Haiyan XU Qian TIAN Jianhui WU Fulong JIANG
In this paper we establish a secure communication model where eavesdropper and intended receiver have multiple antennas. We use cooperation and jamming to achieve physical layer security. First, we study how to allocate power between the information bearing signal and the jamming signal. Second, based on this model, we also jointly optimize both the information bearing signal weights and the jamming signal weights to improve physical layer security. The optimal power allocation and the weights are obtained via an iteration algorithm to maximize the secrecy rate. Comparing with equal power allocation and some other different methods, it shows that using cooperative relaying and jamming can significantly improve the physical layer security from the simulation results.
Youhua FU Wei-Ping ZHU Chen LIU Feng LU Hua-An ZHAO
This paper presents a joint linear processing scheme for two-hop and half-duplex distributed amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying networks with one source, one destination and multiple relays, each having multiple antennas. By using the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criterion and the Wiener filter principle, the joint relay and destination design with perfect channel state information (CSI) is first formulated as an optimization problem with respect to the relay precoding matrix under the constraint of a total relay transmit power. The constrained optimization with an objective to design the relay block-diagonal matrix is then simplified to an equivalent problem with scalar optimization variables. Next, it is revealed that the scalar-version optimization is convex when the total relay power or the second-hop SNR (signal to noise ratio) is above a certain threshold. The underlying optimization problem, which is non-convex in general, is solved by complementary geometric programming (CGP). The proposed joint relay and destination design with perfect CSI is also extended for practical systems where only the channel mean and covariance matrix are available, leading to a robust processing scheme. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations are undertaken to demonstrate the superior MSE (mean-square error) and SER (symbol error rate) performances of the proposed scheme over the existing relaying method in the case of relatively large second-hop SNR.
Peng GONG Ping LI Duk Kyung KIM
In this letter, unlike the previous work in [2], the optimal power allocation in a non-orthogonal, amplify-and-forward (AF) relay-assisted transmission is investigated in the uplink. Here, the inter-user-interference among the signals from MTs and relays exists due to non-zero interference suppression factor (ISF), i.e., finite spreading factor. In this letter, we show that the optimal solution to achieve a 'max-min fairness' among mobile terminals can be alternatively obtained by solving its inverse problem. The impact of various ISFs as well as the Jain's fairness is investigated in comparison with the equal power allocation.
Ping WANG Lin SU Min HUANG Fuqiang LIU Lijun ZU
This paper first formulates the optimal instantaneous resource allocation, including path selection, power allocation and subchannel scheduling with proportional fairness in MIMO, OFDMA and relay-enhanced network. The joint optimization problem is a NP-hard one with non-linear constraints. To simplify this problem, we first propose a water-filling method named 'CP-AP w PF' to adaptively allocate power only among transmitting antennas. Then, a modified iterative water-filling algorithm named 'AP-AP w PF' is proposed to achieve adaptive power allocation on each subchannel by using the Jensen's inequality. Simulation shows that 'AP-AP w PF' algorithm improves the throughput for cell-edge users, and achieve a tradeoff between maximizing system throughput and assuring individual QoS.
In this paper, we investigate the outage probability of a dual-hop, channel state information (CSI)-assisted amplify-and-forward (AF) multiple antenna relay network when interference is present at the relay. The source and the destination are equipped with multiple antennas and communicate with each other with the help of a single antenna relay. Transmit antenna selection is performed at the source for source-relay communication. Three receiver combining schemes namely, maximal ratio combining (MRC), equal gain combining (EGC) and selection combining (SC) are considered at the destination. Exact analytical expressions are derived for the outage probability of MRC and SC receiving while an approximate expression is obtained for EGC. Monte-Carlo simulation results are provided to complement analytical results and to demonstrate the effect of interference.
Masayoshi SHIMAMURA Takeshi IKENAGA Masato TSURU
The explosive growth of the usage along with a greater diversification of communication technologies and applications imposes the Internet to manage further scalability and diversity, requiring more adaptive and flexible sharing schemes of network resources. Especially when a number of large-scale distributed applications concurrently share the resource, efficacy of comprehensive usage of network, computation, and storage resources is needed from the viewpoint of information processing performance. Therefore, a reconsideration of the coordination and partitioning of functions between networks (providers) and applications (users) has become a recent research topic. In this paper, we first address the need and discuss the feasibility of adaptive network services by introducing special processing nodes inside the network. Then, a design and an implementation of an advanced relay node platform are presented, by which we can easily prototype and test a variety of advanced in-network processing on Linux and off-the-shelf PCs. A key feature of the proposed platform is that integration between kernel and userland spaces enables to easily and quickly develop various advanced relay processing. Finally, on the top of the advanced relay node platform, we implement and test an adaptive packet compression scheme that we previously proposed. The experimental results show the feasibility of both the developed platform and the proposed adaptive packet compression.
