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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E96-C No.9  (Publication Date:2013/09/01)

    Special Section on Recent Development of Electro-Mechanical Devices — Papers selected from International Session on Electro-Mechanical Devices 2012 (IS-EMD2012) and other recent research results —
  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Hiroshi INOUE  


  • The Contact Resistance Performance of Gold Coated Carbon-Nanotube Surfaces under Low Current Switching Open Access

    John W. McBRIDE  Chamaporn CHIANRABUTRA  Liudi JIANG  Suan Hui PU  



    Multi-Walled CNT (MWCNT) are synthesized on a silicon wafer and sputter coated with a gold film. The planar surfaces are mounted on the tip of a piezo-electric actuator and mated with a gold coated hemispherical surface to form an electrical contact. These switching contacts are tested under conditions typical of MEMS relay applications; 4V, with a static contact force of 1mN, at a low current between 20-50mA. The failure of the switch is identified by the evolution of contact resistance which is monitored throughout the switching cycles. The results show that the contact resistance can be stable for up to 120 million switching cycles, which are 106 orders of higher than state-of-the-art pure gold contact. Bouncing behavior was also observed in each switching cycle. The failing mechanism was also studied in relation to the contact surface changes. It was observed that the contact surfaces undergo a transfer process over the switching life time, ultimately leading to switching failure the number of bounces is also related to the fine transfer failure mechanism.

  • Fretting Characteristics of Dissimilar Metal Contacts

    Tetsuya ITO  Takuya YAMANAKA  Yasuhiro HATTORI  



    The authors previously conducted the observation of microstructures and three-dimensional SEM on fretting wear phenomena at tin-plated contacts. In this study, we report the fretting characteristics of dissimilar metal contacts by studying the relation between the contact resistance behaviors and micro structural changes of gold and tin-plated fretting contacts, through surface SEM observations and cross sectional SEM and AES analysis.

  • Experimental Analysis of Arc Waveform Affected by Holder Temperature Change at Slowly Separation of Silver-Tin Dioxide Contacts

    Yoshiki KAYANO  Kazuaki MIYANAGA  Hiroshi INOUE  



    Arc discharge at breaking electrical contact is considered as a main source of not only degradation of the electrical property but also an undesired electromagnetic (EM) noise. In order to clarify the effect of holder temperature on the bridge and arc-duration, opening-waveforms at slowly separating silver-tin dioxide contact with different holder temperature are measured and discussed experimentally in this paper. Firstly, as opening-waveforms, the contact voltage, the contact current and the movement of moving contact related to the gap length are measured simultaneously. Secondly, the relationship between temperature of the holder and duration of the arc was quantified experimentally. It was revealed that as the initial temperature of the holder becomes higher, arc-duration becomes slightly longer. More importantly, the holder temperature dependencies of percentage of each-phase (metallic and gaseous-phases) are different with different closed-current.

  • Influence of the Splitter Plates on the High Current Air Arc in Low Voltage Circuit Breaker

    Hongwu LIU  Ruiliang GUAN  Nairui YIN  Xinyi XIE  Degui CHEN  



    The influence of the splitter plates on the high-current arc roots formation in low voltage circuit breaker is investigated. One arc quenching chamber model is designed, where the shape of the splitter plates can be changed. The capacitor bank circuit is used to provide the test power supply, and the effective value of the prospective short circuit current is fixed to 10kA. High speed CCD camera is adopted to record the arc images during the arcing duration. Arc current and voltage are also measured to analyze the arc characteristics. In addition, a simplified 1-D thermal-electric model is developed to investigate the influence of the splitter plates on the distribution of the current density of the arc plasma with the assumption of local thermal equilibrium (LTE). It shows that the distance between the arc initial ignition location and the splitter plates is crucial to the arc root formation.

  • Study on Arc Behaviors at Opening a 270V Resistive Circuit by Bridge-Type Contacts under Magnetic Field

    Xue ZHOU  Xinglei CUI  Guofu ZHAI  



    Bridge-type contacts are mainly used in high voltage direct current contactors for their performance of arc extinguishment and break capacity. It is also easy to add external magnetic field in them to blow the arc. Experiments on the arc behaviors were carried out when a copper bridge-type contact pair opening a 270V resistive circuit in the air. Influences of the shape of the movable contact, the opening speed and the magnetic flux density on the key behaviors, such as the arc duration, the arc re-ignition and the stability of arcing process, were investigated by using an oscilloscope and a high-speed camera. It was revealed that a uniform magnetic field with proper density could extinguish the arc stably and could reduce the arc re-ignition.

  • Arc Length of Break Arcs Magnetically Blown-Out at Arc Extinction in a DC450V/10A Resistive Circuit

    Hitoshi ONO  Junya SEKIKAWA  



    Silver electrical contacts are separated at a constant speed and break arcs are generated in a DC300V-450V/10A resistive circuit. The transverse magnetic field formed by a permanent magnet is applied to the break arcs. Alumina pipes are placed around the contacts to restrict the motion of break arcs. The dependences of the arc lengthening time and arc length just before arc extinction L on the strength of the magnetic field and supply voltage are investigated. It was found that the arc lengthening time increases with increasing supply voltage E and tends to decrease when the magnetic flux density Bx is increased. The arc length just before arc extinction L increases with increasing E and decreasing Bx. It also increases linearly with increasing arc lengthening time tm when no reignitions occur.

