Chen MIAO Peishuang NI Mengjie JIANG Yue MA Hui TANG Wen WU
This letter proposes a blind phase compensation method for the phase errors in the Multi-Carrier Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar, which decouples the range and DOA coupling. The phase errors under the Linear Frequency Modulated Continuous Waveform (LFMCW) scheme are firstly derived, followed with the signal processing steps. Further, multiple targets with certain velocities can be handled uniformly without pre-knowledge of the actual range information of the targets. The evaluations of the DOA estimation performance are carried out through simulations, which validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Jonghyeok LEE Sunghyun HWANG Sungjin YOU Woo-Jin BYUN Jaehyun PARK
To estimate angle, velocity, and range information of multiple targets jointly in FMCW MIMO radar, two-dimensional (2D) MUSIC with matched filtering and FFT algorithm is proposed. By reformulating the received FMCW signal of the colocated MIMO radar, we exploit 2D MUSIC to estimate the angle and Doppler frequency of multiple targets. Then by using a matched filter together with the estimated angle and Doppler frequency and FFT operation, the range of the target is estimated. To effectively estimate the parameters of multiple targets with large distance differences, we also propose a successive interference cancellation method that uses the orthogonal projection. That is, rather than estimating the multiple target parameters simultaneously using 2D MUSIC, we estimate the target parameters sequentially, in which the parameters of the target having strongest reflected power are estimated first and then, their effect on the received signal is canceled out by using the orthogonal projection. Simulations verify the performance of the proposed algorithm.
Takamaru MATSUI Shouhei KIDERA
Here, we present a novel spectroscopic imaging method based on the boundary-extraction scheme for wide-beam terahertz (THz) three-dimensional imaging. Optical-lens-focusing systems for THz subsurface imaging generally require the depth of the object from the surface to be input beforehand to achieve the desired azimuth resolution. This limitation can be alleviated by incorporating a wide-beam THz transmitter into the synthetic aperture to automatically change the focusing depth in the post-signal processing. The range point migration (RPM) method has been demonstrated to have significant advantages in terms of imaging accuracy over the synthetic-aperture method. Moreover, in the RPM scheme, spectroscopic information can be easily associated with each scattering center. Thus, we propose an RPM-based terahertz spectroscopic imaging method. The finite-difference time-domain-based numerical analysis shows that the proposed algorithm provides accurate target boundary imaging associated with each frequency-dependent characteristic.
A multi-carrier and blind shift-frequency jamming(MCBSFJ) against the pulsed compression radar with order-statistic (OS) constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detector is proposed. Firstly, according to the detection principle of the OS-CFAR detector, the design requirements for jamming signals are proposed. Then, some key parameters of the jamming are derived based on the characteristics of the OS-CFAR detector. As a result, multiple false targets around the real target with the quantity, amplitude and space distribution which can be controlled are produced. The simulation results show that the jamming method can reduce the detection probability of the target effectively.
Sohee LIM Seongwook LEE Jung-Hwan CHOI Jungmin YOON Seong-Cheol KIM
This paper presents an interference suppression and signal restoration technique that can create the clean signals required by automotive frequency-modulated continuous wave radar systems. When a radar signal from another radar system interferes with own transmitted radar signal, the target detection performance is degraded. This is because the beat frequency corresponding to the target cannot be estimated owing to the increase in the noise floor. In this case, advanced weighted-envelope normalization or wavelet denoising can be used to mitigate the effect of the interference; however, these methods can also lead to the loss of the desired signal containing the range and velocity information of the target. Therefore, we propose a method based on an autoregressive model to restore a signal damaged by mutual interference. The method uses signals that are not influenced by the interference to restore the signal. In experiments conducted using two different automotive radar systems, our proposed method is demonstrated to effectively suppress the interference and restore the desired signal. As a result, the noise floor resulting from the mutual interference was lowered and the beat frequency corresponding to the desired target was accurately estimated.
You-Sun WON Dongseung SHIN Miryong PARK Sohee JUNG Jaeho LEE Cheolhyo LEE Yunjeong SONG
This paper reports a 24GHz ISM band radar module for pedestrian detection in crosswalks. The radar module is composed of an RF transceiver board, a baseband board, and a microcontroller unit board. The radar signal is a sawtooth frequency-modulated continuous-wave signal with a center frequency of 24.15GHz, a bandwidth of 200MHz, a chirp length of 80µs, and a pulse repetition interval of 320µs. The radar module can detect a pedestrian on a crosswalk with a width of 4m and a length of 14m. The radar outputs the range, angle, and speed of the detected pedestrians every 50ms by radar signal processing and consumes 7.57W from 12V power supply. The size of the radar module is 110×70mm2.
