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[Keyword] component(271hit)


  • Scatterer Information Estimation Method by TD-SPT Using Numerical Data of Response Waveforms of Backward Transient Scattering Field Components Open Access

    Keiji GOTO  Toru KAWANO  Ryohei NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E108-C No:1

    This paper presents a scatterer information estimation method for both E- and H-polarizations based on a time-domain saddle-point technique (TD-SPT). The method utilizes numerical data of the response waveforms of the reflected geometric optical ray (RGO) series, which constitute the backward transient scattering field components when a line source and an observation point are at the same location. A scatterer selected in the paper is a two-dimensional (2-D) coated cylinder. The three types of scatterer information are the relative permittivity of a coating medium layer and its thickness, and the outer radius of a coated cylinder. Specifically, the scatterer information estimation formulas are derived by applying the TD-SPT represented in RGO series to the amplitude intensity ratios (AIRs) of adjacent RGO components. By focusing on the analytical results that the AIRs are independent of polarization, we analytically clarify that all the estimation formulas derived here denote polarization independence. The estimates are obtained by substituting numerical data of the peaks of the response waveforms of the RGO components and their arrival times, as well as numerical parameters of a pulse source, into the estimation formulas and performing iterative calculations. We derive approximations to the estimation errors that are useful in quantitatively evaluating the errors of the estimates. The effectiveness of the scatterer information estimation method is substantiated by comparing the estimates with the set values. The polarization independence of the estimation formulas is validated numerically by contrasting the estimates for E- and H-polarizations. The estimation errors are discussed using the approximations to the errors of the estimates when a line source and an observation point are at the same location. Thereafter, the discrepancies that arise between the estimation errors when a line source and an observation point are at different locations are discussed. The methods to control the estimation accuracy and the computational time are also discussed.

  • Strategies for DOA-DNN Estimation Accuracy Improvement at Low and High SNRs Open Access

    Daniel Akira ANDO  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takanori SATO  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  Junichiro HAGIWARA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E108-B No:1

    Implementation of several wireless applications such as radar systems and source localization is possible with direction of arrival (DOA) estimation, an array signal processing technique. In the past, we proposed a DOA estimation method using deep neural networks (DNNs), which presented very good performance compared to the traditional root multiple signal classification (root-MUSIC) algorithm when the number of radio wave sources is two. However, once three radio wave sources are considered, the performance of that proposed DNN decays especially at low and high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). In this paper, mainly focusing on the case of three sources, we present two additional strategies based on our previous method and capable of dealing with each SNR region. The first, which supports DOA estimation at low SNRs, is a scheme that makes use of principal component analysis (PCA). By representing the DNN input data in a lower dimension with PCA, it is believed that the noise corrupting the data is greatly reduced, which leads to improved performance at such SNRs. The second, which supports DOA estimation at high SNRs, is a scheme where several DNNs specialized in radio waves with close DOA are accordingly selected to produce a more reliable angular spectrum grid in such circumstances. Finally, in order to merge both ideas together, we use our previously proposed SNR estimation technique, with which appropriate selection between the two schemes mentioned above is performed. We have verified the superiority of our methods over root-MUSIC and our previous technique through computer simulation when the number of sources is three. In addition, brief discussion on the performance of these proposed methods for the case of higher number of sources is also given.

  • Underdetermined RFID Tag Anti-Collision Based on Bounded Component Analysis Open Access

    Ling WANG  Zhongqiang LUO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E108-A No:1

    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one of the key technologies of the Internet of Things. However, during its application, it faces a huge challenge of co-frequency interference cancellation, that is, the tag collision problem. The multi-tag anti-collision problem is modeled as a Blind Source Separation (BSS) problem from the perspective of system communication transmission layer signal processing. In order to reduce the cost of the reader antenna, this paper uses the boundedness of the tag communication signal to propose an underdetermined RFID tag anti-collision method based on Bounded Component Analysis (BCA). This algorithm converts the underdetermined tag into the signal collision model is combined with the BCA mechanism. Verification analysis was conducted using simulation data. The experimental results show that compared with the nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) algorithm based on minimum correlation and minimum volume constraints, the bounded component analysis method proposed in this article can perform better. Solving the underdetermined collision problem greatly improves the effect of eliminating co-channel interference of tag signals, improves the system bit error rate performance, and reduces the complexity of the underdetermined model system.

