Osamu MUTA Junsuke IZUMI Shunsuke SHIMIZU Tomoki MURAKAMI Shinya OTSUKI
Advanced wireless communication systems combined with wireless sensing are being developed as a key technology toward Beyond 5G and 6G networks. Such future communication networks are expected to offer additional capabilities that enable new applications, such as object detection and localization using radio signals. The basic concept of object detection using radio signals is to track the fluctuations in the radio channel which are influenced by the movements and presence of target objects, e.g., channel state information (CSI) is useful to estimate the target’s behavior and presence. As described in this paper, we present our recently developed wireless local area network (WLAN)-based device-free indoor localization scheme with distributed antennas and experimentally assess its achievable performance in indoor scenarios. For this approach, feedback beamforming weights in WLAN systems are used as feature information for machine-learning-based algorithms. Experiment results show that our proposed algorithm, implemented in an IEEE 802.11ac-based WLAN, works well in indoor environments. We also discuss how much performance improvement can be expected when the CSI is given properly. Based on these outcomes, we explore the applicability and effective range of the proposed systems in an indoor environment.
Low-latency and highly reliable communication on wireless LAN (WLAN) is difficult due to interference from the surroundings. To overcome this problem, we have developed a scheme called Clear to Send-to-Station (CTS-STA) frame transmission control that enables stable latency communication in environments with strong interference from surrounding WLAN systems. This scheme uses the basic functions of WLAN standards and is effective for both the latest and legacy standard devices. It operates when latency-strict transmission is required for an STA and there is interference from surrounding WLAN devices while minimizing the control signal overhead. Experimental evaluations with prototype systems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Kotaro NAGANO Masahiro KAWANO Yuhei NAGAO Hiroshi OCHI
Cancellation of self interference (SI) is an important technology in order for wireless communication system devices to perform full-duplex communication. In this paper, we propose a novel self-interference cancellation using null beamforming to be applied entire IEEE 802.11 frame including the legacy part for full-duplex wireless communication on Cooperative MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). We evaluate the SI cancellation amount by the proposed method using a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and software defined radio (SDR), and show the experimental results. In the experiment, it is confirmed that the amount of SI cancellation by the proposed method was at least 18dB. The SI cancellation amount can be further potentiated with more accurate CSI (channel state information) by increasing the transmission power. It is shown that SI can be suppressed whole frame which includes legacy preamble part. The proposed method can be applied to next generation wireless communication standards as well.
In this paper, we propose a combined method of GCR Block Ack and Unsolicited Retry for binary data lossless groupcast over wireless LANs. The two mechanisms are standardized as IEEE 802.11aa GCR for audiovisual transmission. In the proposed method, the sender transmits each frame twice without acknowledgment as Unsolicited Retry under lossy wireless link conditions. After transmitting twice, the sender enters the Block Ack sequence. In addition, we apply TXOP-Bursting, which allows a terminal to send frames sequentially with high priority during the TXOP limit, to the combined method. To show the proposal's effectiveness, we carry out a computer simulation. We assume binary data transmission of about 40MB and assess the time of complete reception at all the receivers. From the result, we find that the proposed method can shorten the received time against the conventional Block Ack method.
In this study, a contextual multi-armed bandit (CMAB)-based decentralized channel exploration framework disentangling a channel utility function (i.e., reward) with respect to contending neighboring access points (APs) is proposed. The proposed framework enables APs to evaluate observed rewards compositionally for contending APs, allowing both robustness against reward fluctuation due to neighboring APs' varying channels and assessment of even unexplored channels. To realize this framework, we propose contention-driven feature extraction (CDFE), which extracts the adjacency relation among APs under contention and forms the basis for expressing reward functions in disentangled form, that is, a linear combination of parameters associated with neighboring APs under contention). This allows the CMAB to be leveraged with a joint linear upper confidence bound (JLinUCB) exploration and to delve into the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Moreover, we address the problem of non-convergence — the channel exploration cycle — by proposing a penalized JLinUCB (P-JLinUCB) based on the key idea of introducing a discount parameter to the reward for exploiting a different channel before and after the learning round. Numerical evaluations confirm that the proposed method allows APs to assess the channel quality robustly against reward fluctuations by CDFE and achieves better convergence properties by P-JLinUCB.
