computer simulation by applying it to the conventional OFDM system in multipath fading channel.

  • Comparative Study of Iterative Channel Estimation Schemes for Turbo Decoding with Antenna Diversity Reception in Rayleigh Fading

    Ryohei KIMURA  Deepshikha GARG  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    Turbo decoding with coherent detection requires accurate channel estimation. In this paper, we consider outer-turbo channel estimation (OTCE), which carries out iterative channel estimation before turbo decoding, and inner-turbo channel estimation (ITCE), which incorporates iterative channel estimation into turbo decoding process. The average bit error rate (BER) performances with OTCE and ITCE in a frequency nonselective Rayleigh fading channel with antenna diversity reception are evaluated by means of computer simulations to be compared. It is found that although ITCE is superior to OTCE, OTCE provides the average BER performance very close to ITCE when dual antenna diversity reception is used.

  • Genetic Approach to Base Station Placement from Pre-Defined Candidate Sites for Wireless Communications

    Byoung-Seong PARK  Jong-Gwan YOOK  Han-Kyu PARK  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this letter, base station placement is automatically determined from pre-defined candidate sites using a genetic approach, and the transmit power is obtained taking the interference situation into account in cases of interference-dominant systems. In order to apply a genetic algorithm to the base station placement problem, a real-valued representation scheme is proposed. Corresponding operators such as crossover and mutation are also introduced. The proposed algorithm is applied to an inhomogeneous traffic density environment, where a base station's coverage may be limited by offered traffic loads. An objective function is designed for performing the cell planning in a coverage- and cost-effective manner.

  • Performance of Iterative Receiver for Joint Detection and Channel Estimation in SDM/OFDM Systems

    SeungYoung PARK  BoSeok SEO  ChungGu KANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this letter, we study the performance of the iterative receiver as applied to the space division multiplexing/orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (SDM/OFDM) systems. The iterative receiver under consideration employs the soft in/soft out (SISO) decoding process, which operates iteratively in conjunction with channel estimation for performing data detection and channel estimation at the same time. As opposed to the previous studies in which the perfect channel state information is assumed, the effects of channel estimation are taken into account for evaluating the performance of the iterative receiver and it is shown that the channel estimation applied in every iteration step of the iterative receiver plays a crucial role to warrant the performance, especially at a low signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR).

  • An Adaptive Beam-forming Algorithm for Smart Antenna System in Practical CDMA Environments

    Minsoo KIM  Sungsoo AHN  Seungwon CHOI  Tapan K. SARKAR  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    The objective is to generate a suboptimal weight vector for an adaptive array system operating in a multipath fading CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) channel. The total computational load of the proposed procedure is about including the update of autocovariance matrix as well as the weight update itself, where N is the number of antenna elements. The performance of the proposed array system is shown in terms of BER (Bit Error Rate), allowable capacity, and convergence rate in practical CDMA signal environments such as IS95 and IS2000 1X.

  • Performance Improvement of OTD by Symbol Splitting

    Hyun-Goo YOON  Dong-Wook KIM  Jong-Gwan YOOK  Han-Kyu PARK  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    We propose a modified orthogonal transmit diversity (OTD) scheme, which can simultaneously achieve full path diversity and temporal diversity by using symbol splitting. Our proposed method is comparable to space-time spreading (STS) in performance and superior to STS in the cost and efficiency of base station RF devices.

  • SNR Estimation in Frequency Domain

    Dae-Ki HONG  Cheol-Hee PARK  Min-Chul JU  Jin-Woong CHO  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications


    Beaulieu has proposed four signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimators for quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) signaling in time domain. In this letter, we propose SNR estimators for QPSK signaling in frequency domain. A discrete Fourier transform (DFT) algorithm is used for the frequency domain analysis of the received signal. The frequency spectrum enables biased SNR estimation in the frequency domain. Circular convolution is used for robust and fast SNR estimation when the received signal exhibits a frequency offset. Simulation results show that the new estimators present good performance even when the received signal exhibits a large frequency offset.

  • Comparative Performance Evaluation of Movement-Based Registration and Distance-Based Registration

    Byung-Han RYU  Jee-Hwan AHN  Jang-Hyun BAEK  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications


    In this study, we consider movement-based registration (MBR), improved MBR (IMBR) and distance-based registration (DBR). Analytical models based on 2-dimensional random walk in hexagonal cell configuration are considered to analyze the performance of MBR/IMBR and DBR. Especially, we focus on the derivation of the registration cost of DBR scheme by using analytical method and then show that DBR always outperforms not only MBR but also IMBR.

  • Application of the Alternating-Direction Implicit FDTD Method for Analyzing the Power Plane Resonance Problem

    Jeongnam CHEON  Hyunsik PARK  Hyeongdong KIM  

    LETTER-Antenna and Propagation


    In this paper, the power plane resonance problem in a multi-layered PCB is numerically analyzed by applying the alternating-direction implicit (ADI) FDTD method. This method is extremely suitable for analyzing the power plane resonance problems having locally fine structures of two closely located planes. This paper also analyzes the effect of the decoupling capacitor, which is one of the solutions for reducing the resonance problem. The results of the ADI-FDTD agree well with those of the conventional FDTD and the analytic solutions, and the computational CPU time is reduced to about a half of that of the conventional FDTD.

  • Improved Downlink Performance of Transmit Adaptive Array with Limited Feedback Channel Rate by Applying Transmit Antenna Selection

    Cheol Yong AHN  Dong Ku KIM  

    LETTER-Antenna and Propagation


    Transmit adaptive array requires the forward link channel state for evaluating the optimum transmit weight in which a feedback channel transports the forward link channel state to the base station. Since the feedback information limits the transmission rate of the reverse link traffic, it is necessary to keep the number of feedback bits to a minimum. This paper presents a system in which the N transmit antennas are extended to the 2N transmit antennas while the feedback channel is limited as that of N-transmit antenna system. The increased antennas can give additional diversity gain but requires higher rate of feedback bits. The limited feedback channel increases the quantization error of feedback information since the number of feedback bits assigned to each antenna is reduced. In order to overcome the limited rate of feedback channel problem, this paper proposes the transmit antenna selection schemes which can effectively use the limited feedback bits, reduce the computational complexity at the mobile station, and eventually achieve diversity gain. System performances are investigated for the case of N=4 for the various antenna selection schemes on both flat fading and multi-path fading channels.

  • Full Search Based Fast Block Matching Algorithm with Efficient Matching Order in Motion Estimation

    Jong-Nam KIM  SeongChul BYUN  ByungHa AHN  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems


    In this letter we propose a new fast matching algorithm that has no degradation of predicted images such as found in the conventional full search (FS) algorithm, so as to reduce the amount of computation of the FS algorithm for motion estimation in real-time video coding applications. That is, our proposing algorithm reduces only unnecessary computations in the process of motion estimation without decreasing the prediction quality compared to the conventional FS algorithm. The computational reduction comes from rapid elimination of impossible motion vectors. In comparison to the FS algorithm, we obtained faster elimination of inappropriate candidate motion vectors using efficient matching units based on image complexity. Experimentally, we demonstrated that the unnecessary computations were removed by about 30% as compared to the other fast FS algorithms.

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