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[Keyword] DPA(155hit)


  • Novel Compact Microstrip Dual-Mode Ring Resonator Wideband Bandpass Filter with Significantly Improved Stopband Property

    Peng CAI  Zhewang MA  Xuehui GUAN  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  Tetsuo ANADA  

    PAPER-Passive Circuits/Components

    E89-C No:12

    A novel wideband bandpass filter with improved stopband characteristics is presented in this paper. Dual-mode square ring resonator is used in the proposed filter. New formulas based on the even- and odd-mode analysis are derived to facilitate the design of transmission zeros of the square ring resonator. A short-circuited stub and a piece of aperture-enhanced parallel-coupled lines are introduced to the input and output of the resonator to lower the passband return loss and widen the stopband of the filter significantly. The filter has a 50% fractional bandwidth, is compact in configuration, and shows remarkably improved performance compared with previously reported filters of the same kind. The measured filtering response shows a good agreement with the simulated result.

  • 60 GHz Bandpass Filter Using NRD Guide E-Plane Resonators

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Tsukasa YONEYAMA  

    PAPER-Passive Circuits/Components

    E89-C No:12

    A novel structure of bandpass filter using NRD guide E-plane resonators is proposed. The NRD guide E-plane resonator is constructed by inserting metal foils in the E-plane of NRD guide. Simulation, fabrication and handling of the filter are very easy because each resonator is separated by simple metal foils. Chebyshev response bandpass filters are designed based on the theory of direct-coupled resonator filters and fabricated at 60 GHz. Simulated and measured filter performances agreed well with the design specifications. Insertion losses of the fabricated filters were found to be around 0.3 dB for 3-pole filter and 0.5 dB for 5-pole bandpass filter, respectively.

  • Microstrip Bandpass Filters with Reduced Size and Improved Stopband Characteristics Using New Stepped-Impedance Resonators


    PAPER-Passive Circuits/Components

    E89-C No:12

    This paper proposes a new microstrip stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) used for bandpass filters with reduced size and improved stopband characteristics. A comprehensive treatment of both ends of the resonator with loaded triangular and rectangular microstrips is described. The design concept is demonstrated by two filter examples including four-resonator parallel-coupled Chebyshev bandpass and compact four-resonator cross-coupled elliptic-type filters. These filters are not only compact size due to the slow-wave effect, but also have a wider upper stopband resulting from the resonator bandstop characteristic. The filter designs are described in details. The simulated and experimental results are demonstrated and discussed.

  • Microwave Planar Varactor Tuned Bandpass Filters: Historical Overview

    Haeng-Seon LEE  Sang-Won YUN  


    E89-C No:12

    This paper overviews the history of a class of varactor tuned bandpass filters. Since the miniaturization as well as the high performance of the tunable bandpass filters is required for the next generation mobile communication systems, the discussion is focused on the various planar type tunable filters including active configurations. Brief design concepts of various tunable filter configurations as well as their characteristics are discussed.

  • A Bipolar Linear Transconductor Using Translinear Cells and Its Application

    Won-Sup CHUNG  Seong-Hoon KIM  Sang-Hee SON  Hee-jun KIM  

    LETTER-Analog Signal Processing

    E89-A No:11

    A novel linear transconductor using translinear cells is proposed. It consists of a voltage follower, a resistor, and a current follower. SPICE simulations using an 8 GHz bipolar transistor-array parameter show that the linear transconductor with a transconductance of 1 mS exhibits a linearity error of less than 0.75% over an input voltage range of 1 V for a supply voltage of 2.0 V. The temperature coefficient of the transconductance is less than 124 ppm/. The -3-dB frequency of the transconductance is more than 4.5 GHz. Applying the linear transconductor as a building block, the design of a bandpass filter with center frequency of 85 MHz and Q-factor of 80 is presented.

  • A Compact C-CMRC Feeding Open-Loop Resonator for Harmonic Rejection Bandpass Filter

    Jianzhong GU  Xiaowei SUN  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E89-C No:9

    A compact open-loop resonator bandpass filter is presented to suppress the spurious passband using compensated compact microstrip resonant cell (C-CMRC) feeding structure. Based on the inherently compact and stopband characteristics of the C-CMRC feeding, the proposed filters shows a better spurious rejection performance than the only open-loop resonator filter. The suppression is -57.4 dB, -49.5 dB, and -43.9 dB at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th harmonic signal separately. All the performance of proposed filters have been verified by the measured results.