Chandra Sukanya NANDYALA Sunggeun JIN
We propose a novel contention window management algorithm that adjusts contention window size in dense wireless network environments. In the algorithm, a station estimates the number of neighboring stations by observing its number of freezes while attempting wireless channel accesses. Then, station adopts a new contention window size for further frame transmissions. We evaluate the proposed algorithm with the NS-3 simulator. The simulation results show that our algorithm outperforms existing works in terms of delay, throughput, collision rate, and frame delivery ratio.
In this paper, we propose rate adaptation mechanisms for robust and low-latency video transmissions exploiting multiple access points (Multi-AP) wireless local area networks (WLANs). The Multi-AP video transmissions employ link-level broadcast and packet-level forward error correction (FEC) in order to realize robust and low-latency video transmissions from a WLAN station (STA) to a gateway (GW). The PHY (physical layer) rate and FEC rate play a key role to control trade-off between the achieved reliability and airtime (i.e., occupancy period of the shared channel) for Multi-AP WLANs. In order to finely control this trade-off while improving the transmitted video quality, the proposed rate adaptation controls PHY rate and FEC rate to be employed for Multi-AP transmissions based on the link quality and frame format of conveyed video traffic. With computer simulations, we evaluate and investigate the effectiveness of the proposed rate adaptation in terms of packet delivery rate (PDR), airtime, delay, and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). Furthermore, the quality of video is assessed by using the traffic encoded/decoded by the actual video encoder/decoder. All these results show that the proposed rate adaptation controls trade-off between the reliability and airtime well while offering the high-quality and low-latency video transmissions.
Toshihisa NABETANI Masahiro SEKIYA
With the development of the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LANs, there has been an enormous increase in the usage of wireless LANs in factories, plants, and other industrial environments. In industrial applications, wireless LAN systems require high reliability for stable real-time communications. In this paper, we propose a multi-access-point (AP) diversity method that contributes to the realization of robust data transmissions toward realization of ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC) in wireless LANs. The proposed method can obtain a diversity effect of multipaths with independent transmission errors and collisions without modification of the IEEE 802.11 standard or increasing overhead of communication resources. We evaluate the effects of the proposed method by numerical analysis, develop a prototype to demonstrate its feasibility, and perform experiments using the prototype in a factory wireless environment. These numerical evaluations and experiments show that the proposed method increases reliability and decreases transmission delay.
In recent years, wireless LANs (WLANs) are closely deployed which means they interfere with each other. Mobile stations (MSs) like smart phones that connect to such WLANs are also increasing. In such interfering environments, radio interference frequency depends on MS position. In addition, as MSs and their applications become diverse, frame generation rates from MSs are also becoming various. Thus, sufficient frame transmission opportunities should be assigned to MSs regardless of their radio interference frequencies and frame generation rates. One key technology to deal with this issue is uplink orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) transmission introduced in IEEE 802.11ax. However, existing works do not consider the differences of the interference frequencies and frame generation rates among MSs in an integrated manner. This paper proposes an uplink frame transmission method for interfering WLAN environments that effectively uses the OFDMA transmission to assign enough transmission opportunities to MSs regardless of their own interference frequencies and frame generation rates, while efficiently using the channel resource. Considering the combined problem, this proposed method allocates resource units (RUs), created by dividing the channel, to MSs. In addition, based on a mathematical analysis of required frame transmission duration, the proposed method flexibly selects the OFDMA transmission or conventional frame transmission with CSMA/CA, which is also not considered in the existing works.
Kenichi KAWAMURA Akiyoshi INOKI Shouta NAKAYAMA Keisuke WAKAO Yasushi TAKATORI
A method is presented for increasing wireless LAN (WLAN) capacity in high-density environments with IEEE 802.11ax systems. We propose using coordinated scheduling of trigger frames based on our mobile cooperative control concept. High-density WLAN systems are managed by a management server, which gathers wireless environmental information from user equipment through cellular access. Hierarchical clustering of basic service sets is used to form synchronized clusters to reduce interference and increase throughput of high-density WLAN systems based on mobile cooperative control. This method increases uplink capacity by up to 19.4% and by up to 11.3% in total when WLAN access points are deployed close together. This control method is potentially effective for IEEE 802.11ax WLAN systems utilized as 5G mobile network components.
