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[Keyword] relay(362hit)


  • Precoding and Power Allocation for Full-Duplex MIMO Relays

    Jong-Ho LEE  Oh-Soon SHIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:8

    In this paper, we propose precoding and power allocation strategies for full-duplex multiple input multiple output (MIMO) relays. The precoding scheme for full-duplex MIMO relays is derived based on the block diagonalization (BD) method to suppress the self-interference in the full-duplex relaying so that each relay station (RS) can receive multiple data streams from the base station (BS), while forwarding the decoded data streams to mobile stations (MS's) simultaneously. We also develop the optimal power allocation scheme for full-duplex MIMO relays. Numerical results verify that the proposed scheme provides substantial performance improvement compared with the conventional half-duplex relay (HDR), if sufficient physical isolation between the transmit and receive antennas is ensured such that the proposed full-duplex MIMO relays operate in a tolerable self-interference range.

  • Resource Allocation in Cooperative OFDMA Systems Supporting Heterogeneous Services

    Danhua ZHANG  Xiaoming TAO  Jianhua LU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:7

    Most existing works on resource allocation in cooperative OFDMA systems have focused on homogeneous users with same service and demand. In this paper, we focus on resource allocation in a service differentiated cooperative OFDMA system where each user has a different QoS requirement. We investigate joint power allocation, relay selection and subcarrier assignment to maximize overall system rates with consideration of QoS guarantees and service support. By introducing QoS price, this combinatorial problem with exponential complexity is converted into a convex one, and a two-level dual-primal decomposition based QoS-aware resource allocation (QARA) algorithm is proposed to tackle the problem. Simulation results reveal that our proposed algorithm significantly outperforms previous works in terms of both services support and QoS satisfaction.

  • Game Theoretic Approach for Enforcing Truth-Telling upon Relay Nodes

    Jinglei LI  Qinghai YANG  Kyung Sup KWAK  Fenglin FU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:5

    In this letter, an AGV based relay selection mechanism is developed to ensure relays reporting true information in wireless relay networks. The source selects relays based on the channel state information (CSI) of relay-destination links. Selfish relays may report fake CSI in order to obtain a better chance of being selected, whereas the source is not able to tell the reported in real or in false. In the proposed scheme, a relay node receives some payoffs from the destination with respect to the achievable data rate and also some compensations from the others in terms of the reported CSI of all relays. This mechanism not only enforces truth-telling upon relay nodes with maximum payoff but also ensures fairness among them. The equilibrium of payoff is attained when relay nodes report their true CSI. Simulation results demonstrate the theoretical solutions.

  • Security Issues and Solutions of the Key Management Protocols in IEEE 802.16j Multi-Hop Relay Network

    Anmin FU  Yuqing ZHANG  Jingyu FENG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E94-B No:5

    The recent IEEE 802.16j-2009 adds multi-hop relay capabilities to IEEE 802.16 systems, which aims to offer improved coverage and capacity over single-hop radio access systems. In this paper, we point out several security issues, including non-authenticated privacy and key management messages, insecure relay multicast rekeying algorithm and insecure Multicast and Broadcast Rekeying Algorithm (MBRA), of the key management protocols in IEEE 802.16j-2009 and give some solutions. In particular, we propose a new Secure MBRA (SMBRA) based on identity and logical key tree to solve the security issues of MBRA. SMBRA can not only provide backward and forward secrecy of communications but also avoid key forgery. Furthermore, our theoretical analysis and simulation indicate that SMBRA is much more efficient and adequate, especially in a large group.

  • Adaptive DF Relaying Scheme Based on CDD for Multi-Hop Networks with Multiple Relay Terminals

    Jin-Hyuk SONG  Hyoung-Kyu SONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:4

    In multi-hop wireless networks, the transmitted signal is generally forwarded over several relay terminals. So, the quality of communications is degraded due to these re-transmissions over fading channels in relay terminals. Basically, the conventional cooperative relaying scheme based on cyclic delay diversity (CDD) reduces this degradation because this scheme could have numerous relay terminals which simultaneously transmit the signals. However, we cannot obtain the maximum diversity gain because of the re-transmission without considering relay channel environments. In this letter, to overcome the decreased performance, we propose an adaptive decode-and-forward (DF) relaying scheme based on CDD which uses cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides more improvement in error performance than the conventional schemes in multi-hop networks.