Atsuki MIZUNO Daisuke UCHIDA Hiroyuki ARAI
The current amplify and forward (AF) model causes interference at a mobile terminal (MT) because of relay delay or noise amplification. Therefore, this paper proposes a MIMO phase control relaying system without amplification. The proposed scheme enhances both the communication quality and the channel capacity. Computer simulations indicate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Dac-Binh HA Vo Nguyen Quoc BAO Xuan-Nam TRAN Tuong-Duy NGUYEN
In this work, we analyze the performance of cognitive amplify-and-forward (AF) relay networks under the spectrum sharing approach. In particular, by assuming that the AF relay operates in the semi-blind mode (fixed-gain), we derive the exact closed-form expressions of the outage probability for the cognitive relaying (no direct link) and cognitive cooperative (with direct link) systems. Simulation results are presented to verify the theoretical analysis.
In this letter, we analyze the outage performance of cognitive spectrum sharing in two-way relaying systems. We derive expressions of outage probability for the primary and secondary network over independent but not necessarily identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Rayleigh fading channels. Monte Carlo simulations are presented to verify the theoretical analyses.
Shan LU Jun CHENG Ying LI Yoichiro WATANABE
Physical-layer network coding with binary turbo coding in a two-way relay channel is considered. A two-user turbo decoding scheme is proposed with a simplified sum trellis. For two-user iterative decoding at a relay, the component decoder with its simplified sum trellis decodes the superimposed signal to the arithmetic sum of two users' messages. The simplified sum trellis is obtained by removing one of the states in a pair of mutual symmetrical states from a sum trellis. This removal reduces the decoding complexity to half of that with the sum trellis, and does not degrade decoding performance over AWGN channel since two output sequences from the pair of mutual symmetrical states are the same.
Jianfei CAO Zhangdui ZHONG Bo AI
In this paper, we study four simple but fundamental cooperative protocols operating in the decode-and-forward (DF) fashion. Intuitively, finding an appropriate relay for such protocols may greatly improve the outage performance in practice. To this end, we investigate the issue of relay selection in this paper. Specifically, using the asymptotic outage probability, we define and derive the cooperative gain (CG) which quantitatively evaluates the superiority of cooperation over direct transmission. To simplify the process of relay selection, we derive the cooperative region (CR) where a relay is necessarily invoked to aid the communication from source to destination. With the aid of CG and CR, we propose our relay selection algorithm requiring the geographical information rather than the instantaneous channel state information (CSI), and predict the optimal relay locations. In addition, two diversity bounds are also prepared and compared. Finally, both simulations and numerical results are provided on the asymptotic outage probability, CG and CR.
The cooperative orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) relaying system is widely regarded as a key design for future broadband mobile cellular systems. This paper focuses on channel estimation in such a system that uses amplify-and-forward (AF) as the relaying strategy. In the cooperative AF relaying, the destination requires the individual (disintegrated) channel state information (CSI) of the source-relay (S-R) and relay-destination (R-D) links for optimum combination of the signals received from source and relay. Traditionally, the disintegrated CSIs are obtained with two channel estimators: one at the relay and the other at the destination. That is, the CSI of the S-R link is estimated at relay and passed to destination, and the CSI of the R-D link is estimated at destination with the help of pilot symbols transmitted by relay. In this paper, a new disintegrated channel estimator is proposed; based on an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, the disintegrated CSIs can be estimated solely by the estimator at destination. Therefore, the new method requires neither signaling overhead for passing the CSI of the S-R link to destination nor pilot symbols for the estimation of the R-D link. Computer simulations show that the proposed estimator works well under the signal-to-noise ratios of interest.
Ruohan CAO Tiejun LV Hui GAO Yueming LU Yongmei SUN
A specific physical layer network coding (PNC) scheme is proposed for the two-way relay channel. Unlike the traditional binary PNC that focuses mainly on BPSK modulation, the proposed PNC scheme is tailored for general MPSK modulation. In particular, the product of the two modulated signals is considered as a network-coded symbol. The proposed network coding operation occurs naturally in the inner or outer product of the received signal. A novel PNC-specific detection principle is then developed to estimate the network-coded symbol. Simulations show that the proposed scheme achieves almost optimal performance in terms of end-to-end bit error rate (BER), where the relay node is equipped with multiple antennas.
Xiaoyan HUANG Yuming MAO Supeng LENG Yan ZHANG Qin YU
This paper focuses on power control in relay-enhanced multicell networks with universal frequency reuse for maximizing the overall system throughput, subject to interference and noise impairments, and individual power constraints at both BSs and RSs. With a high signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) approximation, an energy efficiency based power allocation algorithm is proposed to achieve the maximum sum throughput with the least power consumption. Moreover, an iterative quasi-distributed power allocation algorithm is also presented, which is suitable for any SINR regime. Numerical results indicate that the proposed algorithms approach the optimal power allocation and the system performance can be significantly improved in terms of network throughput and energy efficiency.