  • On the Performance of Multiuser MIMO Systems in WCDMA/HSDPA: Beamforming, Feedback and User Diversity

    James (Sungjin) KIM  Hojin KIM  Chang Soon PARK  Kwang Bok LEE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E89-B No:8

    Several multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques have been proposed for 3GPP WCDMA/HSDPA systems and several performance evaluation for the comparison purpose are in progress. Most MIMO candidates in HSDPA have been generally designed for point-to-point communication, which means that a single-user throughput is of their major concern. However, multiple users and user scheduling need to be considered in wireless packet transmission, so as to maximize system throughput. In this paper we propose an effective user scheduling technique in both space and time domains that offers three main benefits, which are the spatial-beamforming, uplink feedback signaling, and advanced receivers. Furthermore, user scheduling is combined with modified successive interference cancellation (SIC) reception, which allocates all transmit antennas to the best user with SIC or each transmit antenna to different users with minimum mean squared-error (MMSE). Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has higher user diversity gain than other MIMO candidates in terms of achievable throughput.

  • Improved Stopband of the Dual-Mode Ring Bandpass Filter Using Periodic Complementary Spilt-Ring Resonators

    Hung-Wei WU  Min-Hang WENG  Yan-Kuin SU  Cheng-Yuan HUNG  Ru-Yuan YANG  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E89-C No:8

    This investigation proposes a modified equivalent circuit of single complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) in planar transmission media and a dual-mode ring bandpass filter (BPF) that uses periodic CSRRs to suppress the spurious response. The proposed modified equivalent circuit consists of lumped elements that can be easily extracted from the measured S parameters. The proposed dual-mode ring BPF has exhibits a wide stopband characteristic owing to the bandgap resonant characteristic of CSRRs in the harmonic frequency of the dual-mode ring BPF. Good agreement with EM simulation and measurement is demonstrated.

  • Secure Elliptic Curve Exponentiation against RPA, ZRA, DPA, and SPA

    Hideyo MAMIYA  Atsuko MIYAJI  Hiroaki MORIMOTO  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E89-A No:8

    In the execution on a smart card, side channel attacks such as the simple power analysis (SPA) and the differential power analysis (DPA) have become serious threat. Side channel attacks monitor the side channel information such as power consumption and even exploit the leakage information related to power consumption to reveal bits of a secret key d although d is hidden inside a smart card. Almost public key cryptosystems including RSA, DLP-based cryptosystems, and elliptic curve cryptosystems execute an exponentiation algorithm with a secret-key exponent, and they thus suffer from both SPA and DPA. In the case of elliptic curve cryptosystems, DPA is improved to the refined power analysis (RPA), which exploits a special point with a zero value and reveals a secret key. RPA is further generalized to zero-value register attack (ZRA). Both RPA and ZRA utilize a special feature of elliptic curves that happens to have a special point or a register used in addition and doubling formulae with a zero value and that the power consumption of 0 is distinguishable from that of a non-zero element. To make the matters worse, some previous efficient countermeasures to DPA are neither resistant to RPA nor ZRA. This paper focuses on elegant countermeasures of elliptic curve exponentiations against RPA, ZRA, DPA and SPA. Our novel countermeasure is easily generalized to be more efficient algorithm with a pre-computed table.

  • A Design of Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulators Using a Fully-Differential Resonant-Tunneling Comparator

    Keisuke EGUCHI  Masaru CHIBASHI  Shinpei NAKAGAWA  Mitsuhiro TANIHATA  Takao WAHO  

    PAPER-THz Devices

    E89-C No:7

    Ultrahigh-speed continuous-tine delta-sigma modulators (DSMs) have been designed by using a fully-differential comparator consisting of resonant-tunneling diodes (RTDs) and HEMTs. Continuous-time lowpass and bandpass filters using HEMTs have also been incorporated to obtain lowpass- and bandpass-type DSMs, respectively. Circuit simulation assuming 0.1-µm InP-based HEMT and RTD technology has revealed a successful operation of the 2nd-order lowpass DSM at a sampling frequency of 20 GHz. The clock frequency was 10 GHz because of the double sampling function of the present comparator. The 2nd-order bandpass DSM has also been designed with a center frequency of 3 GHz. These results clearly show high potential of the present delta-sigma modulators.

