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This paper presents a conformal retrodirective metagrating with multi-azimuthal-angle operating ability. First, a flat metagrating composed of a periodic array of single rectangular patch elements, two-layer stacked substrates, and a ground plane is implemented to achieve one-directional retroreflection at a specific angle. The elevation angle of the retroreflection is manipulated by precisely tuning the value of the period. To control the energy coupling to the retrodirective mode, the dimensions of the length and width of the rectangular patch are investigated under the effect of changing the substrate thickness. Three values of the length, width, and thickness are then chosen to obtain a high retroreflection power efficiency. Next, to create a conformal design operating simultaneously at multiple azimuthal angles, the rectangular patch array using a flexible ultra-thin guiding layer is conformed to a dielectric cylindrical substrate backed by a perfect electric conductor ground plane. Furthermore, to further optimize the retroreflection efficiency, two circular metallic plates are added at the two ends of the cylindrical substrate to eliminate the specular reflection inside the space of the cylinder. The measured radar cross-section shows a power efficiency of the retrodirective metagrating of approximately 91% and 93% for 30° retrodirected elevation angle at the azimuthal angles of 0° and 90°, respectively, at 5.8GHz.
This paper proposes optimal beam patterns of analog beamforming for SU (Single User) massive MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) transmission systems. For hybrid beamforming in SU massive MIMO systems, there are several design parameters such as beam patterns, the number of beams (streams), the shape of array antennas, and so on. In conventional hybrid beamforming, rectangular patch array antennas implemented on a planar surface with linear phase shift beam patterns have been used widely. However, it remains unclear whether existing configurations are optimal or not. Therefore, we propose a method using OBPB (Optimal Beam Projection Beamforming) for designing configuration parameters of the hybrid beamforming. By using the method, the optimal beam patterns are derived first, and are projected on the assumed surface to calculate the achievable number of streams and the resulting channel capacity. The results indicate OBPB with a spherical surface yields at least 3.5 times higher channel capacity than conventional configurations.
The sound power level is a physical quantity indispensable for evaluating the amount of sound energy radiated from electrical and mechanical apparatuses. The precise determination of the sound power level requires the qualification of the measurement environment, such as a hemi-anechoic room, by estimating the deviation of the sound pressure level from the inverse-square law. In this respect, Annex A of ISO 3745 specifies the procedure for room qualification and defines a tolerance limit for the directivity of the sound source, which is used for the qualification. However, it is impractical to prepare a special loudspeaker only for room qualification. Thus, we developed a simulation method to investigate the influence of the sound source directivity on the measured deviation of the sound pressure level from the inverse-square law by introducing a quantitative index for the influence of the directivity. In this study, type 4202 reference sound source by Brüel & Kjær was used as a directional sound source because it has been widely used as a reference standard for the measurement of sound power levels. We experimentally obtained the directivity of the sound source by measuring the sound pressure level over the measurement surface. Moreover, the proposed method was applied to the qualification of several hemi-anechoic rooms, and we discussed the availability of a directional sound source for the process. Analytical results showed that available reference sound sources may be used for the evaluation of hemi-anechoic rooms depending on the sound energy absorption coefficient of the inner wall, the directionality of the microphone traverse, and the size of the space to be qualified. In other words, the results revealed that a reference sound source that is once quantified by the proposed method can be used for qualifying hemi-anechoic rooms.
This paper proposes a new methodology to design optimal antennas for MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) communication systems by using spherical mode expansion. Given spatial channel properties of a MIMO channel, such as the angular profile at both sides, the optimal MIMO antennas should provide the largest channel capacity with a constraint of the limited implementation space (volume). In designing a conventional MIMO antenna, first the antenna structure (current distribution) is determined, second antenna directivity is calculated based on the current distribution, and thirdly MIMO channel capacity is calculated by using given angular profiles and obtained antenna directivity. This process is repeated by adjusting the antenna structure until the performance satisfies a predefined threshold. To the contrary, this paper solves the optimization problem analytically and finally gives near optimal antenna structure (current distribution) without any greedy search. In the proposed process, first the optimal directivity of MIMO antennas is derived by applying spherical mode expansion to the angular profiles, and second a far-near field conversion is applied on the derived optimal directivity to achieve near optimal current distributions on a limited surface. The effectiveness of the proposed design methodology is validated via numerical calculation of MIMO channel capacity as in the conventional design method while giving near optimal current distribution with constraint of an antenna structure derived from proposed methodology.
A method for increasing alignment tolerance in simple multiple-stream transmission is described. Its use of π-shifted antenna directivity phase enables it to cancel interference even when antenna placement deviations occur. The interference cancellation by using π-shifted directivities provides higher alignment tolerance than that with conventional fixed weight methods. It also provides smaller channel gain variation than can be obtained using fixed weights even when antenna displacement occurs. An objective function is described that is determined by the alignment tolerance. The function is defined to maximize the alignment tolerance. The method's validity is confirmed by an experimental analysis of two-stream transmission in which the alignment tolerance of the proposed method is compared to that of conventional fixed weight methods.
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology is a useful means of achieving the higher data rates needed in the latest wireless devices. However, weighting calculations for MIMO transmission become complicated when there are a large number of antennas. Thus, developing a simpler way to transmit and receive multiple streams is an idea worth considering. With this in mind, we propose a spatial division method using orthogonal directivities formed by using higher order modes of rectangular microstrip antennas. Each of them is formed by one antenna element so that channels are orthogonalized only by antennas. We verify antenna radiation characteristics by using higher order mode microstrip antennas and confirm that orthogonal directivities are obtained with them. Measurement of two stream transmission reveals that the method achieves almost the same channel capacity as that of an eigenmode-beamforming method because of the high multiplexing gain it achieves.