  • Full-Duplex Relay Based on Zero-Forcing Beamforming

    Jong-Ho LEE  Oh-Soon SHIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:4

    In this paper, we propose a full-duplex relay (FDR) based on a zero-forcing beamforming (ZFBF) for a multiuser MIMO system. The ZFBF is employed at the base station to suppress both the self-interference of the relay and the multiuser interference at the same time. Numerical results show that the proposed FDR can enhance the sum rate performance as compared to the half-duplex relay (HDR), if sufficient isolation between the transmit and receive antennas is ensured at the relay.

  • Joint Linear MMSE Processing for Closed-Loop Multi-User Non-regenerative MIMO-Relay Systems

    Gen LI  Ying WANG  Tong WU  Ping ZHANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:3

    This letter addresses linear processing issues for the downlink of closed-loop multi-user non-regenerative MIMO-relay systems with arbitrary number of antennas at each node. First three precoding design schemes at BS are presented. Then given the fixed BS linear processing matrix, we propose a joint iterative linear processing scheme for the relay station and mobile stations, aiming to minimize the total mean squared error (MSE). Finally Simulation results are provided to show the performance gain of joint linear processing at the multi-antenna nodes.

  • Robust Joint Linear Precoding for AF MIMO Relay Broadcast Systems with Limited Feedback

    Jun ZOU  Ming DING  Hanwen LUO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:3

    This letter proposes a robust joint linear precoding scheme based on the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) criterion for amplify-and-forward (AF) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay broadcast systems with limited feedback, where only the quantized channel direction information (CDI) of the forward channel is available for the base station (BS) and the relay station (RS). The proposed scheme employs an iterative algorithm which alternately optimizes the BS and RS precoders to jointly minimize the expected MSE conditioned on the quantized CDI.

  • Performance Analysis for Multi-Antenna Relay Networks with Limited Feedback Beamforming

    Zhen LIU  Xiaoxiang WANG  Hongtao ZHANG  Zhenfeng SONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:2

    In this letter, we study the performance of multi-antenna relay networks with limited feedback beamforming in decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. Closed-form expression for both outage probability and symbol error rate are derived by using the moment generation function (MGF) of the combined signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the destination. Subjected to a total power constraint, we also explore adaptive power allocation between source and relay to optimize the performance. Simulations are given to verify the correctness of our theoretical derivations. Results show that the proposed adaptive power allocation solution significantly outperforms the uniform power allocation method.

  • Circulation Technique of Distributed Space Time Trellis Codes with AF Relaying

    Sung Kwon HONG  Jong-Moon CHUNG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E94-A No:2

    In this letter, a circulation-based distributed space time trellis code (DSTTC) technique for amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying is proposed. The proposed circulation technique is a method of configuring new protocols from the existing protocols of which the performance is dependent on specific source to relay links. The simulation results show that the newly developed protocol is less dependent on weak conditions of specific links and a performance gain in frame error rate (FER) can be obtained over the original protocol.

  • Polarization and Spatial Statistics of Wideband MIMO Relay Channels in Urban Environment at 2.35 GHz

    Xin NIE  Jianhua ZHANG  Ping ZHANG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E94-B No:1

    Relay, which promises to enhance the performance of future communication networks, is one of the most promising techniques for IMT-Advanced systems. In this paper, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay channels based on outdoor measurements are investigated. We focus on the link between the base station (BS) and the relay station (RS) as well as the link between the RS and the mobile station (MS). First of all, the channels were measured employing a real-time channel sounder in IMT-Advanced frequency band (2.35 GHz with 50 MHz bandwidth). Then, the parameters of multipath components (MPCs) are extracted utilizing space-alternating generalized expectation algorithm. MPC parameters of the two links are statistically analyzed and compared. The polarization and spatial statistics are gotten. The trends of power azimuth spectrum (PAS) and cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) with the separation between the RS and the MS are investigated. Based on the PAS, the propagation mechanisms of line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight scenarios are analyzed. Furthermore, an approximate closed-form expression of channel correlation is derived. The impacts of PAS and XPD on the channel correlation are studied. Finally, some guidelines for the antenna configurations of the BS, the RS and the MS are presented. The results reveal the different characteristics of relay channels and provide the basis for the practical deployment of relay systems.