Autonomous mobility machines, such as self-driving cars, transportation robots, and automated construction machines, are promising to support or enrich human lives. To further improve such machines, they will be connected to the network via wireless links to be managed, monitored, or remotely operated. The autonomous mobility machines must have self-status based on their positioning system to safely conduct their operations without colliding with other objects. The self-status is not only essential for machine operation but also it is valuable for wireless link quality management. This paper presents self-status-based wireless link quality prediction and evaluates its performance by using a prototype mobility robot combined with a wireless LAN system. The developed robot has functions to measure the throughput and receive signal strength indication and obtain self-status details such as location, direction, and odometry data. Prediction performance is evaluated in offline processing by using the dataset gathered in an indoor experiment. The experiments clarified that, in the 5.6 GHz band, link quality prediction using self-status of the robot forecasted the throughput several seconds into the future, and the prediction accuracies were investigated as dependent on time window size of the target throughput, bandwidth, and frequency gap.
Recently, ZigBee has been attracting attention as a low-power and short-range wireless communication standard. In ZigBee networks, it is necessary to suppress frame transfer load because ZigBee needs to operate within severe capacity constraints and with low power consumption. However, in the typical environments in which ZigBee is used, such as smart home networks, WLAN (Wireless LAN) generally coexists, and radio interference occurs between the two networks. Existing studies focused on only interference avoidance. On the other hand, in this paper, we focus on adaptive cooperation between ZigBee network and WLAN. Specifically, from the viewpoints of WLANs that have wider communication range but have many idle periods in some environments like homes, we propose and study a hop count reduction method of ZigBee frame transfer by partially employing WLAN communication to transfer ZigBee frames. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that considers the adaptive cooperation between ZigBee network and WLAN, where some ZigBee frames are transferred via WLAN to the sink. This is a completely new approach different from existing interference avoidance approaches. Then, we evaluate the hop count reduction by considering the number and the positions of relay points to transfer ZigBee frames to WLAN, and ZigBee tree topology for frame transfer routes. Through the evaluation, two realistic deployment policies of the relay points are derived. Finally, as specific advantages from the hop count reduction, we demonstrate the performance improvement about sink arrival ratio and end-to-end transfer delay of ZigBee frames, and energy consumption.
In order to enhance QoE of audio and video IP transmission, this paper proposes a method for mitigating the spatial quality impairment during burst loss periods over the wireless networks in the video output scheme SCS, which is a QoE-based video output scheme. SCS switches between two common video output schemes: frame skipping and error concealment. The proposed method pauses video output with an undamaged frame during the burst loss period in order not to pause video output on a degraded frame. We perform an experiment with constant thresholds, the table-lookup method, and the proposed method under various network conditions. The result shows that the effect of the proposed method on QoE can differ with the contents and GOP structures.
Cheng ZHANG Zhi LIU Bo GU Kyoko YAMORI Yoshiaki TANAKA
With the rapid increase in demand for mobile data, mobile network operators are trying to expand wireless network capacity by deploying wireless local area network (LAN) hotspots on to which they can offload their mobile traffic. However, these network-centric methods usually do not fulfill the interests of mobile users (MUs). Taking into consideration many issues such as different applications' deadlines, monetary cost and energy consumption, how the MU decides whether to offload their traffic to a complementary wireless LAN is an important issue. Previous studies assume the MU's mobility pattern is known in advance, which is not always true. In this paper, we study the MU's policy to minimize his monetary cost and energy consumption without known MU mobility pattern. We propose to use a kind of reinforcement learning technique called deep Q-network (DQN) for MU to learn the optimal offloading policy from past experiences. In the proposed DQN based offloading algorithm, MU's mobility pattern is no longer needed. Furthermore, MU's state of remaining data is directly fed into the convolution neural network in DQN without discretization. Therefore, not only does the discretization error present in previous work disappear, but also it makes the proposed algorithm has the ability to generalize the past experiences, which is especially effective when the number of states is large. Extensive simulations are conducted to validate our proposed offloading algorithms.
This paper enhances the QoE of audio and video multicast transmission over a wireless LAN by means of reliable groupcast schemes. We use GCR (GroupCast with Retries) Unsolicited Retry and GCR Block ACK as reliable groupcast schemes; they are standardized by IEEE 802.11aa. We assume that a wireless access point transmits audio and video streams to several terminals connected to the access point by groupcast. We compare three schemes: Groupcast with EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access), GCR Unsolicited Retry and GCR Block ACK. We perform computer simulations under various network conditions to assess application-level QoS and evaluate QoE by a subjective experiment. As a result, we find that the most effective scheme depends on network conditions.