  • A Combination Method for Impedance Extraction of SMD Electronic Components Based on Full-Wave Simulation and De-Embedding Technique Open Access

    Yang XIAO  Zhongyuan ZHOU  Mingjie SHENG  Qi ZHOU  

    PAPER-Measurement Technology

    E107-A No:8

    The method of extracting impedance parameters of surface mounted (SMD) electronic components by test is suitable for components with unknown model or material information, but requires consideration of errors caused by non-coaxial and measurement fixtures. In this paper, a fixture for impedance measurement is designed according to the characteristics of passive devices, and the fixture de-embedding method is used to eliminate errors and improve the test accuracy. The method of obtaining S parameters of fixture based on full wave simulation proposed in this paper can provide a thought for obtaining S parameters in de-embedding. Taking a certain patch capacitor as an example, the S parameters for de-embedding were obtained using methods based on full wave simulation, 2×Thru, and ADS simulation, and de-embedding tests were conducted. The results indicate that obtaining the S parameter of the testing fixture based on full wave simulation and conducting de-embedding testing compared to ADS simulation can accurately extract the impedance parameters of SMD electronic components, which provides a reference for the study of electromagnetic interference (EMI) coupling mechanism.

  • Skin Diagnostic Method Using Fontana-Masson Stained Images of Stratum Corneum Cells Open Access

    Shuto HASEGAWA  Koichiro ENOMOTO  Taeko MIZUTANI  Yuri OKANO  Takenori TANAKA  Osamu SAKAI  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E107-D No:8

    Melanin, which is responsible for the appearance of spots and freckles, is an important indicator in evaluating skin condition. To assess the efficacy of cosmetics, skin condition scoring is performed by analyzing the distribution and amount of melanin from microscopic images of the stratum corneum cells. However, the current practice of diagnosing skin condition using stratum corneum cells images relies heavily on visual evaluation by experts. The goal of this study is to develop a quantitative evaluation system for skin condition based on melanin within unstained stratum corneum cells images. The proposed system utilizes principal component regression to perform five-level scoring, which is then compared with visual evaluation scores to assess the system’s usefulness. Additionally, we evaluated the impact of indicators related to melanin obtained from images on the scores, and verified which indicators are effective for evaluation. In conclusion, we confirmed that scoring is possible with an accuracy of more than 60% on a combination of several indicators, which is comparable to the accuracy of visual assessment.

  • Uniaxially Symmetrical T-Junction OMT with 45° -Tilted Branch Waveguide Ports


    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E107-C No:3

    A T-junction orthomode transducer (OMT) is a waveguide component that separates two orthogonal linear polarizations in the same frequency band. It has a common circular waveguide short-circuited at one end and two branch rectangular waveguides arranged in opposite directions near the short circuit. One of the advantages of a T-junction OMT is its short axial length. However, the two rectangular ports, which need to be orthogonal, have different levels of performance because of asymmetry. We therefore propose a uniaxially symmetrical T-junction OMT, which is configured such that the two branch waveguides are tilted 45° to the short circuit. The uniaxially symmetrical configuration enables same levels of performance for the two ports, and its impedance matching is easier compared to that for the conventional configuration. The polarization separation principle can be explained using the principles of orthomode junction (OMJ) and turnstile OMT. Based on calculations, the proposed configuration demonstrated a return loss of 25dB, XPD of 30dB, isolation of 21dB between the two branch ports, and loss of 0.25dB, with a bandwidth of 15% in the K band. The OMT was then fabricated as a single piece via 3D printing and evaluated against the calculated performance indices.

  • rOOM: A Rust-Based Linux Out of Memory Kernel Component

    Linhan LI  Qianying ZHANG  Zekun XU  Shijun ZHAO  Zhiping SHI  Yong GUAN  


    E107-D No:3

    The Linux kernel has been applied in various security-sensitive fields, so ensuring its security is crucial. Vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel are usually caused by undefined behaviors of the C programming language, the most threatening of which are memory safety vulnerabilities. Both the software-based and hardware approaches to memory safety have disadvantages of poor performance, false positives, and poor compatibility. This paper explores the feasibility of using the safe programming language Rust to reconstruct a Linux kernel component and open-source the component's code. We leverage the Rust FFI mechanism to design a safe foreign interface layer to enable the reconstructed component to invoke other Linux functionalities, and then use Rust to reconstruct the component, during which we leverage Rust's type-safety and ownership mechanisms to improve its security, and finally export the C interface of the component to enable the invocation by the Linux kernel. The performance and memory overhead of the reconstructed component, referred to as “rOOM”, were evaluated, revealing a performance overhead of 8.9% in kernel mode, 5% in user mode, 3% in real time, and a memory overhead of 0.06%. These results suggest that it is possible to develop key components of the Linux kernel using Rust in terms of functionality, performance, and memory overhead.

