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[Keyword] instability(22hit)


  • Multi-Rate Switched Pinning Control for Velocity Control of Vehicle Platoons Open Access

    Takuma WAKASA  Kenji SAWADA  


    E104-A No:11

    This paper proposes a switched pinning control method with a multi-rating mechanism for vehicle platoons. The platoons are expressed as multi-agent systems consisting of mass-damper systems in which pinning agents receive target velocities from external devices (ex. intelligent traffic signals). We construct model predictive control (MPC) algorithm that switches pinning agents via mixed-integer quadratic programmings (MIQP) problems. The optimization rate is determined according to the convergence rate to the target velocities and the inter-vehicular distances. This multi-rating mechanism can reduce the computational load caused by iterative calculation. Numerical results demonstrate that our method has a reduction effect on the string instability by selecting the pinning agents to minimize errors of the inter-vehicular distances to the target distances.

  • Exploiting Configurable Approximations for Tolerating Aging-induced Timing Violations

    Toshinori SATO  Tomoaki UKEZONO  


    E103-A No:9

    This paper proposes a technique that increases the lifetime of large scale integration (LSI) devices. As semiconductor technology improves at miniaturizing transistors, aging effects due to bias temperature instability (BTI) seriously affects their lifetime. BTI increases the threshold voltage of transistors thereby also increasing the delay of an electronics device, resulting in failures due to timing violations. To compensate for aging-induced timing violations, we exploit configurable approximate computing. Assuming that target circuits have exact and approximate modes, they are configured for the approximate mode if an aging sensor predicts violations. Experiments using an example circuit revealed an increase in its lifetime to >10 years.

  • Relationship of Channel and Surface Orientation to Mechanical and Electrical Stresses on N-Type FinFETs

    Wen-Teng CHANG  Shih-Wei LIN  Min-Cheng CHEN  Wen-Kuan YEH  


    E102-C No:6

    The electric properties of a field-effect transistor not only depend on gate surface sidewall but also on channel orientation when applying channel stain engineering. The change of the gate surface and channel orientation through the rotated FinFETs provides the capability to compare the orientation dependence of performance and reliability. This study characterized the <100> and <110> channels of FinFETs on the same wafer under tensile and compressive stresses by cutting the wafer into rectangular silicon pieces and evaluated their piezoresistance coefficients. The piezoresistance coefficients of the <100> and <110> silicon under tensile and compressive stresses were first evaluated based on the current setup. Tensile stresses enhance the mobilities of both <100> and <110> channels, whereas compressive stresses degrade them. Electrical characterization revealed that the threshold voltage variation and drive current degradation of the {100} surface were significantly higher than those of {110} for positive bias temperature instability and hot carrier injection with equal gate and drain voltage (VG=VD). By contrast, insignificant difference is noted for the subthreshold slope degradation. These findings imply that a higher ratio of bulk defect trapping is generated by gate voltage on the <100> surface than that on the <110> surface.

  • Reducing Aging Effects on Ternary CAM

    Ing-Chao LIN  Yen-Han LEE  Sheng-Wei WANG  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E99-C No:7

    Ternary content addressable memory (TCAM), which can store 0, 1, or X in its cells, is widely used to store routing tables in network routers. Negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) and positive bias temperature instability (PBTI), which increase Vth and degrade transistor switching speed, have become major reliability challenges. This study analyzes the signal probability of routing tables. The results show that many cells retain static stress and suffer significant degradation caused by NBTI and PBTI effects. The bit flipping technique is improved and proactive power gating recovery is proposed to mitigate NBTI and PBTI effects. In order to maintain the functionality of TCAM after bit flipping, a novel TCAM cell design is proposed. Simulation results show that compared to the original architecture, the bit flipping technique improves read static noise margin (SNM) for data and mask cells by 16.84% and 29.94%, respectively, and reduces search time degradation by 12.95%. The power gating technique improves read SNM for data and mask cells by 12.31% and 20.92%, respectively, and reduces search time degradation by 17.57%. When both techniques are used, read SNM for data and mask cells is improved by 17.74% and 30.53%, respectively, and search time degradation is reduced by 21.01%.