Cheng ZHANG Bo GU Zhi LIU Kyoko YAMORI Yoshiaki TANAKA
With the rapid increase in demand for mobile data, mobile network operators are trying to expand wireless network capacity by deploying wireless local area network (LAN) hotspots on which they can offload their mobile traffic. However, these network-centric methods usually do not fulfill the interests of mobile users (MUs). Taking into consideration many issues, MUs should be able to decide whether to offload their traffic to a complementary wireless LAN. Our previous work studied single-flow wireless LAN offloading from a MU's perspective by considering delay-tolerance of traffic, monetary cost and energy consumption. In this paper, we study the multi-flow mobile data offloading problem from a MU's perspective in which a MU has multiple applications to download data simultaneously from remote servers, and different applications' data have different deadlines. We formulate the wireless LAN offloading problem as a finite-horizon discrete-time Markov decision process (MDP) and establish an optimal policy by a dynamic programming based algorithm. Since the time complexity of the dynamic programming based offloading algorithm is still high, we propose a low time complexity heuristic offloading algorithm with performance sacrifice. Extensive simulations are conducted to validate our proposed offloading algorithms.
Toshihisa NABETANI Narendar MADHAVAN Hiroki MORI Tsuguhide AOKI
The next generation wireless LAN standard IEEE 802.11ax aims to provide improved throughput performance in dense environments. We have proposed an efficient channel sounding mechanism for DL-MU-MIMO that has been adopted as a new sounding protocol in the 802.11ax standard. In this paper, we evaluate the overhead reduction in the 802.11ax sounding protocol compared with the 802.11ac sounding protocol. Sounding is frequently performed to obtain accurate channel information from the associated stations in order to improve overall system throughput. However, there is a trade-off between accurate channel information and the overhead incurred due to frequent sounding. Therefore, the sounding interval is an important factor that determines system throughput in DL-MU-MIMO transmission. We also evaluate the effect of sounding interval on the system throughput performance using both sounding protocols and provide a comparative analysis of the performance improvement.
This paper proposes a novel method of reducing channel state information (CSI) feedback by using transmit antenna selection for downlink multiuser multiple input multiple output (DL-MU-MIMO) transmission in dense distributed antenna systems. It is widely known that DL-MU-MIMO transmission achieves higher total bit-rate by mitigating inter-user interference based on pre-coding techniques. The pre-coding techniques require CSI between access point (AP) and multiple users. However, overhead for CSI acquisition degrades the transmission efficiency of DL-MU-MIMO transmission. In the proposed CSI feedback reduction method, AP first selects the antenna set that maximizes the received power at each user, second it skips the sequence of CSI feedback for users whose signal to interference power ratio is larger than a threshold, and finally it performs DL-MU-MIMO transmission to multiple users by using the selected antenna set. To clarify the proposed method, we evaluate it by computer simulations in an indoor scenario. The results show that the proposed method can offer higher transmission efficiency than the conventional DL-MU-MIMO transmission with the usual CSI feedback method.
Streaming services that use TCP have increased; however, throughput is unstable due to congestion control caused by packet loss when TCP is used. Thus, TCP control to secure a required transmission rate for streaming communication using Forward Error Correction (FEC) technology (TCP-AFEC) has been proposed. TCP-AFEC can control the appropriate transmission rate according to network conditions using a combination of TCP congestion control and FEC. However, TCP-AFEC was not developed for wireless Local Area Network (LAN) environments; thus, it requires a certain time to set the appropriate redundancy and cannot obtain the required throughput. In this paper, we demonstrate the drawbacks of TCP-AFEC in wireless LAN environments. Then, we propose a redundancy setting method that can secure the required throughput for FEC, i.e., TCP-TFEC. Finally, we show that TCP-TFEC can secure more stable throughput than TCP-AFEC.
Efficient use of heterogeneous wireless access networks is necessary to maximize the capacity of the 5G mobile communications system. The wireless local area networks (WLANs) are considered to be one of the key wireless access networks because of the proliferation of WLAN-capable mobile devices. However, throughput starvation can occur due to the well-known exposed/hidden terminal problem in carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) based channel access mechanism, and this problem is a critical issue with wireless LAN systems. This paper proposes two novel schemes to identify starved access points (APs) and user equipments (UEs) which throughputs are relatively low. One scheme identifies starved APs by observing the transmission delay of beacon signals periodically transmitted by APs. The other identifies starved UEs by using the miscaptured beacon signals ratio at UEs. Numerous computer simulations verify that that the schemes can identify starved APs and UEs having quite low throughput and are superior to the conventional graph-based identification scheme. In addition, AP and UE management with the proposed schemes has the potential to improve system throughput and reduce the number of low throughput UEs.