  • Spatial Mode-Multiplexed Light Source Using Angularly-Multiplexed Volume Holograms

    Satoshi SHINADA  Yuta GOTO  Hideaki FURUKAWA  


    E106-C No:11

    We propose a novel mode-multiplexed light source using angularly-multiplexed volume holograms. Mode division multiplexing beams can be generated from a simple transmitter that is made of a laser array, single lens, and volume holograms. Hologram media has low recording sensitivity; hence, using holograms in the communication band is difficult. However, a dual wavelength method that uses different wavelengths for recording and reading holograms can realize the volume holograms for the infrared region. The volume holograms for three spatial mode multiplexing are formed using a compact Michelson interferometer type recording setup; simultaneous generations of three modes were demonstrated using a fiber array or vertical cavity surface emitting laser array with the volume holograms. A low loss coupling of three modes to few-mode-fiber can be achieved through the precise design and recording of volume holograms. The simple and low-cost mode-multiplexed light source using the volume holograms has the potential to broaden the application of MDM.

  • Spherical Style Deformation on Single Component Models

    Xuemei FENG  Qing FANG  Kouichi KONNO  Zhiyi ZHANG  Katsutsugu MATSUYAMA  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E106-D No:11

    In this study, we present a spherical style deformation algorithm to be applied on single component models that can deform the models with spherical style, while preserving the local details of the original models. Because 3D models have complex skeleton structures that consist of many components, the deformation around connections between each single component is complicated, especially preventing mesh self-intersections. To the best of our knowledge, there does not exist not only methods to achieve a spherical style in a 3D model consisting of multiple components but also methods suited to a single component. In this study, we focus on spherical style deformation of single component models. Accordingly, we propose a deformation method that transforms the input model with the spherical style, while preserving the local details of the input model. Specifically, we define an energy function that combines the as-rigid-as-possible (ARAP) method and spherical features. The spherical term is defined as l2-regularization on a linear feature; accordingly, the corresponding optimization can be solved efficiently. We also observed that the results of our deformation are dependent on the quality of the input mesh. For instance, when the input mesh consists of many obtuse triangles, the spherical style deformation method fails. To address this problem, we propose an optional deformation method based on convex hull proxy model as the complementary deformation method. Our proxy method constructs a proxy model of the input model and applies our deformation method to the proxy model to deform the input model by projection and interpolation. We have applied our proposed method to simple and complex shapes, compared our experimental results with the 3D geometric stylization method of normal-driven spherical shape analogies, and confirmed that our method successfully deforms models that are smooth, round, and curved. We also discuss the limitations and problems of our algorithm based on the experimental results.

  • An Interpretation Method on Amplitude Intensities for Response Waveforms of Backward Transient Scattered Field Components by a 2-D Coated Metal Cylinder

    Keiji GOTO  Toru KAWANO  


    E106-C No:4

    In this paper, we propose an interpretation method on amplitude intensities for response waveforms of backward transient scattered field components for both E- and H-polarizations by a 2-D coated metal cylinder. A time-domain (TD) asymptotic solution, which is referred to as a TD Fourier transform method (TD-FTM), is derived by applying the FTM to a backward transient scattered field expressed by an integral form. The TD-FTM is represented by a combination of a direct geometric optical ray (DGO) and a reflected GO (RGO) series. We use the TD-FTM to derive amplitude intensity ratios (AIRs) between adjacent backward transient scattered field components. By comparing the numerical values of the AIRs with those of the influence factors that compose the AIRs, major factor(s) can be identified, thereby allowing detailed interpretation method on the amplitude intensities for the response waveforms of backward transient scattered field components. The accuracy and practicality of the TD-FTM are evaluated by comparing it with three reference solutions. The effectiveness of an interpretation method on the amplitude intensities for response waveforms of backward transient scattered field components is revealed by identifying major factor(s) affecting the amplitude intensities.