  • NBTI Reliability of PFETs under Post-Fabrication Self-Improvement Scheme for SRAM

    Nurul Ezaila ALIAS  Anil KUMAR  Takuya SARAYA  Shinji MIYANO  Toshiro HIRAMOTO  


    E96-C No:5

    In this paper, negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) reliability of pFETs is analyzed under the post-fabrication SRAM self-improvement scheme that we have developed recently, where cell stability is self-improved by simply applying high stress voltage to supply voltage terminal (VDD) of SRAM cells. It is newly found that there is no significant difference in both threshold voltage and drain current degradation by NBTI stress between fresh PFETs and PFETs after self-improvement scheme application, indicating that the self-improvement scheme has no critical reliability problem.

  • Temperature-Aware NBTI Modeling Techniques in Digital Circuits

    Hong LUO  Yu WANG  Rong LUO  Huazhong YANG  Yuan XIE  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E92-C No:6

    Negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) has become a critical reliability phenomena in advanced CMOS technology. In this paper, we propose an analytical temperature-aware dynamic NBTI model, which can be used in two circuit operation cases: executing tasks with different temperatures, and switching between active and standby mode. A PMOS Vth degradation model and a digital circuits' temporal performance degradation estimation method are developed based on our NBTI model. The simulation results show that: 1) the execution of a low temperature task can decrease ΔVth due to NBTI by 24.5%; 2) switching to standby mode can decrease ΔVth by 52.3%; 3) for ISCAS85 benchmark circuits, the delay degradation can decrease significantly if the circuit execute low temperature task or switch to standby mode; 4) we have also observed the execution time's ratio of different tasks and the ratio of active to standby time both have a considerable impact on NBTI effect.

  • A New Robust Bandpass Sampling Scheme for Multiple RF Signals in SDR System

    Chen CHI  Yu ZHANG  Zhixing YANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:1

    Software defined radio (SDR) technology has been widely applied for its powerful universality and flexibility in the past decade. To address the issue of bandpass sampling of multiband signals, a novel and efficient method of finding the minimum valid sampling frequency is proposed. Since there are frequency deviations due to the channel effect and hardware instability in actual systems, we also consider the guard-bands between downconverted signal spectra in determining the minimum sampling frequency. In addition, the case that the spectra within the sampled bandwidth are located in inverse placement can be avoided by our proposed method, which will reduce the complexity of the succeeding digital signal process significantly. Simulation results illustrate that the proper minimum sampling frequency can be determined rapidly and accurately.

  • Traveling Wave Amplification within a Waveguide

    Yoshihiko MIZUSHIMA  

    PAPER-Electron Tubes, Vacuum and Beam Technology

    E91-C No:11

    A novel amplification mechanism of traveling TM wave on an electron beam within a waveguide structure is proposed. Under boundary constraint of the waveguide, a hybrid coupling of longitudinal plasma wave and transverse guided one occurs to result in traveling instability. The instability refers to a backward traveling amplification. The new amplification in the waveguide due to the interactive coupling between the space charge mode and the waveguide one is firstly pointed out. The analysis is extended to the relativistic energy range to get a large gain. The features and properties are discussed for a wide frequency range as well as a high gain-bandwidth product.

  • Effect of Post-Growth Annealing on Morphology of Ge Mesa Selectively Grown on Si

    Sungbong PARK  Yasuhiko ISHIKAWA  Tai TSUCHIZAWA  Toshifumi WATANABE  Koji YAMADA  Sei-ichi ITABASHI  Kazumi WADA  


    E91-C No:2

    Effect of the post-growth annealing on the morphology of a Ge mesa selectively grown on Si was studied from the viewpoint of near-infrared photodiode applications. By ultrahigh-vacuum chemical vapor deposition, Ge mesas were selectively grown at 600 on Si (001) substrates partially covered with SiO2 masks. The as-grown Ge mesas showed trapezoidal cross-sections having a top (001) surface and {311} sidewall facets, as similar to previous reports. However, after the subsequent post-growth annealing at ~800 in the ultrahigh-vacuum chamber, the mesas were deformed into rounded shapes having a depression at the center and mounds near the edges. Such a deformation cannot be observed for the samples annealed once after cooled and exposed to the air. The residual hydrogen atoms on the Ge surface from the germane (GeH4) decomposition is regarded as a trigger to the observed morphological instability, while the final mesa shape is determined in order to minimize a sum of the surface and/or strain energies.