In this letter, a flexible and compatible with fine resolution radar frequency measurement receiver is designed. The receiver is implemented on the platform of Virtex-5 Field Programmable Grid Array (FPGA) from Xilinx. The Digital Down Conversion (DDC) without mixer based on polyphase filter has been successfully introduced in this receiver to obtain lower speed data flow and better resolution. This receiver can adapt to more modulation types and higher density of pulse flow, up to 200000 pulses per second. The measurement results indicate that the receiver is capable of detecting radar pulse signal of 0.2us to 2.5ms width with a major frequency root mean square error (RMSE) within 0.44MHz. Moreover, the wider pulse width and the higher decimation rate of DDC result in better performance. This frequency measurement receiver has been successfully used in a spaceborne radar system.
Yifei LIU Yuan ZHAO Jun ZHU Bin TANG
A novel Nyquist Folding Receiver (NYFR) based passive localization algorithm with Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) is proposed to estimate the position of a spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).Taking the geometry and kinematics of a satellite into consideration, this paper presents a surveillance geometry model, which formulates the localization problem into a sparse vector recovery problem. A NYFR technology is utilized to intercept the SAR signal. Then, a convergence algorithm with SBL is introduced to recover the sparse vector. Furthermore, simulation results demonstrate the availability and performance of our algorithm.
Radar-absorbent materials (RAM) with various characteristics, such as broadband, oblique-incidence, and polarization characteristics, have been developed according to applications in recent years. This paper presents the optimized design method of two flat layers RAM with both broadband and oblique-incidence characteristics for the required RAM performance. The oblique-incidence characteristics mean that the RAM is possible to absorb radio waves continuously up to the maximum incidence angle. The index of the wave-absorption amount is 20dB, corresponding to an absorption rate of 99%. Because determination of the electrical material constant of each layer is the most important task with respect to the received frequency and the incidence angle, we optimized the values by using Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II). Two types of flat-layer RAM composed of dielectric and magnetic materials were designed and their characteristics were evaluated. Consequently, it was confirmed that oblique-incidence characteristics were better for the RAM composed of dielectric materials. The dielectric RAM achieved an incidence angle of up to 60° with broadband characteristics and a relative bandwidth of 77.01% at the transverse-magnetic (TM) wave incidence. In addition, the magnetic RAM could lower the minimum frequency of the system more than the dielectric RAM. The minimum frequency of the magnetic RAM was 1.38GHz with a relative bandwidth of 174.18% at TM-wave incidence and an incidence angle of 45°. We confirmed that it is possible to design RAM with broadband characteristics and continuous oblique-incidence characteristics by using the proposed method.
Shengchang LAN Zonglong HE Weichu CHEN Kai YAO
In order to provide an alternative solution of human machine interfaces, this paper proposed to recognize 10 human hand gestures regularly used in the consumer electronics controlling scenarios based on a three-dimensional radar array. This radar array was composed of three low cost 24GHz K-band Doppler CW (Continuous Wave) miniature I/Q (In-phase and Quadrature) transceiver sensors perpendicularly mounted to each other. Temporal and spectral analysis was performed to extract magnitude and phase features from six channels of I/Q signals. Two classifiers were proposed to implement the recognition. Firstly, a decision tree classifier performed a fast responsive recognition by using the supervised thresholds. To improve the recognition robustness, this paper further studied the recognition using a two layer CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) classifier with the frequency spectra as the inputs. Finally, the paper demonstrated the experiments and analysed the performances of the radar array respectively. Results showed that the proposed system could reach a high recognition accurate rate higher than 92%.
Multi-static Primary Surveillance Radar (MSPSR) has recently attracted attention as a new surveillance technology for civil aviation. Using multiple receivers, Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) detection performance can be improved by synthesizing the reflection characteristics which change due to the aircraft's position. In this paper, we report experimental results from our proposed optical-fiber-connected passive PSR system with transmit signal installed at the Sendai Airport in Japan. The signal-to noise ratio of experimental data is evaluated to verify moving target detection. In addition, we confirm the operation of the proposed system using a two-receiver setup, to resemble a conventional multi-static radar. Finally, after applying time correction, the delay of the reflected signal from a stationary target remains within the expected range.
In stepped FM radar, the transmitter intermittently transmits narrowband pulse trains of frequencies that are incremented in steps, and the receiver performs phase detection on each pulse and applies the inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) to create ultra-short pulses in the time domain. Furthermore, since the transmitted signal consists of a narrowband pulse train of different frequencies, the transmitter can avoid arbitrary frequency bands while sending the pulse train (spectrum holes), allowing these systems to coexist with other narrowband wireless systems. However, spectrum holes cause degradation in the distance resolution and range sidelobe characteristics of wireless systems. In this paper, we propose a spectrum hole compensation method for stepped FM radars using Khatri-Rao product extended-phase processing to overcome the problem of spectrum holes and investigate the effectiveness of this method through experiments. Additionally, we demonstrate that the proposed method dramatically improves the range sidelobe and distance resolution characteristics.