Zhuo LIU Dan SHI Yougang GAO Junjian BI Zhiliang TAN Jingjing SHI
This paper presents a new way to classify different radiation sources by the parameter of directivity, which is a characteristic parameter of electromagnetic radiation sources. The parameter can be determined from measurements of the electric field intensity radiating in all directions in space. We develop three basic antenna models, which are for 3GHz operation, and set 125,000 groups of cube receiving arrays along the main lobe of their radiation patterns to receive the data of far field electric intensity in groups. Then the Back Propagation (BP) neural network and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method are adopted to analyze training data set, and build and test the classification model. Owing to the powerful nonlinear simulation ability, the SVM method offers higher classification accuracy than the BP neural network in noise environment. At last, the classification model is comprehensively evaluated in three aspects, which are capability of noise immunity, F1 measure and the normalization method.
Hiroyuki HATANO Tomoharu MIZUTANI Yoshihiko KUWAHARA
We consider the position estimation system for targets which exist in near wide area. The system has multiple sensors and estimates the position with multiple receivers. In the past, if receivers were arranged on a straight line, the large position error in the same direction of the line is generated. In order to reduce the error, we propose a novel estimation algorithm using transmitter's directivity information. Our system use directional emission made by an array of antennas in a transmitter. In this paper, the error characteristic which should be solved is introduced firstly. After that, our algorithm is presented. Finally the performance of the error reduction is shown by computer simulations. And we also confirm the reduction by experimental trials. The results indicate good reduction of the error.
A high directivity microstrip coupler suppressing leak coupling with a cancellation circuit of a Wilkinson divider is presented. The presented coupler utilizes a cancellation circuit between a coupling port and an isolation port of the conventional microstrip coupler to enhance the isolation. The cancellation circuit consists of the Wilkinson divider, the multistage attenuator, and the phase offset line. The frequency to enhance the isolation is controlled by the attenuators. As the directivity is improved without the modification of the conventional coupler, the cancellation circuit can be applied to the fabricated conventional couplers. The measured directivity of the presented 1/18 λ coupler is improved from 4.8 dB to 43.0 dB at 2.6 GHz, compared with the conventional 1/4 λ coupler with -20 dB coupling. Simultaneously, the 27.4% relative bandwidth with the 20 dB directivity is achieved.
To cut down the sidelobe level of radiation pattern, a novel adaptive algorithm is proposed for electronic steering parasitic antenna. The composite objective function in this algorithm takes both directivity and sidelobe level of pattern into account, and the steepest gradient algorithm is selected to search the optimum value of reactive load. Simulations are carried out to validate the algorithm, simulated results show that the levels of sidelobe are both below -4 dB in different beamforming cases, and the front to back ratios are better than 10 dB.
This paper introduces the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) method that utilizes the transfer characteristics of microphones located at the same place, namely aggregated microphones. The conventional microphone array realizes a sound localization system according to the differences in the arrival time, phase shift, and the level of the sound wave among each microphone. Therefore, it is difficult to miniaturize the microphone array. The objective of our research is to build a reliable miniaturized sound localization system using aggregated microphones. In this paper, we describe a sound system with N microphones. We then show that the microphone array system and the proposed aggregated microphone system can be described in the same framework. We apply the multiple signal classification to the method that utilizes the transfer characteristics of the microphones placed at a same location and compare the proposed method with the microphone array. In the proposed method, all microphones are placed at the same place. Hence, it is easy to miniaturize the system. This feature is considered to be useful for practical applications. The experimental results obtained in an ordinary room are shown to verify the validity of the measurement.
The design, manufacture, and test results are presented for a 90polarization-rotating Van Atta array reflector with suppressed scattered field for the 1.27-GHz band. The reflector consists of 48 element antennas, half for horizontal polarization and half for vertical polarization. It receives a horizontally or vertically polarized wave and retransmits a vertically or horizontally polarized wave, respectively. The measured cross-polarized radar cross section of the reflector was 15.8 dBm2 on average, which agreed well with a theoretical prediction. Although the suppression of the scattered field was limited to about -20 dB relative to the retransmitted field, we could suppress more the scattered field by accurate positioning and careful characteristics adjustment of element antennas. Theoretical calculations showed that total phase errors of the element antennas including positioning errors and impedance characteristics errors have to be within 7.5to suppress the scattered field by less than -30 dB.
Hitomi TERAOKA Masahiro NISHI Teruaki YOSHIDA
In wireless access system, we need to use a limited frequency and electric power efficiently. And so we propose the fixed wireless access network using 5 GHz frequency which band has a good propagation performance in line of sight (LOS). In the proposed network, the several multi-level modulation methods are combined and identical frequency is reused by considering on the antenna directivity. As constructing this network, we can efficiently use frequency in 5 GHz band and enlarge system capacity. In this paper, it is assumed that user terminals are distributed nonuniformly over the service area. We analyze accommodation number of user terminals and the optimum combination of modulation methods. Numerical results show that most effective method is the combination of 16QAM and 256QAM, which can accommodate up to about 1.4 times as many users as only QPSK modulation method.