  • Accurate Phase Angle Measurement of Backscatter Signal under Noisy Environment



    E106-A No:3

    Backscatter communication is an emerging wireless access technology to realize ultra-low power terminals exploiting the modulated reflection of incident radio wave. This paper proposes a method to measure the phase angle of backscatter link using principal component analysis (PCA). The phase angle measurement of backscatter link at the receiver is essential to maximize the signal quality for subsequent demodulation and to measure the distance and the angle of arrival. The drawback of popular phase angle measurement with naive phase averaging and linear regression analysis is to produce erroneous phase angle, where the phase angle is close to $pm rac{pi}{2}$ radian and the signal quality is poor. The advantage of the proposal is quantified with a computer simulation, a conducted experiment and radio propagation experiments.

  • Multibeam Patterns Suitable for Massive MIMO Configurations

    Kentaro NISHIMORI  Jiro HIROKAWA  


    E105-B No:10

    A multibeam massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) configuration employs beam selection with high power in the analog part and executes a blind algorithm such as the independent component analysis (ICA), which does not require channel state information in the digital part. Two-dimensional (2-D) multibeams are considered in actual power losses and beam steering errors regarding the multibeam patterns. However, the performance of these 2-D beams depends on the beam pattern of the multibeams, and they are not optimal multibeam patterns suitable for multibeam massive MIMO configurations. In this study, we clarify the performance difference due to the difference of the multibeam pattern and consider the multibeam pattern suitable for the system condition. Specifically, the optimal multibeam pattern was determined with the element spacing and beamwidth of the element directivity as parameters, and the effectiveness of the proposed method was verified via computer simulations.

  • Interpretation Method of Inversion Phenomena on Backward Transient Scattered Field Components by a Coated Metal Cylinder

    Toru KAWANO  Keiji GOTO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E105-C No:9

    An interpretation method of inversion phenomena is newly proposed for backward transient scattered field components for both E- and H-polarizations when an ultra-wideband (UWB) pulse wave radiated from a line source is incident on a two-dimensional metal cylinder covered with a lossless dielectric medium layer (coated metal cylinder). A time-domain (TD) asymptotic solution, which is referred to as a TD saddle point technique (TD-SPT), is derived by applying the SPT in evaluating a backward transient scattered field which is expressed by an integral form. The TD-SPT is represented by a combination of a direct geometric optical ray (DGO) and a reflected GO (RGO) series, thereby being able to extract and calculate any backward transient scattered field component from a response waveform. The TD-SPT is useful in understanding the response waveform of a backward transient scattered field by a coated metal cylinder because it can give us the peak value and arrival time of any field component, namely DGO and RGO components, and interpret analytically inversion phenomenon of any field component. The accuracy, validity, and practicality of the TD-SPT are clarified by comparing it with two kinds of reference solutions.

  • An Improved Adaptive Algorithm for Locating Faulty Interactions in Combinatorial Testing Open Access

    Qianqian YANG  Xiao-Nan LU  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E105-A No:6

    Combinatorial testing is an effective testing technique for detecting faults in a software or hardware system with multiple factors using combinatorial methods. By performing a test, which is an assignment of possible values to all the factors, and verifying whether the system functions as expected (pass) or not (fail), the presence of faults can be detected. The failures of the tests are possibly caused by combinations of multiple factors assigned with specific values, called faulty interactions. Martínez et al. [1] proposed the first deterministic adaptive algorithm for discovering faulty interactions involving at most two factors where each factor has two values, for which graph representations are adopted. In this paper, we improve Martínez et al.'s algorithm by an adaptive algorithmic approach for discovering faulty interactions in the so-called “non-2-locatable” graphs. We show that, for any system where each “non-2-locatable factor-component” involves two faulty interactions (for example, a system having at most two faulty interactions), our improved algorithm efficiently discovers all the faulty interactions with an extremely low mistaken probability caused by the random selection process in Martínez et al.'s algorithm. The effectiveness of our improved algorithm are revealed by both theoretical discussions and experimental evaluations.

  • Number of Failed Components in Consecutive-k-out-of-n:G Systems and Their Applications in Optimization Problems

    Lei ZHOU  Hisashi YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E105-A No:6

    In this paper, we study the number of failed components in a consecutive-k-out-of-n:G system. The distributions and expected values of the number of failed components when system is failed or working at a particular time t are evaluated. We also apply them to the optimization problems concerned with the optimal number of components and the optimal replacement time. Finally, we present the illustrative examples for the expected number of failed components and give the numerical results for the optimization problems.