In this work, a simple doped accumulator (DACC)-assisted relay system is proposed by using bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID). An extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart analysis shows that DACC keeps the convergence tunnel of the EXIT curves open until almost the (1, 1) point of the mutual information, which avoids the error floor. In the relay system, errors may happen in the source-relay link (intra-link), however, they are allowed in our proposed technique where the correlation knowledge between the source and the relay is exploited at the destination node. Strong codes are not needed and even the systematic source bits can be simply extracted at the relay even though the systematic part may contain some errors. Hence, the complexity of the relay can be significantly reduced, and thereby the proposed system is energy-efficient. Furthermore, the error probability of the intra-link can be estimated at the receiver by utilizing the a posteriori log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) of the two decoders, and it can be further utilized in the iterative processing. Additionally, we provide the analysis of different relay location scenarios and compare the system performances by changing the relay's location. The transmission channels in this paper are assumed to suffer from additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and block Rayleigh fading. The theoretical background of this technique is the Slepian-Wolf/Shannon theorem for correlated source coding. The simulation results show that the bit-error-rate (BER) performances of the proposed system are very close to theoretical limits supported by the Slepian-Wolf/Shannon theorem.
From an information-theoretic point of view, it is well known that the capacity of relay channels comprising of three terminals is much greater than that of two terminal direct channels especially for low SNR region. Previously invented relay coding strategies have not been designed to achieve this relaying gain occurring in the low SNR region. In this paper, we propose a new simple coding strategy for a relay channel with low SNR or, equivalently, for a very noisy relay channel. The multiplicative repetition is utilized to design this simple coding strategy. We claim that the proposed strategy is simple since the destination and the relay can decode with almost the same computational complexity by sharing the same structure of decoder. An appropriate static power allocation which yields the maximum throughput close to the optimal one in low SNRs is also suggested. Under practical constraints such as equal time-sharing etc., the asymptotic performance of this simple strategy is within 0.5 dB from the achievable rate of a relay channel. Furthermore, the performance at few thousand bits enjoys a relaying gain by approximately 1 dB.
This paper proposes a downlink multi-user transmission scheme for the amplify-and-forward(AF)-based multi-relay cellular network, in which Tomlinson-Harashima precoding(TH precoding) and interference alignment(IA) are jointly applied. The whole process of transmission is divided into two phases: TH precoding is first performed at base-station(BS) to support the multiplexing of data streams transmitted to both mobile-stations(MS) and relay-stations(RS), and then IA is performed at both BS and RSs to achieve the interference-free communication. During the whole process, neither data exchange nor strict synchronization is required among BS and RSs thus reducing the cooperative complexity as well as improving the system performance. Theoretical analysis is provided with respect to the channel capacity of different types of users, resulting the upper-bounds of channel capacity. Our analysis and simulation results show that the joint applications of TH precoding and IA outperforms other schemes in the presented multi-relay cellular network.
Fan LIU Hongbo XU Jun LI Ping ZHANG
In this paper, we propose a decentralized strategy to find out the linear precoding matrices for a two-hop multiuser relay communication system. From a game-theoretic perspective, we model the source allocation process as a strategic noncooperative game for fixing relay precoding matrix and the multiuser interference treating as additive colored noise. Alternately, from the global optimization perspective, we prove that the optimum relay precoding matrix follows the transceiver Winner filter structure for giving a set of source transmit matrices. Closed-form solutions are finally obtained by using our proposed joint iterative SMSE algorithm and numerical results are provided to give insights on the proposed algorithms.
In this paper, we focus on the cancellation of interference among Destination Users (DU's) and the improvement of achievable sum rate of the nonregenerative multiuser Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) relay downlink system. A novel design method of transmit weight is proposed to successively eliminate the interference among DU's, each of which is equipped with multiple receive antennas. We firstly investigate the transmit weight design for the Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relay scheme where the Relay Station (RS) just retransmits the received signals from Base Station (BS), then extend it to the joint design scheme of transmit weights at the both BS and RS. In the proposed joint design scheme, through the comparison of lower bound of achievable rate, an effective DU selection algorithm is proposed to generate the transmit weight at the RS and obtain the multiuser diversity. Dirty Paper Coding (DPC) technique is employed to remove the interference among DU's and ensures the achievable rate of downlink. Theoretical derivation and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in obtaining the achievable rate performance and BER characteristics.
Dac-Binh HA Vo Nguyen Quoc BAO Nguyen-Son VO
We derive a closed-form expression for the outage probability (OP), which is an important performance metric used to measure the probability that the target error rate performance of wireless systems exceeds a specified value, of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying systems with best antenna selection under independent, but not necessarily identical distributed Nakagami-m fading. To gain further insights on the performance, the asymptotic approximation for OP, which reveals the diversity gain, is presented. We show that the diversity gain is solely determined by the fading severity parameters and increases with number of antennas at all nodes.