  • Experiments on HSDPA Throughput Performance in W-CDMA Systems

    Hiroyuki ISHII  Tomoki SAO  Shinya TANAKA  Shinsuke OGAWA  Yousuke IIZUKA  Takeshi NAKAMORI  Takehiro NAKAMURA  


    E89-A No:7

    In this paper, we present laboratory and field experimental results using High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) test-beds in order to reveal the actual HSDPA performance based on key technologies such as base station (BS) scheduling, adaptive modulation and coding, hybrid automatic repeat request, and advanced receiver design. First, this paper evaluates the effects of advanced user equipment capabilities such as the maximum number of multi-codes, transmit diversity, receive diversity, and a chip equalizer. Increases in throughput of 60% and 85% due to using 10 and 15 codes were observed compared to 5 codes, respectively. The gain of 22% was obtained by applying closed-loop transmit diversity to the HSDPA network. Receive diversity improves the throughput in the region from low to high signal-to-interference ratio, and the gain of 45% was obtained by applying receive diversity to the conventional RAKE receiver. A throughput gain of approximately 17% due to the use of the chip equalizer was obtained and it was observed mainly in the high Ior/Ioc region and under multi-path conditions. Second, field experiments are conducted to elucidate the effects of multi-user diversity using a BS scheduling algorithm, and reveal that proportional fairness scheduling provides both the increase in sector throughput of 18% and a sufficient degree of fairness among users. The transmit control protocol (TCP)-level throughput performance is also investigated in order to reveal the actual end-user throughput. The results show that the throughput rate of approximately 90% of the throughput of the MAC-hs layer is achieved in the TCP layer in the laboratory experiments and in the field experiments.

  • A Very Low Power 10 MHz CMOS Continuous-Time Bandpass Filter with On-Chip Automatic Tuning

    Gholamreza Zareh FATIN  Mohammad GHADAMI  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E89-C No:7

    A second-order CMOS continuous-time bandpass filter with a tuneable 4-12 MHz center frequency (fc) is presented. The Design has been done by using a new second-order block which is based on Gm-C method. This Gm-C filter achieves a dynamic range of 30 dB for 1% IM3, and Q equal to 58 at 12 MHz, while dissipating only 10.5 mW from 3.3 V power supply in 0.35 µm CMOS process. The on-chip indirect automatic tuning circuit uses a phase-locked loop which sets filter center frequency to an external reference clock.

  • Enhanced Exhaustive Search Attack on Randomized BSD Type Countermeasure

    Dong-Guk HAN  Katsuyuki OKEYA  Tae Hyun KIM  Yoon Sung HWANG  Beomin KIM  Young-Ho PARK  


    E89-A No:5

    We propose a new analysis technique against a class of countermeasure using randomized binary signed digit (BSD) representations. We also introduce some invariant properties between BSD representations. The proposed analysis technique can directly recover the secret key from power measurements without information for algorithm because of the invariant properties of BSD representation. Thus the proposed attack is applicable to all countermeasures using BSD representations. Finally, we give the simulation results against some countermeasures using BSD representation such as Ha-Moon method, Ebeid-Hasan method, and the method of Agagliate et al. The results show that the proposed attack is practical analysis method.

  • Spurious Suppression of a Parallel Coupled Microstrip Bandpass Filter with Simple Ring EBG Cells on the Middle Layer

    Hung-Wei WU  Min-Hang WENG  Yan-Kuin SU  Ru-Yuan YANG  Cheng-Yuan HUNG  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E89-C No:4

    This paper proposes a parallel coupled microstrip bandpass filter (BPF) with ring Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) cells on the middle layer for spurious suppression. The ring EBG cells of the middle layer add a good stopband-rejection mode to the second harmonics of the parallel coupled microstrip BPF with suppression of over -50 dB, without affecting the center frequency and insertion loss of the original designed BPF. The design of ring EBG cells is presented and verified by the experimented results.

  • Complex Bandpass ΔΣAD Modulator Architecture without I, Q-Path Crossing Layout

    Hao SAN  Akira HAYAKAWA  Yoshitaka JINGU  Hiroki WADA  Hiroyuki HAGIWARA  Kazuyuki KOBAYASHI  Haruo KOBAYASHI  Tatsuji MATSUURA  Kouichi YAHAGI  Junya KUDOH  Hideo NAKANE  Masao HOTTA  Toshiro TSUKADA  Koichiro MASHIKO  Atsushi WADA  


    E89-A No:4

    This paper proposes a new architecture for multibit complex bandpass ΔΣAD modulators with built-in Switched-Capacitor (SC) circuits for application to Low-IF receivers such as used for Bluetooth and WLAN. In the realization of complex bandpass ΔΣAD modulators, we face the following problems: (i) SNR of AD converter is deteriorated by mismatches between internal analog I and Q paths. (ii) Layout design becomes complicated because of signal lines crossing by complex filter and feedback from DAC for I and Q paths in the complex modulator, and this increases required chip area. We propose a new structure for a complex bandpass ΔΣAD modulator which can be completely divided into two paths without layout crossing, and solves the problems mentioned above. The two parts of signal paths and circuits in the modulator are changed for I and Q while CLK is changed for High/Low by adding multiplexers. Symmetric circuits are used for I and Q paths at a certain timing, and they are switched by multiplexers to those used for Q and I paths at another timing. Therefore the influence from mismatches between I and Q paths is reduced by dynamic matching. As a result, the modulator is divided into two separate parts without crossing signal lines between I and Q paths and its layout design can be greatly simplified compared with conventional modulators. We have conducted MATLAB simulations to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed structure.