  • Positions of Arc Spots of Break Arcs Occurring between Carbon Contacts When Transverse Magnetic Field Is Applied

    Tomoaki SASAKI  Junya SEKIKAWA  



    Break arcs are generated between carbon contacts in a DC48V and 10A resistive circuit. The external transverse magnetic field formed by a permanent magnet is applied to break arcs. The position of the cathode spot region of the break arcs occurring between carbon contacts is investigated and the following results are shown. The cathode and anode spot regions moves together with and without the magnetic field. The position of the break arcs just before arc extinction tends to shift upward with increase of the magnetic flux density of the transverse magnetic field.

  • Contact Resistance Distribution on Anode Surfaces Eroded by Break Arcs in a DC48V Resistive Circuit

    Junya SEKIKAWA  Katsuyoshi MIYAJI  



    Break arcs are generated in a DC48V resistive circuit. The circuit current is varied from 1A to 6A. The contact resistance distribution on the anode surfaces eroded by break arcs is investigated. The following results are shown. When the current is 2A, 3A and 6A, the contact resistance at the center region of the anode surface is higher than that around the center region. The contact resistance around the center region decreases with the decrease of the circuit current. When the current is 1A, the contact resistance is very low at all positions on the contact surface. The lower contact resistance may be caused by the occurrence of the short arc that is extinguished in the metallic phase arc.

  • Evaluation of Resistance and Inductance of Loose Connector Contact

    Kazuya UEHARA  Yu-ichi HAYASHI  Takaaki MIZUKI  Hideaki SONE  



    The contact surface of a loose connector has both contact resistance and low inductance, and the inductance depends on the distribution of the true contacts. The contact resistance and inductance were measured by time-domain reflectometry (TDR) for seven contact distribution models. The resistance was approximately constant, while the maximum inductance varied more than twofold depending on the distribution model.

  • Noncontact PIM Measurement Method Using Partial Impedance-Matching Method

    Kensuke SAITO  Daijiro ISHIBASHI  Nobuhiro KUGA  



    In this letter, we propose a partial impedance-matching method using a two-strip resonator for noncontact Passive Intermodulation (PIM) measurements using a coaxial tube. It is shown that the strip closer to the inner tube of the coaxial tube is dominant in the observed PIM characteristics while both strips are excited equally. The ideal efficiency of power to each strip is 50%, which is a significant improvement in comparison with conventional methods.

  • Compact Convertor with Magnetic Integrated Structure

    Ziqiang XU  Wanting ZHOU  



    A compact DC-DC convertor is proposed and fabricated by LTCC technology. Multilayer packaging structure is utilized for size reduction. Measured results are provided to show good performance and validate proposed structure. With the inductor embedded into ferrite substrate, the convertor exhibits advantages of both miniature size and high reliability compared with conventional ones.

  • Experimental and Calculated Cyclic Elasto-Plastic Deformations of Copper-Based Spring Materials

    Yasuhiro HATTORI  Kingo FURUKAWA  Fusahito YOSHIDA  



    The reliability of a connector depends on the contact force generated by the spring in the terminal of a connector. The springs are commonly formed by stamping from a strip of spring material. Therefore, the prediction of the force — displacement relation by the finite element (FE) method is very important for the design of terminals. For simulation, an accurate model of stress-strain (s-s) responses of the materials is required. When the materials are deformed in the forward and then the reverse directions, almost all spring materials show different s-s responses between the two directions, due to the Bauschinger effect. This phenomenon makes simulation difficult because the s-s response depends on the prior deformation of the material. Hence, the measurement of the s-s response is the elementary process, by cyclic tension and compression testing in which materials deform elastically and plastically. Then, the s-s responses should be described accurately by mathematical models for FE simulation. In this paper, the authors compare the experimental s-s responses of copper-based materials with conventional mathematical models and the Yoshida-Uemori model, which is a constitutive model having high capability of describing the elastic and plastic behavior of cyclic deformation. The calculated s-s responses only by Yoshida-Uemori model were in very good agreement with the corresponding experimental results. Therefore, the use of this model for FE simulation would be recommended for a more accurate prediction of force-displacement relation of the spring.

  • Evaluation of Basic Dynamical Parameters in Printed Circuit Board — Mass, Force, and Acceleration —

    Shin-ichi WADA  Koichiro SAWA  



    The authors have developed a mechanism that applies real vibration to electrical contacts by hammering oscillation in the vertical direction similar to that in real cases, and they have studied the effects of micro-oscillation on the contacts using the mechanism. It is shown that the performance of the hammering oscillation mechanism (HOM) for measuring acceleration and force is superior to that of other methods in terms of the stability of data. Using the mechanism, much simpler and more practical protocols are proposed for evaluating acceleration, force, and mass using only the measured acceleration. It is also indicated that the relationship between the inertial force generated by the hammering oscillation mechanism and the frictional force in electrical devices attached on a board is related to one of the causes of the degradation of electrical contacts under the effect of external micro-oscillation.

