Arc runners are fixed on silver electrical contacts. Break arcs are generated between the contacts in a 450VDC circuit. Break arcs are magnetically blown-out and air is blown to the break arcs. The air flow was not used to our previous reports with runners. Circuit current when contacts are closed is 10A. Flow rate of air Q is changed from 1 to 10L/min. Supply voltage E is changed from 200V to 450V. The following results are shown. Arc duration D tends to decrease with increasing flow rate Q. The number of reignitions N increases with increasing supply voltage E for each flow rate Q. The number of reignitions is the least when the flow rate Q is 2L/min.
Chang-Bin HA Jung-In BAIK Hyoung-Kyu SONG
This letter presents a successive partial interference cancellation (SPIC) scheme for full-duplex (FD) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relaying system. The proposed scheme coordinates the cancellation for the self-interference and inter-stream interference. The objective for the coordination focuses on simultaneously minimizing the two interferences. Simulation results under the measured data show that the system with the proposed scheme can achieve a significant performance gain compared to the conventional FD and half-duplex (HD) systems.
Shengyu LI Wenjun XU Zhihui LIU Junyi WANG Jiaru LIN
This paper studies the multi-link multi-antenna amplify-and-forward (AF) relay system, in which multiple source-destination pairs communicate with the aid of an energy harvesting (EH)-enabled relay and the relay utilizes the power splitting (PS) protocol to accomplish simultaneous EH and information forwarding (IF). Specifically, independent PS, i.e., allow each antenna to have an individual PS factor, and cooperative power allocation (PA) i.e., adaptively allocate the harvested energy to each channel, are proposed to increase the signal processing degrees of freedom and energy utilization. Our objective is to maximize the minimum rate of all source-destination pairs, i.e., the max-min rate, by jointly optimizing the PS and PA strategies. The optimization problem is first established for the ideal channel state information (CSI) model. To solve the formulated non-convex problem, the optimal forwarding matrix is derived and an auxiliary variable is introduced to remove the coupling of transmission rates in two slots, following which a bi-level iteration algorithm is proposed to determine the optimal PS and PA strategy by jointly utilizing the bisection and golden section methods. The proposal is then extended into the partial CSI model, and the final transmission rate for each source-destination pair is modified by treating the CSI error as random noise. With a similar analysis, it is proved that the proposed bi-level algorithm can also solve the joint PS and PA optimization problem in the partial CSI model. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm works well in both ideal CSI and partial CSI models, and by means of independent PS and cooperative PA, the achieved max-min rate is greatly improved over existing non-EH-enabled and EH-enabled relay schemes, especially when the signal processing noise at the relay is large and the sources use quite different transmit powers.
Yun LI Haibin WAN Wen CHEN Tohru ASAMI
Effective communication strategies with a properly designed source precoding matrix (PM) and a properly designed relay beamforming matrix (BM) can significantly improve the spectral efficiency of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relaying broadcast channels (RBCs). In the present paper, we first propose a general communication scheme with non-regenerative relay that can overcome the half-duplex relay constraint of the general MIMO-RBC. Based on the proposed scheme, the robust source PM and relay BM are designed for imperfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). In contrast to the conventional non-regenerative relaying communication scheme for the MIMO-RBC, in the proposed scheme, the source can send information continuously to the relay and users during two phases. Furthermore, in conjunction with the advanced precoding strategy, the proposed scheme can achieve a full-degree-of-freedom (DoF) MIMO-RBC with that each entry in the related channel matrix is considered to an i.i.d. complex Gaussian variable. The robust source PM and relay BM designs were investigated based on both throughput and fairness criteria with imperfect CSIT. However, solving the problems associated with throughput and fairness criteria for the robust source PM and relay BM designs is computationally intractable because these criteria are non-linear and non-convex. In order to address these difficulties, we first set up equivalent optimization problems based on a tight lower bound of the achievable rate. We then decompose the equivalent throughput problem into several decoupled subproblems with tractable solutions. Finally, we obtain the suboptimal solution for the throughput problem by an alternating optimization approach. We solve the fairness problem by introducing an adjusted algorithm according to the throughput problem. Finally, we demonstrate that, in both cases of throughput and fairness criteria, the proposed relaying communication scheme with precoding algorithms outperforms existing methods.