  • Possibility of Terahertz Injection-Locked Oscillation in an InGaP/InGaAs/GaAs Two-Dimensional Plasmon-Resonant Photomixer

    Mitsuhiro HANABE  Yahya Moubarak MEZIANI  Taiichi OTSUJI  Eiichi SANO  Tanemasa ASANO  

    PAPER-Emerging Devices

    E90-C No:5

    We experimentally investigated terahertz photomixing operation at room temperature in an InGaP/InGaAs/ GaAs two-dimensional plasmon-resonant photomixer incorporating grating-bicoupled dual-gate structure. Photoelectrons drifting into a high-density plasmon cavity grating from an adjacent low-density one extensively excite the plasmon resonance, resulting in emission of terahertz radiation. A vertical cavity formed between the two-dimensional plasmon grating plane and an indium-tin-oxide mirror at the back surface gains the radiation. Self-oscillation initially at around 4.5 THz excited by a dc-photo carrier component was reinforced by the photomixed differential-frequency excitation at 4.0 and 5.0 THz. This indicates a possibility of injection-locked oscillation of the photomixer in the terahertz frequency band.

  • Plasma Instability and Terahertz Generation in HEMTs Due to Electron Transit-Time Effect

    Victor RYZHII  Akira SATOU  Michael S. SHUR  

    PAPER-THz Devices

    E89-C No:7

    We study the coupled spatio-temporal variations of the electron density and the electric field (electron plasma oscillations) in high-electron mobility transistors using the developed device model. The excitation of electron plasma oscillations in the terahertz range of frequencies might lead to the emission of terahertz radiation. In the framework of the model developed, we calculate the resonant plasma frequencies and find the conditions for the plasma oscillations self-excitation (plasma instability) We show that the transit-time effect in the high-electric field region near the drain edge of the channel of high-electron mobility transistors can cause the self-excitation of the plasma oscillations. It is shown that the self-excitation of plasma oscillations is possible when the ratio of the electron velocity in the high field region, ud, and the gate length, Lg, i.e., the inverse transit time are sufficiently large in comparison with the electron collision frequency in the gated channel, ν. The transit-time mechanism of plasma instability under consideration can superimpose on the Dyakonov-Shur mechanism predicted previously strongly affecting the conditions of the instability and, hence, terahertz emission. The instability mechanism under consideration might shed light on the origin of terahertz emission from high electron mobility transistors observed in recent experiments.

  • Non Resonant Response to Terahertz Radiation by Submicron CMOS Transistors

    Yahya Moubarak MEZIANI  Jerzy USAKOWSKI  Nina DYAKONOVA  Wojciech KNAP  Dalius SELIUTA  Edmundas SIRMULIS  Jan DEVENSON  Gintaras VALUSIS  Frederic BOEUF  Thomas SKOTNICKI  

    PAPER-THz Devices

    E89-C No:7

    Experimental investigations on detection of terahertz radiation are presented. We used plasma wave instability phenomenon in nanometer Silicon field effect transistor. A 30 nm gate length transistor was illuminated by THz radiation at room temperature. We observe a maximum signal near to the threshold voltage. This result clearly demonstrates the possibility of plasma wave THz operation of these nanometer scale devices. The response was attributed to a non resonant detection. We also demonstrate the possibility to observe a resonant detection on the same devices.

  • Towards a Theory of Multi-Swing Transient Instability Problems in Electric Power Systems

    Chia-Chi CHU  


    E88-A No:10

    Multi-swing trajectories, which refer to those trajectories which oscillate several cycles and then become unbounded, has been a nuisance in general simulation programs for power system stability study since the corresponding transient stability is very difficult to access accurately. In this letter, two possible models are developed to explain possible scenarios of such multi-swing behaviors. Theoretical investigation has strongly indicated a close relationship between multi-swing instability problems and chaotic behaviors of the power system.

  • Bifurcation Analysis of Pre-Regulator PFC Boost Converter

    Mohamed ORABI  Tamotsu NINOMIYA  

    PAPER-Rectifiers, Inverters and UPS

    E87-B No:12

    New Recommendation and Future Standards highlight the Power Factor Correction (PFC) converter as a basic requirement for switching power supplies. Most high-frequency power factor correctors use resistor emulation to achieve a near-unity power factor and a small line current distortion. This technique requires forcing the input current with an average-current-mode control to follow the input voltage. Stability of this system was discussed previously by using some linear models. However, in this paper, two nonlinear phenomena have been encountered in the PFC circuit, period doubling bifurcation and chaos. Detection of these new instability phenomena in the stable regions predicted by the prior linear PFC models makes us more susceptible towards them, and reveals the need to consider a nonlinear models. A nonlinear model performing the practical operation of a boost PFC converter has been developed. Then, a simplified and accurate nonlinear model has been proposed and verified experimentally. As a result from this model, instability maps have been introduced to determine the boundary between stable and unstable operating ranges. Then, the period doubling bifurcation has been studied through a new proposed technique based on the capacitor storage energy. It is cleared that, As the load lessens, a required extra storage power is needed to achieve the significant increase in the output voltage. Then, if the PFC system can provide this extra energy, the operation can reach stability with new zero-storage energy else the system will have double-line zero energy that is period doubling bifurcation.