  • Performance Analysis of Opportunistic-Based Two-Way Relaying with Beamforming over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    Jianxiong HUANG  Taiyi ZHANG  Runping YUAN  Jing ZHANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:1

    In this letter, the performance of opportunistic-based two-way relaying with beamforming over Nakagami-m fading channels is investigated. We provide an approximate expression for the cumulative distribution function of the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio to derive the closed-form lower bounds for the outage probability and average bit error probability as well as the closed-form upper bound for the ergodic capacity. Simulation results demonstrate the tightness of the derived bounds.

  • Performance Evaluation of Multi Hop Relay Network for Oceanic Air Traffic Control Communication

    Dac-Tu HO  Jingyu PARK  Shigeru SHIMAMOTO  Jun KITAORI  


    E94-B No:1

    This paper proposes a new kind of communication system for air traffic control over the oceans; it is particularly effective at handling high air traffic loads due to many oceanic flights. In this system, each aircraft position report is sent to its relevant ground station by forwardly relaying them via a multi hop ad-hoc network that is formed by the aircraft between this aircraft and the ground station. In addition, an effective multiple access scheme with optimal values is also proposed. This scheme enables the various aircraft involved in relaying the signal to operate autonomously in a flight-route airspace. Furthermore, two useful schemes are proposed for efficient timeslot reuse and timeslot assignment in cases of low aircraft densities: the position aided timeslot reuse (PATR) and distance based timeslot assignment (DBTA), respectively. Finally, another scheme is proposed to improve the achievable relayed packet rate under low aircraft densities, which is called interference-based node selection (IB-NS). In all, the proposed system combined with those three schemes show the availability to utilize this system for air traffic control communications, specifically on high traffic ocean routes.

  • Enhancement of CSMA/CA and Network Coding in Single-Relay Multi-User Wireless Networks

    Chun-Hsiang HUANG  Daisuke UMEHARA  Satoshi DENNO  Masahiro MORIKURA  Takatoshi SUGIYAMA  


    E93-B No:12

    Network coding is a promising technique for improving system performance in wireless multihop networks. In this paper, the throughput and fairness in single-relay multi-user wireless networks are evaluated. The carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol and network coding are used in the medium access control (MAC) sublayer in such networks. The fairness of wireless medium access among stations (STAs), the access point (AP), and the relay station (RS) results in asymmetric bidirectional flows via the RS; as a result the wireless throughput decreases substantially. To overcome this problem, an autonomous optimization of minimum contention window size is developed for CSMA/CA and network coding to assign appropriate transmission opportunities to both the AP and RS. By optimizing the minimum contention window size according to the number of STAs, the wireless throughput in single-relay multi-user networks can be improved and the fairness between bidirectional flows via the RS can be achieved. Numerical analysis and computer simulations enable us to evaluate the performances of CSMA/CA and network coding in single-relay multi-user wireless networks.

  • Superposition Coding Based Wireless Network Coding Scheme for Two-Way Cooperative Relaying

    Megumi KANEKO  Kazunori HAYASHI  Hideaki SAKAI  


    E93-B No:12

    Recent advances in cooperative communication and wireless Network Coding (NC) may lead to huge performance gains in relay systems. In this context, we focus on the two-way relay scenario, where two nodes exchange information via a common relay. We design a practical Superposition Coding (SC) based NC scheme for Decode-and-Forward (DF) half-duplex relaying, where the goal is to increase the achievable rate. By taking advantage of the direct link and by providing a suboptimal yet efficient power division among the superposed layers, our proposed SC two-way relaying scheme outperforms the reference schemes, including the well-known 3-step DF-NC scheme and the capacity of 2-step schemes for a large set of SNRs, while approaching closely the performance bound.