Woong-Hee LEE Jeongsik CHOI Won-Tae YU Jong-Ho LEE Seong-Cheol KIM
In this paper, we introduce the new concept of temporal diversity utilization based on asymmetric transmission to minimize network interference in wireless ad-hoc networks with a two-hop half-duplex relaying (HDR) protocol. Asymmetric transmission is an interference-aware backoff technique, in which each communication session (source-relay-destination link) adaptively chooses a certain subset of spectrally-orthogonal data streaming which should be delayed by the duration of one time-slot (i.e., half of one subframe). We design the problem in the HDR scenario by applying the concept of asymmetric transmission, and evaluate the game-theoretical algorithm, called asymmetric transmission game (ATG), to derive the suboptimal solution. We show that ATG is an exact potential game, and derive its convergence and optimality properties. Furthermore, we develop an approximated version of ATG (termed A-ATG) in order to reduce signaling and computational complexity. Numerical results verify that two algorithms proposed show significant synergistic effects when collaborating with the conventional methods in terms of interference coordination. Ultimately, the energy consumption to satisfy the rate requirement is reduced by up to 17.4% compared to the conventional schemes alone.
Wenbo XU Yifan WANG Yibing GAI Siye WANG Jiaru LIN
The theory of compressed sensing (CS) is very attractive in that it makes it possible to reconstruct sparse signals with sub-Nyquist sampling rates. Considering that CS can be regarded as a joint source-channel code, it has been recently applied in communication systems and shown great potential. This paper studies compressed cooperation in an amplify-and-forward (CC-AF) relay channel. By discussing whether the source transmits the same messages in two phases, and the different cases of the measurement matrices used at the source and the relay, four decoding strategies are proposed and their transmission rates are analyzed theoretically. With the derived rates, we show by numerical simulations that CC-AF outperforms the direct compressed transmission without relay. In addition, the performance of CC-AF and the existing compressed cooperation with decode-and-forward relay is also compared.
A dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying system with beamforming is analyzed over η-µ fading channels that includes Nakagami-m, Nakagami-q (Hoyt), and Rayleigh fading channels as special cases. New and exact expressions for the outage probability (OP) and average capacity are derived. Moreover, a new asymptotic analysis is also conducted for the OP and average capacity in terms of basic elementary functions which make it easy to understand the system behavior and the impact of channel parameters. The viability of the analysis is verified by Monte Carlo simulations.
The end-to-end packet error rate (PER) performance of a multi-hop cooperative relaying system is discussed in this paper. In this system, the end-to-end PER performance improves with the number of hops under certain conditions. The PER performance of multi-hop cooperative networks is analyzed with the state transition technique. The theoretical analysis reveals that the PER performance can be kept almost constant, or even improved, as the number of hops is increased. Computer simulation results agree closely with the analysis results. Moreover, to confirm this performance characteristic in an actual setup, an in-lab experiment using a fading emulator was conducted. The experimental results confirm the theoretical end-to-end PER performance of this system.
This paper proposes novel nonlinear precoding for XOR-physical layer network coding (XOR-PNC) to improve the performance of bi-directional MIMO relay systems. The proposed precoder comprises a pre-equalizer and a nonlinear filter, which we also propose in the paper. We theoretically analyze the performance of the XOR-PNC with the proposed nonlinear precoding. As a result, it is shown that the proposed pre-equalizer improves the distribution of the received signals at relays, while the nonlinear precoder not only improves the transmission power efficiency but also simplifies the receiver at the relays. The performance is confirmed by computer simulation. The XOR-PNC with the proposed precoding achieves almost the lower bound in BER performance, which is much better than the amplify-and-forward physical layer network coding (AF-PNC).