  • Design of a New Bandpass Filter Using Anti-Parallel Coupled Asymmetric SIRs

    Ching-Her LEE  Chung-I G. HSU  He-Kai JHUANG  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E89-C No:4

    In this paper a newly designed internally-coupled asymmetric stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) bandpass filter (BPF) is proposed. The asymmetric SIR structure not only can effectively reduce the circuit size but also can provide two flexibly tunable transmission zeros near the lower and upper passband edges. The first transmission zero is due to the series resonance of the quarter-wavelength open stepped-impedance stub, and the second one is produced by anti-parallel coupling between adjacent SIRs. The proposed BPF was fabricated and simulated using the commercial software HFSS, and agreement between the measured and simulated results was observed. A 0.9-dB insertion loss and a shape factor of 3.6 were achieved in the passband, thus indicating that the proposed filter structure is of practical value.

  • High-Speed Continuous-Time Subsampling Bandpass ΔΣ AD Modulator Architecture Employing Radio Frequency DAC

    Masafumi UEMORI  Haruo KOBAYASHI  Tomonari ICHIKAWA  Atsushi WADA  Koichiro MASHIKO  Toshiro TSUKADA  Masao HOTTA  


    E89-A No:4

    This paper proposes a continuous-time bandpass ΔΣAD modulator architecture which performs high-accuracy AD conversion of high frequency analog signals and can be used for next-generation radio systems. We use an RF DAC inside the modulator to enable subsampling and also to make the SNDR of the continuous-time modulator insensitive to DAC sampling clock jitter. We have confirmed that this is the case by MATLAB simulation. We have also extended our modulator to multi-bit structures and show that this alleviates excess loop delay problems.

  • Aperture-Backed Microstrip-Line Stepped-Impedance Resonators and Transformers for Performance-Enhanced Bandpass Filters

    Hang WANG  Lei ZHU  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E89-C No:3

    A novel class of microstrip bandpass filter is configured using the impedance transformers and an improved stepped impedance resonator (SIR). This SIR is composed of a central narrow strip section with an aperture on ground and two wide strip sections at the two sides. This low-high-low SIR resonator has a promising capability in achieving an extremely large ratio of first two resonant frequencies for design of a bandpass filter with ultra-broad stopband. The two quarter-wavelength transformers with low and high impedances, referred as to impedance- and admittance-inverters, are modeled and utilized as alternative types of inductive and capacitive coupling elements with highly tightened degrees for wideband filter design. After extensive investigation is made on the two transformers and the proposed SIR, the two novel bandpass filters are constructed, designed and implemented. Two sets of predicted and measured frequency responses over a wide frequency range both quantitatively exhibit their several attractive features, such as ultra-broad stopband with deep rejection and broadened dominant passband with low insertion loss.

  • Design of Equiripple Minimum Phase FIR Filters with Ripple Ratio Control

    Masahiro OKUDA  Masaaki IKEHARA  Shin-ichi TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E89-A No:3

    In this paper, we present a numerical method for the equiripple approximation of minimum phase FIR digital filters. Many methods have been proposed for the design of such filters. Many of them first design a linear phase filter whose length is twice as long, and then factorize the filter to obtain the minimum phase. Although these methods theoretically guarantee its optimality, it is difficult to control the ratio of ripples between different bands. In the conventional lowpass filter design, for example, when different weights are given for its passband and stopband, one needs to iteratively design the filter by trial and error to achieve the ratio of the weights exactly. To address this problem, we modifies well-known Parks-McClellan algorithm and make it possible to directly control the ripple ratios. The method iteratively solves a set of linear equations with controlling the ratio of ripples. Using this method, the equiripple solutions are obtained quickly.

  • A Novel Compact HTS Interdigital Bandpass Filter Using CPW Quarter-Wavelength Resonators

    Zhewang MA  Tamio KAWAGUCHI  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  Daisuke KOIZUMI  Kei SATOH  Shoichi NARAHASHI  


    E89-C No:2

    A novel high temperature superconducting interdigital bandpass filter is proposed by using coplanar waveguide quarter-wavelength resonators. The CPW resonators are arranged in parallel, and consequently the filter becomes very compact. The filter is a 5-pole Chebyshev BPF with a midband frequency of 5.0 GHz and an equal-ripple fractional bandwidth of 3.2%. It is fabricated using a YBCO film deposited on an MgO substrate. The measured filtering characteristics agree well with EM simulations and show a low insertion loss in spite of the small size of the filter.


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