  • Stability Investigation of the Cascade Two-Stage PFC Converter

    Mohamed ORABI  Tamotsu NINOMIYA  

    PAPER-Rectifiers, Inverters and UPS

    E87-B No:12

    A stability of the cascade two-stage Power-Factor-Correction converter is investigated. The first stage is boost PFC converter to achieve a near unity power factor and the second stage is forward converter to regulate the output voltage. Previous researches studied the system using linear analysis. However, PFC boost converter is a nonlinear circuit due to the existence of the multiplier and the large variation of the duty cycle. Moreover, the effect of the second stage DC/DC converter on the first stage PFC converter adds more complexity to the nonlinear circuit. In this issue, low-frequency instability has been detected in the two-stage PFC converter assuring the limitation of the prior linear models. Therefore, nonlinear model is proposed to detected and explain these instabilities. The borderlines between stable and unstable operation has been made clear. It is cleared that feedback gains of the first stage PFC and the second stage DC/DC converters are the main affected parts to the total system stability. Then, a simplified nonlinear model is provided. Experiment confirm the two models with a good agreement. These nonlinear models have introduced new PFC design scheme by choosing the minimum required output capacitor and the feedback loop design.

  • Numerical and Experimental Study of Instability and Bifurcation in AC/DC PFC Circuit

    Mohamed ORABI  Tamotsu NINOMIYA  


    E87-A No:9

    From the bifurcation viewpoint, this study examines a boost PFC converter with average-current-mode control. The boost PFC converter is considered to be a nonlinear circuit because of its use of a multiplier and its large duty cycle variation for input current control. However, most previous studies have implemented linear analysis, which ignores the effects of nonlinearity. Therefore, those studies were unable to detect instability phenomena. Nonlinearity produces bifurcations and chaos when circuit parameters change. The classical PFC design is based on a stable periodic orbit that has desired characteristics. This paper describes the main bifurcations that this orbit may undergo when the parameters of the circuit change. In addition, the instability regions in the PFC converter are delimited. That fact is of practical interest for the design process. Moreover, a prototype PFC circuit is introduced to examine these instability phenomena experimentally. Then, a special numerical program is developed. Bifurcation maps are provided based on this numerical study. They give a comprehensive outstanding for stability conditions and identify stable regions in the parameter space. Moreover, these maps indicate PFC converter dynamics, power factors, and regulation. Finally, numerical analyses and experimentation show good agreement.

  • Cached Shortest-Path Tree: An Approach to Reduce the Influence of Intra-Domain Routing Instability

    Shu ZHANG  Katsuyoshi IIDA  Suguru YAMAGUCHI  


    E86-B No:12

    Because most link-state routing protocols, such as OSPF and IS-IS, calculate routes using the Dijkstra algorithm, which poses scalability problems, implementors often introduce an artificial delay to reduce the number of route calculations. Although this delay directly affects IP packet forwarding, it can be acceptable when the network topology does not change often. However, when the topology of a network changes frequently, this delay can lead to a complete loss of IP reachability for the affected network prefixes during the unstable period. In this paper, we propose the Cached Shortest-path Tree (CST) approach, which speeds up intra-domain routing convergence without extra execution of the Dijkstra algorithm, even if the routing for a network is quite unstable. The basic idea of CST is to cache shortest-path trees (SPTs) of network topologies that appear frequently, and use these SPTs to instantly generate a routing table when the topology after a change matches one in the caches. CST depends on a characteristic that we found from an investigation of routing instability conducted on the WIDE Internet in Japan. That is, under unstable routing conditions, both frequently changing Link State Advertisements (LSAs) and their instances tend to be limited. At the end of this paper, we show CST's effectiveness by a trace-driven simulation.