  • Redundant TC Message Senders in OLSR

    Kenji YAMADA  Tsuyoshi ITOKAWA  Teruaki KITASUKA  Masayoshi ARITSUGI  


    E93-D No:12

    In this letter, we reveal redundant control traffic in the optimized link state routing protocol (OLSR) for MANET. Topology control (TC) messages, which occupy a part of control traffic in OLSR, are used to exchange topology information with other nodes. TC messages are generated and forwarded by only nodes that have been selected as multipoint relays (MPRs) by at least one neighbor node. These nodes selected as MPRs are called TC message senders in this letter. One of solutions to reduce the number of TC messages is to reduce the number of TC message senders. We describe a non-distributed algorithm to minimize the number of TC message senders. Through simulation of static-node scenarios, we show 18% to 37% of TC message senders in RFC-based OLSR are redundant. By eliminating redundant TC message senders, the number of TC packets, each of which contains one or more TC messages, is also reduced from 19% to 46%. We also show that high density scenarios have more redundancy than low density scenarios. This observation can help to consider a cooperative MPR selection in OLSR.

  • Two Relay-Stage Selection Cooperation in Wireless Networks and Why More than Two Is Not Necessary

    Xingyang CHEN  Lin ZHANG  Yuhan DONG  Xiuming SHAN  Yong REN  


    E93-B No:12

    The selection cooperation is a basic and attractive scheme of cooperative diversity in the multiple relays scenario. Most previous schemes of selection cooperation consist only one relay-stage in which one relay is selected to retransmit, and the signal from the selected relay is not utilized by other relays. In this paper, we introduce a two relay-stage selection cooperation scheme. The performance can be improved by letting all other relays to utilize the signal from the first selected relay to make another selection and retransmission in the second relay-stage. We derive the closed-form expression of the outage probability of the proposed scheme in the high SNR regime. Both theoretical and numerical results suggest that the proposed scheme can reduce the outage probability compared with the traditional scheme with only one relay-stage. Furthermore, we demonstrate that more than two relay-stage can not further reduce the outage probability. We also study the dependence of the proposed scheme on stage lengths and topology, and analyze the increased overhead.

  • Multichannel Random Access Protocol with Capture Effect for Cellular Relaying Networks

    Sunghyun CHO  Young-Ho JUNG  Cheolwoo YOU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:11

    This paper proposes a stabilized multichannel random access protocol based on slotted ALOHA for relay deployed cellular networks. To ensure the stability of random access, the proposed protocol dynamically controls the number of random access channels in a BS and a RS and the retransmission probability of the random access packets under heavy load conditions. A mathematical formula is also developed that derives an optimal partition ratio of the shared random access channels between a base station and a relay station without and with capture effect. Numerical results show that the proposed protocol can guarantee the required utilization and delay even in high offered load, which otherwise can cause bistable problem of slotted ALOHA.

  • A Relay Selection Based on Eigenvalue Decomposition for Cooperative Communications in Indoor Ubiquitous Sensor Networks

    Sekchin CHANG  


    E93-B No:11

    A new best-relay selection scheme is proposed in this letter in order to maintain a reliable cooperative communications for ubiquitous sensor networks in indoor environments. The suggested technique relies on eigenvalue decomposition to select the best relay. The simulation results confirm that the performance of the proposed approach is better than that of the previous scheme in indoor environments.

  • An Energy Saving Scheduling Scheme for OFDMA Two-Hop Relay Systems

    Yanan HUANG  Xuming FANG  Yue ZHAO  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E93-A No:11

    Being a new feature of next generation of wireless networks, Mobile Multi-hop Relay (MMR) is proposed for the purpose of coverage extension and throughput enhancement in LTE-Advanced, IEEE 802.16 j/m. Besides, with the help of relay, the system energy consumption could be well saved. In this paper, an energy saving scheduling scheme is proposed for OFDMA based two-hop relay systems. The novel scheme adjusts the modulation and coding (MC) mode and allocates the transmit power dynamically according to the resource intensity. It can also guarantee the Quality of Service (QoS) of different services by setting the scheduling priority. The simulation results show that the novel scheduling scheme can reduce energy consumption up to 76.27% compared to the conventional scheduling scheme, and achieve higher throughput while guaranteeing QoS.


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