  • MU-Type Multicore Fiber Connector

    Ryo NAGASE  Katsuyoshi SAKAIME  Kengo WATANABE  Tsunetoshi SAITO  



    We have developed a 7-core-fiber connector. To maintain both the ferrule floating mechanism and precise alignment around the ferrule axis, we employed Oldham's coupling mechanism inside an MU-type connector plug housing and realized an average attenuation of 0.13dB and an average return loss of 48.2dB.

  • Regular Section
  • Generation of Controllable Heating Patterns for Interstitial Microwave Hyperthermia by Coaxial-Dipole Antennas

    Kazuyuki SAITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory


    Hyperthermia is one of the modalities for cancer treatment, utilizing the difference of thermal sensitivity between tumor and normal tissue. Interstitial microwave hyperthermia is one of the heating schemes and it is applied to a localized tumor. In the treatments, heating pattern control around antennas are important, especially for the treatment in and around critical organs. This paper introduces a coaxial-dipole antenna, which is one of the thin microwave antennas and can generate a controllable heating pattern. Moreover, generations of an arbitrary shape heating patterns by an array applicator composed of four coaxial-dipole antennas are described.

  • A Range-Extended and Area-Efficient Time-to-Digital Converter Utilizing Ring-Tapped Delay Line

    Xin-Gang WANG  Fei WANG  Rui JIA  Rui CHEN  Tian ZHI  Hai-Gang YANG  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits


    This paper proposes a coarse-fine Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC), based on a Ring-Tapped Delay Line (RTDL). The TDC achieves the picosecond's level timing resolution and microsecond's level dynamic range at low cost. The TDC is composed of two coarse time measurement blocks, a time residue generator, and a fine time measurement block. In the coarse blocks, RTDL is constructed by redesigning the conventional Tapped Delay Line (TDL) in a ring structure. A 12-bit counter is employed in one of the two coarse blocks to count the cycle times of the signal traveling in the RTDL. In this way, the input range is increased up to 20.3µs without use of an external reference clock. Besides, the setup time of soft-edged D-flip-flops (SDFFs) adopted in RTDL is set to zero. The adjustable time residue generator picks up the time residue of the coarse block and propagates the residue to the fine block. In the fine block, we use a Vernier Ring Oscillator (VRO) with MOS capacitors to achieve a scalable timing resolution of 11.8ps (1 LSB). Experimental results show that the measured characteristic curve has high-level linearity; the measured DNL and INL are within ± 0.6 LSB and ± 1.5 LSB, respectively. When stimulated by constant interval input, the standard deviation of the system is below 0.35 LSB. The dead time of the proposed TDC is less than 650ps. When operating at 5 MSPS at 3.3V power supply, the power consumption of the chip is 21.5mW. Owing to the use of RTDL and VRO structures, the chip core area is only 0.35mm × 0.28mm in a 0.35µm CMOS process.

  • Data Convertors Design for Optimization of the DDPL Family

    Song JIA  Li LIU  Xiayu LI  Fengfeng WU  Yuan WANG  Ganggang ZHANG  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits


    Information security has been seriously threatened by the differential power analysis (DPA). Delay-based dual-rail precharge logic (DDPL) is an effective solution to resist these attacks. However, conventional DDPL convertors have some shortcomings. In this paper, we propose improved convertor pairs based on dynamic logic and a sense amplifier (SA). Compared with the reference CMOS-to-DDPL convertor, our scheme could save 69% power consumption. As to the comparison of DDPL-to-CMOS convertor, the speed and power performances could be improved by 39% and 54%, respectively.

  • A Novel Pattern Run-Length Coding Method for Test Data Compression

    Diancheng WU  Yu LIU  Hao ZHU  Donghui WANG  Chengpeng HAO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Integrated Electronics


    This paper presents a novel data compression method for testing integrated circuits within the framework of pattern run-length coding. The test set is firstly divided into 2n-length patterns where n is a natural number. Then the compatibility of each pattern, which can be an external type, or an internal type, is analyzed. At last, the codeword of each pattern is generated according to its analysis result. Experimental results for large ISCAS89 benchmarks show that the proposed method can obtain a higher compression ratio than existing ones.

  • A Current-Mirror Winner-Take-All Sense Amplifier for Low Voltage SRAMs

    Song JIA  Heqing XU  Fengfeng WU  Yuan WANG  

    BRIEF PAPER-Integrated Electronics


    We propose a current mode sense amplifier that uses a current-mirror to increase the bitline sensing current, which dominates the sensing speed. A comparison of the sensing delay shows that the proposed sense amplifier can provide about 12.6∼15.4% improvement depending on different bitline loads in sensing speed over original WTA scheme.

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