  • A Cost-Sensitive Golden Chip-Free Hardware Trojan Detection Using Principal Component Analysis and Naïve Bayes Classification Algorithm

    Yanjiang LIU  Xianzhao XIA  Jingxin ZHONG  Pengfei GUO  Chunsheng ZHU  Zibin DAI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E105-A No:6

    Side-channel analysis is one of the most investigated hardware Trojan detection approaches. However, nearly all the side-channel analysis approaches require golden chips for reference, which are hard to obtain actually. Besides, majority of existing Trojan detection algorithms focus on the data similarity and ignore the Trojan misclassification during the detection. In this paper, we propose a cost-sensitive golden chip-free hardware Trojan detection framework, which aims to minimize the probability of Trojan misclassification during the detection. The post-layout simulation data of voltage variations at different process corners is utilized as a golden reference. Further, a classification algorithm based on the combination of principal component analysis and Naïve bayes is exploited to identify the existence of hardware Trojan with a minimum misclassification risk. Experimental results on ASIC demonstrate that the proposed approach improves the detection accuracy ratio compared with the three detection algorithms and distinguishes the Trojan with only 0.27% area occupies even under ±15% process variations.

  • SVM Based Intrusion Detection Method with Nonlinear Scaling and Feature Selection

    Fei ZHANG  Peining ZHEN  Dishan JING  Xiaotang TANG  Hai-Bao CHEN  Jie YAN  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:5

    Intrusion is one of major security issues of internet with the rapid growth in smart and Internet of Thing (IoT) devices, and it becomes important to detect attacks and set out alarm in IoT systems. In this paper, the support vector machine (SVM) and principal component analysis (PCA) based method is used to detect attacks in smart IoT systems. SVM with nonlinear scheme is used for intrusion classification and PCA is adopted for feature selection on the training and testing datasets. Experiments on the NSL-KDD dataset show that the test accuracy of the proposed method can reach 82.2% with 16 features selected from PCA for binary-classification which is almost the same as the result obtained with all the 41 features; and the test accuracy can achieve 78.3% with 29 features selected from PCA for multi-classification while 79.6% without feature selection. The Denial of Service (DoS) attack detection accuracy of the proposed method can achieve 8.8% improvement compared with existing artificial neural network based method.

  • A Novel Method for Adaptive Beamforming under the Strong Interference Condition

    Zongli RUAN  Hongshu LIAO  Guobing QIAN  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E105-A No:2

    In this letter, firstly, a novel adaptive beamformer using independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm is proposed. By this algorithm, the ambiguity of amplitude and phase resulted from blind source separation is removed utilizing the special structure of array manifolds matrix. However, there might exist great calibration error when the powers of interferences are far larger than that of desired signal at many applications such as sonar, radio astronomy, biomedical engineering and earthquake detection. As a result, this will lead to a significant reduction in separation performance. Then, a new method based on the combination of ICA and primary component analysis (PCA) is proposed to recover the desired signal's amplitude under strong interference. Finally, computer simulation is carried out to indicate the effectiveness of our methods. The simulation results show that the proposed methods can obtain higher SNR and more accurate power estimation of desired signal than diagonal loading sample matrix inversion (LSMI) and worst-case performance optimization (WCPO) method.

  • Weighted PCA-LDA Based Color Quantization Method Suppressing Saturation Decrease

    Seiichi KOJIMA  Momoka HARADA  Yoshiaki UEDA  Noriaki SUETAKE  


    E104-A No:12

    In this letter, we propose a new color quantization method suppressing saturation decrease. In the proposed method, saturation-based weight and intensity-based weight are used so that vivid colors are selected as the representative colors preferentially. Experiments show that the proposed method tends to select vivid colors even if they occupy only a small area in the image.

  • Applying K-SVD Dictionary Learning for EEG Compressed Sensing Framework with Outlier Detection and Independent Component Analysis Open Access

    Kotaro NAGAI  Daisuke KANEMOTO  Makoto OHKI  


    E104-A No:9

    This letter reports on the effectiveness of applying the K-singular value decomposition (SVD) dictionary learning to the electroencephalogram (EEG) compressed sensing framework with outlier detection and independent component analysis. Using the K-SVD dictionary matrix with our design parameter optimization, for example, at compression ratio of four, we improved the normalized mean square error value by 31.4% compared with that of the discrete cosine transform dictionary for CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Database.


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