  • Robust Bandpass Sampling for Frequency Instability

    Miheung CHOE  Hyunduk KANG  Kiseon KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:5

    To sample a band-limited analog signal directly from the high frequency down to the baseband for the digital signal processing with significantly reduced computation, several concepts of the bandpass sampling are introduced. In this paper, a robust bandpass sampling scheme when there exist frequency deviations due to the channel effect and hardware instability is proposed for practical use, and the effects of the frequency deviations are discussed to select a proper sampling frequency.

  • On the Concept of "Stability" in Asynchronous Distributed Decision-Making Systems

    Tony S. LEE  Sumit GHOSH  

    PAPER-Real Time Control

    E83-B No:5

    Asynchronous, distributed, decision-making (ADDM) systems constitute a special class of distributed problems and are characterized as large, complex systems wherein the principal elements are the geographically-dispersed entities that communicate among themselves, asynchronously, through message passing and are permitted autonomy in local decision-making. A fundamental property of ADDM systems is stability that refers to their behavior under representative perturbations to their operating environments, given that such systems are intended to be real, complex, and to some extent, mission critical systems, and are subject to unexpected changes in their operating conditions. ADDM systems are closely related to autonomous decentralized systems (ADS) in the principal elements, the difference being that the characteristics and boundaries of ADDM systems are defined rigorously. This paper introduces the concept of stability in ADDM systems and proposes an intuitive yet practical and usable definition that is inspired by those used in Control Systems and Physics. A comprehensive stability analysis on an accurate simulation model will provide the necessary assurance, with a high level of confidence, that the system will perform adequately. An ADDM system is defined as a stable system if it returns to a steady-state in finite time, following perturbation, provided that it is initiated in a steady-state. Equilibrium or steady-state is defined through placing bounds on the measured error in the system. Where the final steady-state is equivalent to the initial one, a system is referred to as strongly stable. If the final steady-state is potentially worse then the initial one, a system is deemed marginally stable. When a system fails to return to steady-state following the perturbation, it is unstable. The perturbations are classified as either changes in the input pattern or changes in one or more environmental characteristics of the system such as hardware failures. Thus, the key elements in the study of stability include steady-state, perturbations, and stability. Since the development of rigorous analytical models for most ADDM systems is difficult, if not impossible, the definitions of the key elements, proposed in this paper, constitute a general framework to investigate stability. For a given ADDM system, the definitions are based on the performance indices that must be judiciously identified by the system architect and are likely to be unique. While a comprehensive study of all possible perturbations is too complex and time consuming, this paper focuses on a key subset of perturbations that are important and are likely to occur with greater frequency. To facilitate the understanding of stability in representative real-world systems, this paper reports the analysis of two basic manifestations of ADDM systems that have been reported in the literature --(i) a decentralized military command and control problem, MFAD, and (ii) a novel distributed algorithm with soft reservation for efficient scheduling and congestion mitigation in railway networks, RYNSORD. Stability analysis of MFAD and RYNSORD yields key stable and unstable conditions.

  • Design and Analysis of Resonant-Tunneling-Diode (RTD) Based High Performance Memory System

    Tetsuya UEMURA  Pinaki MAZUMDER  

    PAPER-Application of Resonant Tunneling Devices

    E82-C No:9

    A resonant-tunneling-diode (RTD) based sense amplifier circuit design has been proposed for the first time to envision a very high-speed and low-power memory system that also includes refresh-free, compact RTD-based memory cells. By combining RTDs with n-type transistors of conventional complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices, a new quantum MOS (Q-MOS) family of logic circuits, having very low power-delay product and good noise immunity, has recently been developed. This paper introduces the design and analysis of a new QMOS sense amplifier circuit, consisting of a pair of RTDs as pull-up loads in conjunction with n-type pull-down transistors. The proposed QMOS sensing circuit exhibits nearly 20% faster sensing time in comparison to the conventional design of a CMOS sense amplifier. The stability analysis done using phase-plot diagram reveals that the pair of back-to-back connected static QMOS inverters, which forms the core of the sense amplifier, has meta-stable and unstable states which are closely related to the I-V characteristics of the RTDs. The paper also analyzes in details the refresh-free memory cell design, known as tunneling static random access memory (TSRAM). The innovative cell design adds a stack of two RTDs to the conventional one-transistor dynamic RAM (DRAM) cell and thereby the cell can indefinitely hold its charge level without any further periodic refreshing. The analysis indicates that the TSRAM cell can achieve about two orders of magnitude lower stand-by power than a conventional DRAM cell. The paper demonstrates that RTD-based circuits hold high promises and are likely to be the key candidates for the future high-density, high-performance and low-power memory systems.


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