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Kazuyoshi SHOGEN Thong PHAM VIET
Two frequency sharing criteria for BSS (Broadcasting-Satellite Service) are enacted in Sect.1 of Annex 1 to Appendix 30 to Radio Regulations. These two criteria are pfd (power flux-density) and EPM (Equivalent Protection Margin) values. In this paper, the two criteria are compared and studied from the view point of applicability to the sharing cases between BSS and BSS. In particular, it is shown that in some cases, the EPM criterion contributes to alleviate the problem of “sensitive satellite network”, i.e., one that has relatively low transmission power and is very weak against interference and blocks the new satellite to enter. Disclaimer The views and positions expressed by the authors are strictly personal and do not constitute, nor can be interpreted as, the position of the International Telecommunication Union on the topics addressed in this paper.
Kazuyoshi SHOGEN Masashi KAMEI Susumu NAKAZAWA Shoji TANAKA
The indexes of the degradation of C/N, ΔT/T and I/N, which can be converted from one to another, are used to evaluate the impact of interference on the satellite link. However, it is not suitable to intuitively understand how these parameters degrade the quality of services. In this paper, we propose to evaluate the impact of interference on the performance of BSS (Broadcasting Satellite Services) in terms of the increase rate of the outage time caused by the rain attenuation. Some calculation results are given for the 12GHz band BSS in Japan.
Controlling interference from the secondary system (SS) to the receiver of the primary system (PS) is an important issue when the SS uses the same frequency band as the television broadcast system. The reason includes that the SS is unaware of the interference imposed on the primary receiver (PS-Rx), which does not have a transmitter. In this paper, we propose an interference control method between PS-Rx and SS, where a load modulation scheme is introduced to the PS-Rx. In this method, the signal from the PS transmitting station is scattered by switching its load impedance. The SS observes the scattered channel and calculates the interference suppression weights for transmitting, and controls interference by transmit beamforming. A simulation shows that the Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) with interference control is improved by up to 41.5dB compared to that without interference control at short distances; the results confirm that the proposed method is effective in controlling interference between PS-Rx and SS. Furthermore, we evaluate the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and channel capacity at SS.
Antennas for Japanese terrestrial microwave relay links have been developed since the1950's and put into commercial use up to now in Japan. In particular, the path-length lens antennas developed in 1953 represents a monumental achievement for terrestrial microwave relay links, and the offset antenna for 256 QAM radio relay links developed in 1989 has the best electrical performance in the world. This paper reviews the antennas for Japanese terrestrial microwave relay links that have historical significance and describes the antenna design technologies developed in Japan.
In this paper, we propose a method of unicast and broadcast packet sharing for the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) multi-base station (BS) indoor wireless communication system using an adaptive array antenna on mobile terminals. The adaptive array antenna placed on the mobile terminal allows quality improvement due to the diversity effect when the data transmitted from all BSs are the same, and provides capacity improvement by channel sharing when the data from each BS are different. In the proposed sharing method, unicast packets are transmitted independently from multiple BSs in order to increase the communication capacity, and broadcast packets are transmitted simultaneously with other BSs in order to enhance the communication quality without retransmission. Furthermore, by modifying the packet assignment procedure, we confirm that quality can be improved for unicast packets in a low traffic environment.
In this paper, we propose a combination system of point to multipoint (P-MP) time division multiple access (TDMA) broadband wireless access (BWA) system and indoor wireless local area network (WLAN). In order to realize a high speed wireless communication, a wide bandwidth is required for both access lines and local area networks. The proposed system shares the frequency between BWA and WLAN to achieve an efficient use of frequency resources. This is based on the idea that an uplink band of the P-MP TDMA BWA system will provide relatively small interference slots, which are not used by subscriber stations nearby. In other words, there are useful small interference slots for another system using same frequency according to its position. Then we use such small interference slots for WLAN. In addition, direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) can suppress such TDMA interference by spreading it over wide bandwidth. Therefore in the proposed system, DS-CDMA is used for WLAN in the same band with the BWA uplink. We also discuss WLAN packet error rate reduction techniques for this system. To confirm the availability of the proposed system, we evaluate the system performance by numerical analysis and computer simulation.