Yuanyuan XU Wei LI Wei WANG Dan WU Lai HE Jintao HU
A 19.1-to-20.4 GHz sigma-delta fractional-N frequency synthesizer with two-point modulation (TPM) for frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar applications is presented. The FMCW synthesizer proposes a digital and voltage controlled oscillator (D/VCO) with large continuous frequency tuning range and small digital controlled oscillator (DCO) gain variation to support TPM. By using TPM technique, it avoids the correlation between loop bandwidth and chirp slope, which is beneficial to fast chirp, phase noise and linearity. The start frequency, bandwidth and slope of the FMCW signal are all reconfigurable independently. The FMCW synthesizer achieves a measured phase noise of -93.32 dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset from a 19.25 GHz carrier and less than 10 µs locking time. The root-mean-square (RMS) frequency error is only 112 kHz with 94 kHz/µs chirp slope, and 761 kHz with a fast slope of 9.725 MHz/µs respectively. Implemented in 65 nm CMOS process, the synthesizer consumes 74.3 mW with output buffer.
Takanori ISHIKURO Ryoichi SATO Yoshio YAMAGUCHI Hiroyoshi YAMADA
In this paper, we propose a simple algorithm for detecting a vehicle trapped in flooded urban area by using quad-polarimetric SAR data. The four-component scattering power decomposition and phase difference of HH-VV co-pol ratio are effectively used in the proposed algorithm. Here we carry out polarimetric scattering measurement for a scaled vehicle model surrounded by two buildings model in an anechoic chamber, to acquire the quad-polarimetric SAR data. It is confirmed from the results of the image analysis for the measured SAR data that the proposed algorithm for vehicle detection works well even under severe environment where the vehicle is set in the shadow of the building and/or the alignment of the vehicle or the buildings is obliquely oriented to direction of the radar line of sight.
We propose waveguide to microstrip line transitions for automotive millimeter wave radar modules. The transitions perpendicularly connect one waveguide and one or two microstrip lines. The configuration is simple because it consists of a waveguide and a dielectric substrate with copper foils. Additionally the transitions do not need via holes on the substrate. It leads to lower costs and improved reliability. We have already proposed a via-less transition by using multi-stage impedance transformers. The impedance transformers are used for suppressing undesirable radiation from the transition as well as impedance matching. In this paper, we propose a new transition with the microstrip lines on the long axis of the waveguide while most transitions place the microstrip lines on the minor axis (electric field direction) of the waveguide. Though our transition uses bend structures of microstrip lines, which basically cause radiation, our optimized configuration can keep small radiation. We also design a transition with a single microstrip line. The proposed transition with 2 microstrip lines can be modified to the 1 microstrip line version with minimum radiation loss. Electromagnetic simulations confirm the small radiation levels expected. Additionally we fabricate the transitions with back to back structure and determine the transmission and radiation performance. We also fabricates the transition for a patch array antenna. We confirm that the undesirable radiation from the proposed transition is small and the radiation pattern of the array antenna is not worsen by the transition.
To improve detection performance for a reconnaissance receiver, which is designed to detect the non-cooperative MIMO-LFM radar signal under low SNR condition, this letter proposed a novel signal detection method. This method is based on Fractional Fourier Transform with entropy weight (FRFTE) and autocorrelation algorithm. In addition, the flow chart and feasibility of the proposed algorithm are analyzed. Finally, applying our method to Wigner Hough Transform (WHT), we demonstrate the superiority of this method by simulation results.
Zhaoyang QIU Qi ZHANG Jun ZHU Bin TANG
Nyquist folding receiver (NYFR) is a novel reconnaissance receiving architecture and it can realize wideband receiving with small amount of equipment. As a tradeoff of non-cooperative wideband receiving, the NYFR output will add an unknown key parameter that is called Nyquist zone (NZ) index. In this letter, we concentrate on the NZ index estimation of the NYFR output. Focusing on the basic pulse radar signals, the constant frequency signal, the binary phase coded signal and the linear frequency modulation signal are considered. The matching component function is proposed to estimate the NZ indexes of the NYFR outputs without the prior information of the signal modulation type. In addition, the relations between the matching component function and the parameters of the NYFR are discussed. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.
This letter proposes a track before detect scheme embedded in coherent repeated interference with the aid of frequency diversity array. The unmatched properties between echo and interferences are firstly discussed from both signal processing and data processing standpoints. Afterward, the interference suppression algorithm with virtual channel weighting at continue sampling stage is proposed, followed with kinematics constraint correspondingly. Further, the evaluations of the interference suppression performance are carried out through simulations which illustrate the feasibility and validity of the proposed algorithm.
In order to obtain road information, we propose an information acquisition method using infrared laser radar by detecting 3D reflector code on roadside. The infrared laser radar on vehicle scans the 3D reflector code on guardrail. Through experiments, we show that the proposed method is able to obtain road information by detecting 3D reflector code on guardrail.
In small-aperture high frequency surface wave radar, the main-lobe clutter all can be seen as a more severe space spread clutter under the influence of the smaller array aperture. It compromises the detection performance of moving vessels, especially when the target is submerged in the clutter. To tackle this issue, an improved spread clutter estimated canceller, combining spread clutter estimated canceller, adaptive selection strategy of the optimal training samples and rotating spatial beam method, is presented to suppress main-lobe clutter in both angle domain and range domain. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm is shown to have far superior clutter suppression performance based on the real data.