Bowei ZHANG Wenjiang FENG Qian XIAO Luran LV Zhiming WANG
In this paper, we study the degrees of freedom (DoF) of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiway relay channel (mRC) with two relays, two clusters and K (K≥3) users per cluster. We consider a clustered full data exchange model, i.e., each user in a cluster sends a multicast (common) message to all other users in the same cluster and desires to acquire all messages from them. The DoF results of the mRC with the single relay have been reported. However, the DoF achievability of the mRC with multiple relays is still an open problem. Furthermore, we consider a more practical scenario where no channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) is available to each user. We first give a DoF cut-set upper bound of the considered mRC. Then, we propose a distributed interference neutralization and retransmission scheme (DINR) to approach the DoF cut-set upper bound. In the absence of user cooperation, this method focuses on the beamforming matrix design at each relay. By investigating channel state information (CSI) acquisition, we show that the DINR scheme can be performed by distributed processing. Theoretical analyses and numerical simulations show that the DoF cut-set upper bound can be attained by the DINR scheme. It is shown that the DINR scheme can provide significant DoF gain over the conventional time division multiple access (TDMA) scheme. In addition, we show that the DINR scheme is superior to the existing single relay schemes for the considered mRC.
This paper proposes novel simplified maximum likelihood detection for XOR physical layer network coding (XOR-PNC) in bi-directional wireless relay systems with Quaternary phase shift keying (QPSK). The proposed detection applies unitary precoding to achieve superior performance without computationally prohibitive exhaustive search. The performance of the XOR employing the proposed simplified MLD with the precoding is analyzed in relay systems with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). The performance of the XOR-PNC with the proposed techniques is also evaluated by computer simulation. The XOR-PNC with the proposed techniques achieves about 7dB better performance than the amplify-and-forward physical layer network coding in the 5-path fading channel at BER=10-4. It is also shown that the XOR-PNC with the proposed techniques achieves better performance than that without precoding.
This letter investigates the physical layer security for a buffer-aided underlay cooperative cognitive radio network in the presence of an eavesdropper, wherein, the relay is equipped with a buffer so that it can store packets received from the secondary source. To improve the secure performance of cognitive radio networks, we propose a novel cognitive secure link selection scheme which incorporates the instantaneous strength of the wireless links as well as the status of relay's buffer, the proposed scheme adapts the link selection decision on the strongest available link by dynamically switching between relay reception and transmission. Closed-form expressions of secrecy outage probability (SOP) for cognitive radio network is obtained based on the Markov chain. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can significantly enhance the secure performance compared to the conventional relay selection scheme.
Ramesh KUMAR Abdul AZIZ Inwhee JOE
In this paper, we propose and analyze the opportunistic amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying scheme using antenna selection in conjunction with different adaptive transmission techniques over Rayleigh fading channels. In this scheme, the best antenna of a source and the best relay are selected for communication between the source and destination. Closed-form expressions for the outage probability and average symbol error rate (SER) are derived to confirm that increasing the number of antennas is the best option as compared with increasing the number of relays. We also obtain closed-form expressions for the average channel capacity under three different adaptive transmission techniques: 1) optimal power and rate adaptation; 2) constant power with optimal rate adaptation; and 3) channel inversion with a fixed rate. The channel capacity performance of the considered adaptive transmission techniques is evaluated and compared with a different number of relays and various antennas configurations for each adaptive technique. Our derived analytical results are verified through extensive Monte Carlo simulations.
Silver electrical contacts are separated at constant speed and break arcs are generated between them in a 200V-450VDC and 10A resistive circuit. The motion of the break arcs is restricted by some surrounding alumina plates. Transverse magnetic field of a permanent magnet is applied to the break arcs. Changing the supply voltage and the height of a wall located at the upper side of the break arcs, the arc lengthening time and motion of the break arcs are investigated. As a result, the higher supply voltage causes an increase of the arc lengthening time. The arc lengthening time increases significantly when the break arcs expand into the whole of the surrounding walls.
Taejoon KIM Byung-Kwan KIM Heejung YU
In this letter, we present an efficient resource allocation algorithm for proportional fair schedulers in mobile multihop relay (MMR) networks. We consider a dual-hop cellular network assisted with a decode-and-forward relay station (RS). Since additional radio resources should be allocated in the wireless link between a base station (BS) and an RS, it is very important to determine the optimal amount of resources for this BS-to-RS link. The proposed resource allocation algorithm maximizes the utility of the overall MMR network in a proportionally fair point of view.
Chang Kyung SUNG Kyu-Sung HWANG
In this paper, we consider a two-hop relay network with a decode-and-forward (DF) relaying protocol where a multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) relay station (RS) is deployed in a cell edge to extend cell coverage of a base station (BS). We propose two MIMO relaying schemes to improve the quality of the BS-RS link, which is a key to improve data rates in the DF relaying: 1) spatial multiplexed MIMO antenna relaying (SM-MAR) with a uniform channel decomposition (UCD) precoder, and 2) MIMO relaying with section diversity (SD-MAR). In the SM-MAR, we greatly simplify user allocation by the UCD precoder and propose a sophisticated rate maximization technique to resolve the non-convexity of rate maximization problems. Through simulations, we show that the proposed UCD based power allocation exhibits up to two times higher achievable throughput than other techniques. In addition, the proposed SD-MAR supports the BS with a single transmit antenna and increases the signal quality of the BS-RS link with the selection diversity at the RS, which is much simpler to be implemented. For the SD-MAR, we derive a closed form expression for the achievable throughput and show that the selection diversity plays more important role on the achievable throughput than the multiuser diversity.
Ahmet Ihsan CANBOLAT Kazuhiko FUKAWA
This paper proposes an interference suppression scheme based on linear combining for multiple relay systems. Interference from base stations and relays in neighboring cells degrades the bit error rate (BER) performance of mobile stations (MSs) near cell boundaries. To suppress such interference for half-duplex relay systems, the proposed scheme linearly combines received signals of the first and second phases at MS. Without channel state information (CSI) feedback, weight coefficients for the linear combining are estimated by the recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm, which requires only information on preamble symbols of the target MS. Computer simulations of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission under two-cell and frequency selective fading conditions are conducted. It is demonstrated that the RLS-based linear combining with decision directed estimation is superior to the RLS-based linear combining using only the preamble and can outperform the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) combining with estimated CSI when the number of preamble symbols is two and four that correspond to the minimum requirements for MMSE and RLS, respectively.
This paper proposes and theoretically analyzes the performance of amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying free-space optical (FSO) systems using avalanche photodiode (APD) over atmospheric turbulence channels. APD is used at each relay node and at the destination for optical signal conversion and amplification. Both serial and parallel relaying configurations are considered and the subcarrier binary phase-shift keying (SC-BPSK) signaling is employed. Closed-form expressions for the outage probability and the bit-error rate (BER) of the proposed system are analytically derived, taking into account the accumulating amplification noise as well as the receiver noise at the relay nodes and at the destination. Monte-Carlo simulations are used to validate the theoretical analysis, and an excellent agreement between the analytical and simulation results is confirmed.
Seokhyun SON Myoungjin KIM Hyoseop SHIN
In this letter, an underground facility management system for effective underground facility management is suggested. The present underground facility management system uses a wired and wireless duplex communication method to enable seamless communication, and rapid responses to any failures encountered. In this letter, the architecture and components of underground facility management system supporting heterogeneous duplex communication is suggested, and relevant work flow is presented.
In this paper, we study the impact of imperfect channel information on an amplify-and-forward (AF)-based two-way relaying network (TWRN) with adaptive modulation which consists of two end-terminals and multiple relays. Specifically, we consider a single-relay selection scheme of the TWRN in the presence of outdated channel state information (CSI) and channel estimation errors. First, we choose the best relay based on outdated CSI, and perform adaptive modulation on both relaying paths with channel estimation errors. Then, we discuss the impact of the outdated CSI on the statistics of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per hop. In addition, we formulate the end-to-end SNRs with channel estimation errors and offer statistic analyses in the presence of both the outdated CSI and channel estimation errors. Finally, we provide the performance analyses of the proposed TWRN with adaptive modulation in terms of average spectral efficiency, average bit error rate, and outage probability. Numerical examples are given to verify our obtained analytical results for various system conditions.